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Start a big business as an Entrepreneur


Youths generally have talents and latent ideas. As a youth, you have talents and latent ideas.
You are a youth; because, you are still growing to mature self-discovery and adult self

Your ideas are latent because you’ve not fully expressed them, and you have talents you have
not tapped. Likewise, you still have timeto tap your talents and express your ideas, as far as
you are a youth. In that case, being a youth is not a disadvantage. If you start tapping your
talents and expressing your ideas now, you’ll soon become a great achiever of prosperity,
even before you become a mature adult.

Your talent is not limited by where you were born and does not come from your parents but
is a gift of God. You don’t need to be rich in order to have, discover or tap your talents. It is
not something you learn or purchase, even if it is something you discover, develop and tap.
Your latent ideas too can be exploited whether or not you are rich or poor.

You don’t need to possess extraordinary abilities before you can explore and exploit your
latent ideas. All you need is to be you andto have a strong determination to succeed. Learn
from the great professionals out there, they were once amateurs. Learn from the great
discoverers, they were not necessarily from a wealthy family or enjoyed a decent background.

Many a great person never had a great beginning, especially those great scientists and
discoverers of MODERNITY. Their later accomplishments in life tell the story of how much
people change to be who they would have been thought incapable of being. Their success was
owed to their interest in adventure and individual initiatives, not so much their parent’s wealth
or guidance, which in many cases they did not enjoy.

With exception of a few scientists like Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, the acclaimed founder of
Modern Chemistry, who is said to have infused into the body of science a new spirit, his three
reports on the chemical nature of gypsum got him elected to the French Royal Academy of
Science at the age of 25. (Mark the age, he was a youth)

He was younger in comparison with Georges Cuvier who was a child prodigy. He was
renowned as the masterful anatomist after becoming professor of vertebrate zoology at the
Museum of Natural History in Paris when he was 26. (Mark his age, he was also a youth)

Another nobly born French scientist was Lamarck who became friend of the philosopher
Rousseau, after quitting his priestly vocation as soon as his father died, and, due to a glandular
illness in the neck, left the military and developed interest in plant life. He was later renowned
as the great scientist who improved classification in biology.

By the same token, the most outstanding of the nobly born scientists was Henry Cavendish
who lived in solitude, as a scientist in his laboratory, amidst great affluence and discovered
hydrogen. He is also renowned for being a shy scientist.

But not all scientists enjoyed a celebrated childhood, or experienced an estimable early start,
quality education and initial success.

For your information, Nicholaus Copernicus lost his both parents at the age of 10. Paracelsus
who was illegitimately born of a noble family lost his mother at the age of 9. Isaac Newton’s
father was an ordinary farmer and died three months before the birth of Newton. John Dalton
attended a one-room school and took over it at the ageof 12 as the school’s teacher, but
never succeeded either as a teacher or as a lecturer in later years. He was not a good speaker.

Carl Wilhelm Scheele was the most unlucky scientist in his personality and career; he didn’t
have a university education, albeit he was one of the greatest discoverers, who never got the
credit for his discoveries.

Carolus Linnaeus was born of a poor clergyman in Sweden but became the founder of the
system of classification in science.

The list is endless. These are a few of many great ones who had childhood crises. Having a
childhood like Newton, it was Dalton who was later immortalized as “the great chemist

Above and beyond, the most notable of the scientists to motivate youths with high ambitions
is Isaac Newton. He was raised by his grandmother and Uncle George, his mother Hannah’s
brother. Academically, he started out in a one-room small village school untilhe was eleven.

He was not a bright student unlike other scientists, like GalileoGalilei who possessed unusual
intelligence as a boy, or Trycho Brahe who was a child prodigy and joined the University
of Copenhagen at the age of 12.

Newton is not also comparable with Andreas Vesalius who at the age of 23 had been awarded
his doctorate in Medicine, and appointed to a full professorship in the famous University of

Newton stood at the bottom of the class in grade and did not mingle with other boys even in
games easily. He disappointed his mother as an utter failure in the farm after the death of his
step father, when he was 14.

But something was outstanding in Newton. Despite his unfortunate beginning, he fell in love
with his notebooks; reading, writing and day dreaming. Newton’s outstanding quality wasn’t
appreciated but was considered a problem to his mother. Clearly, contrary to his mother’s
disappointment with him for being lazy, Newton was building a scholar’s mindset even after
he’s been a failure at school.

He later became the student whom King’s school, where he was later sent to, was most proud
of, and joined the Cambridge University at the age of 18 — something that had only been a
dream for him.

In 1665 he took his B.A degree from Cambridge University. And a year later he observed the
fall of the apple from a tree, in the garden surrounding his house at Woolsthorpe, which led
to his discovery of the law of Universal Gravitation.

So, a great personality can come from any family, no matter the economic status of the people

in it, whether rich or poor, just as a sound mind was formed in Isaac Newton, one with
childhood crises.

Now you have this awareness of people who have surprised the world, you too can surprise
the world with your talent and latent ideas. So don’t be shy or timid. Don’t discourage
yourself. Explore and exploit your latent ideas and tap your talents.

From now, whatever good idea you have should not just be let to lay latent, develop and
exploit it, then go out there and get started achieving your dreams. Finally, don’t be
discouraged from investing in your future. Take one step first and move forward from where
you are right now. Locate your door, make track into your future of prosperity. If one door
remains closed, go to discover the next door.

Find the right skills and build the right personality

There are no other two ways to knowing you are fit to be an entrepreneur than these two
must-dos: First, find the right skills and the second, build the right personality. You might be
so young but don’t be so unskillful.

You might be so audacious, but don’t ignore your personality. Havea flexible personality.
You can have all the zeal required for being a startup founder, but if you lack all the skills
and lack the rightpersonality, there’s no way your startup will survive long-enough.

Have the necessary sponsor and backer for your startup funding, but if you don’t also have
time for yourself to find the skill you need and build the personality that is proper of an
entrepreneur, you will be risking all the fund invested in your startup. Anyway, no one will
fund your startup who knows you are unskillful and unreliable.

It is with this in mind that I like to emphasize that being an entrepreneur starts with you, the
person, not finance. Get this point clear.

You are the person to get the right skill, not someone else to run the business for you;
otherwise, you are not an entrepreneur. That’s why you cannot depend primarily on team
building or talent haunting, buton personal skill acquisition and self development.

Before you invest in your startup, you ought first, as an aspiring entrepreneur, to invest in
your self. What are the skills you must not lack if you would be a successful entrepreneur?

Start a self assessment seeking to know if you haven’t got the skills every entrepreneur
mustn’t lack. They are the characteristics of the caliber of people who Clearer Thinking,
Founded by Greenberg, Spencer, described as entrepreneurial materials.

First, every aspiring entrepreneur must not lack the productive working stamina and ability
to function 70 hours every week withoutyielding to sleep.

Second, any aspiring entrepreneur should watch for the optimistic enthusiasm to

Furthermore, all aspiring entrepreneurs can predict being successful if they

personally don’t lack the technical talent hiring skill; coding skill; brilliant idea
and excellent operational skill; and don’t lack public speaking skill.

Thus, an ideal entrepreneur is a charismatic person who can present the business
of the company anywhere it is expected that speakingfor the company in mind
should be done.

Albeit this public speaking ability might be challenging, it is an important

personality characteristic for all aspiring entrepreneurs to develop.

This is a part of the work required for investing in personal capacity building
before trying to found a company. There is no excuse for lacking these
characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

Assess yourself before deciding to be an entrepreneur. If you lack the three

essential skills: communication, operation and reflection, then you have the time
to start finding the skills you should acquire, and building your personality.

Start developing your personal capacity. If after doing so, you discover you are
left with the funding challenge, you can then go out to scout for fund, and then
you will need the audacity to put your skill into use at the threshold of your

Commence a project funding campaign. Then your doors will open for finding
funding to move forward. Once you get started, keep moving forward pursuing
success relentlessly and listening for feedbacks to improve on quality.

These last two characteristics have been researched by Clearer Thinking and are
found to be predominant in all successful startup founders.

Now, when you are finally really caught in the entrepreneurial web, challenges will loom,
competitions will flood, and storms will set off to shut your doors, but you must persist and
maintain your focus to move forward.

As an aspiring entrepreneur with a brilliant startup idea, you must believe in your idea, so
that no matter the discouraging factors, once you launch your startup, you must remember
never to stop believing in your idea.

Being an entrepreneur means stepping on the arena to compete like a fighter. So, you will
have to be ready for the next round of the fight. You must fight your way out of the gloomy
challenges and do never let these challenges to knock you down or knock you out of shape.

When you become uncertain about what to do next, you must turn to information sources,
hence to always do your research, so that when you are no longer able to be clear on your
goal, you will utilize available information to set new goals for yourself.

By resetting your goals, you will actually keep moving forward. But if you lack sufficient
information, especially not listening to your audience for feedbacks on your products or
services, you’ll be unable to move forward.

As a matter of focus, you shouldn’t be too pushy for changing your goals, and when you get
feedbacks, you should be careful with the adjustments you make.

Don’t be too swift to adjust, because you have an idea that should be allowed to succeed. So,

you should take your time analyzing customers’ feedback critically and personally before
changing or adjusting your goals.

If customers aren’t impressed, then research to know why they are not impressed, seek for
more explanatory feedbacks, and address the matter of the majority’s dissatisfaction or any
critical minority recommendations, appropriately; but don’t just give up on your idea. Always
maintain your focus and always keep moving forward.

Flexibility is normal, that is why you make adjustments and moderate changes, because
inflexibility is dangerous. So, don’t misunderstand the concept of having focus.

Focus to the extent that you don’t hastily take actions that make you lose direction at the
risk of regretting doing so too soon. All the same, keep moving forward. The right
personality is that of being an enthusiast and a success determined person with a flexible focus.

Your startup is a brilliant idea launched because you want it to work, so give your idea the
opportunity to succeed. This is why you must move forward with a moderately flexible focus.
Maintain your focus as you move forward through adversities that beset your startup.

There’ll Always Be a Way Forward

Have you discovered the next door? Is it also closed? Don’t worry. Turn your
back, back the closed door, and try to face an open door. There is one door that
will always stay open, that door is your mind.

Whenever the external doors around you refuse to open, go into your mind and think out
your next line of action. Think of something else you can do with your time to profitably
exploit your hiden potentials.

Don’t stay idle because your external doors are closed. Engage your mind to discover your
talents and unlock your latent ideas. Ensure you don’t hoot facing any closed door, keep
searching a way forward because there could be other open doors. The point is for you to
keepmoving forward and not to stampede before any closed door around.

A closed door will cause you to stampede if you keep facing it whenthere could be other
open doors. Search for open doors out/inwardly.

If moving forward is anything important to you, you won’t focus ona closed door. Look
inwardly, you will find your best way forward. Have recourse to your talent for a way
forward. Tapping your talents will make it possible that all your doors won’t be closed just at

Even a violent wind of economic repression, corporate downsizing and portfolio

unemployment won’t be strong enough to close all doors. Always focus your mind on tapping
your talent and exploiting your hiden potentials, for income generation or profit

See, whatever is pushing your doors close will not succeed to limit your progress. You, then,
mustn’t limit yourself by refusing to look inwardly for how to still move forward. Consider,
the maxim of age says: forward ever backward never; so move forward with your age.

Don’t focus on a closed door, endeavor to move forward to findother open doors or
endeavor to harness your talent by believing in yourself. If you lack other things, never lack
the will to move forward. Belief in self is the will to move forward. Never stopbelieving in
yourself. Never doubt what you feel capable of doing. If you doubt yourself, you’ll fail
yourself and consequently fail society.

If all other doors are closed, you are certainly going to have the key to open one. The key is
with you, so open your closed door. If peradventure all your doors are closed, there’ll always
be a way forward. Remember to look inwardly for the way forward to success.

You need knowledge of your potentials to move forward when you meet closed doors before
you. The focal point is knowledge. It is the key to open all closed doors. It is a technique you
discover for unlocking a bar. But this is self-knowledge revealed introspectively.

You need this one thing to tap your talent, swerve inwardly, search your mind, and don’t
hurry to depart until you’ve discovered your talent. Let doing anything not bother you at this
point, just know for certain that you need focus on your talent henceforth, amidst all your
challenges. Shortly, you’ll connect your talent with your latent ideas.

Be enlightened about your ideas. Any action to be taken to develop your talent is worth a
solid plan. Include such in your to-do-list.

Making a plan without making a to-do list is like thinking to act without taking the decision
to take action for interaction, satisfaction and attraction. To start S_M_A_R&T you need a to-
do list. A to-do list guides you when and how to act on your ideas.

Acting on your idea requires such a daily plan. A to-do list prepares you for your
achievements and makes every conceived task a possible accomplishment. Your idea is such
a concept, put it in standard form of a to-do list and you’ll be set to realize it.

An aide memoire, your talent needs to be tapped. Plan how to tap it.

Great people never fail to plan. A to-do list is an aide to planning. In other words, the best
way to plan your day is to have a to-do list. Usea to-do list every day and you’ll start living a
planned life. But what are you planning to achieve? Does your talent flow with this idea? If
yes, then start planning how to achieve it now. This is how to start.


Identify what you want and how you want to achieve it. Then give yourself a guideline. Make
a to-do list as your guide to achievement, to keep you organized and to order your activities.
You now have a plan to stick with and a dream. Structure your to-do list to reflect it.

A To-Do List is an instrument for setting goals. Setting goals for your dream business and
personality development is what it means to start S_M_A_R&T, representing each item on
your goal checklist.

Start setting goals for yourself today. Goals go hand-in-hand with targets. Targets are quickly
defined priorities that walk you up to realizing your set goals. So, set a target for yourself after
every goal.

A goal can be achieved when divided into simple targets. Start from top to bottom on your
list of targets, as captured in your to-do list. Begin with your #1 target. What is your #1 target
on your to-do list?

Start S_M_A_R&T: Goals must be S_pecific, M_easurable, A_chievable,

R_ealistic, & Timebound. Setting goals that are achievable doesn’t mean there won’t be
any setback. Your #1 Targetis to identify what may set you back from achieving your set
goal, and then you make it your priority to address.

In other words, address yourself first. This is your #1 target. How do you address yourself?
Ask a few questions about your set goal: “how would I achieve this goal? How soon is this
goal achievable? Is thereanything I lack that may be a major setback to achieving this goal?
How long would it take me to address this challenge? What do I need for addressing this
challenge? What comes first among the ways I can quickly start moving forward?”

“Am I ready to address this challenge now? Am I ready to achieve my goal soon? Yes, if so,
I must apply the principle of first things, by clearing the way to achieving my goal first.
Hence, I will begin from my key way forward; from the challenges to achieving my set

Now, do exactly what you’ve said, and you’ll address yourself.

But, achieving your goal as set, to be supported by tapping your talent, would require you to
find help from others. Get rid of the idea of doing it alone. Whatever goal you’ve set, create
a space for peopleto play a role in helping you realize it with ease. Get rid of the ideaof
executing your projects alone.

Your to-do list contains only the role you will play to move forward from where you are to
where you want to be, but when moving forward, you will encounter tough situations; when
you can’t do it all alone. You can do it easily, better and faster, with the help ofother people.

Hence, get yourself in the company of people who can help you realize your goal faster. Play
your role and get them to play theirs.

Go out of yourself to find yourself a suitable group of helpers. They will facilitate your project
to enable you achieve your set goal quicker.

Get rid of the idea of struggling alone; because, this is a negativeidea that delays your
achievement and realizations of set goals, because it really slows down your speed of moving

If people never help you, there is a point you’ll reach when you’ll give up, and that is the point
when you have to find help any way, that is right, the last hour help, lest you end in frustration.

Avoid last hour rush for supportive hands, get those hands readily available through team
building and team work, be cooperative, and collaborate with others.

Your projects are likely to fail when you’ve failed to go out there and get necessary help.
Don’t be timid, don’t be shy, don’t be fearful, don’t be boastful, don’t exalt yourself, getting
help is fine and good. Don’t raise your shoulders too high lest, if you can’t holdit up long

enough, you’ll be forced to bring it down in shame, and cover your face when walking into
the midst of people who knew you when your shoulders were raised up there.

Begin with family and true friends, but go beyond these basic helpers. Still move forward.
Move out of your cave. Move intoorganizations that share in your objectives. Present your
goals and aims. Appeal to them for support. Show the benefits your project promises. Don’t
stick with only one method.

Speak with people about your project. Draft a proposal. Explain your side of the deal but begin
with the benefits for the people included. Show the extent you’re involved in realizing the
project. Describe the challenges you face about realizing it alone. Enumerate how many ways
you want your prospects to be involved in your project and to support your ideas. Mention the
benefits to both parties.

Keep talking to more and more people, the more the number of people you talk to, the more
your chances to find more willinghelpers.

when you have talked with very many people about your project, you will hear what people
also think about it.

Weigh the positive and negative comments in a balance. Don’t be discouraged if the negative
comments surpass the positive ones.Don’t give up. Avoid the negative people; and look for
more of the positive people.

Don’t despise the fact that you should try to see if some new ideas could be added to your
project’s design and grand purpose. This will ensure you get minimal negative comments
next time, as you talk to new people out there.

As the helpers start coming, don’t deviate from your goal. Accomplish it with them. Keep to
your promise of benefits. Ensure every participant enjoys the benefits, and, here, you are an
achiever. Congratulation!

So far, I have been discussing talents with you. You’ve got talents right? Since you’ve got
talent what holds you back? I have responded from my own perspective to this question,
you too can respond and start working on your talent without letting anything to hold you

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good start up

No matter how small your startup is, if you can drive sales with a target audience of your
marketing communication, you can always toddle to a larger audience of the same needs,
hence size does not really matter.

Here let’s illustrate by counting from 3. This is a fairly small amount of first sales right? At
first you might target 3, then multiplied by 10 after 10 days, you get 30, then multiplied by
10, after 20 days, you get 300, then multiplied by 10 after 30 days, you get 3000, then
multiplied by 10 after 40 days, you get 30000, then multiply by 10
after 50 days, you get 300000, and also multiplied by 10 after 60 days you get 3000000.

Now your business is only two months old and you have taken your marketing effort to reach
three million targeted audiences, because of a good startup. At first you had only 3 audiences,
now you have 3000000. You can see how the power of 10 can surprise you. How does it

Let’s say you knew only 3 persons, who had interest in your products or services, and you
decided to start your marketing effort targeting only these 3 audiences, and, after your
communication withthem, you generate 3 sales through their response. You are happy right?

Which of these will you be more likely to do after your first sales?

1. I will close my business now that I’ve made my first sales, so I can just enjoy this
success and never try again so I don’t ever fail. Or
2. I will expand my audience reach now that I have already known which group of
people is more likely to respond to my marketing communication, even if I fail, I’ll
keep trying.

Your answer is #2 right? That is what always happens, after starting your business and you
have made your first successful sales, it is most unlikely that you will stop trying to grow
your business, by reaching out to a larger group of the same target audience.

This means, in order for you to succeed in growing your startup effectively, you must know
who your target audiences or prospects are, while planning your business startup. Also, you
must pay attention to your marketing communication to your target audiences and right
prospects, as this is your key to a successful first startup.

Here is…

A simple way to target your audience indiscriminately:

You have chosen your products or services; but you have not made any sales yet, and you
know you have to make sales, if your business must grow. You would subsequently have to
find out those who you are most likely to make your first sales to, and to find out someone
who is your realistic prospect and where to find your prospect.

You will take a presales marketing survey seriously. To do this, simply make a list of
commercial products and commercial services, and afterward you ask your prospect:

1. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 7 days? (Name
the product(s) or service (s) here
2. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 14 days? (Name
the product(s) or service (s) here
3. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 21 days?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
4. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 28 days?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
5. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 3 months?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
6. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 6 months?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
7. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 9 months?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
8. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 1 year?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
9. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 5 years?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
10. Which of these products and services have you used in thepast 10 years?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
11. Which of these products and services have you never used in the past 10 years
to 6 months? (Name the product(s) orservice (s) here ... )
12. Which of these products and services would like to afford ata lower price?
(Name the product(s) or service (s) here
13. Which of these products and services would you love torecommend for a
friend or loved one (Name the product(s) or service (s) here )
14. Which of these products and services would you never recommend for a
friend or loved one (Name the product(s) or service (s) here )
Thank you for your time.

Notice that you have not asked the prospect whether he or she would like your own products
or services, probably you have only included your products or services among the list, may
be only one of your products or services in a list of 10 to 15 products, or, if you are running
a supermarket, you have listed all the products you want to deal on, so you’ll know how much
to make available for your startup.

Let’s say your prospects are found mostly among bankers, and pregnant women. Hence, you
will first locate a bank in your area and print only 10 copies of this survey sample questions,
with the listed products or services on a different page, then you’ll give it to the management,
for the staff to fill, over the weekend, so that, at the beginning of the next week, you’d go in
person or send your mailman to collect them.

You compare the response of each banker. And note yourobservation in this order:

1 week ……………. (Number of prospects) (Number of products) (Number of services)

remark….. (Name of regular products andservices, and contacts of audience on the demand

2 weeks ……………. (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of services) remark…..

(Name of regular products and services, and contacts of audience on the demand list)

3 weeks ……………. (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of services) remark…..

(Name of regular products and services, and contacts of audience on the demand list)

4 weeks ……………. (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of services) remark…..

(Name of regular products and services, and contacts of audience on the demand list)

3 months…………… (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of services) remark…..

(Name of regular products and services, and contacts of audience on the demand list)

6 months …………… (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of services)

remark….. (Name of regular products and services, and contacts of audience on
the demand list)

9 months ........................(No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of

services) remark….. (Name of regular products and services, and contacts of
audience on the demand list)

1 year ............................. (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of

services) remark….. (Name of regular products and services, and contacts of
audience on the demand list)

5 years ……………… (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of services)

remark….. (Name of regular products and services, and contacts of audience on
the demand list)

Recommend ...................(No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of

services) remark….. (Name of regular products and services, and contacts of
audience on the inclusive list)

Discriminated ................. (No. of prospects) (No. of products) (No. of

services) remark….. (Name of regular products and services, and contacts of
audience on the exclusive list)

Now let’s also say you have designed your survey sample in this format, as
before, but with a provision for responders’ contact infoas shown below.

Your full name
Your Business name and Tag line
Your phone number and cell number

Email Address

URL to your website

Fax Number

Mailing Address

Company Logo

List of Products and services

Products Services

Duration Products Services Cost Volume




Questionnaire (as above or use table shown)

Responders name (………………………………………………..)
RespondersPhone number (………………………………………)
Responders Email Address (……………………………………..)
Vote of Thanks
Yourr Businss Singnature

PS. (State that your recipient may be contacted for a Follow- up

and a gift pack for his/her generous Response, and that his/her

contact info will be used to

Reach him, to ensure he receives his/her follow-upDirectly,

and so he/she should expect an email or call

From your company (Name) or via email (Email Address),

and that his contacts will not be

Used for any other purpose except as stated above.

Thank him/her again.

Take a second look at this survey sample. Do you take in that,besides having the
response from your responders, there are other useful information your survey
provides? For instance, it provides you the personal data of your prospect.

You now know who your prospect really is, and, from his/her responses to the
survey questionnaire, you also now know his/her financial status, buying power
and spending habit, as well as you’ll know his/her favorites/likes. This helps you
when commencing your direct marketing communication.

There are various ways to do this. You may upload a sales letter on a branded email for your
business along with asking for your recipient’s response such as: “call us now,” “visit our
office,” or “click on this link to visit our website,” and this carries the message on the
premium for the product which this particular recipient had indicated interest in, you now
know that he/she has need of the particular product you are offering him/her, so you will be
on familiar terms with how to craft your sales memo and wait forhis/her response.

In three days time, responses start coming in, your prospects are starting to make direct
orders/enquiries for/about your products as well as services, and you know this means
business has begun.You’ll have to also begin your first direct follow-up to your marketing

It is often this first follow-up that leads to sales, and, your professional approach will open
doors for re-servicing of your prospects now turned into customers. From now, your
marketing efforts will be focused not to be in vain. 3 sales have just taken place in the first

week after your survey. At this occasion, that’s your first sales. What would you do next?
You want to make more sales right?

You’ll target 30 sales next time, and to get 30 sales you have to send more presales marketing
survey samples to more banks, since your sample prospects are bankers and they are found
mostly at the banks,on working days. You know you don’t have to look elsewhere. So, you’ll
target the banks in your area.

You’ve started with one bank, sending only 10 copies of survey questionnaire and you got 3
sales in one week. In that case, to get 30 sales in the next 10 days, you’ll use the same
approach. You’llmultiply the number of banks and copies by 10, in order to get your result
multiplied by 10, hence a move from 3 to 30 in 10 days, right?

You will print 100 copies of the same survey questionnaire, and send 10 copies to each bank,
on your next target list, and you’ll repeat the sales process all over. In this round you’re
expecting to achieve only 3 sales from each bank, like before.

You’ll achieve a total of 30 sales in 10 days, and in the next 20 to 60 days you’ll achieve three
million sales, using the same method and targeting only the same group of prospects. Isn’t
this amazing? You’ve identified who you call your prospects, and you can, at this time, stock
your business for the next six months.

You will notice that loss is minimal when you begin with a good marketing survey/campaign.
Your marketing approach will be direct. And it works.

First, you’ll contact the bank managers, with a proposal to conduct a marketing survey in the
bank, and your proposal will be approved. Next, your marketing survey will be collected, and
you’ll start contacting the bankers directly, without going through the bank managers again.

After the first six months sales by surveys, you’ll address complimentary letters and mail them
to the bank managers, thanking them and the staff for their generous responses and

Your business continues from here, every time you multiply the presales marketing survey
samples by 10 and multiply the recipients by 10, your result will also be multiplied by 10.

You did this in 3 months and got the same response rate. That means you now have facts, and
with your facts you’ll make your first authentic or realistic market projection, based on your
survey results.

In the next 6 months, you hope to make 9 million sales, in the next 12 months, you hope to
make 18 million sales, in the next 10 years you hope to make 180 million sales.

Of course, this is business boon. You’re very certain your market forecast is realistic. You
base it on your survey’s accurate results and you haven’t hyped the results in any way.

What’s more, you want to expand your business, you have got a true and handy market
forecast, and you can proceed to comfortably write a business proposal for loan to any
financial institution. You’d ensure you provide a compelling and attractive business
Use your market survey to point out the size of your available or potential market, and present

a financial report of concurrent funding for the past 6 months, including filed tax returns, if
you’ve already done business.

If you have your marketing forecast, as presented above, you’ll include it in your proposal
and submit it to a bank manager, through the marketing department of the bank. This will be
a bank of your choice targeted to grant a debenture and bond indenture to you, as its bond
issuer, only if, as a credible principal, it has a policy that makes legal provision for availing
either registered bonds or bearer bonds.

You can rest assured the bank will be more willing to fund your business growth after seeing
the statistics given, because you have done the business already and your financial report is

With this aggressive funding, you’ll be capable of expanding your business cutting edge to
your taste, even in the space of one year, without changing your prospects, and you’ll make
it real big, simply by maintaining your rapport with your customers, who patronize your
products and services on weekly, monthly or yearly bases, just as you sorted them out with
your survey exercise.

You might still succeed if you do the same survey with three different groups and scale where
your prospects are most abundant, and after that, you’ll spend your energy serving only
prospects that are interested in what you are offering.

Your business will grow in this way, for the next ten years and you will remain in business,
ever growing, just by making your offerings available to a focused group of buyers, who are
more comfortable with a repeat deal from you; because they can trust your professionalism.
This works in any kind of business.

It is by so doing that you will experience windfall in your business, and you will have no fear
of maximum loss, because you’ll continue to go where demand for your products or services
is high, and you’ll make your customers satisfied with your professional approach to

If you can do this, and if you can improve on your quality, you canbe sure to remain in
business for as long as possible.

Don’t forget, in next to any time, how you started this whole thing. You had a great idea, you
planned it out. You targeted a small sample of prospects, you made your first small sales, 3
out of 10, you were not discouraged, you doubled your efforts, and multiplied your resources,
and, for every focused marketing, you got 100% similar responses, this is the power of

Your starting was moderate and the risk was very low, and you kept the risk low for the next
6 months, you did not lose. Are you not happy? Congratulations! You are now an
entrepreneur. How do you feel about your progress at the moment?

Once the water starts flowing into the tank, it’s definitely going to start flowing through the
tap. If the tank is empty, it’s impossible for water to flow through the tap. The tap and the tank
are extrinsically connected. Fill the tank and keep the pipe open, unlock the tap and water will
flow through it.

Empty the tank and keep the pipe open, unlock the tap and water will never flow through it.
Fill the tank and be sure of this: if the pipe is open and the tap is open, water will flow through
it. It’s because of the tank that the tap’s taken cognizance of.

Once the water starts flowing into the tank, it’s definitely going to start flowing through the
tap. If the tank is empty, it’s impossible for water to flow through the tap. The tap and the tank
are extrinsically connected. Fill the tank and keep the pipe open, unlock the tap and water will
flow through it.

Empty the tank and keep the pipe open, unlock the tap and water will never flow through it.
Fill the tank and be sure of this: if the pipe is open and the tap is open, water will flow through
it. It’s because of the tank that the tap’s taken cognizance of.

The connection between the tank and the tap is what you should always consider as a perfect
blueprint of the proper connection between your business and its size. Size doesn’t really
matter. As thetank matters before the tap so business before its size, have a focused marketing
and you’ll notice how you’ll spread out in next to no time.

How hungry are you for success as an aspiring entrepreneur

“No” can’t possibly be your answer here, no matter how successful you might be rejoicing
you already are. Success is a continuous thing, and, for an entrepreneur, there is never a
satisfaction for this hunger. If you are hungry for success, as an aspiring entrepreneur,
consider how hungry you really are. How hungry are you as an aspiring entrepreneur?

The hungrier you are, the more uncomfortable you will be just staying and waiting for a fill.
You’ll really have to get out of your position right now, if you’re really very hungry. That
means you’ll start finding ways to start filling your coffers with the food of success that all
entrepreneurs hunger for. You must be very hungry,if you’re ever going to get out of that
position you are poised in now.

A copywriter shares his story of how hunger made him become committed to succeed. For
him, hunger for success comes as a result of disgust for life. He narrates his experience
saying, “I truly believe commitment comes from disgust with life because that’s my
experience and the experience of so many others I’ve read about.

He continued saying, “It’s why so few people commit — because there simply isn’t enough
pain and dissatisfaction in our western wayof living to warrant a massive change. We are
simply too comfortable.

So comfortable that dissatisfaction or unhappiness isn’t enough to wake us up. It’s why so
many success stories start at rock bottom… or in the slums… or come from immigrants.

He tells us more about why he got himself out of his position of discomfort, saying “For me,
it was after a week of pure disgust with myself and my spot in life. Then, it flipped. I didn’t
plan. Or think. Or go to a seminar. I’d simply had enough, and I committed to something to
get me away from where I was in life.”

You like him should try to move away from your uncomfortable position because you were
not cemented where you’re poised right now, so don’t think you can’t get started. No matter
how afraid you’re about getting started, still start anyway. It’s when you start that you’ll
ever get filled. Start now and you’ll soon get filled. If you don’t start now, then you probably
aren’t really hungry for success.

Your hunger for success needs to outdo your longing for securityand comfort. Let success
come first and other things will follow. A hungry fellow is an angry fellow right? In that
case, take a quick look at your situation; are you happy you have not got enough of what
you crave, for the satisfaction of your hunger for success?

You must be angry about how slowly things are moving; especially, how do you feel? Not
earning/making the kind of money you dream of earning/making wouldn’t make you feel
comfortable right? So you’re hungry and this is making you really angry with situation Ok?
At this instant, channel this anger into taking a radical step to satisfying your hunger, as an

aspiring entrepreneur. What step will you take right now that will be really right for you to
rest assured of success? Put yourself out there. It’s like you’re trying to make friends, will
you stay behind closed doors and make friends? No. You’ll have to open your doors, and
not just wait for friends tolocate you; you’ll go out to make friends.

In the same way, you cannot be a successful entrepreneur by just staying at home with the
same group of people you’ve always had around you. You’ll have to get out there and make
new contacts, some of whom will have to be experts to direct you. Others would bepartners
in business, others would be clients and others would be prospects.

Begin by identifying who can help you achieve success in realizing your business idea. Next,
start connecting with whoever that person is. Nonetheless, you must know what you really
want from this person, what kind of help do you really want to get?

You might presently be in need of financial help. Almost every aspiring entrepreneur needs
help getting financial source forrealizing their business ideas. Consequently, yours will not
be an exception.

You surely need financial help. It could be help to learn the art of financial planning? It might
be financial help to raise capital and this is in order. So what would you do to find this help?

This is where a lot of beautiful business ideas often face their elimination or scale through
amidst uncertainty. Would you rather abandon your business idea, eliminate your startup
capital challenge or get eliminated? It boils down to the same point at issue that you really
need help. You need money to start your business right?

Keep on keeping on with your aspiration for success. But before you’d go out there to start
asking for financial support, you need to be positive. You need to believe in your new career
in which you arehungry for success.

You need to identify yourself with this career. Begin now to conceptualize your brand and
then attach your name to yourself as its owner. You have to do this now before moving on.

The more you do this association of a conceptual brand to your name, until you find the
source to financially realize your brand, the more you’ll stay focused and whet your appetite
for success.

Associating your name with your conceptual brand will increase your self confidence,
enhance your determination for success, and prop you to take all necessary steps to realize
your dream without intimidation or fear.

Remember that: if you have conceived your brand, you will achieveit if you associate your
name with it; and each time you introduce yourself, in a social networking platform, as well
as personal contact, you’ll make people believe you have a brand already.

It wouldn’t only keep you focused on your dream, but will inform people about the need to
share in your dream. After all, it’s a truism that: a dream you dream alone is only a dream, at
the same time as a dream you dream with others becomes a reality.

You may begin to hear such questions as, “Where is this brand name located?” “What are the
products or services you offer?” What’s this brand all about?” “How long have you been in

this business?” “How can I benefit from this business?” or “is there any place for me to do
business with you?” Don’t respond negatively where you hear any of these questions.

Give your prospects assurance on the subject of your business, but tell them you’re just getting
started and in a little while, you’ll be known all over town offering the following products and
services (list what you plan to offer).

More so, in this early stage, you are working out ways of accessing reliable financial sources
that will facilitate the growth of your brand, starting with its localization. “Since you asked,
do you know of anyone who might be of help to seeing my brand get out there and win the

List your competition to illustrate your business type, size and industry to your prospect,
while he/she is reflecting, hence giving him/her enough time to think of a possible referral
for your financial sourcing.

If you are able to say these words to anyone, rest assured that you have just got yourself ready
to succeed. Anyone who hears you talk so confidently of something you are still planning
will see in you a great spark of determination, and will be willing to support you, if he/she is
able to render financial or advisory assistance to you.

Taking Your Business Planning to the next Level

Appreciate anyone who offers you any token of cash or kind, and don’t fail to keep an
appointment. If someone rather asks for ahangout with you at a later date, that person might
spin into a big client, customer, promoter, sponsor, and a friend or partner of yours.

You shouldn’t leave without asking for a way to contact him/her for follow-up and enquiry,
or for the convenient time for the hangout, even after it’s been prospected, just make clear in
your mind you don’t come at the wrong time.

When you eventually make a successful hangout with anyone, don’t forget to remind him/her
of your brand and how soon you hope to get it out there and win at the competitions. Listen
to whatever he/she would have to say.

Accept any assistance offered you, if it is cash, check or referral, thank him/her, and make a
promise to return the kindness. If it is a piece of advice, also thank the person, besides ask
for referral. Furthermore, ask to keep in touch from time to time.

You’ll always get a response like this: “That’s not a problem… I’ll see what I can do, and
I’ll get in touch with you later…” (If he/she has a phlegmatic/sanguine temperament blend)
or “that’s fine, contact me whenever…, I’ll be very happy to help you in whatever way I

If he/she has a phlegmatic/melancholic blend, or a Choleric/phlegmatic blend or even a

melancholic/choleric blend. That’s to say: you can expect a variety of temperament blend of
persons out there will really be eager to support your success.

This sounds good right? Very many people out there will be willing to help you realize your
brand, and since you don’t know who might be your angel, don’t fail to always add your
brand when you introduce yourself to a new contact for social networking purpose.
Be open and honest about what you are doing, but don’t mention you’re still planning. Just
speak in the nature of one who’s ready to market a product, I mean be sanguine when you’re
introducing your brand. You might be lucky to find someone who is ready to try your products
and services, just because you have presented your brand alongside your personal profile.
How do you respond in this case?

Good enough, this is a big opportunity for you, and you can turn it into a great benefit for
your startup. In fact, if someone is interested in your product or service, just after your elevator
pitch, then make him a promise to contact him soonest, if only he’d be willing to give you
only his contact, at present, and will be able to pay for the product or service, as soon as it is
made available to him (make a promise, and let him make a commitment, if s/he is really

If the answer is ok, then rejoice, because you no longer need a capital or even an office to
convert your first business engagement into sales.

When you have a means of contacting the person, make a promise also to contact him/her as
soon as the product is available, but ask him/her too how urgently he/she needs the product
(assuming it’s a car to be imported), so that you can cancel any other appointment en route
for attending to his/her need, if it is especially urgent.

If he/she says, “in a couple of days or a week,” then thank him/her, and repeat your promise
to him/her. However don’t leave him/her on the spur of the moment; ask if he/she would love
to share some personal experience of the product, (if he/she’d used it before or after you
provide it for the first time, especially after using it.) His/her response would be, “sure, with

At this time, you’ve succeeded to make him/her believe in your promise and to see you as an
exceptionally professional business- minded person. You can be sure, if you keep to your
promise, he/she’ll not only share his/her experience of the product or service with you, but
will, afterward, promise to call you, whenever he/she needs your product or service again.
And how do you see this?

You’ve just made a sale along with, at the same time; you’ve known your customer
personally. You can equally be sure he/she’ll be more willing to turn in more referrals, if
you add “Thanks so much foryour patronage, and whenever you wish to refer anyone to
me, for a similar purpose, here is my contact … I’ll respond promptly.”

There is no better way to leave an impression on your customers than to make them feel
good about doing business with you. You can always win your prospects’ attention, by being
professional when pitching your brand to them. By so doing, they’ll feel free to try your
products and services.

Nothing changes even when you’ve never sold a product, you can contact another business
which has this product. If you’ll be doing so, then make an agreement to introduce it to
someone who needs it and to return the credit on trust, which works also if you have no
money to pay for it. Otherwise, you possibly will borrow the amount from a friend and
payback as soon as the customer pays for it.

What you’ve done is not an attempt to swindle your prospect, but a way of arriving at a valid

conclusion that the particular product appeals to one of your prospects. Consequently, you
could consider finding other people who would be interested in the same product.

You’ll also be able to start keeping your buyers’ profile with this very first sale. Accordingly,
while you haven’t launched your business up till now, you’ve known how to begin to feel
comfortablewith reference to having a business idea that shall really sell, because someone has
launched your very first sale in a professional business setting, even while the business is no
more than conceptually ready.

It follows that, you can know what to include in your business plan’s market survey; when
writing a proposal to any financial source you are able to identify.

It’s as well satisfactory to remember that: before you go out there to tell anyone to help you,
you’d be supposed to first be always helping yourself with positive mindset in the direction of
your business. You ought to initiate pitching your brand yet earlier than you trade it.

Don’t be afraid to make someone know this is what you really see yourself achieving with
his/her real support. Moreover, if someone cannot concretely support you, here and now,
he/she can always appreciate the information you give, that you’ll soon be doing something
relevant in the society with your brand put on the market. Stay positive and share the idea of
your brand, by pitching it always.

Put every new idea you get from this Lesson into practice so that it would yield fruit in your
eventual success.

Business is a risk. There’re lots of risks to be taken, as an entrepreneur. If you’re not ready to
take risks, you might find that, that is one reason you’re not yet as successful as you want to

Even though you’re a sanguine who is risk frenzy, you’ll still see your loquaciousness and
ostentation as a strength that may minimize your troubles, if only you’d take the risk of starting
to pitch an idea.

Therefore, getting out there to say to somebody: “Hello (the Person’s Name, if you know it),
you look good, I’d like to know what you do to give yourself such a charming appearance or
a sparkly sanguine look. Or maybe, I should guess; you’re a health worker. Hope I am not
totally wrong?”

And the person becomes interested in you, he/she says in response,“I am sorry, you’re
interesting too, but I don’t know you, why do you care?”

Now and here is your opportunity to pitch your brand (remember, it’s only a conceptual
brand) but you’d respond saying: “Thanks my goodness, it’s just my manners, I hardly pass
by an appreciable personality without complimenting his/her good naturedness. I’m addicted
to greeting everyone I admire. I hope you don’t mind, I’ll like to formally introduce myself?”
You’re sounding like a sanguine.

If the person is an introvert, he might be suspicious like a Melancholic or reticent like a

phlegmatic and so ask: “do you always introduce yourself like this to everyone you meet?”
This is a trickeryrhetorical question, just smile and don’t give any response quickly.

The person is already interested in knowing you, and might even be thinking you’re a
journalist, so he/she would then say, “Never mind, please introduce yourself.” or a similar
permission for you to ride on.

Once again, this is your lucky moment, you’ll make this once in a lifetime impression on
your audience. It’s your elevator pitch and the rule is the same everywhere.

Moving into Presenting your Elevator Pitch

Here are five general points to note when delivering your elevator pitch:

1. Act in a way that makes your audience know the purpose of your discussion. In your first
line of sentences make your audience know the importance of your discussion, and so
start with something interesting, something baffling, and something that doesn’t
immediately paint a picture in his/her mind that you have a sales motive.

Don’t rush what you are saying so that you don’t distract your audience or embarrass
yourself before him/her, so calm yourself as you speak, speak to him like he’s your
best friend who youhave no reason to be afraid of his response.

Since he’s actually standing/sitting right before you, it’s an opportunity to let him know that
you have some knowledge about his/her personal beliefs and to do this, just look into his/her
eyes, as you speak with a tone of loving friendship and concern. But you have only 15 seconds
to make your remarkable impression on him.

2. Let what you say sound like a story about you and your brand (how you discovered the
need people have that you have brought your brand into their midst as a response and
solution to their problems,) so your audience could even benefit from your brand, and you
mention all the ways he/she can benefit from yourbrand.

3. He/she might be thinking of one striking point you have raised, intuit what point might
strike his imagination and clarify it with emphasis in a way that sounds like you’re
answering a question he/she might have asked you on the subject requiring emphasis.

4. Speak in a simple language making sure there are no technical terms or clichés that will
keep him wondering, “what could he/she really mean here?” so don’t confuse your
audience but make sure that he/she understands every word you utter, so that he/she can
comment and still ask you questions when you are done.

Only fifteen minutes and you have got the primacy and recency effect on your audience.
That’s you captivated him/her when you started, and you enticed him/her when you ended,
that s/he’s just impressed about your personality.

Congratulations! You have learnt the art of public speaking and you can start speaking
anywhere even without prior rehearsal. All you need is to be candid about your point. Your
point, of course, is that you want whoever you meet to begin to perceive you in relation to
your brand, even without having a location, a business card, or a website.

If you don’t have any of these, (Don’t worry about what you need them for; Lesson Five

covers everything you need to know about using websites, business cards, etc.) for now,
make sure you have a pocket size diary with you and a pen, so that you can get your prospect
booked, for a prospective engagement, with his/her contact information noted, especially
name, phone number and email.

Notice I haven’t told you to go out there shouting “HELP! Help! help me!” to anyone.
You have not been told to go out with aproposal to submit to any financial institution
making fund appeal.

The time for that will come, only after you’ve known how to pitch your brand and you’ve
known how to build a contact list by several successful lead-generating elevator pitches.

What you have to practice doing now is pitching your brand.

And the reason is this, you’ll have to be able to pitch to a business accelerator (a company
that gives funds to new startups, after hearing their pitches and is interested in new brands),
angel investors (investors that take the risk of funding an innovative business idea, with the
hope that: if it’s really as good as it is pitched, it will bring maximum profit and high ROI),
and banks, credible financial institutions for credits, savings, debits or reliable cash

Since without mastering an elevator pitch you can’t get fund from anywhere, it is right that
you first learn how to do it, and this lesson has shown you how to do it in 15 seconds. If you
practice what you have learnt here, then you’re ready to start writing your proposal.

Wait a minute, I’ll like you to know that you must make an effort to not only conceptualize
your brand idea, but basically be able to explain its purpose to yourself in writing.

You can’t do without writing as an aspiring entrepreneur. If you’re the kind of person who
fears writing anything, then you have to kill that fear now before it kills your pitching

How to start an elevator pitch by writing, memorizing and practicing

You cannot present a good pitch if you’ve never written anything about your business. It’s
an essential part of pitching, or preparing for one, to know your points, by memorizing what
you’ve conceived, as well as what you’ve written down about your brand.

If you’re ready to memorize your points, then maybe you have to sit down now, and do
yourself this good of practicing how to pitch to an audience. Here are things you should do as
you practice:

1) Answer the question: what is your business name? (If you don’t have any yet, you can
create one now. And here are four rules for creating a business name:
• First, it should draw prospects to you. For instance, if printed ona bill board, it should be
able to give a sense, to the right audience, about what’s actually in it for him/her…
• Secondly, it should distinguish your business from any other business out there, so it
should be a name another business isn’t already having, so that you don’t lose your
prospect who might locate the other business thinking it’s your business. It means you
need a bit of research to come out with a name that is unique and attractive as well as

• Thirdly, it should describe what you do, such that it leaves no doubt on your specialty…

• And fourth, it should be an easy-to-remember name.

If you have got your business name now, move forward.

2) Write down your business name. This is the first thing youshould learn to write,
and never forget it, as it becomes second name to you...

3) Answer these three questions:

• What is your business purpose? You will have a big reason for coming into business,
answer it. And let it be connected with people who will benefit from your business…

• How will people benefit from your business?

• And, what makes your business unique?

Write it down. Literally describe your business as a mission to solve a particular problem for
people who will benefit from it.

Subtitle this “My mission statement” and let it stick in your memory.

Then make a tagline from your business purpose. In other words, what is the promise you are
making to your prospect, some ideal person, who sees your business name, so that he/she
immediately knows what he/she will benefit from your business.

Your tagline is your selling promise, so it should be creative and just a simple sentence will
do. So, whenever you mention your business name, what immediately follows it is your
tagline. Also write it down.

4) Answer the question: who are your prospects?

The person you target, for your product or service to sell, is known as your prospect. Try to
know who this person is. Is it a baby, or a pregnant woman, or a home owner, a business
owner, a grocery shopor a car owner?
Is it a consumer who values the kind of product or service you’ll provide? Write down a
description of this person and his/her needs, as many as they are, how often he/she goes in
search of them, where he/she goes in search of them and where you can locate persons like
him/her in the society.

5) Now you know what your prospect needs and values or finds interesting. Of course, you
can’t provide all his needs, so making a checklist of all your prospect’s needs that you
have identified, then mark off all the items you will like to be responsible for making
available to your prospect. Followed by, write them out neatly under your tagline.

6) Write your elevator pitch from all these points. Your elevator pitch is what you will have

to memorize and so shouldn’t be too long to memorize.

Review what you’ve written down, it should correspond with this checklist:

✓ Business name?
✓ Purpose?
✓ Mission statement?
✓ Tagline?
✓ Prospects?
✓ Products or
✓ Service?

But your actual elevator pitch should mention your business name, followed by your tagline,
before your products, next to your mission statement, plus your prospects, and then you end
it with you purpose.

You now have your elevator pitch that anyone can understand; it is time to practice pitching.
To pitch to an actual audience, you need to have pitched several times to an imaginary

The simplest way to practice pitching is first with your best friend, unless you’re an introvert.
If you’re an introvert, you can do this alone by standing in front a mirror looking at your own

Assuming you’re an introvert, this is a very simple made-for-you guide to practice pitching.
Look into the mirror but you shouldn’t see you in that reflection, see your best friend who
stands in for your prospect and so becomes your audience.

What would you do? Assume he’s asked you to go on with your formal introduction. How do
you begin? Do this and repeat it severaltimes until you can’t forget a word of it, after several
imaginary pitching:

“My name is (Mention your full name), resident in (Mention your residential address) and at
home with me, as I speak with you now, is my Business (mention your business name).

“It is interestingly a unique startup that (mention your tagline). I offer (mention your
products or services), and I am passionate about (mention your mission statement).

“Anyone who is a (mention your prospect) can actually benefit from my business. In fact my
concern is to (mention your purpose), and I am happy to meet you.”


How do you feel about this? Elated of course, don’t be nervous. You have spoken well. And
your prospect is flabbergasted. You’re a professional and he’s happy to meet you too. So
smile as he responds to you saying,

“That’s an amazing introduction; I wouldn’t have done so well, or even better, in so short a
space of time. I am very delighted to talk with you. I really lack words enough to thank you
for telling me so much about you. And since you asked me first, but have introduced yourself
before me, you’ll still care to know what I do, right?”

How to take advantage of the Moment after your elevator pitch

What will you say? You won’t say no, because you’ve been waiting for this opportunity. So
make your final impression to make him/her believe you’re really interested in what s/he’s
going to tell you, rather than look uninterested.

You’ll present the best of you by simply excusing yourself, saying, “And I hope you don’t
mind if I take note of your detail for memory sake, because I really meet a lot of persons and
sometimes tend to forget who is who.

“I won’t like to forget you since I will surely love to keep in touch with you again, so you
may tell me what you do; I really care to know (so we can start our relationship from here” (in
your mind).)

S/he’s telling you about what s/he does. Pay attention. Don’t write yet. s/he won’t be unusually
slow like s/he is dictating anything to you. And don’t make him/her feel uncomfortable about
you noting his/her words, like a journalist.

Just look straight at him/her, as he/she speaks, and don’t look elsewhere. Listen to every word
he/she says. Don’t skip one look. S/he will be impressed by your rapt attention also.

S/he’s finished talking. Don’t note anything yet, because what you really want to note are a
few details (Name, Profession, Phone and Email, that’s all).

Let your response be, “O my goodness, you spoke so kindly that yougot me admiring you all
the time you were speaking. I swallowed every word from you. I’m so humbled to be favored
by your kindness, to take out, from your time, these costly minutes, to interact with me.

“I appreciate your personality even greater now than I did before saying a word to you. You’re
such a cool person to call a friend. I hope you don’t mind, if I address you as my friend
henceforth?” (You’ll become irresistible; no one will refuse your offer of friendship.)
“That’s an honour.” S/he’d respond.

S/he’s just going to give you any quality of detail you ask for now, because you’ve made a
wonderful impression on him/her. Don’t ask for much.

You’ll gently add, “Indeed you’re a worthy friend. When I first began admiring you, it was
your friendly appearance that really attracted me. I was really admiring the friend I saw in
you. I’d humbly just note down a few details to keep in touch with you subsequently, I hope
you don’t mind?”

“Oh yes, I don’t mind” he/she responds, and you are just left with
this moment to win the heart of your prospect.

You’re writing now and voicing what you write as follows: “your name… I hope I haven’t
forgotten so soon, (write it down as s/he confirms it’s spelling to you), and your phone…
(Also write down his/her profession after s/he’s finished calling his/her personal call digits)…

“And, lastly, please your email… (Write it down and confirm it/show him/her what you’ve
written to confirm the spelling is correct). Raise your face up and smile at him/her, and s/he’s
smiling back at you.

Then say, “You’ve really made my day, and I promise not to takeany more of your costly
time. I extremely gladly appreciate your timely friendliness, and in exchange I promise to
keep in touch with you.”

If you have a business card, hand him/her one now. If you don’t have, just say “It’s a
pleasure meeting you,” but watch his/her mood.

If he/she offers you a hand or clinch, accept it, and act in such a way that shows that you don’
want to waste any more costly minute of his/hers time.

Probably, he/she is longing for more time with you, so don’t wave goodbye yet. It means
you’ve achieved your purpose. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t stay longer unless he/she asks
you to sit for probably asponsored drink or snacks, as a show of friendship (it seldom happens,
but expect a surprise at any time.)

Be as free and frank as you can be. Then take the time to ask him about his/her use and need
of the products you earlier mentioned about while presenting your elevator pitch.

And since he/she has asked for an extension, thank him/her; furthermore, listen for what
he/she says. You’ll still make your earlier promise to keep him/her posted concerning your
business engagements and relevant information that will enrich him/her.

Once done, say “And I hope you don’t mind, if I start all over to thank you for every second
of your costly time you have shared with me?”

Surely he/she wouldn’t want to be flattered, so he/she will say; “please it’s nothing, that’s
what friendship demands, (moreover you asked for friendship).”

It’s time for your last response; while getting set to wave goodbye, standing, say “and even
at that, I must thank you from the depth of my heart. You are an ideal friend. You have made
my day. I promiseto return your kindness by keeping in touch with you. So leaving you, I
won’t forget you a moment.”

Then he or she stands and joins you toddling a short distance before waving goodbye and you
wave him/her goodbye also. That’s all with him/her now.

But following up will have to be done in a week time or two if you have given out your
business card. But if you haven’t given out a business card, then after six hours, call his cell
phone to thank him again, and he/she is happy.

After 28 hours, send an email to thank him/her again. Then start your proper follow up in two
weeks time. S/he’s already comfortable receiving messages from you.

How to set a tone for business engagement with networking

A good follow-up will seal your relationship with your prospect, and s/he is soon going to be
ordering your products and services. You’ll have to know how to make that available.

Use this method of conversation in networking and you’ll start your business without
borrowing a dime for it. Try to make sure you are always talking to the right person. After

fifteen seconds you should know if a person is the right person or not.

The right person is the person who will respond like the imaginary ideal friend. Don’t waste
your time on someone who has no interest in what you have to say. Just keep moving on to
the next person whenever you have the opportunity to network.

You can network anywhere. You can join clubs, attend new club meetings, attend public
functions, attend social events, join business group discussions, even do so online, via social
media, and just anywhere, you can meet someone who is interested in what you have to say.

And wherever that person is located, the rules do not change. Once you’ve mastered pitching,
and you’ve got results, you can begin to identify other marketing strategies, and also write
them down. (Lesson Five will expose you to all the available marketing strategies for beating
down the pants of competitors in today’s media and technology driven marketplace.)

At the end of your writing exercise, you’d have got the basic tools for crafting a powerful
business plan.

You started very well. You have tested your ideas by pitching them through social networking.
You now have the kind of enthusiasm to take other business risks without which no one could
be properly called an entrepreneur. So you are now a qualified entrepreneur.

Start you business plan. Write an extensive detail of your business idea with the points in your
pitch and with the new marketing strategies you have considered.

While you considered your marketing strategy you ordinarily would have researched into
similar businesses and how they’ve been marketing their brands. You’re not copying them,
you’re taking out of their marketing procedure what works and you’re adding something else
that will make it work better.

You’ve not only got a marketing strategy that is reliable and unique, you’ve also known your
competitors, and the fact that you have added something that will make your marketing work
easier and better, you’ve identified your competitive advantage. Now take all these elements
and write them comprehensively to form your business plan.

Hence, it’s taken for granted that, at this time, you have studied and tested the products and
services you’re offering, because you have pitched your brand and you’ve got results.

Your product has been proven to have demand, is timely, valuable, and important because of
its relevance in a particular industry. Thus, you’ll create a checklist of characteristics sought
for in a business idea, and as you write, put down everything you know about your business.

You’ll need a management team, make it a good team and do a

financial projection without expecting too much profit as you launch.

What are the aspects of your business that investors will be attracted to? Consider all of them,
and since your business has demand, the competition might be high or low, but whichever is
the case, you have knowledge of your competitive advantage.

Finally, consider where you want to locate your business and ensure it has a low amount of
nearby competitors, while you have a strategy for winning every competition on ground.

Moreover, winning competition is mostly about the quality of your products and services
plus the commitment of your management team to improving on quality of service delivery,
as well as attention to customers, taking suggestions, treating them well, giving them value
for their money and hearing complains.

Having known this much, it’s time to put all these elements into your business plan.

When writing your business plan, first identify who is receiving it, that’s your target audience,
and then use the appropriate language as you communicate the following ideas:

▪ Basic Information (First Name, Last Name, Company, Phone, Address, Mobile Phone,
Email Address, City, State, Zip.)
▪ Business Idea
❖ Description of Products or service and the problem they’ll solve (your business
purpose); Describe what is to be sold by the company and the customer need for it.
State potential market size.
❖ Competitive Advantage: What are the current and anticipated solutions to the
problem i.e., the competitive products or services? Why is your product or service
better than the competition, and why will it be sure to enjoy a sustainable competitive
advantage? Are there any significant barriers to entry?
Technology Platform: Describe the underlying technology and what needs to be done
to develop the intellectual property position further. So you have IP protected i.e.
a patent or Options? Was a university or corporate employee involved or resources
used in the creation of the technology?
❖ Development Activities: What is the status of the development of the product or
service? What are the near term activities and key milestones that are required for
the development of the product or service? Are there any key Alliances necessary?
❖ Business Model: How will the company generate revenue?Describe your marketing
and sales strategy for capturing and defending significant market share. What are your
profit expectations?
❖ Managerial and Development Team: Describe briefly the role of current participants
and give their relevant background to their ongoing involvement in the product
development orproposed company.
❖ Financial Plan: Describe any funding to date, the dollar amount, use of funds, and the
▪ Help you will like from your audience.

This is the general way the opt-in forms for online business accelerators appear.

If you have provided all the information here, you can start submitting your business plans
and proposals.

Now take this as a working structure when writing your business plan, despite the fact that if
you need further help or review on writing a compelling business plan or proposal, you may
email your request to and your request will be attended to.

However, you can get started immediately to move to the next stage of financial
sourcing before launching your business.

Doing your homework this far, you’ll see that your dreams are finding meaningful
expressions, and in fact, one last word here: Congratulation! But we’re not done yet.

It should interest you to know that the information I have shared with you in this chapter is
my own personal method that has worked several times and never failed even once. It is my
lifestyle as professional copywriter.

I grew my copywriting business using this same method, and my business is a freelance
business that I can do from home.

Moreover, since I knew there was no plan for an office initially, I had to use the same method
of pitching, to ward my prospects off asking for my office location. I had my business card
handy & ready.

You might need motivation to try what you’ve learnt

In my case, my home location was equally my office, business has been done non-locally, I
simply started by telling the prospect my name and my residential address.

Furthermore, since not many would divulge their residential address to their prospect on a
first meeting, it made my prospects long for a fulltime of discussion with me.

I seemed to trust them, without seeing them as strangers.

This intimacy I established with them, in my self-introduction, would lure them to trust me
and not to see me as a stranger too, and so, we would both become informal and accept each

Afterward, having become so familiar, it becomes easier to discuss business without each
hiding anything from the other or feeling insecure.

This method always work when you are social networking. It builds your self-confidence
and makes your testimonials convincing, if you add any in the form of telling a story about
your previous encounter.

This method of communication helps to make the prospect open enough to let you in on his
private life, as well as it adds to your knowledge of your prospect. After all, this is particularly
why you are networking, not to sell there and then, but to establish intimacy with your
prospect, one that enables him/her to share his/her contact and personal detail with you.

You don’t need to be a copywriter, like me, to be able to do this. After all, I didn’t need to be
another kind of business man to be able to do this.

That’s why, whatever business you’ll be doing, you’ll need to understand that knowing your
prospect is a basic key to selling anything to anyone.

Knowing your prospect helps you target your communication saves your time and saves your
money, and needless to add, “Your ability to sell to a prospect you know is the assuring way
to start increasing your available resources by 100% Now.”

This is not a debatable assertion, because your known prospect is in fact part of your available
resources. Your prospect can turn inreferrals to you because of intimacy and trust, and this
gives you more prospects.

Plus that is simply a multiplication of your resources by 100%. 1 new referral from one known
prospect is equal to 100% increase in your available resources. Since 1 new prospect will soon
trust you, based on referral and subsequently make another new referral, your prospects will
continue to increase.

So, if you can identify someone you know who needs your product and service, that would be
the easiest way to increase your available resources by 100% now that means you can rest
assured from this known prospects to sell many new prospects. At this instant, there is one
thing you must not fail to do: “get out there!”



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