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Written by Zac Miller. Published by ZML Corp LLC.

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Hi and thanks for being here. My name is Zac Miller and in this short report, I’m going to show
you three techniques that produce attraction with women on a subconscious level. Before I get
to the techniques though, let’s talk a little about the human mind.

As you may already be aware, we have two parts to our mind: our conscious mind and our
subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part we are most aware of. When we think, make
decisions, move our limbs, we are using our conscious mind. However the subconscious mind is
a little different. It’s always there in the background, processing information, however, we don’t
always realize how it affects us. The subconscious mind feeds our conscious mind with thoughts,
which we then act upon. It’s processing everything we take in, even when our conscious mind
may be unaware of it. This is how things like subliminal advertising and hypnosis work. They
appeal to the subconscious mind, with the participant sometimes being unaware of what exactly
is happening in front of them, but may act upon those triggers later on.

In this short report, I will be going over three techniques that attract women on a subconscious
level. While they might not seem like much, they can help you tremendously when it comes to
getting an edge over the other guys who are unaware of such techniques. And with so much
competition out there from other men, an edge can be very helpful when attracting women.

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Technique #1: Mirroring

There are two types of people others feel a connection with; people who are like them and
people who they want to be. What mirroring does is puts you in sync with the girl you are on a
date with on a subconscious level. It bypasses her conscious mind, while her subconscious is
picking up on the cues that you are connected with her. This leads to a stronger connection
between the two of you, which thus results in her feeling more attracted to you.

Mirroring is when you more or less copy what another person is doing. If they move their right
hand, you move yours. If they sit cross legged, you sit cross legged. There are two types of
mirroring: vocal and visual. In vocal mirroring, you are not copying the person’s voice, but instead
their tone. So if they’re crazy and eccentric when speaking, you get crazy and eccentric. If they’re
quiet and mellow, you speak quiet and mellow. This is a little harder, and I would suggest just
trying the visual mirroring when beginning.

As stated, visual mirroring is when you copy your date’s physical actions. So if they are leaning in
and have an elbow on the table when talking to you, you should do the same. I have a picture
below showing an example.

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As you can see, the male is sitting just like the female is, as if she was looking into a mirror. This
is why it is called mirroring.

Now you don’t want to get crazy with this as you don’t want to copy everything they do. However
try to pick up on actions they are doing and subtly copy them. If they begin to do something like
lean in to talk with you, you can do the same. If they pick up their coffee with both hands, pick
up yours with both hands. As stated, this will create attraction on a subconscious level as you
appear more in sync with them, thus building a connection with them, as you are now someone
who is like them. Others feel connected to people who are like them.

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Technique #2: Get Something Off Her Shirt or Hair

Here we have another subtle technique that will attract her on a subconscious level. Everyone
has three different spaces in which they will allow, or not allow, others to enter. These three
spaces are your public space, personal space, and intimate space. While the exact distance for
each one of these does differ slightly depending on the culture in which you are raised, for the
most part, we don’t like strangers to get too close to us. An example would be if you’re riding on
an elevator and you have someone standing right in front of you. They are in your personal or
maybe even intimate space, and this can make you feel a little uneasy. The only time we allow
others into this personal or intimate space is if we know them well and have built rapport with
them. If a complete stranger touched your chest or face, thus getting into your personal space,
you most likely would swat their hand away and ask them what the heck they were doing!

So you’re out on a date with a girl, whom you hopefully have been mirroring a little while
talking to. After you have been talking a little (don’t do this the second you meet her), reach
across the table and get something off her shirt or out of her hair. You can even pretend
something is there if you need to. You have now bypassed her personal and intimate space, and
she has allowed it happen. As stated, the only people who we allow into our personal and
intimate space are those we have built rapport with and know well. On a subconscious level,
this makes her feel more comfortable with you, thus building attraction with her.

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Technique #3: Pheromones

Pheromones are well known in the animal kingdom for getting the attention of the opposite sex
for matting purposes, but did you know they exist in humans too? For those unaware,
pheromones are chemicals excreted by the body which are able to produce sexual desire in the
opposite sex. For example, sea urchins release pheromones into the surrounding water, thus
triggering other sea urchins to eject their sex cells. In mammals, pheromones have been found
to be secreted from the skin, urine, and saliva. Many scientists believe this is part of the process
of how species mate in the animal kingdom. There is a special organ in the nose of mammals
called the vomeronasal organ, which is thought to detect pheromones. This organ connects to
the hypothalamus in the brain, which has a large part in regulating sex drive.

While scientists have debated whether this vomeronasal organ exists in humans, many studies
have proved it to be true. This would only make sense if looked at from an evolutionary
standpoint, as we are said to have evolved from a more primitive mammal, and there would be
no reason for it to simply go away. This vomeronasal organ would also explain why women who
live together, such as those in college dorms, tend to become in sync with their “monthly cycle”.

While the existence of this organ is debated, pheromones excreted by humans is not debated
and has been proven many times. One of the most notable studies was performed by a biologist

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by the name of Winifred Cutler in 1986. In the study, knowing pheromones in other mammals
are excreted through the skin, her team examined underarm sweat in a group of participants.
Once the foul smelling bacteria in the sweat was removed, all that remained were odorless
materials containing pheromones. Dr. Cutler went on to extract these pheromones and test if
they were able to increase sexual attraction in humans. Her studies, which have been performed
multiple times since the original findings, have found pheromones indeed do increase sexual
attraction in the opposite sex.

Dr. Cutler now produces a wearable pheromone for men which you can buy, and it goes by the
name of “Athena Pheromone 10x”. You may be skeptical of such claims, as I was. However Dr.
Cutler has ran multiple double-blind, placebo controlled studies which have proven her
pheromones indeed work at increasing sexual attraction in females. For those unaware, double
blind placebo controlled studies are the gold standard in the medical world, and it is where
neither the participant nor the provider know whether they are receiving the actual product
being tested, or a fake product, such as a sugar pill. This is so there is no bias in terms of
participants just “thinking” it is working. ABC’s even ran a story on their 20/20 program in which
they tested Dr. Cutler’s product, which you can find the link to below:

Like previous studies, this study also found females to be more attracted to the male wearing the
pheromones. These studies just go to show that human’s do in fact have a vomeronasal organ,
and like other mammals, can be swayed by the subconscious detection of pheromones. Since Dr.
Cutler came out with her product, a lot of other copy cats have come to market. Dr. Cutler’s
pheromones, which can be found at, are the only ones I’m
aware of backed by double blind placebo controlled studies, and which have been featured on a
television program, making them the most credible. Unfortunately her product is not cheap,
currently priced at $100 a bottle. However one bottle will most likely last you well over 1-2 years,
so it may be worth the investment. If you do decide to buy it, I would suggest getting the “little
rod bottle” with it, which can be found on the Athena website. This provides the easiest way to
put the pheromones on, as you don’t have to go through the hassle of mixing them with an
aftershave or cologne.

I personally have used these pheromones before and have had good results. Is it going to make
girls jump on you and start making out with you? No. However, as shown in the 20/20 segment,
it provides an edge over the other guys. Girls can’t explain it, but they just feel “more attracted”
to you. And unless you’re a wealthy male model, having an edge over other guys can be extremely

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beneficial. While it may not work for everyone, I would suggest giving it a try and seeing what
you think. You may be quite surprised at the results.

Note: I am in no way affiliated with the Athena Institute and receive no compensation from said company. I just
find their product to be the highest quality pheromone on the market, which is why I’m recommending it.

This concludes our special report. Using the techniques I laid out in this report will provide you a
substantial edge with women, and increase your attraction exponentially. Good luck! I wish you
the best in your pursuit of women.

If you enjoyed this free report, please leave a review on Amazon for any books you have
purchased from myself. It is highly appreciated! If you would like to contact me with questions,
my email address is

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