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Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133

Estimation of missing stream¯ow data using principles

of chaos theory
Amin Elshorbagy a,*, S.P. Simonovic b, U.S. Panu c
Kentucky Water Research Institute, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0107, USA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ont., Canada N6A 5B9
Department of Civil Engineering, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ont., Canada P7B 5E1
Received 24 May 2000; revised 29 August 2001; accepted 31 August 2001

In this paper, missing consecutive stream¯ows are estimated, using the principles of chaos theory, in two steps. First, the
existence of chaotic behavior in the daily ¯ows of the river is investigated. The time delay embedding method of reconstructing
the phase space of a time series is utilized to identify the characteristics of the nonlinear deterministic dynamics. Second, the
analysis of chaos is used to con®gure two models employed to estimate the missing data, arti®cial neural networks (ANNs) and
K-nearest neighbor (K-nn). The results indicate the utility of using the analysis of chaos for con®guring the models. ANN model
is con®gured using the identi®ed correlation dimension (measure of chaos), and (K-nn) technique is applied within a subspace
of the reconstructed attractor. ANNs show some superiority over K-nn in estimating the missing data of the English River,
which is used as a case study. q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Chaos theory; Missing data; Arti®cial neural networks; Nonlinear time series analysis

1. Introduction The last few years have witnessed the birth of the
topic of stochastic versus chaotic time series analysis
During the past few decades, hydrologists have (e.g. Jayawardena and Gurung, 2000). The literature
been conducting comprehensive research regarding on chaos in water resources is limited and research is
the appropriate type of analysis for the hydrologic still in its infancy. However, various levels of research
data. Statements such as linear versus nonlinear, and applications are found among the few available
deterministic versus stochastic, black box versus publications. The only question of whether data are
conceptual models, parametric versus nonparametric chaotic or not is addressed by Rodriguez-Iturbe et al.
have become part of the common hydrologic vocabu- (1989), Shari® et al. (1990), Islam et al. (1993),
lary. In¯uenced by the fast-advancing research on Angelbeck and Minkara (1994), Sangoyomi et al.
chaotic behavior in the physics ®eld, Rodriguez- (1996) and Sivakumar et al. (1998). Others (e.g. Jaya-
Iturbe et al. (1989) have indirectly introduced to wardena and Lai, 1994; Lall et al. 1996; Porporato and
hydrologists, a new topic for comparative analysis. Ridol®, 1997; Sivakumar et al. 1999a,b) have taken a
step forward by trying to predict future values of the
* Corresponding author. variable under consideration. Also, Puente and
0022-1694/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0022- 169 4( 01) 00513-3
124 A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133

Obregon (1996) have been able to ®t a model to high- of dynamic invariants or dimensions. These para-
resolution rainfall time series via projections of fractal meters are the best available measure to describe
interpolating functions. and quantify the underlying chaotic system (Angel-
In many applications, nonlinear modeling tools beck and Minkara, 1994). Hydrologists applying
have provided better results when used in hydrologi- nonlinear dynamic analysis to their time series use
cal time series analysis. Few examples, among others, these invariants as a test for chaoticity. Polynomials
are the superiority of nearest neighbor technique over or nearest neighbors technique, used for prediction, do
ARMA models for predicting stream¯ows (Jayawar- not bene®t from the chaotic invariant measure (i.e.
dena and Lai, 1994), ANNs over ARMA (e.g. Hsu et model parameters or con®gurations are not in¯uenced
al., 1995), ANNs over linear regression (Elshorbagy by the chaotic measure). In stochastic modeling, one
et al., 2000a; Panu et al., 2000). Further, the super- can say that type of ARMA models, for example, can
iority of ANNs over nonlinear regression in predicting be deciphered from autocorrelation and partial auto-
river ¯ows has been attributed to the possible correlation functions. In that sense, we can say that
existence of nonlinear dynamics, which are not stochastic models are available but hydrologic chaotic
captured by the regression technique (Elshorbagy et models cannot be claimed existing.
al., 2000c). Daily rainfall and stream¯ows might show In this paper, two issues are addressed, ®rst, estima-
large dispersions from a mean motion similar to those tion of missing consecutive observations (missing
exhibited by a stochastic process. This behavior might segment of data) of a chaotic time series. This process
result either from a random probabilistic structure in has been known and addressed recently as `group
the data or from a nonlinear deterministic system approach' (Panu et al., 2000; Elshorbagy et al.,
highly sensitive to the initial conditions (Rodriguez- 2000a,b). Second is the use of chaotic invariants or
Iturbe et al., 1989). In the latter case, the dynamics are dimensions for con®guring the hydrologic model. In
deterministic although the appearance is similar to our application, the dimensions will be used to con®g-
that of a stochastic process. Chaotic systems cannot ure the arti®cial neural network (ANN) model (deter-
be distinguished from stochastic processes using mining the number of input and output nodes). These
conventional statistical tools. Systems are said to be two issues are the contribution of this paper. They
chaotic if they are nonperiodic, sensitive to initial have not been explicitly addressed in the available
conditions, and long predictability is lost (Grassberger chaos-related water resources literature. In order to
and Procaccia, 1983; Procaccia, 1988). address the above-mentioned issues, two steps have
It is worth to mention that some doubts have been to be followed. First, existence of chaos in the time
raised about the existence of chaos in hydrologic data series has to be investigated. Second, chaotic
(Chilardi and Rosso, 1990). However, the importance invariants (e.g. correlation dimension) have to be
of evaluating hydrologic data from the viewpoint of estimated. Third, information obtained from chaos
nonlinear deterministic dynamics is stressed by others analysis, such as the correlation dimension is used
(Sivakumar et al., 1999a). In reality, describing a time to con®gure the proposed models. Fourth, missing
series as either a totally linear stochastic process or data are estimated using the con®gured models.
fully nonlinear deterministic chaos is not a practical
approach. Any time series might have components of
both systems. The analyst has to decide whether the 2. Characteristics of chaotic behavior
process to be modeled is linear stochastic or nonlinear
deterministic chaos (Kantz and Schreiber, 1997). On 2.1. De®nitions
the basis of impossibility of long-term prediction in
chaotic time series, the chaotic applications in water A dynamic system can be described by a phase-
resources literature handled only short-term predic- space diagram that depicts the evolution of the system
tion. Cases where lengthy records or consecutive from some initial state. In fact, what really describe
observations are missing, which are common in the evolution are the trajectories of the phase-space.
hydrologic data, have not been addressed. The construction of such a phase-space for a time
Analysis of chaotic time series involves calculation series will be explained in Section 2.2. If the
A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133 125

trajectories converge to a subspace regardless of the 2.3. Correlation dimension

initial conditions, then it is called an `attractor'. An
attractor can lie in an m-dimensional phase-space and There are few distinct methods for computing fractal
be a multi-dimensional but has a dimension less than dimensions: rescaled range analysis, relative dispersion
m. Deterministic systems for which long term predict- analysis, correlation analysis, Fourier analysis, maxi-
ability is possible have attractors of integer dimension mum likelihood estimator analysis, and the `Higuchi'
(Embrechts, 1994). When the dynamic system is method. To estimate the fractal dimension of a time
sensitive to initial conditions, the attractors have series, the concept of correlation dimension is useful
non-integer or `fractal' dimensions. Such attractors and often applied (Kantz and Schreiber, 1997).
are called `strange attractors' and systems containing The method of correlation dimension, as explained by
them are called `chaotic dynamic systems' (Jayawar- Embrechts (1994), consists of centering a hyper sphere
dena and Lai, 1994). around a point in hyperspace or phase-space, letting the
There are several algorithms available for the radius (r) of the hyper sphere grow until all points are
analysis of chaotic time series (Casdagli, 1989). The enclosed, and keeping track of the number of data points
purpose of these algorithms is to calculate geometric that are enclosed by the hyper sphere. The slope of the
and dynamic invariants of an underlying strange line on a double logarithmic plot will be an estimate of
attractor, such as correlation dimension and Lyapunov the fractal dimension of the set of data points.
exponents. For an m-dimensional phase-space, the correlation
integral C…r† is given by Theiler (1986):
2 X
2.2. Reconstruction of the phase-space C…r† ˆ lim ˆ H…r 2 uYi 2 Yj u† …2†
N!1 N…N 2 1† i;j
The ®rst step in the process of chaotic analysis is 1#i#j#N
that of attempting to reconstruct the dynamics in
phase-space. A method for reconstructing a phase- where H is the Heaviside step function, with H…u† ˆ 1
space from a single time series has been presented for u . 0; and H…u† ˆ 0 for u # 0; N is the number of
by Takens (1981). The dynamics of a scalar time points of the reconstructed attractor, r is the radius of
series {x1 ; x2 ; ¼xn } are embedded in the m-dimen- the sphere centered on Yi or Yj. The most commonly
sional phase-space (m . d; where d is the dimension used norms for uYi 2 Yj u are the maximum norm and
of the attractor). The phase-space is de®ned by: the standard Euclidean norm. The maximum norm is
the maximum absolute difference between the
Yt ˆ {xt ; xt2t ; xt22t ; ¼xt2…m21†t } …1† elements of Yi and Yj. The Euclidean norm, which is
the distance between two points in the space, is
where t is the time delay. Usually, the choice of t is adopted in this study, and it has also been used by
made with the help of the auto-correlation function or others (e.g. Jayawardena and Lai, 1994).
the mutual information content (Frazer and Swinney, If the phenomenon is chaotic, for a large number of
1986). It may be chosen as the lag time at which the points, beyond a certain m, the correlation integral
autocorrelation becomes zero (Kantz and Schreiber, follows the power law:
1997) or at which the autocorrelation function falls
below a threshold value commonly de®ned as 1/e C…r† , ar n …3†
(Tsonis and Elsner, 1988). However, considering N!1
various values of t demonstrates that the results do
not show a strong dependence on the actual value where a is constant; and n is the correlation dimen-
chosen (Porporato and Ridol®, 1997). In this paper, sion, which represents generally good estimate of the
as will be explained later, t is used also as the maxi- fractal dimension d of the attractor. The slope of the
mum length of missing segment of observations that log C…r† versus log r plot is given by:
can be estimated in one step (i.e. estimation of a miss-
ing value does not depend on the previous missing n ˆ lim loglogC…r†
r …4†
one) by the proposed technique. N!1
126 A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133

For random process, n varies linearly with increasing where Dt is the time interval between two successive
m, without reaching a saturation value, whereas for observations, K2 is expected to be zero for regular
deterministic process the value of n saturates (levels system (e.g. periodic), positive and ®nite for chaotic
off) after a certain m. The saturation value, d, is the systems and in®nite for stochastic process.
fractal dimension of the attractor or the time series.
2.6. Method of surrogate data
2.4. Lyapunov exponents
Another way of supporting the argument that a
The Lyapunov exponents describe the rate at which speci®c data set is coming from a nonlinear determi-
close points in the phase-space diverge. There is one nistic system might be by rejecting the hypothesis that
exponent for each dimension. If one or more Lyapu- it is coming from a linear process. The method of
nov exponents are positive, the system is chaotic surrogate data (Theiler et al., 1992) makes use of
(Frison, 1994). Therefore, one needs to compute the substitute data generated in accordance to the
only the maximal Lyapunov exponent. The Lyapunov probabilistic structure underlying the original data.
exponents are invariants with respect to initial condi- The null hypothesis consists of a candidate linear
tions. Therefore, they constitute another way of iden- process and the objective is to reject the hypothesis
tifying a chaotic system. However, in water resources that the original data have come from a linear stochas-
literature, Lyapunov exponents have been ignored by tic process. A null hypothesis is formulated, for
researchers as a necessary indication of chaotic beha- example, that the data have been created by a station-
vior (Sivakumar et al., 1998, 1999a; Porporato and ary Gaussian linear process. Then, it is attempted to
Ridol®, 1997). reject this hypothesis by comparing results for the data
Consider the representation of the time series data to appropriate realizations of the null hypothesis.
as a trajectory in the embedding space. Assuming that, Sivakumar et al. (1999a) follow the algorithm
one observes a close return sn 0 to a previously visited provided by Theiler et al. (1992) and the signi®cance
point sn ; then one can consider the distance D0 ˆ sn 2 of a discriminating statistic obtained for surrogate
sn 0 as a small perturbation, which should grow expo- data is judged. In Theiler et al. (1992), it is mentioned
nentially in time. Its future can be read from the time that a value of ,2 of the statistic cannot be considered
series: Dl ˆ sn1l 2 sn 0 1l : If one ®nds that uDl u ù signi®cant whereas a value of ,10 is highly signi®-
D0 ell ; then l is the maximum Lyapunov exponent. cant. It is not explained how the authors made an
The routine given by Kantz and Schreiber (1997) is inference from these values and on what statistical
used to calculate the maximal Lyapunov exponent in basis they derived the conclusion.
this study. Since the primary interest is to give a support to the
identi®cation of chaos, in time series, provided by the
2.5. Kolmogorov entropy
previous invariants, one of the discussed invariants
Entropy is a thermodynamic quantity describing the would be used for visual inspection and comparison.
amount of disorder in the system. It can characterize In this study, the correlation dimension for different m
the amount of information needed to predict the next of both original and surrogate data will be plotted and
measurement with a certain precision. The most popu- inspected. Since the null assumption leaves room for
lar one is the Kolmogorov entropy. The Kolmogorov free parameters, the process of generating the surrogate
entropy of a time series gives a lower bound to the data has to take these into account (Hegger et al., 1999).
sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents. An estimate One approach is to construct constrained realizations of
of the Kolmogorov entropy (K) is K2 (Jayawardena the null hypothesis. This approach of constrained reali-
and Lai, 1994). zations is adopted, for generating the surrogate data,
  using the algorithm provided by Kantz and Schreiber
1 (1997). Constrained realizations are obtained by
K2 …m† ù lim {log ‰Cm …r†Š 2 log ‰Cm11 …r†Š} …5†
r!0 Dt
randomizing the data subject to the constraint that
an appropriate set of parameters remains ®xed (e.g.
K2 ù lim ‰K2 …m†Š …6† random data with a given periodogram can be made).
A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133 127

Table 1
Structure of the reconstructed time series data

1 2 ´´´ m21 m

1 x1 x11t x11…m22†t x11…m21†t

.. x2 x21t x21…m22†t x21…m21†t
k. xk xk1t xk1…m22†t x. k1…m21†t
.. ..
k. 1 t 2 1 xk1t21 xk21…m21†t xk1t211…m21†t
n 2 t…m 2 1† xn2t…m21† xn2t…m22† xn2t xn

More details of this technique can be found in Kantz Using the technique of reconstruction of attractor,
and Schreiber (1997) and Hegger et al. (1999). the time series is presented as shown in Table 1. A
segment of missing consecutive data can be con®ned
to the last column, m. The data set will be structured
3. Estimation of missing data so that each observation in column m can be estimated
based on the previous m 2 1 columns. The missing
Researchers have been tackling the problem of miss- segment, indicated in Table 1 inside a rectangle, can
ing data in different ways and from different perspec- be as lengthy as t . In this way, the missing t observa-
tives as well. Even their de®nitions of `missing data' tions can be estimated using the values from xk till
and the expressions that they have used to describe the xk211…m21†t ; which do not include any of the observa-
in-®lling process are no less diversi®ed than the differ- tions from xk1…m21†t ; till xk1t211…m21†t (that are
ent techniques that they have used. A group of supposed to be missing).
researchers tackled the problem of intermediate miss- In this study, ANNs, as global approximators, are
ing data where data or observations before and after the used for estimating the missing data. The number of
missing observations are available (e.g. Bennis et al., input nodes will be m 2 1; output nodes will be equal
1997). Others consider the cases in which data are to one, and the hidden nodes will be obtained using
available only from one side of the gap or the gap is trial and error. A conceptual advantage of this con®g-
so lengthy that the data set is considered bounded from uration is that the information obtained about `m'
one side only. Generally, the in-®lling process in this from the correlation dimension computation is used
case is called `extension' (e.g. Hughes and Smakhtin, for con®guring the ANN model. Therefore, correla-
1996). This paper explores the ®rst type, where data tion dimension is not only used as an invariant indi-
before and after the gap are available. Extensive litera- cator of chaos. The theoretical possibility of
ture review on the existing techniques for estimation of predicting the mth dimension, using the previous m 2
missing data can be found in Elshorbagy et al. (2000a) 1 dimensions, is indicated by Kantz and Schreiber
where the problem of estimation of missing groups (1997).
(consecutive observations) in stream¯ow records has Another technique for making nonlinear prediction
been reported and explained. or estimation of missing data is the K-nearest neighbor
Following the traditional approach for estimating (K-nn) algorithm. It is a representative of the local
missing values will lead to the use of previously approximation method, which uses only nearby states
estimated observations to estimate the successive to make prediction. The local approximators are
one. This approach, which is similar in concept to always believed to provide good results in chaotic
prediction of ¯ows for few steps ahead, contradicts time series. Therefore, it is widely used in chaos
with the concept of chaotic behavior. When a time literature (e.g. in water resources, Porporato and
series is investigated and proved to be chaotic, such Ridol®, 1997; Sivakumar et al., 1999a). To estimate
type of long-term prediction or estimation of missing xi1t based on Yi (m-dimensional vector) and historical
segments should not be valid. observations, K-nearest neighbors of Yi are found
128 A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133

used for estimation of the missing mth dimension of

the vectors from (k) to …k 1 t 2 1†:
It is reported by Casdagli (1991) that when smaller
number of neighbors give the most accurate estima-
tion or short-term prediction compared to that of
larger number of neighbors, then this may be consid-
ered as a strong evidence for low-dimensional chaos
in the data.

4. Analysis and results

Fig. 1. Variation of daily ¯ows of the English River.
In this paper, the stream¯ow data from English
based on the minimum distances uYi 2 Yj u: For K River at Umferville, Ontario, Canada is used and
number of neighbors, the estimation of xi1t can be analyzed to investigate the possible existence of chao-
taken as the average of the K values of xj. tic behavior. The average daily ¯ow is 124.3 m 3/s and
Considering the data structure shown in Table 1, the standard deviation is 92.3 m 3/s. Fig. 1 shows the
the subspace estimation method is employed here. variation of daily ¯ows obtained from Umferville
The m-dimensional points are projected on the ®rst, station. The issue related to length of the data record
completely known, m 2 1 dimensions. The nearest that is considered suf®cient for chaos analysis has
neighbors to the vectors in the rows from (k) to …k 1 been addressed by many authors. While Frison
t 2 1† can be calculated using Euclidean norm. Note (1994) suggests a minimum of ,10,000 data points
that the mth dimension of the vectors from (k) to …k 1 for reliable results, others accepted number of points
t 2 1† is the missing segment. A similar technique is as low as 1200 observations (Jayawardena and Lai,
used in pattern recognition problems and is known as 1994) and 1500 observations (Sivakumar et al.,
subspace classi®cation (Querios and Gelsema, 1988). 1999a). In our application, 11,000 observations are
In pattern recognition, the objective is only to classify used.
objects, therefore the problem is projected on m 2 1 It should be noted that the complete data record of
dimensions (features) and objects are classi®ed based the English River is available. However, an intermedi-
on the complete features regardless of the incomplete ate data section of 1100 observations length (110
one. In our application, once the nearest neighbors are segments, each of 10 observations length) is arbitrary
identi®ed, their mth dimension (which is known) is chosen to test the proposed models and the modeling

Fig. 2. Correlation integral of the English River.

A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133 129

Fig. 3. Correlation exponent of the English River.

approach. The 110 segments are removed, each at a nearest integer above the correlation dimension
time, and assumed missing. After estimating the value …d ˆ 3† is taken as the minimum dimension of
missing segments, each at a time, the accuracy of the phase-space that can embed the attractor. The
estimating the missing data is calculated by averaging value of m at the saturation point …m ˆ 8† is supposed
the error over the 1100 estimated observations. to provide the suf®cient number of variables to
describe the dynamics of the attractor.
4.1. Correlation dimension
4.2. Lyapunov exponent
Daily ¯ows comprising of 11,000 observations of
Using the algorithm of Kantz and Schreiber (1997),
the English River are considered for investigating the
the largest Lyapunov exponent is found to be positive
existence of chaotic behavior in the stream¯ow. Value
…9:1 £ 1023 †: It should be noted that it can be positive
of lag time 10 (i.e. 10 days) is considered in the analy-
also for some random and ARMA processes as
sis with the purpose of estimating (in-®lling) 10
observed by Jayawardena and Lai (1994) and Rodri-
consecutive missing observations. The correlation
guez-Iturbe et al. (1989), when calculated using the
integral (sum) C…r† and the correlation exponent n
algorithm of Wolf et al. (1985). Therefore, results of
are computed, as explained earlier, from the data
Lyapunov exponent computation are not recom-
set. The relationship between the correlation integral
mended to be taken as a sole indication of chaotic
C…r† and the radius r for various values of embedding
dimensions m is shown in Fig. 2. The correlation
exponent increases with the increase in the embedding 4.3. Entropy
dimension up to a certain point …m ˆ 8† and saturates
beyond that point (see Fig. 3). The saturation value of A positive ®nite K2 value can be found for the data
the correlation exponent (dimension) is ,2.4. The set under consideration. Fig. 4 shows the relationship

Fig. 4. Estimate of correlation entropy of the English River.

130 A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133

Fig. 5. Correlation dimensions of both English River data set and its surrogate.

between the correlation entropy and log …r† for curve levels off at a certain point (i.e. m ˆ 8) whereas,
various m. A plateau can be observed at K2 value the correlation exponents computed for the surrogate
,0.2. This type of visual inspection of K2 entropy is data continue increasing monotonically with the
used and reported by Kantz and Schreiber (1997). increase in embedding dimension. In this paper, the
visual difference between the two data sets is consid-
4.4. Method of surrogate data ered suf®cient to indicate that original data might not
come from a linear stochastic process.
Several realizations of surrogate data sets can be
generated according to the probabilistic structure 4.5. Estimation of missing segments
underlying the original data and also according to
the null hypothesis as discussed earlier. The major Two techniques are employed in this paper for
aim of this step is to detect nonlinearity. Fig. 5 estimating the missing data, ANNs as a global approx-
shows the relationship between correlation dimension imator and K-nearest neighbors (K-nn) as a local
and embedding dimension for the original data and approximator.
one of the surrogate data sets. The purpose of this
process is to demonstrate the difference in behavior 4.5.1. Arti®cial neural networks
between the two data sets. In the case of the original Feed forward neural networks that employ the back
data of the English River, the correlation exponent propagation technique, for training the network, are

Fig. 6. Actual and estimated data using ANN technique.

A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133 131

Fig. 7. Actual and estimated data using K-nn technique.

used. The structure of the input and output data of the selected for the graphical illustration in Fig. 7. The
ANNs is as shown in Table 1, seven …m 2 1† inputs estimated values using the K-nn technique may appear
and one (mth) output. Around 90% of the data are in the ®gure as broken line with consecutive points of
used for training and 10% for testing the results of constant magnitude that form a segment. The reason
the network. Many network con®gurations are tried for such appearance is that K-nn estimates a value
and satisfactory results are achieved with the (7±3±1) based on the closest point or points in space. Those
con®guration (i.e. seven input nodes, three hidden points, which are the closest to consecutive observa-
nodes, and one output node). Fig. 6 shows the actual tions, might be constant giving the appearance of that
and estimated ¯ows using the ANN model. Note that horizontal segments.
the objective is to estimate 10 consecutive missing
4.5.3. Discussion
4.5.2. K-nearest neighbor (K-nn) technique The results shown in Figs. 6 and 7 are summarized
The K-nearest neighbors technique is used to esti- in Table 2. This table indicates that the lower the K-
mate the missing data in the same way explained value, the better is the estimate of the missing obser-
earlier. Many values of K can be tried, and a satisfying vations (lower mean squared error and mean relative
value of K is usually obtained by trial and error. In this error). This result may give another support to the
paper, our purpose is to show the effect of increasing previously discussed invariants (e.g. correlation
the value of K on the results rather than obtaining the dimension) that indicates the existence of chaos.
optimum K. Therefore, three values of K are arbitra- Fig. 8 shows the actual stream¯ows and those
rily considered: 1, 5, and 10. Other values can be estimated by ANN and K-nn (using K ˆ 1) models.
assumed but the selected three values are believed Both, Table 2 and Fig. 8 indicate that ANNs are super-
to be suf®cient for representing the K-nn technique. ior to K-nn for estimating the missing observations.
Fig. 7 shows the actual and estimated ¯ows using the Such superiority of ANN may be problem-related and
K-nn technique. A segment of 100 observations are need extensive applications on various data sets to be
generalized. However, one can say that the superiority
Table 2 of ANNs might be attributed to the ability of ANNs to
Mean squared and mean relative error of estimated data capture the nonlinear dynamics of the data. Such a
Technique Mean squared error Mean relative error
characteristic of ANNs is indicated by others (Panu
et al., 2000; Elshorbagy et al., 2000a,b,c). Further-
ANNs 80.2 0.06 more, the way ANNs are used in this paper makes
K-nn …K ˆ 1† 255.5 0.08 use of the identi®ed embedding dimension, which
K-nn …K ˆ 5† 365.9 0.12
means that the attractor is modeled directly using its
K-nn …K ˆ 10† 441.5 0.14
®rst seven dimensions. It seems that the ANNs are
132 A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133

Fig. 8. Actual and estimated data using ANN and K-nn techniques.

able to generalize the structure of the attractor ¯ows of the English River is identi®ed as three and
throughout the whole data set. the number of variables suf®cient is eight. The suf®-
On the other hand, the subspace technique used cient number of variables is used to con®gure the
with the K-nn could not bene®t signi®cantly from ANN model. Seven input nodes (®rst seven dimen-
the information related to the embedding dimension sions) are used to estimate the output (eighth dimen-
…m ˆ 8†: This could be due to the aggregation that sion). The data are structured in a way that facilitates
happens when the ®rst seven dimensions of the attrac- the estimation of 10 consecutive missing observa-
tor are represented by one number (Euclidean norm). tions in one step (previously estimated value is not
It should be noted that some recent studies have used for estimating the following one). Also, the K-
indicated that the noise that exists in hydrologic data nearest neighbor technique is used, with K ˆ 1; 5,
may limit the performance of many modeling techni- and 10, to estimate the missing data. A subspace
que. Some methods have been proposed to reduce the modeling approach is adopted by projecting the
level of noise in the data set (Sivakumar et al., 1999b; reconstructed attractor on a lower dimension scale
Sivakumar, 2000), which may lead to improvement in (i.e. projecting the eight-dimension attractor on its
the accuracy of the estimation of missing data. The ®rst known seven-dimension space). The eighth
issue of noise in chaos analysis has been extensively dimension is estimated using the previous seven
discussed in Elshorbagy et al., (2001), where it is dimensions. The ANN model shows superiority in
shown that the raw data should always be used for the accuracy of estimating the missing data, which
the hydrologic analysis. is attributed to the capability of the ANNs to capture
the nonlinear dynamics and generalize the structure
of the attractor on the whole data set. Finally, this
5. Conclusion work is considered as an endeavor towards establish-
ing hydrologic chaotic modeling by using the chaos
In this paper, the existence of chaotic behavior indicators (correlation dimension) directly in the
(nonlinear deterministic dynamics) in the daily process of modeling or con®guring the data model.
¯ows of the English River is investigated. The corre-
lation dimension, the Lyapunov exponent, the
Kolmogorov entropy, and the method of surrogate Acknowledgements
data are used in the analysis. There are suf®cient
indications to believe that the stream¯ows have The authors wish to acknowledge the ®nancial
some chaos and the data could be modeled by the support given to this research by the Natural Sciences
time delay embedding method. On the basis of the and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
attractor dimension, the minimum number of vari- Canada through grant no. OGP-0004404. Also, the
ables essential to model the dynamics of the daily ®rst author wishes to express his appreciation to the
A. Elshorbagy et al. / Journal of Hydrology 255 (2002) 123±133 133

University of Manitoba for the Graduate Fellowship systems approach vs. stochastic approach. J. Hydrol. 228,
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