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1) What is our on-time delivery rate across every shipping route and what are the major

causes of delay for the worst rates?

Reliability is a critical initiative since it impacts the business in terms of costs and
efficiency. The key metric for the industry for reliability is the on-time delivery rate and,
at an industry average of 56% ,36 while Maersk does hit 80% , it still falls short of the
95% goal. This does look like an obvious place to improve. Measuring the on-time
delivery rate across every shipping route will help Maersk understand how it's
improvements in logistics, IT, etc. are impacting this metric. More importantly, by
creating the on-time delivery metric as a function of the causes of delay, Maersk can
identify places that require improvement/ systemic improvements. Also if on time
delivery is critical, then we would like to see data that shows co-relation with customer

2) What is the single container fuel consumption per nautical mile now compared to
before implementation of our efficiency initiatives and much has each initiate (slow
steaming, larger ships) contributed? 

Fuel efficiency is critical in terms of cost and environmental performance. Maersk needs
to understand how much impact the fuel savings initiatives have had. Having a metric,
single container fuel consumption per nautical mile, is something that can be used to
measure the total impact of all the initiatives combined and also be an intuitive metric
that can be shared with customers to understand their carbon  foot-print. Understanding
how each fuel savings initiative is contributing to  fuel consumption can allow Maersk to
focus on the improvements that offer the 'biggest bang for the buck'.

3) With improved digitization, I expect we have the data to estimate port-call time for
every ship and delivery since implementation. What is the average port time for all our
ports serviced and what the the largest contributors to delays for the worst ports
compared to the best ports? How is the data being made to increase ease-of-use for
our customers?

Port-call time and the subsequent delays are responsible low reliability of shipping
containers. Mearsk is implementing changes to improve port efficiency, by
understanding which ports still have problems and what the largest contributors are to
delays is key to reducing port time. Low port time is also an indicator of customer ease-
of-use, since customers will overbook capacity if they suspect delays or an inability to
get on a particular ship. 

4) We are buying significant new shipping capacity. What are the projections for
industry capacity needs and the estimate of the capacity of our industry given
investments in capacity by ourselves and our competitors over the next 5 years? 
The new investment in shipping capacity (20x 18000 TEU vessels) is critical to improve
efficiency through scale. However, it comes with risk since the over-capacity could drive
down prices and overall efficiency if shipping demand is weak. Mearsk needs to
understand how much capacity their competitors are investing in and how the total
industry capacity scales in relation to the demand to ensure they are not over-investing
in capacity and driving down profits.  

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