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An intercessor is someone who pleads with God on behalf of another or others who
need God's help. In the Scriptures we find many servants of God who were
intercessors. Moses is one of the most outstanding.

Normally people say that Moses spent 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai when he
received the law. However the truth is that three times Moses spent 40 days and 40
nights in the presence of the Lord on Mount Sinai. On each of these occasions he
interceded on behalf of the people of Israel:

1. First time: When Moses was on the mount receiving the two tablets of the law (Ex.
24: 18) the people rebelled against the Lord by worshipping the golden calf. The Lord
informed Moses of this action and threatened to destroy the nation in his anger.
Moses then interceded questioning why the Lord should destroy his people whom he
had delivered from Egypt with a powerful hand. Ex. 32: 7-14 He appealed to the Lord
that such an act would cause Israel´s enemies to doubt his goodness. Finally he
appealed to the Lord to keep his promise to Abraham to bless his people. And the Lord
changed his mind and did not destroy them.

2. Second time: Moses went up the mount saying to the people, “perhaps I can make
atonement for your sin”. Ex. 32: 30 He prostrated himself for 40 days and nights (Deut.
9: 18) before the Lord interceding for Israel. He prayed again like he had on the
previous occasion (Deut. 9: 26-29) but this time he added, “Please forgive their sin—
but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written”. Ex. 32: 31, 32 Such is his
great zeal for the glory of God and his love for his people that he was prepared to offer
himself as a sacrifice rather than see them destroyed. On this same occasion Moses
also interceded for his brother Aaron as the Lord was angry enough with him for his
part in the rebellion to kill him. Deut. 9: 20 As a result of his intercession the Lord
spared the people and Aaron. Deut. 9: 19, 20

3. Third time: The Lord had told Moses that he would go on with him but not with the
people, as he originally had planned. Ex. 33: 14 Instead he would send his angel ahead
of them, lest in his holiness he should destroy them because of their sinful attitude.
Before climbing the mount Moses interceded, “If you do not go with us do not send us
on” and the Lord had agreed to agreed to go. Ex. 33: 15-17 Then again on the mount
for he again pleaded with the Lord on behalf of the people for his forgiveness. Ex. 34:
8, 9 Again the Lord listened to him and promised to do great wonders among the
people that no other nation had ever known. Ex. 34: 10

What an intercessor Moses was. He stood in the gap between God and the people God
and interceded for them. Ezek. 22:30-31 He never made excuses for his people´s sin
but when he interceded on their behalf “the LORD repented and did not bring on his
people the disaster he had threatened." Ex. 32:14 He prayed and the Lord changed his
mind. Through intercession, Moses achieved much on behalf of God’s people. Little
wonder he was described as a type of Christ who intercedes today on our behalf as our
great high priest. Rom. 8: 34; Heb. 7: 25

Our God is the ruler of the universe yet he listens to his children´s petitions and
responds to them allowing them to influence his great decisions. How amazing this is!
Prayer is powerful. Jas. 5: 16, Jer. 18: 7-10, Ez. 33: 13-15

The church and our generation need intercessors. We need to intercede for the Lord´s
work in our midst and for all of God´s people.

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