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May 1, 2021

Hi Gemechu,

Thanks again for all your hard work on Project Clavey. The important work of the project would
not be possible without you. In the last few months, as you have likely noticed, there has been
a content trend in the Amharic market of pictures of pretty girls that quite often include a
derogatory statement about men. Many of these are indeed Dehumanization attacks on
gender identity targets, but not all of them are, and there is a subtle difference between the
two. Also of note, often these are clickbait that are clearly aimed at getting the reader to click
the link to the adult content chat rooms.

 Given this is such a prevalent post type and there does seem to be confusion on them, we
thought it might be useful to go over some of the different ratings for them and clarify a
few things.

Remember-just because you may consider this to be adult content in some cases, these types
of posts are NOT escalated on the first question on SRT as sensitive, and they are still labeled
for any applicable Societal Violence attack (such as Dehumanization).

 If you do feel the post does have an implementation policy violation, there is another
opportunity to label for that at the end of the labeling process. Most of these post types;
however, contain no implementation violations (no nudity, professionally modeled shots
used, clickbait for adult content, while distasteful, may not be sensitive content) and
some do contain Societal Violence attacks, so it is imperative to not exclude these post
types from going through the labeling process to determine if there is a Dehumanization
(or any other) attack.

May 1, 2021

Example 1[0]=2906094956333432 

May 1, 2021

If the translation is correct (it’s telling me “men like flies, they attack me”) this is indeed
Dehumanizing towards Gender Identity (male) since it is comparing guys to flies. Keep this
trend in mind, and the idea that you can label these as having an attack against a gender target
despite the adult nature of the post as long as the attack label is warranted as it is here.  
Assuming the photo text translation is correct, this is appropriately labeled as a
Dehumanizing attack on a Gender Identity target. 

Example 2[0]=348857053120737  

May 1, 2021

The above also fits the criteria of a dehumanizing attack of an individual with a group affiliation
of gender identity.   
The translation we are seeing of the text on the photo is: “a man surrounded me like a fly”.  If
that translation is correct, the point to keep in mind here is Dehumanization attacks DO apply
to individuals identified by protected characteristics, one of which is gender. In other words, if a
man is called a fly or his behavior is compared to that of an insect (or any other animal or sub-
humanity) and that characterization is connected to the fact that he is a man, that is grounds
for labeling as a Dehumanization attack.   

 Keep in mind while Example 1 references “men’ as an entire group, where Example 2
refers to “a man”, but since this man is referenced by his gender and the context implies
his gender is a reason why he is being compared to a fly, it is still a Dehumanizing attack.

Please note a relevant part of the guidelines, paying close attention to the statement
highlighted in yellow:

May 1, 2021

Example 3

Here is the image from one of the job types that we have been seeing repeatedly for weeks that
had a huge variance in ratings.

The translation we are seeing for the above is as follows:

May 1, 2021

Similar to Example 2, since this is referencing the person in the photo by gender identity and
then comparing them to a donkey on a related note, it is also appropriately labeled as
dehumanizing attack of an individual with a group affiliation of gender identity.   

Conversely as mentioned above, not all of these post types do have an attack, so we must
consider each post individually and follow guideline directives and carefully label each post
even if it looks similar to those we have seen before that are indeed Dehumanizing.

Example 1[0]=266950368378199 

May 1, 2021

If the translation we are seeing is correct, it is showing us the text on this photo translated as
“It’s a boy, am I wrong”?   Simply alleging the girl in the photo is a boy does not fit the guideline
definition of Dehumanization.

Thus, example 1 is appropriately labeled as having no Societal Violence attack.

We would like to thank you for taking the time to go over these examples. If you have further
questions or need additional clarification on any of these or any other topics, please do
not hesitate to reach out on the project chat board or by filing a ticket. We welcome questions
or concerns and are always happy to help.   


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