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A Study of Some Factors Affecting Gun Perforating


(Galveston Meeting. October 1946)

ABSTRACT factors that affect penetration of the bullet,

burring of the casing, accuracy of depth
PRESENTED in this paper is a summary of
the results of experiments conducted in both
measurements, and other items. It is hoped
the laboratory and the field during the past that by presenting the results of these in-
three years in connection with casing-perfora- vestigations a better understanding may be
tion problems. Included are studies of gun obtained of certain of the factors involved
features that influence bullet performance and in gun perforating and further investigation
penetration, and stud1es of the effect of of the subject will be prompted.
perforator bullets on casing and the neat
cement in the annulus. Discussion and data SUBSURFACE TESTS
are also presented relative to the accuracy of
A well approximately 9000 ft deep,
depth measurements in deep wells.
whiCh was being prepared for abandon-
INTRODVCTION ment was selected for subsurface tests of
gun-~erforating experiments, In preparing

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It is a common practice in the oil in-
the well for the experiment, 572'-in. casing
dustry to effect the completion of oil wells
in the hole was pulled and racked in the
by setting and cemeI)ting casing through
derrick. A test section of pipe, which con-
the producing liorizons and perforating the
sisted of 65 ft of s-in. I8-lb J-55 casing
section of casing opposite the desired in-
centered inside 7-in. 28-lb N-8o casing, was
terval by means of a gun lowered into the
placed in the derrick corner and the annulus
well on a cable or on the tubing. This prac-
between the two pipes was cemented from
tice has been followed for some time, and
the bottom up with 1672' lb per gal neat
this method of- completion has been given
cement, which was mixed and displaced
considerable study by the companies that
with a cementing truck in the usual man-
render perforating service as well as by the
ner. After the cement had been allowed to
oil companies that utilize their services.
harden for about a week, the test section
Through continued research on this sub-
was lowered into the hole on the 5H-in.
ject, it has been possible to develop guns,
casing to a depth of 6600 ft by casi~g
bullets, and powd,et that will permit con-
measurements. The hole was filled with
trolled firing at great depths, and penetra-
drilling fluid weighing 10 lb per gallon. .
tion of as many as two strings of casing.
A perforating company was called to
It is the object of this paper to present
perforate the pipe, but was not advised
the results of studies made of gun perforat-
that an experiment was being conducted.
ing in both the field and the laboratory.
The company was asked to check the total
These studies were made to determine the
depth (to cross pins in the bottom of the
test section), then to raise the gun a given
Manuscript received at the office of tJ:1e
Irtstitute Aug. 9. 1946. Issued as TP 2II5 In distance and fire a given number of shots
PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY, January 1947. with 72'-in. bullets, pick up another dis-
• Stanolind Oil and Gas Co., Tulsa, Okla-
homa. tance and fire a given number of ~8-in

bullets, and pick up another distance and Table I. Table 2 shows the possibility of
fire a given number of ~~-in. bullets. errors.
Mter this had been done and the com-
pany had left the well, another company
was called and the same procedure was re-
peated. This was continued until each
company servicing the area'had perforated
the test section.
The test section was pulled out of the
well and inspected. Fig I illustrates the
method followed in cutting the pipe to ob-
serve the results. Since it was found that
very few bullets penetrated both strings of
pipe, and since information was desired on
the effect of perforator bullets on cement in
the annulus at various stages of hardness
(strengths), it was decided to repeat the

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first experiment, except that the test sec-
tion would be run into the hole immediately
after cement had been pumped into the
annulus, and the perforating companies
would then be advised of the nature of the
test and specifically requested to perforate
for maximum penetration.
A summary of the data relative to pene-
tration of bullets as obtained from the first
and second subsurface test is shown in

TABLE I.-Bottom-kole Perforating

5-in. IS-lb. J-55 Inside 7-in. 2S-lb. N-So

Experi- Experi-
ment ment
Bullets No. I. No.2.
Standard Best
Shots Shots

Number of shots fired ..... .31 21
Number went 011 ......... 25 21
Number com~letelY pene-
trating bot strings ..... 2 IS
NU.mber ~artlY penetrat-
ing bot strings ........ 23 6
~-inch: .
Number of shots fired ..... 33 6
Number went 011 ......... 27 6
Number com~letelY pene-
trating bot strings ..... 5 6
Number ~artly penetrat-
ing bot stnngs ........ 22

- NNumber
umber shots fired .......
went 011 ....•....
com~letrlY pene-

trating bot strings ..... 2

Number r:rtly penetrat-
ing bot strings ........ 10 l"IG. I.-SECTlON OF J-55 AND NoSo CASING

TABLE 2.-Possibility of Error formances of perforating guns. The setup

Difference between Line Measurement used in these tests is shown in Fig 2, It
and Casing Tally consisted of short sections of 5~-in. 17-lb
J-ss casing cemented inside a thin sheet-
Stanolind casing tally. , . . . . .. 6,600 metal form, which simulated the wall of
Perforating Concern A ....... 6,594
Perforating Concern B. . . . . .. 6,593.5 the hole. This was placed in a ss-gal drum,
Perforating Concern C. . . . . .. 6,597.5
Perforating Concern D ....... 6,599 which for some tests was filled with con-
crete, to simulate a hard formation, and
Errors Made in Placing Shots after Tagging
for others was filled with unconsolidated
Bottom and Picking up a Given Interval
sand, to simulate a very soft formation.
Both the neat cement and the concrete
Perforating Amount of Error
Concern Pickup, Ft were allowed to set until they approached
maximum strength, except when a study
13 1 ft high was made of the optimum time (cement
25 2.5 f·t high
C 37 0.5 ft high strength) required to perforate to avoid
D 50 2 ft high
cracking the neat cement. In the latter
case, the neat cement outside the S~-in.

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These data show that considerable error casing was poured after the concrete ap-
is possible, even when the hole is perfectly proached its maximum strength and was
clean and free of cuttings, and that when perforated at various times after the neat
selecting an interval to be perforated allow- cement attained its final set. Perforating
ances should be made for a possible error was done with the barrel lying on the
in measurement, ground and the gun blocked up to center it
After the examination of both test sec- inside the pipe. After four to six shots had
tions of pipe removed from the hole had been fired in the center third of the barrel,
been completed, the blank sections in the the metal barrel was cut with a torch and
pipe were cut out with a welding torch and removed and the concrete was broken, to
each perforating concern was asked to show the penetration and other behavior
perforate this section of pipe on the surface of the bullets. This is illustrated in Fig 3.
with the same powder charges, bullet sizes,
etc" that were used in the subsurface tests. STUDY OF PENETRATION
From these tests it was concluded that
results from bottom-hole tests and surface The degree of penetration of the per-
tests are comparable insofar as bullet pene- forating bullet is dependent upon many
tration and the effects of bullets on cracking factors. For example:
and shattering of cement in an annulus are Powder Charge.-For any given gun de-
concerned. The subject of cracking of sign on the market, an increase in powder
cement by perforator bullets will be dis- charge will produce increased penetration.
cussed later in this report. However, quantity of powder is much more
important to some gun designs than it is
LABORATORY TESTS to others, and for that reason the perfor-
mance of one type of gun should not be
After it had been concluded that gun- compared with that of another gun on the
perforating tests conducted on the surface basis of powder charge alone.
are representative of gun performance in Wet Powder.-If the powder in a gun
deep wells, a series of tests was conducted becomes wet with well fluids, penetration
at the laboratory to evaluate more fully of the bullet ahead of it is very apt to be
some of the factors that influence the per- seriously affected, regardless of the size of

the powder charge. Wet powder usually is but, according to laboratory tests, bullets
caused by faulty fluid seals. fired from the opposite side of the gun may
Gun Size.-Gun size is important, for or may not effectively perforate the casing.
two reasons: Also, the penetration of bullets that strike

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t. As a general rule, the larger guns have the casing at an angle is invariably poor.
longer barrels or chambers than the smaller These considerations indicate that best re-
guns, and, all other factors remaining the sults will. be obtained with the l!!.rgest gun
same in a given type of gun, the longer the that can safely be run inside the pipe to be
gun barrel the greater the penetration. For perforated.
example, an increase in the barrel length Shear Disks.-The shear disk in per-
of some guns of only ~ in. will.produce a forating equipment is a thin metal plate
greater increase in penetration than a large placed directly behind the bullet to create
increase in powder charge. However, one the effect of a closed combustion chamber.
should not compare gun-barrel length of It allows a predetermined pressure to be
one gun design with that of another gun developed before the disk ruptures and the
design because there are other factors that bullet starts to move. A shear disk serves a
must be considered. purpose very similar to that of a tamp
2. Gun size is also important because
above dynamite in a shot hole. However,
both the subsurface and laboratory tests
it should not be said that guns that utilize
have shown that the closer the gun muzzle
is to the casing the greater the bullet pene- shear disks are more effective than those
tration. When relatively small guns are without a shear disk, because less powder
used inside 5~-in. or 7-in. casing the bul. is used in the former type than in the latter,
lets fired from the side of the gun against to avoid exceeding the bursting pressure of
the pipe may successfully penetrate the the gun chambers. The shear disk probably
pipe and the surrounding cement sheath, is responsible for more difference in gun

design than any other particular feature or slipped around ~~-in. and %-in. bullets so
factor. that they may be fired through larger
Bullet Shape.-The shape of the bullet barrels. Tests show that cylindrical bush-
nose has a great deal to do with penetra- ings used on bullets designed to be used

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tion. Flat-nosed or perfect cylinder-shaped with a shear disk greatly reduce bullet
bullets produced very low penetration. penetration. On the other hand, cup bush-
Other odd-shaped bullets were fired during ings-i.e., cylinders with only one open end,
the laboratory tests, but none equaled the which slip over the back of bullets designed
penetration of standard conical and ogival for use in guns that employ no shear disk
bullets. If there is a difference in penetra- -cause the smaller bullets to attain greater
tion or performance between the two latter, penetration than the larger bullets that
it is believed to be of minor importance. require no bushing.
Bullet Size.-The size of perforator bul- Worn Gun Barrels.-Gun barrels that
lets for best penetration is not the same for had been discarded as junk were tested for
all types of guns. Also, the test data con- comparison with new gun barrels. Gun
tained a sugges1:ion that the optimum size barrels worn to a few thousandths of an
of the bullet determined by firing into very inch oversize produced less penetration
hard "formations" may not be the same than new gun barrels. It was found in these
size of bullet that will produce best pene- tests with one type of gun that the pene-
tration in soft, unconsolidated "forma- tration was reduced approximately 27 per
tions." In general, however, it has been cent with gun barrels that were worn on an
found that the optimum size of bullet average of 0.015 in. oversize. However,
usually falls within the range of 0.3 to 0.5 with guns of other designs this might not
in. in diameter. hold true, and other worn gun parts might
Slef:l)es or Bushings on Bullets.-Alumi- have more effect on penetration than en-
num or plastic sleeves sometimes are largement of the gun-barrel diameter.

Action of Bullets in Flight.-Observation been effectively opened to the well bore.

of the position of bullets fired through In this series of experiments, penetrations
casing, a sheath of cement, and into various were obtained ranging from approximately
"formations," together with an observa- 2H in. to no penetration at all. Thus, it is
tion of the shape of the hole made by the evident that not all of the bullets fired by
bullet, afforded an opportuni ty to pos tula te presently offered perforating services will
the action of perforator bullets in flight. effect complete penetration of even one
Bullets tend to follow a straight path with string of casing and the surrounding cement
the point of the bullet forward while passing sheath.
through the casing and neat cement, if the
bullet path is normal to the pipe. The path
of the bullet is normal to the pipe when it Bullets often are found at the bottoms of
is perpendicular to a tangent to the pipe at wells inside the casing after perforating.
the point where the bullet pierces the pipe. When a considerable number of bullets are
If the bullet path is not normal to the pipe, recovered the questions arise as to whether
the bullet may start to turn while passing or not the objective formation has been
through the pipe and often will tumble or exposed to the well bore, particularly if a

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move sidewise during the remainder of its production test has been unsatisfactory.
flight. Penetration in these cases invariably Therefore, tests were conducted to de-
is poor. Bullets fired normal to the pipe wall termine whether bullets would be striated
continue to follow a fairly straight path out in a characteristic manner, depending on
into the formation if the formation is hard. the type of material they had penetrated.
The bullets fired· into homogeneous con- As demonstrated in Fig 4, this work
crete "formations" were found usually showed that bullets fired through pipe and
with the point forward and resting at the caught in wood would not be greatly
greatest projection. Bullets fired normai to marked. Only a slight smoothing down of
the pipe and into unconsolidated sand start the tool marks on the nose of the bullet was
to tumble after they clear the cement observed. Bullets fired through casing, neat
sheath. These bullets were found in every cement, and into various formations showed
kind of position but generally with the back deep striations on both the nose and the
of the bullet forward. Also, these bullets base of the bullet. These bullets can be used
would not always be found at the greatest as a reference in making determinations of
projection. In a few instances bullets were whether or not bullets that are bailed from
found to have made as much as 2 or 3 in. wells are likely to have made contact with
penetration into the sand and then bounced the formation.
back to the neat cement sheath. Many of the bullets recovered from wells
Limits of Bullet Penetration.-Penetra- are broken in two or more pieces. Aside
tion of perforator bullets was measured as from the fact that some bullet breakage is
the distance from the back of the bullet caused by improper hardening, many of the
(or point of the bullet in case the back of bullets recovered from wells are believed
the bullet was found in the forward posi-' to be broken by the casing mill, which is
tion) to the inside wall of the well bore. run into the hole to knock out bullets that
The length of the bullet was not considered are protruding inside the casing and to
in penetration measurements. because the remove inside casing burrs. Bullet breakage
lengths of all perforator bullets are not is also believed to be caused by the fact
the same, and because it is the amount of that all bullets do not strike the pipe
open hole behind the bullet that will de- straight when the gun is off center in the
termine whether or not the formation has hole. During laboratory tests where the gun

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Casing, Cement
and Sandstone

and Chert

was always centered very few bullets were it hazardous, if not impossible, to run tools,
found to be broken, perhaps no more than especially packers, through the perforated
one in one hundred. Breakage of bullets interval. For this reason a casing mill
during the subsurface test where the gun usually is run into the hole to knock off


HOURS (145 psi tensile strength).

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FIG. 6.-CEMENT-PERFORATED AFTER WOC PERIOD OF 50 HOURS (307 psi tensile strength).

was probably resting against the pipe, how- the sharp metal burrs before any attempt
ever, was much more extensive. is made to run a packer past the perforated
interval. Milling out burrs is expensive and
often hazardous, as the casing sometimes is
As the perforating bullet penetrates the split or "egg-shaped" by the perforating
casing while traveling at a high velocity, gun, causing the mill to stick or hang up.
there is a flow of metal first to the inside Several of the perforating services re-
of the casing and then to the outside. The cently have placed on the market bullets
flow of metal to the inside of the casing that are said to leave no burr on the inside
produces a sharp, ragged burr, which makes of casing. Laboratory tests show that while
certain special bullet designs will eliminate the pipe and with no reinforcement outside
or reduce inside burring of casing, as a gen- the pipe, will usually split. The same test
eral rule penetration is sacrificed. Service conducted on J-55 or N-80 pipe, as a gen-
companies should be encouraged to improve eral rule, will not split. However, J-55 pipe

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upon this development, at least to the point perforated with fluid inside the pipe and
where casing burrs can be eliminated with- with no back-up outside the pipe will
out sacrificing penetration under that usually split. In no case during the course
presently produced with standard bullets of the experimental work on gun perforating
at the maximum powder charge. has J-ss casing been split by perforating
Perforator bullets can and do sometimes when the casing was firmly backed up by
split casing. Although all of the factors that strong·cement or concrete. Thus, it appears
contribute to splitting of casing have not that most casing splitting during perforat-
been studied by the writers, it is believed ing jobs may be attributed to the combined
that the strength or rigidity of the material effects of poor cement jobs and perforating
that surro\lnds casing when it is perforated casing under fluid. It is possible that the
has more to do with splitting of casing than effect of perforating casing under fluid is
any other single factor. H-40 pipe per- to concentrate the force of the powder blast
forated on the surface, with no fluid inside to a smaller area on the wall of the casing.

Another factor having to do with split- surface tests were made in the 66oo-ft well
ting of casing is the size of the bullet used. with cement that had been allowed to set
Large bullets must displace more metal different periods of time. After the test
than smaller bullets, hence the tendency section had been pulled from the hole and
to split casing is magnified. the outside casing removed, to expose the

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Tension in pipe in a well has been sug- cement in the annulus between the 5-in.
gested as a possible cause of splitting of and 7-in. casing, it was found that cement
pipe by perforator bullets. A section of perforated too soon resulted in an enlarged
unsupported J-55 I7-lb casing perforated hole and that cement perforated after pro-
in air under a tension of 40,000 lb did not longed aging resulted in considerable
split. It was perforated once in the collar shattering and cracking. Fig 5 shows the
and once below the collar. appearance of the cement when perforated
Both the surface and the subsurface tests after 19 hr. or at an estimated tensile
indicate that casing splitting by perforator strength of 145 psi. Neat round holes with
bUllets may be reduced or minimized by: no cracking or shattering of cement were
(I) good cement jobs behind the pipe, obtained at this time. Fig 6 shows there-
(2) not perforating the pipe while the suIts of perforating cement at 50 hr which
cement is too" green," (3) use of J-55 or had developed a tensile strength of approxi-
N-So grades of casing, and (4) use ofthe mately 307 psi. In this case considerable
smallest practicable bullet. cracking and shattering of the cement was
noted. From these data it is evident that
cement may be perforated satisfactorily
In order to study the effect of perforating when it has reached a tensile strength of
on the cement sheath in the annulus, sub- approximately ISO psi, whereas a tensile

strength of about 300 psi results in cracking EFFECT OF PERFORATING ON PRODUCING

and shattering. The woe time to a cement FORMATIONS
tensile strength of 150 psi will vary with As stated before, it was observed while
depth, but in the subject 6000-ft test well making the study of the effect perforator
the time was approximately 20 hr. It was bullets on cement in the annulus that when

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also proved by laboratory tests that cement cement is perforated while it is relatively
backed up by soft formations shattered "green,"-say, at a tensile strength of less
more in perforating than did cement backed than 100 psi-relatively larger holes are
up by hard formations. These data indicate blown in the cement by the blast of the
the necessity for perforating cement at the powder. These holes often are as large as
proper ages or strength, in order to elimi- 2 to 3 in. in diameter., This observation
nate cracking that might allow entrance of raised the question of what happens to the
water or gas from below or above the cement that is displaced bY,the blast of the
perforated interval. powder. Where does it go? Visual examina-

tion of the relatively large holes made in 7 illustrates the appearance of a freshly
"green" cement showed very clearly that broken surface of the sand before it was
most of the cement displaced from the hole perforated. Fig 8 shows a section of the
is forced back into the pore space of the ~-in. perforator bullet buried in the sand

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surrounding cement by compaction. The as exposed by cutting the core in half in the
zone of compaction in many cases was direction of the path of the bullet. Fig 9
clearly defined. This, in turn, raised the is another sectional view illustrating sand
question of what happens to formation compaction. The ledge to the left is a part
materials displaced by perforator bullets. of the hole made by the bullet. Sand grains
Does it force the displaced material back adjacent to the bullet path are crushed and
into the pore space of the pay zone and compacted as compared to the sand grains
reduce its permeability? some distance back from the bullet path.
This point was investigated by per- Fig 10 is a view of the sand face in the hole
forating a large Oklahoma Wilcox-sand made by the bullet.
core mounted in a cement block, for good Other tests were made where the relative
backing. Micrographs were taken of the reduction in permeability due to perforator
sand before and after perforating. Fig bullets was measured. Included in these

tests were limestones and dolomites as well can be done. The most important point in
as sandstones. These tests confirmed the ensuring a successful job is to fully acquaint
suggestions indicated in the micrographs. the perforating company with the facts prior
to the time they are ordered out and not
They indicated also that the lower the
after they have arrived on location. To plan
permeability. the greater the proportion of a successful job and select the proper equip-
reduction in permeability. The reduction in ment consideration should be given to the
permeability found during these tests varied relative sizes of the casing strings to be per-
from 40 to 80 per cent, depending upon forated, the grade casing, the size hole drilled,
the original permeability of the formation. temperature and depth, as all of these factors
This factor may serve to explain at least have a direct bearing on the job. It must be
partly, why it is often quite difficult to kept in mind that the perforating companies
bring a well in or to get a satisfactory well have a varied assortment of tools and each
is designed to do a better job under certain
test through perforations in some tight
conditions. I feel sure that a real saving can
formations. It may also shed an interesting
be made to the operator in avoiding unneces-
light on the question of why it is often sary delay, misunderstandings, and in some
necessary to acidize perforated completions cases job failures if he will be as diligent in
to obtain a satisfactory well test.

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acquainting the service companies with all
the facts as he expects them to be in the
ACKNOWLEDGMENT performance of their job.
The writers wish to express their ap- Every branch of the industry is anticipating
preciation to the management of the the requirements and problems that will be
Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. for permission encountered as we drill deeper and deeper
in the search for oil. As wells are drilled deeper,
to prepare and publish the results of these
higher temperatures will be encountered, and
experiments and to the perforating con- high temperatures present a real problem and
cerns for their excellent assistance and one of the most important factors affecting
cooperation in the execution of many of gun perforating. Upon inquiry, I found that
these tests. the perforating service companies have tackled
this problem in a realistic manner and a great
DISCUSSION deal of research is now in progress to solve
E. B. MILLER*-The paper presented by this problem. The experiments reported in
Mr. Farris has been most enlightening and the the paper just given did not cover the effects
authors and Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. are to of temperature on gun perforating, and I
be commended for making the results of believe it will be of interest to many of you
their experiments available to the industry. to pass on to you some of the information I
With the findings of these experiments I obtained while making inquiries as to what
am sure that operators can more intelligently is being done about perforating "hot wells."
explain some of the troubles they have en- One of the first things that was called to
countered and can also use, to real advantage, my attention was that the combined powder
the facts that have so clearly been illustrated. used by all perforating companies is such a
I am not in a position to take issue or con- small quantity when compared with other
firm the data presented; the results of the uses powder is put to that the major manu-
experiments have been very clearly and facturers of powder have no great incentive
accurately reported. There are, however, to apply their research facilities to the problem.
some points that should be emphasized in It is a problem that apparently must be
applying these findings to actual field problems. solved in the laboratories of the service
The findings indicate that it is not as simple companies. I use the phrase" must be solved"
a matter to perforate two strings of casing as purposely because the oil industry and its
many of us have been led to believe, but there allied services has a reputation for solving
are so many successful jobs that we know it difficult pro blems, and this will not be an
• 'Tide Water Associated Oil Co., Houston,
exception. When we consider that all powder
Texas. made today is specifically designed for some

excellent investigation of gun-perforator per- proximately the same regardless of the distance
formance. Service companies are limited picked up from bottom.
through lack of knowledge of many details The results of the tests covered by this
such as cement behavior, formation variables, paper show that complete penetration was
and the like in conducting similar studies. not accomplished through the two cemented
It is only through cooperative ventures of strings. Although we cannot refute the results
this nature that such extremely important of the penetration tests, we must recall that
problems can be satisfactorily solved. We the conditions of the test were abnormally
have enjoyed working with the Stano lind severe and should not be considered as a
group and hope to continue studies measure of efficiency of all two-string per-
as the need becomes known. forating jobs.
Mr. Oliphant and Mr. Farris have presented
their findings as they might be interpreted KNOWLEDGE OF WELL CONDITIONS
by oil company personnel. This same informa- A thorough knowledge of conditions present
tion interpreted from the service company in a well is essential to best treatment of that
standpoint may present thoughts of interest well by the service company. Information
to oil operators and may assist in putting to concerning the number of strings of casing
work some of the knowledge imparted in the present, casing weights and grade, casing

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paper. It is with this sincere desire in mind size, size of drilled hole, and subsurface
that we present comment as follows: temperature, is necessary to properly gun-
perforate the well. Advance notice is a "must,"
WELL-DEPTH MEASUREMENTS particulady if abnormal well conditions,
The service company problem is to lower casing sizes, etc., exist or if an unusual size
a cable, which for practical purposes may be or piece of perforator equipment is desired
considered a coil spring, as deep as 3 miles (bullets, for instance).
into the earth; through a corkscrewed hole; Best handling can be assured by making
with varying weights and volumes of instru- certain that responsible service companies are
me~ts; through fluid of varying density; at contacted.
speeds up to 1000 fpm, and still measure at all
depths with unquestionable accuracy. PENETRATION
This problem has been paramount in our The paper has pointed out the effect of
research activity. Great progress has been barrel wear and leakage of well fluid into the
made in cable structure. Formulas suited to gun upon penetration. A new gun fired at the
determining the stretch characteristics of surface will easily bury a bullet in a solid
individual cables and individual sections of steel bar. As barrel wear occurs, penetration
cable have been developed. Field installation is reduced. Fluid leakage may allow moisture
and calibration procedures incorporating cor- to accumulate in the powder recess, where
rections for fluid density and instrument weight under subsurface conditions it vaporizes with
have been set up under the direction of field resultant slowing of the burning rate of
engineers. Yet in our estimation, where com- powder. In addition to these two possible
pletions require accuracy approaching inches difficulties, there exist other problems peculiar
instead of feet, it is necessary to utilize available to individual gun types.
methods that establish exact relationships It is the service company's obligation to
between formations and casing collars. recognize these potential trouble spots and
to take preventive action to assure that
ACCURACY IN PICKING Up FROM BOTTOM adequate tools and instructions are provided
In analyzing the table showing errors in for a well organized, systematic inspection
pickup from bottom experienced by the four system in the field.
service companies, it should be realized that The oil operator should realize that in
these errors are not accumulative and are, gun design, as in most things, the tool that
in fact, quite different from errors in depth is used is a compromise. Bullets sometimes
measurement. They represent varying amounts return into the well bore after penetrating
of slack in weight indicators and are ap- casing and formations, therefore sufficient

clearance must be provided to assure that service. It can serve as a guide for analyzing
such "bounce backs" will not interfere with troubles that occur in well completion. If a
gun movement. The steel 'used is capable of well, supposedly a producer, gives up no
standing certain maximum combustion pres- fluid after gun perforating, there may be lack
sures, and this limits powder charge and of penetration. If bullets are bailed from the
thickness of shear disk. well, they can be studied to determine the
Casing size definitely controls gun diameter trouble. Perhaps they will indicate casing
and indirectly reduces barrel length, bullet penetration but no formation penetration;
weight, powder charge, and similar variables. the obvious solution is increased shot density
With increasing frequency, we are called in the critical area. In some instances, recovered
upon for emergency treatment of wells upon bullets may show formation markings, which
which there have been drilling or completion indicate that well-depth measurements may
troubles. These usually result in two-string be the source of trouble. Many similar studies
penetration requirements with the inner are possible.
string a very small diameter casing, for The exact reason for bulle~ return to the
instance, 4% in., or tubing, or sometimes well bore has never been fully explained,
3~-in. or 4-in. drill pipe. For these jobs, we although several theories have been presented.
must substitute modified equipment, which In some cases, bullets have returned to the

Downloaded from by guest on 01 April 2021

may present certain operational hazards not gun-barrel bore with the point reversed, where
found in standard equipment. In planning a conditions were such that the bullets could
completion program, especially where there not have been loaded upside down by reason
is possibility of deepening for future liner of a shear disk attached to their base, and
recompletion, thought should be given to the where clearance between gun and casing was
gun-perforating problems involved, and the inadequate to permit the bullet being turned
use of any unusual casing sizes should be dis- around within the casing.
cussed with service company engineers during

The combustive pressures within a gun
sometimes approach 200,000 psi. It is quite
Our first development work in attempting logical that there might be some compaction
to gun-perforate without leaving a burr took of the formation within the immediate vicinity
place prior to 1940, the first patents being of the perforated hole as a result of expanding
issued in 1940. In all the work conducted to gas. Although we have not investigated this
date, satisfactory removal of burrs has been matter of permeability reduction fully, it is
accomplished only at a loss in effective pene- believed that increased shot density, fired
tration. Since strenuous efforts have been in such a way that each following shot will
directed toward increasing penetration to receive the cracking benefits of preceding shots,
meet increasing field requirements, we have will cause radiating cracks that will result in
been reluctant to advocate the use of "burr- satisfactory effective permeability. .
free" bullets.
As an outgrowth of this study, the ogival-
nose bullet was developed. Its primary ad-
vantages lie in the fact that the center of The writers have indicated the possibility
gravity is further forward than in any other of egg shaping of casing. This might be at-
design, with lesser resultant tumbling ten- tributed to: (I) egg shaping created by the
dencies; and in the fact that the strong point gun; (2) egg shaping caused by the mill iri
structure reduces point breakage with resultant removing burrs caused by the gun.
less tumbling. The over-all result is greater We have often considered the problem of
average penetration and slightly improved pipe deformation as a result of gas action from
burr characteristics. the gun. In this interest, it is highly desirable
to use a design that utilizes a minimum amount
BULLET STRIATIONS of powder without sacrificing penetration.
The information shown in Fig 4 should be These characteristics are built in to the gun
retained by everyone using the gun-perforator design and arc the results of much develop-'

ment. Another factor, of course, is the matter to which resulting fractures extend from the
of firing shots one at a time or all at once, point of perforation?
with arguments in favor of each method. Was any difference noted in the extent of
It has been a pleasure to present this dis- fracturing of cement between guns that fire
cussion of Mr. Oliphant's and Mr. Farris' several bullets simultaneously and those
paper. The overall good that has resulted and that fire one bullet at a time?
will result from this extensive study should S. C. OLIPHANT (author's reply)-No crack
contribute to a better understanding of the more than 2 ft long was noticed; the majority
problems involved. were of I ft and less in length.
We have very few data on the subject of
T. S. WEsT*-For the case of gun perfora- Mr. West's second question, and do not
tions through cement that has been aged, believe a conclusive statement could be made,
what is the maximum and average distances although I do not recall any marked difference
• Geologist-Engineer. Blanco Oil Company in fracturing when perforating all shots
and Al Buchanan. San Antonio. Texas. simultaneously or one at a time.

Downloaded from by guest on 01 April 2021

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