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Madamba, Mc Kevin Jade G.

Learning Tasks
As the team composition was discussed, make a Dayorama or Miniature of the playing court as well as paper
cut outs of different players, coach, and assistant coaches. Use resources that are seen in the immediate
environment or recyclable materials.

IDENTIFICATION: Read the following statements. Identify what is being asked by arranging the scrambled
letters as clues.
COACH 1. Who is the member of the team who should sit on the team’s bench near the scorer?
TEAM CAPTAIN 2. Who among the players is authorized to speak to the referees?
ASSISTANT COACH 3. Who is the participant in the team who does not intervene during the match?
LIBERO 4. Who is the player who can enter and exit during the game?
LINES MEN 5. Who should stand at the corners of the court closest to the right hand of each referee?

Brain Supplements
As a BSIT/BAT college student, if you are assigned as a team captain, what should be your responsibilities as a
leader of the team?
As a team captain of the team my role is to lead, support, inspire and represent the members of my whole
team fairly and consistently at all times. I will act as a role model for the club and their team.

If given the chance to become a volleyball coach someday, should you give instructions while the game is
going on? If yes, how should you do it? If no, why should you do it?
No, because I trust their team captain that I appointed. I only give instructions during time-outs.

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