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The Surgical Treatment of Tetralogy of Fallot

H. E. Sinchez, M.D., D.Sc., E. M. Cornish, B.Sc.(Hons), M.B., Ch.B.,
Feng Chu Shih, M.D., J. de Nobrega, F.R.C.S., J. Hassoulas, M.Med.(Cape Town),
J. Netto, M.D., R. E. Thornington, F.F.A.(S.A.),
and C. N. Barnard, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.(Hon Causa)

ABSTRACT This is a review of the last 307 patients with the right and left ventricles. Hemodynamically, this re-
tetralogy of Fallot who were operated on in our unit at sults in a single pumping chamber with two resistances:
Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial the systemic resistance and the resistance posed by
Children's Hospital. Complete repair was undertaken in the right ventricular obstruction. The more severe the
301 patients, and shunts were performed in 6 children.
right ventricular obstruction, the greater the right-to-left
shunt, the greater the cyanosis, and the smaller the
There were 17 hospital deaths and 1 late death. The mortal-
blood flow into the lungs.
ity was 5.5% for children less than 12 years old and 6.6% in Thus, the large, unrestrictive VSD functions as an es-
patients between 12 and 20 years old. cape mechanism, and the structural changes that result
During this study period, there was a change in our pol- are of great importance in planning the surgical repair.
icy as to when complete repair should be attempted. At One of these changes is hypertrophy of the right ventri-
present, we perform systemic-pulmonary shunts in pa- cle. Right ventricular hypertrophy develops only until it
tients less than 6 months old and delay complete repair can overcome the systemic resistance. This contrasts
until the child is 2 years old. In deciding whether a shunt with pulmonary artery stenosis in which, with an intact
should precede complete repair, our experience has shown ventricular septum, the hypertrophy of the right ventri-
that age is not as important a consideration as the anatomy cle is progressive in an attempt to overcome the resis-
of the outflow tract of the right ventricle and pulmonary tance caused by the pulmonary valve obstruction.
Another structural change is failure of the outflow
tract of the right ventricle to develop adequately. Be-
cause of the poor flow through these anatomical areas
Tetralogy of Fallot is a common cardiac malformation, and in an attempt to improve the pulmonary blood flow,
accounting for about 20% of all congenital operations a bronchial collateral system develops [l-51. The more
performed in our unit [l-41. Disregarding minor varia-
severe the obstruction, the richer this collateral system.
tions in the definition of this defect, it is agreed, in gen-
eral, that two fundamental malformations are present: a Indications
large, unrestrictive ventricular septa1 defect (VSD) and
severe obstruction to the outflow of the right ventricle. More than 25 years have elapsed since total repair of
tetralogy of Fallot was reported by Lillehei and col-
The position of the VSD in tetralogy of Fallot is nearly
leagues [6] and demonstrated to be a feasible, low-risk
always constant; it involves the membranous area of the
operation by Kirklin and associates (71. Whatever ap-
septum, just below the aortic valve, and is slightly more
proach is taken, surgical intervention plays an extremely
ventral in its location than the isolated VSD. Occasion-
important role in tetralogy of Fallot. The life expectancy
ally the defect may extend into the supracristal area of
without operation is very poor: 25 to 30% of patients will
the septum, and very rarely it may be supracristal only.
die within a year, 40% within 3 years, and only 30 to 35%
The obstruction to the outflow tract of the right ven-
will live longer.
tricle is due to pulmonary stenosis, which is partly or
The proper timing of the surgical intervention and the
wholly infundibular, with or without underdevelop-
choice of surgical procedure are based on an under-
ment of the outflow tract. This underdevelopment may
standing of the spectrum of anatomical and physiologi-
involve the whole or a portion of the outflow from the
cal conditions that can occur. Although small size,
infundibular ostium to the branches of the pulmonary
young age, and severity of hypoxemia may correlate
with increased risk of primary total repair, the most cru-
Hemodynamics cial variable appears to be the degree of hypoplasia of
the main and branch pulmonary arteries and therefore
A large, unrestrictive VSD and severe obstruction to the
the capacity of the pulmonary arteries. A poorly devel-
outflow of the right ventricle produce equal pressures in
oped pulmonary arterial system will not accommodate
the total cardiac output resulting from closure of the
From the Cardiac Unit and the Department of Anaesthetics (RET), G m t e
Schuur Hospital and Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Uni-
VSD. This causes right ventricular failure and death
versity of Cape Town, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. from low cardiac output.
Address correspondence to Dr. Sdnchez, Department of Cardiac
A number of methods have been developed to desig-
Surgery, Groote Schuur Hospital, Observatory, Cape Town, Republic of nate patients with a hypoplastic pulmonary arterial sys-
South Africa. tem. One involves the ratio of the main pulmonary ar-

432 The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Vol 37 No 5 May 1984

tery to the ascending aorta. This ratio should be equal to 105-

or more than 0.3. If it is less than 0.3, palliative operation 100-

is performed. Another method uses the ratio of the right 95-

pulmonary artery to the ascending aorta. If the ratio is 90-

less than 0.3, initial palliation is undertaken. Finally, 85.
Pacific0 and colleagues [8] have described a formula 80.
using the ratio of the right and left pulmonary arteries to 75-
the descending thoracic aorta. v) 70-
In the presence of an adequate pulmonary artery, our I-
contraindications to total repair in infants are as follows: 60.
(1) an abnormal coronary artery; (2) a single pulmonary L 55.
artery; and (3) a patient less than 6 months of age in 50.
whom a patch is needed across the pulmonary valve W
m 45.
ring. In the experience of our cardiac clinic, pulmonary 3z 40-
incompetence is not well tolerated in small babies. The 35.
abnormal origin of the coronary arteries is a contraindi- 30.
cation for total repair only in very small infants, not for 25-
older patients. Other authors [9-121, however, do not 20.
consider this a contraindication. 1s.
Material and Methods
Between January, 1974, and December, 1981, 307 pa-
tients underwent consecutive procedures for repair of 0-6m. 7-12m. 13-23m. 24-59m. 5 10-13y. r14y.

tetralogy of Fallot at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red a TRANSANNULAR GUSSET

Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town.
There were 184 male and 123 female patients. Nine pa- Number of patients requiring outpow tract gussets compared with age
tients were less than 6 months old; 18 were less than l at operation.
year old; 22 were less than 2 years of age; and the rest
were older than 2 years. Cyanosis was present in 285
patients; 22 were acyanotic. Surgical Procedure
The VSD was in the membranous area in 294 patients CHOICE OF PALLIATIVE PROCEDURE. We have detailed the
and in the supracristal region in 7. Associated defects are reasoning underlying our choice of systemic-pulmonary
listed in Table 1. shunts. In the last 3 years, it has been our policy to
Complete repair was performed in 301 patients. In the perform only Blalock-Taussig shunts or a modified
other 6, systemic-pulmonary shunts were done. Previ- shunt with a 5 mm Gore-Tex graft. For multiple reasons,
ous operations had been performed in 20 patients: 11 use of the Waterston shunt has been abandoned. Since
had Blalock-Taussig shunts and 9, Waterston shunts. we adopted this policy, we have performed the Blalock-
Valvular obstruction was found in 3 patients, isolated Taussig shunt with no deaths [5, 12, 13-17].
infundibular obstruction in 104, infundibular and valvu- All patients receive systemic heparinization (heparin, 1
lar obstruction in 155, and hypoplasia of the main pul- mg per kilogram of body weight) before the shunt is
monary artery with different degrees of narrowing of its performed. The heparin is never reversed. A small pul-
two branches in 45 (Figure). monary artery is not a contraindication; we have made
shunts in pulmonary arteries about 3 mm in diameter.
The Blalock-Taussig shunt is performed using the sub-
Table 1 . Associated Defects among clavian artery on the side opposite to the aortic arch. The
307 Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot incision in the pulmonary artery is always made longitu-
~ ~
No. of In patients with tetralogy of Fallot, there is an addi-
Defect Patients tional way to increase pulmonary blood flow, that is, to
place a patch across the pulmonary annulus, either leav-
Atrial septal defect 15 ing the VSD open or partially closing it with a perforated
Patent foramen ovale 27 patch. This approach can result in symmetrical growth
Patent ductus arteriosus 6 of the pulmonary arteries. More time will be necessary
Ostium primum defect 4 to determine how this method of palliation compares
Complete atrioventricularcanal 1 with the classic Blalock-Taussig shunt.
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 1 tency of shunts should be confirmed at catheterization,
Multiple ventricular septal defects 5 because the presence of a continuing murmur, especially
Absent left pulmonary artery 2 in older patients, may be due to bronchial collaterals and
does not indicate a patent shunt.
433 Collective Review: Sanchez et al: Tetralogy of Fallot

The approach to the Blalock shunt on the left side is Prior to decannulation, pressures are measured in the
extrapericardial, following the left pulmonary artery or right ventricle and other chambers. An acceptable ratio
the aortic arch or both. The dissection is guided by the of right ventricular to left ventricular pressure should be
palpable thrill. The right-sided Blalock shunt is usually less than 0.75. In our experience, patients with a ratio of
easier to find. The approach is intrapericardial, between greater than 0.65 but less than 1.00 immediately after
the superior vena cava and the ascending aorta. In both repair, without patch-graft enlargement, survive the
approaches, the subclavian artery is dissected and en- early postoperative period. In the late postoperative pe-
circled with a ligature. It is tied after cardiopulmonary riod, we are concerned if the right VentricularAeft ven-
bypass is begun. tricular pressure ratio is high (greater than 0.60), for that
The approach for a Waterston shunt can usually be will result in diminished exercise tolerance (1, 2, 8-11,
accomplished through the ascending aorta. If the right 18-21].
pulmonary artery is kinked or narrowed, it should be
detached from the aorta and patched with pericardium if Results
necessary [13-171. Hospital Mortality
COMPLETE REPAIR OF TETRALOGY OF FALLOT. The suc- The overall hospital mortality was 5.5% (17 patients) and
cess of this operation depends on four factors. These are was highest in patients between 7 and 12 months of age
(1) adequate selection of the patient; (2) adequate repair (5 deaths among 18 patients, or 28%) (Table 2). There
of the defects present; (3) maximal protection of the was 1 late death, which occurred 4 months postopera-
myocardium; and (4) maintenance of a normal internal tively. Causes of death are listed in Table 3. There was
environment before, during, and after operation. no relationship between previous systemic pulmonary
In children weighing less than 10 kg, the operation is shunts and hospital mortality.
performed using surface cooling, circulatory arrest, and An 8-year-old patient died of undiagnosed total anom-
limited cardiopulmonary bypass. In patients weighing alous pulmonary venous drainage of the supracardiac
more than 10 kg, conventional total cardiopulmonary type. The condition was not noted at catheterization or
bypass with moderate or deep hypothermia is used. at operation. Two patients, 10 months and 2 years old,
Cold crystalloid cardioplegic arrest plus local hypother- died of "pump lung" or respiratory distress syndrome.
mia at 10°C is our method of myocardial preservation. Five patients died of low cardiac output due to resid-
Relieving the resistance to right ventricular emptying ual obstruction at the level of the outflow tract. They also
is an essential component of a successful repair. If possi- had small pulmonary arteries. These patients were 18
ble, it is desirable to achieve this without producing pul- months, 4 years (2 patients), 5 years, and 16 years old.
monary incompetence. However, relief of the outflow A 4-year-old child died of low cardiac output due to a
obstruction is more important than avoidance of pulmo- residual VSD (disruption of the patch). Another patient,
nary incompetence. In our experience, the creation of 9 months old, died of an acute residual VSD and low
pulmonary incompetence has not proven a serious dis- cardiac output. One 8-month-old infant died of low car-
advantage, except in patients with an absent left or right diac output and pulmonary edema, both due to multiple
pulmonary artery. These patients are left with a compe- VSDs that were not diagnosed. Two patients, 10 months
tent pulmonary valve. Our methods undergo continual and 5 years old, died of low cardiac output due to
evaluation in order to predict the necessity of a transan- peripheral pulmonary artery obstruction caused by
nular patch. thrombosis of the small branches of the pulmonary
Enlargement of the outflow tract is performed with arteries.
a pericardial patch. In patients in whom an abnormal Two patients died of iatrogenic causes. A 14-year-old
coronary artery, usually the left anterior descending teenager experienced hyperpotassemia. In the other, a
coronary artery originating in the right coronary artery, 9-month-old infant, an acute pneumothorax developed
crosses the infundibulum and enlargement of this area
is required, we relieve the infundibular and valvular ob-
struction and then put a graft between the right ventricle Table 2. Correlation between Age and Number
and main pulmonary artery to relieve the residual ob- of Deaths among 307 Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot
struction. The size of the graft is chosen according to the Deaths
internal infundibular and valvular obstruction, so that No. of
the final outflow will be a combination of both. In this Age Patients Early Late
way we bypass the abnormal coronary artery. We prefer
this method to that of cutting the coronary artery and 0-6 mo 9 0
doing a coronary artery bypass graft. 7-12 mo 18 5
The VSD is large, usually the diameter of the ascend- 13-24 mo 22 1
ing aorta, and closure is always done with a prosthetic 25-60 mo 99 5
patch using interrupted sutures. The bundle lies on the 5-10 yr 102 4
left side of the septum as it reaches the level of the VSD. 10-13 yr 27 0
The incision in the infundibulum is transverse or 314 yr 30 2
oblique; a vertical incision is made when it is necessary
Total 307 17 (5.5%)
to enlarge the outflow tract.
434 The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Vol 37 No 5 May 1984

Table 3 . Causes of Early and Late Deaths not attend the outpatient clinic in Cape Town are fol-
lowed up in their respective regional hospitals.
Patient One hundred ninety-eight patients were asymptom-
No. Age Cause of Death atic and required no medication. They were regarded by
EARLY DEATHS their parents, doctors, or both as having an exercise tol-
erance appropriate to their age. Twenty-five patients
1 8 'Y Undiagnosed TAPVD had residual symptoms. The other 20 patients were lost
2 10 mo "Pump lung" to follow-up.
3 16 yr Low cardiac output Twenty-five patients underwent reexamination be-
4 2 Y' "Pump lung" cause of a suspected residual defect. In 17 of them, the
5 5 Yr Low cardiac output outflow gradient was less than 35 mm Hg or the residual
6 9 mo Pneumothorax; cardiac arrest; brain damage VSD was insignificant. The remaining 8 patients were
7 10 mo Thrombosis in peripheral pulmonary the only ones in this series to undergo reoperation. Five
arteries with residual VSDs had another operation because of
8 3 'Y Lung infection congestive cardiac failure or severe hemolysis. Three
9 18 mo Low cardiac output underwent reoperation for relief of major obstruction of
10 9 mo Acute residual VSD; low cardiac output the right ventricular outflow tract.
Since routine postoperative catheterization has not
11 4 'Y Low cardiac output
been considered necessary, a few asymptomatic patients
12 8 mo Multiple VSDs; low cardiac output may have residual shunts or right ventricular hyperten-
13 5 'Y Thrombosis in peripheral pulmonary sion and may require reoperation in the future. Never-
arteries theless, since all reoperations were done within a few
14 6 'Y Emergency operation; patient unconscious; months of the first operation, it is unlikely that longer
no recovery after operation follow-up will increase the incidence of this event, ex-
15 4 Y' Residual VSD; low cardiac output cept possibly in patients with a transannular patch. In
16 14 yr Iatrogenic hyperpotassemia such patients, the finding of increasing right ventricular
17 4 Y' Low cardiac output; small pulmonary enlargement suggests that some may ultimately require
arteries the insertion of a valve beneath the patch.
Right bundle-branch block was present in 80% of the
patients (241 patients) and left anterior hemiblock plus
1 13 yr Subacute bacterial endocarditis right bundle-branch block, in 9% (27patients). Complete
heart block was present in 2 patients who both required
TAPVD = total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage; VSD = ven-
tricular septa1 defect. permanent pacemakers [ll, 18, 19, 21-24].

In deciding whether a shunt should precede complete
while he was on the ventilator. Subsequently, brain repair, we believe that age is not as important a consid-
damage and cardiac arrest occurred. eration as the anatomy of the outflow tract of the right
A 3-year-old child died of lung infection. Another pa- ventricle and pulmonary arteries, or the presence of ab-
tient, 6 years old, underwent emergency operation in a normal coronary arteries. A poorly developed pulmo-
comatose state caused by severe cyanotic spells. There nary artery system will not accommodate the total car-
already was some brain damage before operation. Total diac output resulting from closure of the VSD.
repair was performed, but the child died postoperatively In infants, our first choice is a Blalock-Taussigshunt or
with irreversible brain damage. the modified shunt with a graft, usually Gore-Tex. We
The single late death occurred 4 months after a 13- have abandoned the Waterston shunt in our practice. In
year-old patient had been discharged from the hospital older children, it is still unknown whether the shunt
and was due to subacute bacterial endocarditis. The VSD procedure or roofing the outflow tract (leaving the VSD
patch became detached, and the teenager died suddenly open) is preferable to enlarge the pulmonary arteries.
with pulmonary edema. In total correction, the frequency with which a trans-
annular patch is used to repair the right ventricular out-
Long-term Follow-up flow tract varies considerably in different series. Our
Long-term survivors were reviewed regularly in the out- approach has been slightly aggressive to minimize the
patient clinic at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross residual obstruction postoperatively and the number of
Hospital between January, 1974, and June, 1982. The early deaths due to low cardiac output. This inevitably
minimum follow-up was 6 months and the longest, 8 results in a greater incidence of pulmonary regurgita-
years (mean duration, 4.25 years). tion. However, the incidence of pulmonary regurgita-
Fifteen percent or 46 of the patients were from over- tion in early mortality is n$nimal compared with that
seas. Long-term follow-up is available for only 5% of caused by incomplete relief of the right ventricular ob-
them. Patients from throughout South Africa who can- struction. In the long run, there is evidence to suggest
435 Collective Review: Sdnchez et al: Tetralogy of Fallot

Table 4 . Early Deaths among 820 Patients with Tetralogy cations encountered in the present series can be pre-
of Fallot Seen at Groote Schuur Hospital and Red Cross War vented by using proper preoperative and intraoperative
Memorial Children’s Hospital during a 23-Year Period measurements as well as refined techniques of repair.
No. of No. of
Period Patients Deaths Percentage

1958-1967 146 15 10.3 We wish to thank the Chief Medical Superintendent of Groote
Schuur Hospital, Dr. H. Reeve Sanders, and the Senior Medical
1968-1970 153 8 5.2 Superintendent of Red Cross Memorial Children’s Hospital,
1971-1973 142 5 3.5 Dr.J. G. L. Strauss, for permission to publish.
1974-1981 307 17 5.5
Adults (>20 years old) 72 5 6.9
Total 820 50 6.1
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