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Chap – 1 Sets
Topic 1 Sets, their Types and Representation
 Set: A set is a well defined collection of distinct objects .
 Elements : The objects which belong to a set are called members or
elements of a set.
 Representation of a set : There are two ways by which the sets can be
described .
(i) Tabular form or Roaster form : Here the elements of a set are actually
written down , separated by commas and enclosed within braces (i.e.,
curly bracket). Eg:,
 V, the set of vowels in the English alphabet = {a,e,i,o,u},
 A, the set of odd natural number < 10= {1,3,,5,7,9},
 N, the set of natural numbers = {1,2,3,……},

(ii) The set builder form or rule method : A set is described by

characterising property P(x) of its elements x. In such a case , the set is
described by {x:P (x) holds } or {x|P(x) holds } e.g.

 M = { 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19} = { x:x is a prime number <20 },

 A = { 6,7,8,9,10,11} {x
Where stands for “ belongs to”
 Types of Sets
(i) Empty set or null set or void set : A set consisting of no element at all ,
is called an empty set or a null set or a void set . It is denoted by . In
roaster form , it is written as { }
Examples :
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(i) { (ii) {

(ii) Singleton set: The set {x:x is a singleton set equal to

{3}. A set consisting of a single element .
(iii) Finite set : A set is called a finite set , if it is either void or its
elements can be listed ( counted , labelled ) by natural numbers 1,2,3,….
And the process of listing terminates at a certain natural number n (say).
Examples :
 Set of even natural numbers less than 100.
 Set of soldiers in Indian Army.
 Set of all persons on the earth .

(iv) Infinite set: A set whose elements cannot be listed by the natural
numbers 1,2,3,…., n for any natural number n is called the infinite set .

Examples :

 Set of all points in a plane .

 Set of all lines in a plane .
 {x
 Cardinal number of a finite set : The number n in the above definition is
called the cardinal number or order of a finite set A and is denoted by
 Equal sets : Two sets A and B are said to be equal , if every element of set
A is in set B and every element of set B is in set A .
It is written as A=B
Examples :
 {1,2,5} = {2,1,5} = {5,1,2}
 {1,2,3,1} = {1,2,3} = {1,1,2,2,3} etc.
 Equivalent sets : two finite sets A and B are said to be equivalent if n(A) =
n(B) ,where n(A) and n(B) is the number of elements of set A and B . It is
written as A B.
Example : If A = {1,2,3} and B={a,b,c} .Then A B since n(A) =n(B) =3
Whenever A=B, then n(A) =n(B) . Thus equal sets are always equivalent
.But ,equivalent sets need to be equal.
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 Subset : If A and B are two sets given in such a way that every element of
A is in B , then A is a subset of set B and it is written as A (read as ‘A
is contained in B’)
 If at least one element of A does not belong to B , Then A is not a subset
of B . It is written as
 Power set : The collection of all subsets of a set A is called power set of A
, denoted by P(A) I.e., P(A)={B:B If A is a set with n(A)=m , then
 Proper subset and superset : If , Then A is called the proper subset
of B and B is called the super of A .
 Universal Set : If there are some sets under consideration , then a set can
be chosen arbitrarily which is a superset of each one of the given sets .
Such a set is known as universal set and it is denoted by U .
Example : Let A={2,4,6} , B= {1,3,5} and C = {0,7} are only three subsets
Then , U= {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} is a universal set .
 Types of Intervals
(i) Open interval (a,b) = { x
i.e., All the points between a and b belong to open interval
(ii) Closed interval : [a,b] = {x
i.e., The intervals which contains the end point also , is called closed
interval .
(iii) Semi-open or semi closed interval ,
(a,b) = {x,
[a,b] = { fig.

Note : (i) The set (0, defines the set of non – negative real numbers .

(ii) The set (- ) defines the set of negative real numbers

(iii) The set (- , defines the set of all real numbers .

 Length of an interval : The number (b-a) is called the length of any of the
intervals (a,b) , [a,b] , {a,b) or (a,b].

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Topic 2 Venn Diagram and Operation on Set
 Venn Diagram : In a Venn diagram, the universal set is represented by a
rectangular region and a set is represented by a circle of a closed
geometrical figure inside the universal set .
 Operation on Sets :
(i) Union of sets : The union of two sets A and B , denoted by is the
set of all elements , which is either in A or in B or both in A and B.
i.e., {

(ii) Intersection of sets : The intersection of two sets A and B , denoted by

A is the set of all elements which are common to both A and B
i.e., {

(iii) Disjoint sets :Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint A B

 Law of algebra of set
(i) A
(ii) A
 Commutative Law :
(i) A
(ii) A
 Associative Law :
(i) ( (
(ii) ( (
 Distributive Law:
(i) ( ( (
(ii) ( =( (
 If , then

(iv) Difference of sets :

For sets A and B

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 The difference A is the set of all elements of A ,which do not belong
to B .
i.e., ( {
 The difference B is the set of all elements of B ,which do not belong
to A .
i.e., ( {

(v) Symmetric difference : For two sets A and B , symmetric difference is the
set (A-B) ( denoted by A

(vi) Complement of Set : If A is a set with as universal set , then complement

of a set , denoted by is the set

i.e., {

Topic 3 Application of Set Theory

 If A and B are two finite sets then
( ( (
(b) ( ( ( ( (
 If A and B are any two finite sets , then
(a) number of elements in A only =
( ( (
(b) number of elements in B only =
( ( (
 If A,B and C are finite sets then
( ( ( ( ( (
If A,B and C are mutually disjoint sets then
( ( ( (

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 If A,B and C are three finite sets , then number of elements in A only
=n(A) ( ( (
 If A, B and C are three finite sets , then number of elements in
(A and B only )=n(A B)-n(A
 If A and B are two finite sets them
 ( [( ( ]
( (
[Since , (A-B) and (B-A) are disjoint sets ]
= ( ( (

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