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How does Golding use the characters of Jack and Ralph to explore some of his ideas about leadership

in ‘Lord of the Flies’?

•how Golding uses language and narrative techniques to present Jack and Ralph in what you have read so far.
•how Golding uses Jack and Ralph to explore ideas about leadership in the novel.
Point Evidence Analysis Evidence Analysis Context (2-3 total)
1) Ralph represents When Simon This shows even in this tense moment, Ralph tells the boys, This demonstrates Ralph’s ability to lead British culture is
leadership, the properly mumbles that politeness is his default, which is a trait “If we have a signal by establishing rules in an effort to famed for civilized
socialized and civilized he doesn't of a democratic leader. going, they'll come maintain order on the island, as well as reserve in
young man believe in the and take us off. And his commitment to achieving rescue and emotional times. By
beast, Ralph another thing. We a return to civilization. the standards of
"answered him ought to have more the society he's left
politely, as if rules. Where the behind, Ralph is a
agreeing about conch is, that's a gentleman.
the weather. meeting. The same
up here as down
2) Jack represents evil and
violence, the dark side of
human nature.

3) ra;ph is also presented Ralph has charisma and leadership

as not being intelligent qualities, but he complains that he
cannot think as well as Piggy
nevertheless, he rewards himself for his
thinking ability by asserting himself when
Jack and the hunters act on their own. he
is less intelligent this is shown at the
feast, where Piggy warns Ralph to leave
before things get bad. However, Ralph
does not listen and the two boys ended
up participating in Piggy's death

Brief conclusion - main In conclusion I believe the other is tryimg to portray the fact
or key message from
the author?

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