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Dancing as a hobby

Our lives daily is a constant race with time. However, sometimes life spares us with an
ample amount of time for ourselves, and it is up to an individual how well he utilizes his
leisure time. Different people pursue different activities for engaging themselves and getting
rid of boredom. For me, it has always been dancing to the tunes of my favourite songs. I
have always been an introvert, shy at nature, a person of few words, and for someone like
me, dance is the best form of expression of the body, mind, and soul. When your feet tap to
the beats of extravagant music and your hands match the rhythms of your soul, dance is
born and it adds years to your life. To be honest, it is tough to explain dance in words
because I feel dance is a language in itself that speaks for all cultures and traditions. Dance
has always been fascinating to me for the very reason of its taste in diversity and integrity,
how people from all over the world can connect themselves and communicate with each
other through dance. Some native dance forms talk about the king’s, the rulers, the invaders
and many of the historical times. Others are a way of celebration of different festivals. I have
tried to pick up a few of my favourite dance forms that drew my attention.
There are many types of dancers as Contemporary Dance, Ballet Dance, tap
dance, traditional dancing etc. Growing up as the only child in the family, I was bored most
of the time, and since there was nobody around, my parents sent me to a dance class. I was
not very sure if I would actually like spending time on dancing to some hit melodies, but no
sooner, I joined the class, my perspective towards dancing changed, for the better. I started
taking a keen interest in the steps taught, and I would practice them for hours in my room
until I earned perfection. I could actually feel the vibes from my fellow dance mates and the
kind of confidence I was building made my parents and me very happy. I could sense a rise
in my self-esteem and I was no longer the under confident shy kid. I would participate in
many dance events and perform gracefully.
If one wants to rejoice and rejuvenate yourself dancing is a great hobby. I
have felt the difference within myself. I have become a far better person than I was before
dancing. To this day, whenever I look back to my first dance session, I cannot help but thank
my parents for their decision. Maybe it was not a planned one then, but now I find it very
thoughtful and helpful. Having your body groove and create a style of its own is so much
fun. Moreover, I would never quit dancing for any sake. 

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