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Ayden Namauu

Charles Freeland

ENG 1201 R510

21 March 2021

Why is Standardized testing the main way of testing a persons intelligence?

Used by the world around, standardized testing is the main form in which people's

intelligence is measured. Standardized testing consists of giving the same test to everyone. Is

standardized testing effective in measuring a person's intellect? What other ways can intelligence

be tested?

Standardized testing in America dates back to 1838. During this time it was mainly used

in making policy decisions on what to teach. Then in 1890 standardized testing was converted to

be used as college entrance exams. By 1900 standardized testing had been made commonplace to

get into college. Then in 1905 the standardized testing is developed by Alfred Binet to measure

intelligence and becomes the first IQ test. In 1917 the IQ test becomes mainstream and multiple-

choice test are born. By 1926 standardized testing becomes a National requirement. In 1936

standardized testing becomes computerized speeding up the scoring of tests and making

standardized tests cheaper. In 2001 the No Child Left Behind reform makes standardized testing

a state mandate. In 2015 attempts to reduce standardized testing start with the Every Student

Succeeds Act which reduces mandated testing to third through eighth grade (Association).

One reason why standardized testing is so prevalent is its ability to be objective as it

gives every taker the same test and conditions so the data is unbiased and can be used in

comparing large populations. Also, with the computerization of standardized testing, it made
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tests extremely cheap and effective as it could score tests in literal seconds and cost less than a

buck. This also removed grader bias as computers can not be biased towards anyone so the

standardized test became more objective ( Association).

One issue in standardized testing is the long-term effect that students forget what they

were tested on. In other words, the students learn how to pass the test and only study for the test

instead of learning the actual material so they do great on the test but in time they have not

retained much knowledge. This also raises the issue that real life is not made up of multiple-

choice questions so why is standardized testing the way to predict success in life (Sonnert)

(Standardized)(Teachings in Education).

Another issue in standardized testing is the phenomenon known as teaching to the test.

This simply means that teachers will teach students how to ace the test and most of the time this

will mean actual learning is cut to fit in more practice tests. The reason teachers and educators do

this is that it is how they are measure in their teaching ability and nobody wants to look bad so

actual learning is cut. Plus, not only is learning cut but also extracurriculars and recess is cut to

make more time for test practice (Standardized)( However, if used properly

standardized testing can be a great way to measure a teacher's performance as it gives a truly

objective view of students' progress.

An interesting point of standardized testing is that it is used to predict future success. This

idea is supported on both sides as some research showed that students who scored fours and fives

on the AP calculus test tended to get better college grades by two how positive standard

deviations while those who scored ones and twos had the reverse effect on their college grades

(Sonnert). While this data is accurate it only shows those who have taken a single test that most

do not take and thus represents a small population.

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After looking through the research it can be seen that standardized testing holds many

pros, such as, being objective and efficient which is what is needed to measure the intelligence of

massive populations in the ranges of millions. On the other hand, standardized testing holds

many cons with many testing replacing learning and other activities like sports and the arts. From

this current research, it would be important to further look into how standardized testing tests

intelligence and if there is a correlation between testing and businesses making money.

Work Cited
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American School of Education. “Effects of Standardized Testing on Students & Teachers:

Key Benefits & Challenges.” Effects of Standardized Testing on Students &

Teachers | American University, 2 July 2020,


Association, National Education. “History of Standardized Testing in the United States.” NEA,

25 June 2020,

tips/history-standardized-testing-united-states., "Standardized Tests." 7 Dec. 2020,

Sonnert, Gerhard, et al. “Short-Term and Long-Term Consequences of a Focus on Standardized

Testing in AP Calculus Classes.” High School Journal, vol. 103, no. 1, Fall 2019, pp. 1–



“Standardized Testing: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.” YouTube, uploaded by Teachings in

Education, 28 March 2017, Accessed

7 Mar. 2021.

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