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work units and uniform wage scales

i now work for Yui's aunt Surang in her pocket factory in Chiangmai. i n a perfect world, i should
be accumulating work units as i type these words; ideally, any meaningful int eract ion s hould be
compensated .. recently, i had a serious discussion with Doug about money and business styles.
in the end, we were forced to agree to disagree. t he argument started when i stated Surang's
business is based on w orker exploitat ion. D oug rebutted "it's the going rate" (our pay rate here at
the small factory). but it's clearly Not:Surang pays (including room, rice, w ater, and garbage) the
absolute minimum Thai wage rate. a s one of the lowest paid w orkers in Thailand, i consider this
exploitation .. Doug indifferent ly stated Ford used to pay his workers higher than the going rate.
what Ford has to do with Surang and her pocket factory eludes me ;) don't get me wrong, i pray
thanking God for work, a decent place to sleep, food, and being 'only' five hours away from
Arthur .. the work here is so simple and repetitive that i have too much time to think and not
enough resources to 'get the word out' about War for M eaning and Better Way .. i still consider
that my highes t priority.. i'll relist the webs ites here in case you mis sed them before: .pdf
today i was debating with myself about the issue of work unit wage-rate. it 's a difficult but not
impossible task: to establish a uniform wage scale that's fair, equitable, and uniformly respectful
to all workers. as stated previously, doctors and other highly educated workers will balk at my
proposals but we must start somewhere; we will never creat e true utopia unles s we make s teps
toward it .. even in a co-op, workers will be compensated differently based on their levels of
experience and responsibility. we could try the following scenario: establish what the average /
maximum minimum-wage is for affluent countries, call this value M W, in order to 'switch over'
to WUs (replacing money) - w e need to es tablis h an initial conversion s yst em, initially - M W =
WU, we also need to compensate previously unrecognized work such as mothering / parenting
(when done properly, this is the most important job conceivable), mothers and fathers parent ing
at home will be compensated for their parenting time, supporting a friend in their time of need
will be compensated, and as stated above - all meaningful interaction will be compensated in
WUs. 'right aw ay' s ome of us might see problems w ith t his scenario: rewarding altruis tic
behavior, but isn't it better than our current system which rew ardsexploiters, grifters, and con-
men? another 'problem' s cenario: having a drink at a pub w it h a friend discus sing problems of our
world - this is clearly a meaningful interaction but many will balk at compensating it. to me, there
is no problem: we compensate it - it's meaningful int eraction .. i Don't propos e w e put cameras
everywhere to monitor pot entially meaningful interact ions; perhaps we can us e t he 'hones ty
system' initially and see if that works.if too many people abuse that trust, we can try another
method of recording WUs for meaningful interaction .. now we arrive at rate. it's a s ticky problem
i don't enjoy thinking about. because of all the highly educated workers who will insis t t hey get
more compensation (a higher rate) at least in order to repay their educat ion cos ts , we must
propose a WU rate system based on work-related education,level of experience, a nd level of
responsibility. i also propose to include what i call 'care factor' which is the level you care about
your work wrt your peers. so your individual WU pay rat e will be a w eighted sum of four t hings :
WRE, EL, RL, and RCF. how we weight these things needs to be determined but i believe this is
a fair and decent beginning for calculating w ork units .. there are two 'final' issues that need
discussion or this system will never be implemented: retirement and current debts. debt holders
will never agree t o 'wiping the slate clean' so w e must convert those debts to negative w ork units.
and if we think about retirement from a co-op perspective,it 's approachable: t ake t he single co-op
example (i know it 's not realist ic but we must start s omew here) - a woman works for a single co-
op her entire life. it's truly unrealist ic to expect every person to maintain a retirement fund of
WUs. i propose alternatively: we globally establish the concept of 'buy out' which is fairly
common practice for unionized establishments. suppose again she works for a single co-op for 40
years - approximately from age 20 t o 60. during that entire time, s he's gaining a larger share of
owning the co-op. w hen she ret ires, essentially her coworkers must 'buy her out' of the co-op to
release her part ownership of it . this is my proposal for retirement.if you retire early, you get les s
which is only fair. if you retire late, you get more which is only fair. what that buy-out rat e is -
must be determined .. Doug stated WUs are equivalent to money but t hey're Not: work units are
based on meaningful interaction and money is based on greed and exploitation.

our current system superficially res embles my proposed WU sys tem but only superficially.we
need to establish a global economy based on meaning NOT exploitatio n and greed. we need to
reward meaningful interaction. we need to make this shift fairly soon or we will perish as a race ..
i Know i'm not an economist, expert on business systems,or even the best worker in the w orld
but my RC factor is consis tent ly maxed out. consider that as strong evidence my proposed system
is inherently better and sus tainable t han our current economic s yst em w hich is doomed for
continual and repeated failure .. i finally propose w e establis h a G lobal Co-op wit h dual funct ion
of coordinating our future global democracy and providing for all main services listed in Basic
Human Rights. the GC w ill: build schools where they're needed, build and s taff hos pitals,
promote the conversion of conventional exploitative businesses to co-ops, develop and coordinate
secure democratic transactions, and develop and promote the three key technologies listed in
other documents .. above may seem like a 'pipe dream' or totally unrealistic for those who Love
our current system. but i contend that is Satan/Lucifer talking .. one way to look at Earth is Hell
and we are prisoners under Satan's rule .. it may be t rue but i refuse to look at it t hat way: it's too
demoralizing. God is Freedom in our hearts if we only look within .. one approach t oward
creating the GC and its resources initially is to take all current resources used in all governments
all over the planet and handing them over to the GC - this could be our first decision of our future
global democracy .. w ith all change there is fear/t repidat ion about negat ive/bad side effects of
those changes .. not all change is good. but i believe the change proposed above is not only good,

sam iam, 2011/M AR/12, Chiangmai, Thailand

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