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EDUC 280 - Timecard and Journal Entries

Task 1. Timecard
Video 1

Title of video: Kindergarten Mathematics

Length/time of class on this video: 53 minutes 11 seconds

The teacher put the learning materials into songs to help the students remember the information better, this makes sense in a kindergarten class, but because I
want to teach high school students, I won’t be using this technique. The teacher had the students pick subjects, for example she asked what scenario the girls would
like to use, offered them suggestions and the majority would pick what they wanted to use, making the material seem more interesting. Another thing that she did
was use the student’s bodies to help them count she did not use numbers on paper, it was very interactive and that is particularly important. Overall, I felt like she
was a little repetitive in the teacher, while I understand that is important for the students to learn, I felt it got a bit boring. This was my first observation, and it was
quite different than what I was expecting, I want to do a different teacher for my next observation to see how they differ.

Video 2

Fourth Grade Reading

50 minutes 21 seconds

She made the students sit on the ground when they were sharing their thoughts which I thought was interesting, the students were moved from their normal spots
into tighter spaces, this seems to me like students would be more likely to talk to each other instead of focusing on what the teacher was teaching. Another thing
that I noticed was a single student always wanted to answer the questions that she had, she looked at him but purposefully picked on a different student to answer
her question. I understand that this helps other students get a chance to engage and answer the question, but after being on the receiving end of this treatment, it
wasn't fun and I don't want to pass over a student in my class. This teacher was different than the other teacher in a big way, the previous teacher helped the
students answer questions they didn't know by mouthing it or slowly starting to say the answer, this teacher lets the student fail and then corrects them, I like this
better it gives them a chance to figure it out on their own and eventually learn more about it.

Video 3

8th Grade, Spanish 3 Class – 10th day of School – Sep2016


53 minutes 18 seconds

The teacher starts the classroom by speaking to the students in only Spanish, the students respond in what seems to be the correct response, I can tell by the way
he keeps nodding his head. The teacher uses a power point in order to go over past vocabulary, I think this is a good idea, while it is boring to watch it is a quick way
for the teacher to get the students on task and warmed up for the day. They briefly go over what they learned the previous day, so they are able to expound and
learn more. The teacher starts to play a song and has all of the students stand up and start singing along, and while the lyrics are on the board to help them
remember, they do seem to have it memorized, but I question if it comes from memory or simply repetition. Even the teacher seems to be using the power point to
follow along with the song. There were a couple of students that didn't seem to follow along, instead were chatty, I never saw the teacher do anything about this,
instead he continued to teach, the students shoved and giggled and whispered with each other which made me question how much of a hold he had over the class.

Video 4

Day 2 TPRS Spanish 1 Class – Adriana Ramirez

42 minutes 31 seconds

The teacher spends a big chunk of the class speaking completely in Spanish, she only seems to be speaking in English when she is giving direction, but she gives the
directions very fast and abruptly it is hard to catch. One of the first things she says in English is every day you are going to repeat after me, that alone made me not
a fan of her teaching strategy it seems like it would be a bit boring having to do the same thing every day, as a student I would rather have things be mixed up than
expect things every day. The teacher also makes weird faces, personally I am an introvert and making faces at the class seems embarrassing to me I can't picture it.
She plays a game of Simon says in Spanish, which is smart it gets the students to interact and shows her their knowledge but at the same time I can see the students
just mimicking the other students in order to get the right answer even if they don't really know what that answer is.

Video 5

Eighth Grade Literature Study Lesson

58 minutes 2 seconds

This teacher was smart, she let the students know that the assignment that they are expected to do in that moment she already did at home. She showed them that
she is not just expecting them to do what she is telling them instead she took the time to do it on her own proving that she is willing to do what she wants them to
do. She had the students read the instructions on some assignments, I did not like this teaching style, as a student I want the teacher to explain the assignment, I do
not want to hear another student who knows just as much as I do about this assignment explained to me. The teacher is very good at commanding attention, she
briefly scolds a student that is not paying attention, she quickly says can you see this spence, spence I need your eyes. That is all she says than she moves on, it is so
quick it isn't too embarrassing for the student and not memorable for the other students, instead she quickly moves on back to the topic at hand, this is how I want
to teach my own students.

Video 6

Model Lesson by Mr. Chance Benton

47 minutes 50 seconds

He starts of the video with students that are quiet and on task, this shows me that he is a respected teacher that is in complete control of his class. He mentions to
the students that this assignment for a lot of students were incomplete which is not acceptable, he gives them out every week and they need to be completing
them. This shows that he is strict in a way that makes students feel bad for not completing their assignments, but after he states this, he steals a student's candy bar
and makes her laugh so it makes me think that while he is respected, he is also funny and a teacher that the students enjoy talking and listening to. This is the kind
of teacher I want to be, I would like to engage my students, command respect, but still be seen and funny and engaging’s teacher doesn't seem to use technology to
teach, he uses the textbook I do not like this teaching style, I don't connect with this type of learning so I wouldn't want my students to have to sit through this kind
of learning either.

Video 7

KCSD Lesson Series Sarah Jarrard 6th Grade Science “Radiation, Convection, Conduction”

45 minutes 58 seconds

The teacher starts out the class with a Bell Ringer, I had these assignments all throughout high school, this is a smart tool to have the students stay engaged in the
class, and to overall start the class, get the students heads in the game and also go over previous lesson plans. The students in this class seem a little bored with
class, while they aren't chatting with their peers next to them, but they aren't quick to answer, and their tones of voices are very deep and slow showing me they
are bored with the class. Because of this I think the teacher needs to come up or try out a new way to teach the class. The teacher ends the unit by saying she thinks
the class is ready to move on from the topic at hand, she then asks if the class agrees, everyone does agree, but then she gives them one more option to ask any
more questions about the unit. I like the way this was presented, she checks to see if the students are ready to move, if they are confidant in their knowledge and
that is important to me, it should be up to the students to move on not the amount of time in year.

Video 8

Jen H SK Math-H.264

47 minutes 52 seconds

I do not like this teacher very much, she seems very abrasive almost mean, I understand that she wants her students to show her what they can do on their own but
she does it in such an odd way, she also shushes a student telling him that he needs to turn it off and that it wasn't funny and they weren't doing it that day, I feel
like she could have handled his behavior better. I also am not a fan of the way she gives instruction; she simply says read the instructions and do what they say. She
doesn't spend enough time on instructions and instead has them figure it out on their own, that is not productive I don't think. I do like how she engages the class,
she goes to group by group and she asks where they are at, and if they need anything or have any questions, she also focuses on all of the groups not just one.

Video 9

Laura Galchick 2 Gates Math SHS BITC-.264

58 minutes 54 seconds

I like how she corrects a student’s behavior she does it quietly and quickly and then moves on; she lets a student know that he needs to put his device away and not
have it out for the rest of the hour. The teacher then goes student to student to check on their individual work and see if they need anything help or anything they
need to work on now that she is seeing their individual work. Throughout class she does shush people, but it is in a polite and quick way, while she focuses on a
single student, while I don't agree with the shushing, I think she is in control of the class with her tactics and while I don't totally agree with how she does it I
understand that there are many different ways to keep a class in control. She has the class go into groups, so it seems she offers a variety of opportunities for the
students to learn in different ways she doesn't just focus on one specific learner, she tries to use all.

Video 10

KCSD Teacher Training Teri Walker Twenhofel

40 minutes 45 seconds
As a teacher she engages the students well, she has them pick the scenario, and control the numbers, so they are all learning together they aren't simply following
along with prewritten numbers, this gives them a bit of creativity to follow as well. What I did not like about her teacher was it was only her on working on the
board the students just sat there and took notes, she would ask a question a student answers and she writes that answer on the board if it is correct, that doesn't
seem very productive to me. I do like that she talks about her personal life a little bit; she mentions that he husband is a math teacher as well, this brings a
connection with the students but it isn't so personal that she gets in trouble, I think this is a great way to connect with the students and I plan on using this
technique myself in my own classroom.

Video 11

“Arithmetic Sequences” Ashley Kohls Math Teacher Simon Kenton High School

48 minutes 44 seconds

The first big thing that stood out to me about this teacher was her handwriting. I think it is especially important to have legible handwriting as a teacher, I had far
too many teachers with bad handwriting and it was a struggle to take notes with how they wright. I also think good handwriting in a teacher encourages students to
want to use better handwriting. I find it interesting instead of just writing on a board or having a PowerPoint made, she writes on a sheet of paper that has been
magnified and projected onto the screen at the front of the class, I personally don't see myself using this method, but I can't find anything wrong with it as a
teaching tool. She didn't seem to have a lot of command in her classroom, while they were quite there a couple of students who ended up falling asleep in the class
that is easily seen in the video.

Video 12

KCSD 8th Grade Math Lesson “Matching & Creating Word Problems

41 minutes 16 seconds

The teacher in this class did something I had never seen before that I was really happy to hear, she had a student that asked her a question and instead of
answering that question she asked the class if there was someone that could answer his question. There was. This was a great teaching method, it answers the
student’s question, while also testing other students’ knowledge of the material. The teacher spends both individual time with the students and works with them.
She stops and check on each individual student and works on their mistakes until they have an understanding so they could move on to the next question, where
she then moves on to the next student. She manages to talk and check on each individual student in her class, leaving no one out. She was even asked a question by
another student while helping a different, the teacher paused and told her just a moment while she is helping this student. When the student understands what to
do next, she turns to the other student to answer her question.

Video 13

8th Grade Math Lesson

53 minutes 14 seconds

In this video it took the teacher a while to get the class to focus on her. She seemed to just stand at the front of the class and watch as the students chatted
amongst themselves not focusing on the assignment or bell ringer in front of them, she finally does remind the students that they need to be working on their bell
ringer, and that seemed to calm them down a little bit. The teacher then proceeded to do all but two questions as a class instead of having them figure it out on
their own as a bell ringers’ purpose should be. I was not a fan of her teaching style she seemed to be teaching the students by using a board and the students are
expected to take notes in which they will reflect back to when they go home for homework, this does not feel like a productive use of time to me, and I feel the
students would excel if they were more involved with the learning.

Video 14

Ms. Hart Teaching 7th Grade Math Solving Two-Step Equations

49 minutes 52 seconds

The teacher attempts to get the classes attention by calling the class to attention three different times, the students ignored him and proceeded to chat among
themselves. One student walked in front of the camera and danced for a good thirty seconds and the teacher did not try and stop him at all, in fact it almost
seemed like the teacher did not even notice. This teacher seems more like a friend than a person of authority and that is not how I plan on teaching my future
students. The teacher did cause more interaction with the students, she stood in front of her board and had the students give her the answers to the questions on
the board, it was their job to help find the answers. This was an interesting classroom, it seemed cluttered and did not really have a completed classroom setting
feel, and because of that I don't believe it is a place that encourages learning and focus.

Video 15

SIOP Lessons – Lorie Aleman

48 minutes 7 seconds

This was an interesting class, there seemed to only be five students to one teacher, I like this she is able to focus on the individuals more and that is important.
Although the teacher did not seem too prepared with the lesson plan, she reads from a sheet her instruction to the class because she doesn't have it memorized it
is almost like she has a script on what she is going to teach the class and how she is going to present it. She also changes her mind frequently she starts to offer one
suggestion then quickly changes her mind and has them do it another way, once again presenting she is unsure what she is doing. Because she has a small class, I
feel better about her teaching using the board because there are only 5 students, they all get a chance to answer her questions and they can all see the board easily
which is almost a guarantee unlike other classes that I have seen.

Video 16

Kipp Scholar Academy: Teacher Observation

45 minutes 24 seconds

The video didn't start out so good, at one point he had a student yell “HERE HERE” over and over again in order to gain the teachers attention, but the teacher does
bring the class together pretty quickly, he then scolds them a little bit, he reminds them when the time runs out he expects them to pay attention and that they
should know this, he also says that he wants them to be himself but he has a goal of high level participation, and by the end of the video it does look like he
achieves that. One major thing that I saw that made me respect him as a teacher is when he asks an important question, he repeats it before he picks on a
volunteer, this is very important he makes sure that every student heard and understood him offering everyone who knows the answer to raise their hand not just
the one kid that knows all of the answers. He demands attention in a good way, he also demands respect for himself and his students’ peers, when one student is
talking if another isn't listening, he pauses the speaker and asks that student to pay attention. This teacher walks around the classroom, he doesn't stay in just one
place, he forces the students to focus on him while they are learning so he knows they are following along with the lesson.

Video 17

6th Grade Small Group Reading

56 minutes 27 seconds

The teacher has each student get into a reading group, she then singles out a group of four students to be in a reading group with her, she says to them that they
are in this specific group because they struggled on the last test, so they are going to be working with her in order to improve. I do not like that she singled them out
that does not seem very helpful to me more embarrassing than anything else. Another thing that I noticed and did not like was how she had them read aloud, I
understand that this will help her teach them better so they can go over the information better, but the other groups that are in reading groups are forced to hear
them read aloud making it a bit harder to focus on their own books. I do not like this because she is not offering equal attention to each student in fact, she is
possibly hindering some other students from learning by teaching this way.

Video 18

TPSD First Grade, Phonics First, Lesson 13c Level 2

1 hour 8 minutes 36 seconds

She started out the class by having them all sit in front of her on a carpet and make noises that they have been practicing, she then shows them flash cards and has
them pronounce what they see on a card, but she was not too prepared she takes a second to explain that they aren’t going to do all of them because there is a lot
of cards. And when she starts to have the students read the sounds out loud, she goes very fast and almost seems to read them for the class, she actually hears the
class say the wrong sound while she says the right class so when she goes back for them to correct themselves, they know the answer because she said them first. I
do like how she teaches though, she makes them write the sound that she makes, so she shows them both sides of the coin reading what they see and writing what
they hear.

Video 19

Montessori Online Class – Sample Video to Preschool to Kindergarten Virtual Learning

1 hour 33 minutes 17 hours

This was a different observation video, the videos I had viewed previously were watching a teacher interact with her class, well this teacher makes a video of a
session that students can look up online and view what was being taught, there was also multiple teachers in the classroom teaching the material. I did like that
they did flash cards with a song so it is easy to learn and remember and is a different way than normal to teach a class, which is what I would like to do when I am a
teacher. I know that we are imitating a zoom call, but the teachers were drawing on a paper with the class, but because they were alone it was a little weird to
watch, It was hard to follow along with what we were supposed to be learning because of the different teachers, which made it a bit confusing at times.

Video 20

Grades 2-3 Informational Writing Lesson

1 hour 8 minutes 1 second

The teacher seems quite smart with getting the students motivates she starts by saying she is going to teach them a trick that high school and college students do
before they start writing, this makes the kids want to try it, so they are able to write at a high level. She then shows them a fun position to chat together about what
they know about the topic, so when she has the kids chat, they are quick to hop up into these fun positions and start talking about what they know about
ecosystems. The teacher uses a lot of hand gestures and has the students mimic her hand gestures which they are all too happy to do, this helps with memorizing,
by using a creative new way to remember important information the teacher shows she knows how to keep the class entertained but still in a learning mood. The
teacher asks all of the students to come up with what they know about ecosystems so they almost control what they are being taught, which is an interesting tactic.

Video 21

First Grade Informational Writing

54 minutes 16 seconds

The teacher is a great teacher, I love how she interacts with the kids and gets them to listen to her, she has them repeat things that she says to that she knows they
are paying attention; she is funny but still demands respect which is exactly how I want my students to think of when they think of me. The teacher gives
compliments to the students when they do something good or right as a class but in a funny way that makes them want to repeat the action. She is willing to sit on
the ground with her students, she is willing to be on their level she does not present a bored or a level of I know better than all of her students. She was joy to
watch, and I found myself completely mesmerized by her teaching lesson. Once again, the students are the ones in control of what they are learning they list it

Video 22

Grades 2-3 Before, During, and After Reading Comprehension

50 minutes 29 seconds

The classroom does look a little bit boring, for students that age, I expect a classroom that has a bit more color. The teacher uses hand gestures to keep the students
engaged and learning, and each student was able to follow along and reenact all of the different hand gestures that she made in the class it was quite impressive.
One thing I have noticed in her video is that all of her students sit on the floor during her lessons even though they do have desks or group tables, I know they are
younger, but this seems like it can become a bigger distraction for the students sitting so close together. The teacher took the time to read a book, but she was not
just reading to the class she would pause and ask a question about the book and the students would answer if they were following along.

Video 23

Grade 2 Narrative Writing Lesson

55 minutes 10 seconds

The teacher makes funny faces in class and uses a nasally voice she then has the students imitate her. I plan on teaching an older group preferably high school
students, so I do not ever plan on making faces at them and having them repeat after me a lot unless maybe we are talking about something that I want them to
keep in mind, like homework instructions or due date. The teacher is very repetitive until the students are able to imitate her without too much of her help and they
can do it on their own. This is a great learning tool for students, and I enjoy watching them learn. She also walks and checks on each individual student to make sure
they are doing what is needed to complete a letter This is important to me as a teacher, I want to make sure all of my students are following along and know what
to do, so they can follow instructions as needed.

Video 24

Kipp Scholar Academy: Teacher Observation

60 minutes 59 seconds

The teacher starts to list the students who are being quiet and are acting ready for class, I think this is a good technique to show other students where their focus
should be at or how they should be acting based upon the other students that she mentioned. But at the same time, she is playing music, while I like the thought of
starting class by listening to music, I think this draws the students focus elsewhere, I almost feel like she is setting them up for failure, she expects them to focus on
her, when instead they are focusing on the music instead of where they are supposed to be looking. She started out good, I liked the way she interacted with the
students and had them interact with her, but then she started to cuss in front of them. I was shocked when she called a character in the book they were reading as
a class a bastard. She had the students agree with her about it as well. I originally liked how comfortable she seemed with her students but now I question if she is
too comfortable.

Video 25

KIPP: Ms Cheng 2
1 hour 20 minutes 14 seconds

This is the second time that I have watched this teacher, and there are many things in her class that I like but a lot more that I don't really like about her teaching
style. One thing that I think is a good idea is she has students snap instead of clap in order to cheer other students on. I think this is a cool concept, but the students
were doing it in the middle of other students talking. She also is very interactive with her class she comes up with great scenarios to keep her students engaged, for
example one student is the king and randomly collects taxes from other students. This is cool but once again a large distraction, they were in the middle of a timed
assignment when the 'king' collected taxes from those who had shoelaces. This got the kids in an uproar, saying making up funny reasons why they shouldn't pay
their taxes, this was a huge distraction and stopped students from working on an assignment. Overall, she is a good teacher and very interactive but I don't agree
with some of her teachings.

Video 26

KSA Teaching & Learning Lab 2019: Ms Bell

1 hour 25 minutes 18 seconds

I am not sure when they started recording but the teacher seems to have a very good control over her class, all students were quiet and reading, or at least doing
what they were supposed to be doing it was great. The teacher did not need to constantly correct her students on how they were acting, they naturally just started
doing what they were supposed to be doing. Earlier I mentioned how I like that the teacher was listening to music, but it was more of a distraction, this teacher is
playing classical music during reading time that is at the perfect volume, it adds to the quiet calmness of the room rather than make distractions. Now of course this
time of reading wasn't perfect, I saw a couple of students having a quick chat, but they only spoke briefly, it wasn't a distraction and they stopped and went back to
what they were doing beforehand. I liked this teacher's teaching style; I plan on teaching a lot like her in my teaching future.

Video 27

KSA Teaching & Learning Lab 2019: Ms. Curtis

1 hour 19 minutes 34 seconds

This was an interesting video, it showed that the teacher was in complete control over her class, students were coming in and sitting down, they were doing this
quietly with a minor distraction form the camera but that is to be expected. They immediately pull out their books and their papers and began writing using the
prompt that was on the board. What was so interesting was the teacher did not say one word, the students all suddenly sat down and started to do what was
expected of them. The whole time they were quiet and if they had a question for their teacher, they raised their hands and she would walk over to them, for the
first ten minutes the only sound that you heard was the students shuffling their papers and getting situated. This is the kind of classroom environment that I would
like to have in my own classroom, she demands respect without even trying. I like how she teaches.
Video 28

KSA Teaching and Learning Lab: Menya Cole

57 minutes 56 seconds

This was a bit different at the beginning of the video she explained what her classroom is about and what she expects of her students. Eventually you do observe
the classroom, I do not see anything wrong with her teacher, the students participate, she has them engage in conversation with each other, they seem to be
paying attention to the things she is saying. All in all, she is a good teacher, there are just some small things she seems to be doing that are off. Not wrong simply
different. She tends to make a lot of jokes, but her students don't react to them at all, I find that to be a little bit awkward to watch. She does a lot of group work
and as an introvert, I know that that is not how I learn best, so I feel she is only teaching one personality type and she is leaving others behind.
Video 29

Reading Informational Text in High School

50 minutes 16 seconds

This is the first time that I have seen the teacher explain the camera in the background, he goes on to explain that he knows they look intimidating, but he promises
the camera is not focused on them but rather it is focused on him, so he needs them to try and act normal and to not pay attention to the camera moving around in
the back, just act like it is not there. I like how he did this, he made me feel like he was treating them like adults, he was engaging them and letting them know what
was going on in the classroom, but at the same time he slyly put in that he wants them to be focused on him, so he commanded their attention. I do not know what
it was about him, but he was quite engaging to watch, and I could tell he was a natural born teacher. The last teacher I mentioned was awkward because she put in
a lot of jokes that the students did not react to, when this teacher places small jokes in his teacher that are charming even if the students don't notice them too
much, he had a fun class.

Video 30

Building Better Brains - Teaching Strategies that Work for Dyslexic and ADD Students

1 hour 25 minutes 33 seconds

This is a good teacher she makes a connection with her students; she explains that this is her favorite subject, and that she also has a daughter that struggles with
her schoolwork, so she is relatable. It is also a different video because she is teaching the parents of students who struggle during school. It also felt like she was
teaching me behind the video, the screen would often be overtaken by the PowerPoint, so I as an observer can see what she is teaching not just watching her talk,
which helps me get a better grasp on what students need to be focusing on. One thing I didn't like was her lesson was PowerPoint based, I understand that she is
teaching adults, and that they may not want to get up and walk around and engage with each other, but I still feel this is such a dry way of teaching. Because I was
able to look at the PowerPoints, I also believe that a lot of the information on the PowerPoints weren't good. It was mostly number based and heavily relied upon
what she as the teacher was saying and that alone makes it hard to take notes and follow along.

Video 31

KSA Teaching and Learning Lab: Salita Mitchell

1 hour 13 minutes 30 seconds

The teacher explained to the viewer (me) how she came up with her lesson plan, and how she plans on proceeding in class. This was quite interesting she showed
me that she knows which students are going to be the ones struggling with the lesson, she also explains how she is going to place them in the room so that they
would be able to focus on the lesson. She goes through each lesson plan and explains how she knows which student will grasp it and which will not. She also
explains definitions for example she brings up exit tickets and what she expects from her students. This was a great beginning it shows that she is an experienced
teacher, she knows what she is doing. She knows what to expect from her students and explains how she is able to tell which ones are struggling and how she helps
to fix the problem. I love that she talks it out first and sets expectations.
Video 32

KSA Teaching and Learning Lab: Allison Metz

1 hour 12 minutes 5 seconds

I was not a fan of this teacher, she cut her students off, she mostly talked at them, and she didn’t engage them all that much. It is important that the students are
apart of the lesson, without their interaction you do not know as a teacher if they are learning anything. When I am a teacher, I want to makes sure that all students
are interacting with the lesson plan, not just listening to me speak, which I feel like is what she does.

31 hours 17 minutes
Task 2. Journal 1 & 2 Combined Journal Assignment

Task 1. Classroom Management

Question 1 – Do you think your teacher has successfully created a productive learning environment? Why or
why not?
The teacher did create a successful productive learning environment, she had the students use their bodies to
count and make new numbers, which is very interactive and helps keep them focused and on task. She didn't
have the students raise their hands instead she pointed to a new student each time and each of them answered
her questions correctly.

Question 2 – What techniques does the teacher use to keep students actively involved in academic activities?
The teacher checks on each student and interrupts the lesson in order to ask them a question involving what
they are learning, she has the student give her an answer and then they move on, because of this the students
seem more alert and willing to pay attention so they are able to answer any questions that she has for them,
because they can come at any time.

Question 3 – How is your teachers “wittiness?” In other words, do they have command of the classroom? Do
they have great systems of classroom management in place?
The teacher is very good at keeping the kids focus on her, she uses creative ways to keep the students engaged,
she has them re-enact by having them count each other, they sing songs about the material, that keeps them on
track, and she reads a story while having them follow along with a stack of blocks.

Question 4 – What types of “punishments” are used in your classroom?

I didn’t see any big punishments, she mostly just focused on the student that was losing focus, she singled them
out and asked if they could see or hear her clearly, then before they can answer she has them move behind or in
front of someone else so they can see and hear better.

Question 5 – How or where are the rules posted in your classroom? How were they created? By the students
or the teacher?
The rules are posted on a board in the classroom where the students are able to them, she also sent home a
syllabus to the parents, so the parents know the students are held to a standard. I don’t know who created the
rules, but I think it is a good idea to have the students come up with the rules at the beginning of the year, with
the teacher offering suggestions.

Task 2. Curriculum
Question 1 – Give an example of when the teacher used integrated curriculum across subjects (i.e. combining
science and language arts)
The teacher does this in a smart way I think, the teacher reads a book to the students about Ducks that are
entering the water, students are expected to use blocks as an example of ducks leaving to enter the water, so
she combines reading and mathematics together to keep the students engaged.

Question 2 – Give an example of when the teacher used hidden curriculum.

The teacher incorporates purposeful mistakes into her lesson plans and the students are quick to correct her,
this shows her that they are focused, on task, and learning the material.

Question 3 – Does your teacher used differentiated instruction?

The teacher did not use differentiated instruction, while the material was different, and the games were slightly
different they were still basically the same and seems more repetitive than anything else.

Question 4 – Can you tell what kind of learner the teacher is from his/her instructional preferences?
I can tell the teacher is a visual learning, she has her student use themselves, pictures, and interactive learning
tools to teach them instead of using a textbook.
Question 5 – Do you think the teacher adapts the curriculum to the types of learners in the classroom?
I do not see a lot of variety, she seems to spend her whole time in the classroom using visual aids to teach her
students, it seems like all of the students are interacting and understanding the materials she is giving them, but
I can see how the introverts of the class may have a problem with this.

Question 6 – Does your teacher like the curriculum he/she is teaching?

I can tell she like teaching this subject, she always seems to have a smile on her face, and she laughs with the
kids when something funny happens. She is very creative in the way she is teacher which shows me she
understands the material and enjoys it enough to teach the students the same thing in many different ways.

Question 7 – What would they like to see added in the future?

She is wanting more technology, because technology is such a large part in the world, she hopes to use a
different visual learning tool in order to keep her students engaged but still have fun.

Task 3. Technology

Question 1 – What kind of technology was used in the class(es) you observed? Was it effective?
I did not see any technology used in the classroom, the teacher used paper, books, and bodies to teach, I think
this was effect because they were all interactive and engaged.

Question 2 – What type of technology might you use when you start your teaching career?
The technology I will be using is laptops, because I want to teach an English class we need something to type on,
I also plan on using PowerPoint and a projector in order to present information to my students, I also am going
to allow the students to listen to their earbuds during quiet time because I excel when I am listening to music.

Question 3 – Do you think it is harder or easier to incorporate technology into your classroom?
I think it is a bit harder, because as the years pass new technology is coming out and it is hard to keep up with all
of the different electronics and to keep control of the students focused on them.

Task 4. Diversity
Question 1 – How diverse was your class(es) you observed?
There was some diversity in the classroom, the male and female ratio was pretty even, but there was only one
colored student.

Question 2 – What did your mentor/teacher do (or not do) to create a diverse classroom? 
She split groups into boy and girl, instead of mixing gender she encouraged the two groups not to interact all
that much, that is understandable in a kindergarten classroom, but it is still something that I found to be odd.

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