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Name the fruits and vegetables you see in the picture

2.The words of the name of fruits and vegetables are written on the board,fill in
the table by entering fruits in one column and vegetables in the other.
Words:rasberry, tomato, lettuce, cabbage, cherry, orange, watermelon,
cucumber, broccoll, strawberry, watermelon.
Fruits Vegetables

3.Match the title to the picture.




4.View pictures.What fruits are in both pictures?Which are only on one?

What vegetables are in both pictures?Which is only on one?
5. Write the missing letters in the boxes to complete the Fruits Crossword.
6.Do you like fruits and vegetables?Which exactly?what fruits and
vegetables do you dislike?
7.I will divide you into groups.The task of each group is to come up with a
fairytale about your favorite fruit or vegetable,draw illustrations for it
and show it to the class.

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