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IELTS SpeakingR Cue Card with sample answers
(MAY – AUG 2021)
Talk about a curtain that you like
You should say:
 Which curtain is this?
 When and where did you see it?
 What it looks like?
 Why you liked it so much?

Sample Answer:-
Nowadays, home is not just a place to live but is much more than mere four walls.
Similarly, the curtains are not used now to fulfil the sole purpose of
maintain privacy or protection from sunlight. Curtains are considered as an integral
part of interior designing and soft window treatment which reflect the personal style
of the owner. Although there are myriad curtain styles which I like personally, here I
would like to share the one I have incorporated in the décor of my house which
consists of two layers of contrasting hues.
Few months ago, when I was surfing a website to get some ideas to adorn my newly
rented accommodation, I come across this beautiful curtain design on pinterest. This
set comprises of two layers: the outer one has white and the inner one has metallic
grey colour. While the outer white curtains are made of lace which are translucent and
allow the light to enter inside, the inner silky grey being opaque serves the purpose
to black out. This silk made one has pencil plates with frilled layer on the top and to
add on there is a layer of beautiful tassels of the same tone.
Actually, I am a student pursuing interior
designing and have learnt a lot about it by
following the blogs and interviews
of renowned designers and observing the
trends a lot. The moment I saw it, I
was dazzled by the appeal exhibited by
its minimalistic look. Once I explained every
single detail and showed the picture, I asked
my tailor to stitch it as per my requirements.
To be very honest, it looked stunning when
I hanged it on the wall to cover my living
rooms huge window. The entire ambience of the place turned out to be amazing with
the contemporary theme of the living area.
I utilized my prowess to set up the house exquisitely with my typical taste of furniture,
decorative wall arts, indoor and outdoor plants which transformed this apartment
into a place where anyone can feel rejuvenating, I can bet on it. Curtains are like salt

IELTS ORACLE SCF 36 THIRD FLOOR PHASE 2 MOHALI | Contact: (+91)83601-34582/ Page1
Ranked #2 by, Ranked #3 by
IELTS SpeakingR Cue Card with sample answers
(MAY – AUG 2021)
without which one cannot manage to make any cuisine flavourful, yet is not focussed
on much.
All in all, to add glamour to the area where one live, one can never forget
the crucial role of curtains which defines the taste of the person who lives there.

Vocabulary Used:-
Mere : only
Sole : only
Privacy : the state of being free from public attention
Integral : basic, essential
Reflect : show, display
Myriad : many
Incorporate : include
Contrast : differ strikingly
Hue : a colour or shade
Surf : move from page to page or site to site on (the World Wide Web)
Adorn : make more beautiful or attractive
Comprise : consist of; be made up of
Translucent : allowing light, semi-transparent
Opaque : not able to be seen through; not transparent
Black out : darken
Frill : ruffle
Tassel : a tuft of loosely hanging threads or cords knotted at one end and attached
for decoration to soft furnishings, clothing, or other items
Tone : colour
Pursue : to find or employ measures to obtain or accomplish
Renowned : famous
Dazzle : amaze or overwhelm (someone) with a particular impressive quality
Appeal : be attractive or interesting
Exhibit : show, display
Minimalistic : using the smallest range of materials and colours possible
Stunning : extremely impressive or attractive
Ambience : the character and atmosphere of a place
Amazing : very impressive; excellent
Contemporary : decor that is much more current
Prowess : skill, expertise
Exquisitely : in an extremely beautiful and delicate manner
Rejuvenate : revitalize
Bet : used to express certainty
Flavourful : full of flavour.

IELTS ORACLE SCF 36 THIRD FLOOR PHASE 2 MOHALI | Contact: (+91)83601-34582/ Page2
Ranked #2 by, Ranked #3 by
IELTS SpeakingR Cue Card with sample answers
(MAY – AUG 2021)
Glamour : beauty or charm
Crucial : extremely important
Taste : a person's liking

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