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Issue 103 March 2021 The official Raspberry Pi magazine

Turbocharge Easy Pico

Raspberry Pi 400 Projects
with an SSD drive


Discover new ways of making

with Raspberry Pi

Upcycle an Build an on-air

Amiga 600 meeting light



to The MagPi 103

pring is in the air. The British sun has got-his-hat-on at a
jaunty angle and we’re looking forward to a summer of sunshine
and outdoor activity.
This issue we’re on our third ever #MonthOfMaking. Every March
we throw off winter, dust off our tools, and encourage everyone to get Lucy

making. It doesn’t matter what you plan: from the smallest mouse of a
Lucy is editor of The
make to that massive computerised elephant of a project you’ve always MagPi and is building
an automated plant-
dreamed of. Now is the time to get started. monitoring system
Rob has a great feature for #MonthOfMaking (page 30) that covers with Raspberry
Pi Pico. Her desk
a range of crafting techniques. Discover a range of new materials to plants, Heathcliff and
Cassidy, are looking
bring to your build. Whether you’re into woodworking, making with on pensively.

metal, testing out textiles, or sticking to classics like plastic, cotton
and wool, there are tips for everybody.
Of course, this being The MagPi, we like to feature Raspberry Pi
at the heart of our builds. Last month we introduced Pico, the tiny
microcontroller from Raspberry Pi. This month we’re looking at Easy GET A
Pico Projects (page 64). We’re having a huge amount of fun testing Pico RASPBERRY PI
and thinking up all the things we ZERO W KIT
can make with it.
Don’t forget to share your
#MonthOfMaking projects with
the rest of the community. We
want to see what you build. Happy

Lucy Hattersley Editor 03
Subscribe to The MagPi, HackSpace magazine, or Custom PC. Your first three issues for £10, then our great value rolling subscription
afterwards. Includes a free voucher for one of five fantastic books at
UK only. Free delivery on everything.

> Issue 103 > March 2021

Cover Feature

30 #MonthOfMaking 30

08 World of Raspberry Pi
92 Your Letters
97 Next Month
98 The Final Word

Project Showcases
10 METAR Map
16 AirMyPrayer
18 Bird and Squirrel Detector
20 Raspberry Pi Amiga 600
22 CNC Plotter 20
24 RFID Gro Clock
26 Real-time bee monitor


Bird and Squirrel Detector Raspberry Pi Amiga 600

DISCLAIMER: Some of the tools and techniques shown in The MagPi magazine are dangerous unless used with skill, experience, and appropriate personal protection equipment. While
we attempt to guide the reader, ultimately you are responsible for your own safety and understanding the limits of yourself and your equipment. Children should be supervised. Raspberry
Pi (Trading) Ltd does not accept responsibility for any injuries, damage to equipment, or costs incurred from projects, tutorials or suggestions in The MagPi magazine. Laws and regulations
covering many of the topics in The MagPi magazine are different between countries, and are always subject to change. You are responsible for understanding the requirements in your
jurisdiction and ensuring that you comply with them. Some manufacturers place limits on the use of their hardware which some projects or suggestions in The MagPi magazine may go
beyond. It is your responsibility to understand the manufacturer’s limits. 05

40 56

40 Pico Pomodoro Timer
44 Create GUIs with Python – part 3
50 Digital do-not-disturb sign
 aspberry Pi 400
54 Create your own Pipe Mania Pico Pomodoro Timer with SSD drive
56 Raspberry Pi 400 with SSD drive
60 Cheap Trills – part 2 78
The Big Feature

SmartiPi Touch Pro

Easy Pico Projects
78 SmartiPi Touch Pro
80 RasPad 3
82 10 Amazing: Pico add-ons
84 Learn game design

86 Tanya Fish interview
88 This Month in Raspberry Pi Tanya Fish interview



1 OF 10


Learn at Home
programme continuing
to provide computers
to students
Disadvantaged young people are being helped by the Raspberry Pi
Foundation while they study at home. By Rob Zwetsloot

he running of schools right now is in flux. up to allow for loaning laptops to students in
What this does mean, though, is that many need, and the Raspberry Pi Foundation is no
more children are now learning from home different, donating computer kits to nearly 4000
than they were last year, and may be for the rest young people.
of the school year.
While some families may have the resources to T he Foundation’s staff are
allow for their children to continue schooling from
home, some may not. also made available for
“The closure of schools has called attention
to the digital divide, which sees poorer families ongoing tech support
struggling or unable to access education,” the
Raspberry Pi Foundation tells us. “The coronavirus “Since April 2020, we have partnered with
pandemic didn’t cause this divide, but it has a network of over 40 schools and youth and
highlighted it and its impact on many people in community organisations across the UK to
our society. This has become significantly more get computers into the hands of nearly 4000
urgent as a result of the pandemic and the ongoing disadvantaged young people that lack a computer
disruption to schooling, which we know has a to continue their school work,” the Foundation
disproportionately negative impact on children explains. “This work was generously funded by
who already experience disadvantage.” the Bloomfield Trust, S&P Global Foundation
and more than 70 other generous individuals
Stay connected to school and companies.”
Ofcom estimates about two million children Recipients are some of the more poorer
in the UK do not have access to a computer for families that don’t meet the requirement for the
learning from home. Some charities, and even Department of Education’s loan initiative. These
the Department of Education, have stepped families also get support to get the computer

08 Learn at Home programme


Stay Connected kit

The whole thing costs under £200 – here’s what
students are getting:

• Raspberry Pi 400
• Mouse
• HDMI cable
• Monitor
• USB webcam with microphone
• Headphones
• Power supplies
Where the internet isn’t available, the Raspberry Pi
Foundation is helping to provide low-cost or free
internet access, where possible.
set up, and the Foundation’s staff are also made
available for ongoing tech support.
 kits are sent to Help
 is available for setting
the recipients as part of up the computer with all
Immediate impact the scheme the items in the pack

For a program of this scale, the Foundation has

made sure to get feedback where it can – from
surveys to feedback from partners – and so far it
looks promising:

• Young people who previously weren’t engaged

have begun engaging with learning.
• Parents have reported positive changes in young
people’s attitudes and behaviour.
• Youth and social workers have deepened their
relationship with families, enabling them to
provide better overall support throughout
this crisis.

The program is ongoing throughout 2021.

“Building on the success of our programme
to date, we are now seeking more financial and
practical support to help us achieve further
impact at significant scale. If this is something
you can support us with, please contact please
contact us by visiting”

Learn at Home programme 09


A colour-coded weather map provides an at-a-glance insight into whether
it’s good enough weather for flying, learns Rosie Hattersley
Philip Rueker

Philip is a software
engineer at
earning to fly your own plane is an idle would be very easy to use and set up, and expand its
Microsoft’s fantasy for many of us. Such heroic, escapist functionality over time. He decided on a Raspberry
Redmond, dreams can be triggered by the sight of a small Pi Zero W since the program does not need a lot
craft passing overhead. So it was for Austrian- of power. He could connect to it over a wireless
headquarters. This
is the first Raspberry born, US-based software engineer Philip Rueker. network to make changes to the code without
Pi project he’s When leisure flights became a regular sight in his having to plug it into the computer. He’s recently
designed and built adoptive home of Redmond, Washington, Philip was added a mini LED display to the setup.
from scratch.
thrilled enough to build his own aeroplane tracking tool. He’s now built a Raspberry Pi Zero-based Plane spotting
METAR (meteorological aerodrome report) map on Philip’s previous projects include a PiAware
which colour-coded LEDs show the current flying aeroplane tracker which logs flights over his house
conditions at local airports with a weather reporting and reports them to Flightradar24, along with a
station. Before flying an aeroplane, “you have to do Raspberry Pi 3-based Stratux box which monitors
some planning for the weather. Having a map on nearby planes while you’re in the air. These gave
the wall to get a first glance indication of whether him a great start when designing the METAR Map,
the weather is good today is a great start,” he says. for which he was mainly focused on developing his
Philip had long been fascinated “that a small, Python skills.
tiny Raspberry Pi is more powerful than the first Having seen the concept floated in a Reddit post,
full-size computer I sat in front of a long time ago Philip and his partner – also a dedicated crafter and
Weather warning when I was a child.” He also knew that Raspberry Pi plane nerd – decided to work on it together. “It took

Weather conditions
can change abruptly,
so consult detailed
local forecasts before
setting off for sky-bound

METAR data can be

pulled from a site such
which uses familiar
airport short codes.
Write these codes
on the back of your
map when attaching
your LEDs

10 METAR Map


Raspberry Pi Zero W’s modest

dimensions means it sits discreetly
behind the METAR Map in its shadow
box frame. Improvements to the
setup can be provided wirelessly

LEDs indicating airports and

geographical features show
at a glance whether each Quick FACTS
location is currently suitable
for flying over in a small plane > Philip built an
aeroplane tracker
logging flights over
his house…

> …which is full of Lego

planes, rockets,
Weather stations at airports and other
and spaceships
locations provide METAR data to assist
aviators. Philip created Python code to pull
> He is a qualified
in code from, while
private pilot…
Raspberry Pi Zero W controls the LEDs
> …and has been
building his own
plane in his garage

> He hopes to pilot

it one day!

METAR Map 11


The addition of an LCD provides

detailed airport weather information –
useful for take-offs and landings

Testing the code on a string

of LEDs before taping them a little bit of learning about language and piecing
to back of the map together various libraries to make the lights, and
everything come together,” he says. The project
cost around $100, with the shadow box picture
frame representing the biggest outlay. It would
be perfectly possible to make your own frame, of
course. The LEDs and Raspberry Pi Zero require
little power, so the running costs are negligible.
Philip wrote the code himself and is proud of
the way he pieced the project together with eye-
catching elements such as using the NeoPixel
library to communicate with the LEDs, while
keeping things simple so that others could build
METAR maps of their own. Having posted the
project on GitHub (,
Philip’s been delighted by the “awesome” METAR
maps other people have created and has added
functionality based on GitHub users’ requests.

12 METAR Map

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Make your own map

A great project for Python coders, you’ll need
NeoPixels or WS2811 addressable LEDs, a detailed
map, soldering iron, and a Raspberry Pi Zero W. Find
Philip’s GitHub at

Lay out your map and identify cities, airports,

01 and other locations you want to monitor. A
comprehensive list of weather stations can be found

Refinements include making the lights blink In response to feedback

by makers on GitHub,
if there are high winds at an airport, and another Philip added a lightning
addition to make the LEDs flash white if there is a indicator and set LEDs to
blink if a weather station Attach LEDs to Raspberry Pi Zero W and use
lightning storm in the area. He’s recently added a is reporting high winds 02 the code on GitHub to match up lights with
small LCD which shows full weather information
your chosen METAR locations.
for the airports.

 hilip’s been delighted by the awesome

METAR maps other people have created
Mighty maps
Although Philip created his METAR Map with
aviation weather in mind, he says it could easily be
adapted by someone who wanted to make a similar
map to visualise the weather in nearby towns
or cities. “All that would be needed would be an
online source to get the weather data.”
Fellow aviators have taken his project to heart.
“I’ve had quite a few pilots contact me who said Test your lights, then tape everything to the back
they have never written any code [but who] were
03 of your map (laminating or gluing it onto a board
able to successfully put it all together and showed aids durability) and carefully place it in its frame.
me their creations.”

METAR Map 15


Upgrading prayer reminders with new technology was a
perfect job for Raspberry Pi, as Rob Zwetsloot finds out

ith broadband internet available to The prayer timetable is something Abid has
huge portions of the population, been working on for about nine years, when
it’s easier than ever to connect to he noticed people were ringing up their local
people remotely. The ubiquity of video calls and mosque to check on any changes to prayer times,
conferences means that you can have online which could happen every week. “This had me
gatherings like never before. For Abid Shah, thinking that we need a way for the prayer times
this meant opening up places of worship to to be accessible on a virtual platform for users,”
more people. he says.
Abid Shah

“My project involves streaming live audio and

video from houses of worship (actually from Virtual timetable
Abid has worked
anywhere with internet) to social media platforms Luckily, he was thinking about how to digitise
in IT for the last 21
years. His hobbies such as YouTube, Facebook and, more uniquely, the timetable at a very fortunate time. “After
include reading, straight to people’s homes,” Abid explains. some research about what platform I could use to
helping with
“I have also designed and implemented an host such a project, the original Raspberry Pi was
charitable works,
freestyle wrestling, integrated prayer timetable.” already on the market and seemed, in theory, to
and working on the be the natural choice,” Abid recalls. “Possibly the
AirMyPrayer project. only practical choice as there was nothing else in the market in my budget range.”

 s the internet is more

accessible now than
the range of UHF radio
transceivers, it was a logical
way of upgrading these
calls to prayer
Using a client server setup, he was able to
deliver a practical working example that is now
being used in a several mosques. “To make it
easier for the technophobes, I also have connected
a Raspberry Pi to a smaller touchscreen monitor
so one can easily change the congregational
times,” he adds.
The prayer timetable is only one part of the
system – the other is a broadcasting system.
“Mosques up and down the country traditionally
have used UHF radio transceivers to transmit
The upgraded prayer timetable using a Raspberry Pi sermons or call to prayers to people’s homes,”

16 AirMyPrayer

You can look in on the mosque

via a camera to feel more
connected to the community

The prayer timetable is

displayed on the screen
and stays up-to-date

The home device

can be plugged
into a TV via HDMI > A lot of trial-and-
error and iteration
occurred during the
first two years
Abid says. “Unlike experiencing the call to prayer even connect to it on a phone. Check the website
> Live streams can be
in Islamic countries over the loudspeaker, the best for more details:
accomplished with
alternative was to receive it through UHF radio Reception has been mixed – the older system
a phone camera
receivers installed in homes.” has been in use for a long time, so changing to a as well
new one has not been quick, according to Abid.
Online solution “However, with incremental improvements to > Alerts can be sent
As the internet is more accessible now than the the design and a focus on a more friendly user to users from the
range of these transceivers, it was a logical way of experience, the device became more accepted, and ‘managers’ of a
upgrading these calls to prayer. Abid got to work. now there are over 150 devices around my local connection
“I came up with three key requirements,” he area and still growing.”
> Prayer is held five
explains. The first is to deliver five times daily
times a day
“a call to prayer and sermons/events to people’s
homes using audio and/or video reliably without
> The default home
any user invention and fully automated. Secondly, screen page
it needs to be a budget system as we’re dealing includes local info,
with charitable organisations. Lastly, it needs to such as a
be portable so can be used in any organisation weather forecast
with internet availability.”
The current AirMyPrayer system consists of a
broadcasting Raspberry Pi at the mosque, which
can use cameras or just a microphone, and a
Raspberry Pi 4 that can receive the internet A simple mosque-side
AirMyPrayer setup,
broadcast for people in their home. It uses a small
which allows for
touchscreen and is highly customisable – you can voice transmission

AirMyPrayer 17

ML-based Bird and

Squirrel Detector
Want to distinguish a bullfinch from a buzzard in your garden, or whether squirrels are up
to no good? Machine learning has the answer. Nicola King takes a walk on the wild side

ew York-based Mike Sadowski had “I have a Python program that runs on my
been interested in machine learning Raspberry Pi that watches a folder for new photos. If
(ML) for some time and wanted some it sees one, it makes an API call to AWS to send the
original images that he could feed into an ML photo to an AWS ‘bucket’,” Mike tells us. In AWS, he
algorithm: “I was interested in the challenge has a Python Lambda function (a cost-effective way
of trying ML with real data, not a canned data of running code) that watches the bucket, waiting for
set,” he explains. photos. His Lambda takes the photo that just arrived
Mike Sadowski One day, while looking out of his window, a flash and sends it to Amazon Rekognition, which then

of inspiration came to him. “You really want a lot uses its ML-based image recognition capabilities to
Mike is an IT
of data for machine learning – the more the better. try to assess what the photo contains.
executive with I was looking out the window at my bird feeder
a real-estate
company in the New
and I realised that there were probably hundreds
of birds visiting it daily, so that would be perfect! I
I was interested in the
York area. Previously
he was CTO at two added squirrels to the mix because they are always challenge of trying ML with
venture-backed hanging around the feeder, hoping they can figure
companies. On
the side, he enjoys
out how to break in.” real data, not a canned
working on projects
related to IoT and Eagle eye data set
machine learning. And so, Mike began work on his Bird and Squirrel Detector, a marvellous make that utilises a “Amazon Rekognition replies with a list of
birdsquirrel Raspberry Pi, a High Quality Camera, some clever ‘labels’ (that’s a machine learning term that
code, and Amazon Web Services image recognition describes what an ML algorithm thinks is in the
(aka AWS Rekognition). Mike set his Raspberry Pi picture),” explains Mike. “Then my Lambda
up to run PI-TIMOLO (, a code looks at the labels and decides if the image
Some of the many birds
visiting Mike’s garden that
downloadable software module that watches for contains a bird or squirrel. Based on this, it
inspired his project motion and takes a snap when it detects any. sends a message to an AWS service called Simple
Notification Service (SNS). You can subscribe to an
SNS ‘topic’ and ask it to send you emails or texts.
So I have one SNS topic for birds and another for
squirrels, so I know what’s in each photo.”

Winging it
Mike had to tweak some of software parameters
in order that the trigger to take the photo was just
how he needed it. He wanted images of the birds
and squirrels and not anything else. “You want
to make sure you don’t miss good photos, but
you don’t want to snap a picture every time a tree
branch moves in the background, or you’ll end up
with thousands of photos per day.”

18 ML-based Bird and Squirrel Detector

A High Quality Camera with The image is sent to the AWS Cloud,
a telephoto lens is pointed where Amazon Rekognition analyses
at the garden bird feeder it and generates a list of ID labels

Running on a Raspberry Pi 4,
PI-TIMOLO detects motion and Quick FACTS
then captures an image
> T
 he project took
Mike several weeks
(part-time) to

> H
 e plans to add
another Raspberry
Pi to create some
squirrel deterrents!

> Mike’s GitHub

code can be found

> If you want to have

a go, you’ll need
Python skills…

A red-bellied woodpecker pays a visit to Mike’s bird feeder. > … and a medium-
Standard AWS Rekognition identified it as a ‘woodpecker’ level grasp of AWS

In addition, he says, “The other bit of fine-

tuning that took some time was filtering out all
of the uninteresting labels Amazon Rekognition
returned. It tells you everything it thinks it sees
in the picture. So it won’t just identify animals, it
will also tell you it sees a bird feeder, or a chair. Or
it might tell you it sees trees and grass, which may
be accurate, but you don’t care about that.” So, he
built up a list of ‘uninteresting’ labels over time,
and filtered them out so he was only informed of
bird and squirrel sightings.
Mike describes the feedback he’s had from other
makers as “amazing”, and is glad to share his
insight into both the possibilities and limitations
of AI. He’s also discovered the fantastic Raspberry The camera is pointed at
the bird feeder. Mike started
Pi team spirit: “A cool thing about the Raspberry Pi with a cheap telephoto
community is that you can reach out to people and lens, but switched to one
borrowed from his Canon
they will really help you.” EOS camera

ML-based Bird and Squirrel Detector 19


Raspberry Pi Amiga 600

Billy Nesteroulis has created an Amiga computer
for the modern user, as David Crookes explains

A nine-pin joystick from an original Amiga
ven though the Amiga range of computers computer can be used with the USB adapter
ceased production in 1996 following a by Retronic Design (

successful eleven-year run, many users

Billy remain determined to keep its memory alive.

Nesteroulis Not only has a new magazine recently emerged

(DJ Nest) (Amiga Addict), but Commodore’s machine has
resurfaced in various guises over the years. Its
Billy is an Amiga operating system, AmigaOS, continues to be
musician and a
updated, and there are even rumours that a revived
member of the
Vintage Computers A500 model will be released this year.
Society of Athens. Such news excites Amiga fans. “The price of used
His team specialises Amigas has skyrocketed over the last five years and
in 3D prints and he
loves to experiment
it’s not an easy task to preserve an old computer,”
with Raspberry Pi. explains Billy Nesteroulis, aka DJ Nest. “If you own an old Amiga, it will eventually break: their
electrolytic capacitors tend to leak. You’ll need
a new power supply, and some kind of memory
expansion is ideal.” “Raspberry Pi can emulate an Amiga with AmigaOS
With a Raspberry Pi computer, however, such and you can use it to play games and software made
costs can be significantly lowered. As Billy has for the machine,” he continues.
shown, it’s possible to build an Amiga 600 from
scratch with a Raspberry Pi 4 as the main unit. Stars in their eyes
Certainly, Raspberry Pi has proven to be the
perfect platform for Amiga emulation. “Dimitris
Panokostas has done a remarkable job creating
the Amiberry emulator and because Raspberry
Pi hardware is small, it can fit easily almost
everywhere,” Billy says.
In this instance, the single-board computer has
been fitted inside a full-size, 3D-printed replica of
an Amiga 600 case, allowing use of its USB ports
and wireless LAN. A specially designed keyboard
that was originally designed as a replacement for
ageing Amiga machines is connected and modern
adapters will allow use of the nine-pin joysticks of
old for added authenticity.
“The Cherry MX keyboard is illuminated and it
was designed to fit the case that I 3D-printed,”
Billy explains. “The joystick adapter is plug-and-
play with no drivers needed and you can also use
Amiga CD32 joypads with their eight buttons.”
With Amibian and
Amiberry as the main Other parts include a micro HDMI extender, SD
emulator, you can
emulate any Amiga
card extender, power supply unit, USB extenders, a
model you like power switch, and LAN extender.

20 Amiga Pi 600


Raspberry Pi has been overclocked from 1.5GHz to

2.1GHz, with the GPU running at 700MHz (up from
500MHz). A CPU heatsink with a fan is also used
The files for the 3D-printed case
were created by Jens Mühlenberg
and cost $20 to download from

The Cherry MX keyboard is specific and
designed to fit the case. You have a choice > The project costs
of a black or white keyboard with standard around $250 in total
white lighting or RGB
> It can emulate
Amiga 500s to
Amiga 4000s
To ensure everything runs smoothly, Billy uses Indeed, Raspberry Pi 600 gives the same feeling
the Amibian distro (“the most complete experience and experience of the A600, but with the modern > But the case is
modelled on an
of the classic Amiga environment”). He also touch of the Raspberry Pi hardware. “It has the
Amiga 600
likes that – in exchange for a small donation – he required juice to run specific software such the
can use the Amibian 1.5 Extended Edition made classic pixel-art package Deluxe Paint, games play
> You can plug it into
by Gunnar Kristjánsson. “The Extended Edition without issues, and you can build your own system a modern monitor
and adapt it to your needs,” Billy says. “For many

 aspberry Pi can emulate

R people, it’s the best Amiga solution in 2021.” > Amiga novices
could use the

an Amiga with AmigaOS PiMIGA emulator

and you can use it to play

games and software
includes Raspbian Buster V10 OS with the look and
feel of the Amiga OS 4,” Billy says. “It has a modern
browser, the VLC media player, and the Qmmp
audio player. You can even use LibreOffice Writer.”

A modern touch
Amibian also allows users to update software and
Amiga emulators through its configuration tool.
All of which has meant Billy’s set up expands the
potential of the machine, beyond matching the real
A600. “It’s allowed me to bond classic computing
Raspberry Pi Amiga 600 is the
with modern computing,” he says. same size as the original A600

Amiga Pi 600 21


CNC plotter
Recycling old tech to allow a computer to draw? Rob Zwetsloot checks out this amazing machine

ne of the reasons we highlight cool He also wrote the Python software which runs on
projects is because we hope they inspire Raspberry Pi. “It is an interpreter which reads and
others. Stratos Botsaris is one of those executes the G-code from a text file and drives the
people that got inspired. stepper motors.”
“I had seen people on the internet creating and
using CNC plotters and always wondered how Switching to Raspberry Pi
these machines work,” he explains. “I was mainly According to Stratos, a lot of the projects he’d seen
interested in way the CNC machine translates the were made with Arduino, so he decided to see if it

G-code instructions into movement that drives the was possible with Raspberry Pi.
Botsaris stepper motors. I wanted to find out the internal “I started experimenting with one stepper motor
workings of this.” with a Raspberry Pi,” he says. “Fortunately, I was
A software engineer
from Athens with That’s just what he did, creating his own lucky enough to have salvaged one stepper motor
an interest in DIY CNC plotter in the process. “It is controlled by from an old printer and another one from an old
electronic projects Raspberry Pi and can draw an image on a surface scanner. In the beginning I had to find out how
using Raspberry Pi.
the size of a piece of A4 paper,” he tells us. “I stepper motors work and how to connect one to have designed and built both the hardware and the Raspberry Pi. Then I tried to drive the stepper
software myself. I have assembled its hardware motor by writing a small program in Python and
by using recycled parts from an old scanner run it on Raspberry Pi. Once I managed to make
and a printer.” this work, I got very excited and this gave me the
push to continue with controlling two stepper
motors at the same time. This was the most tricky
part because I had to find a way to move the two
stepper motors in parallel if I ever wanted the CNC

The extra servo on top

is to lift and lower the
pen. With some string, Lifting up the drawing surface reveals the old scanner
of course parts below, as well as the platform’s stepper motor

22 CNC plotter


The pen is mounted to one

stepper motor, while the other Stratos wanted to see if he could create
moves the drawing surface a plotter with Raspberry Pi after seeing
many similar projects

> CNC stands
for computer
numerical control

> G-code is a set

of instructions for
This is part of an old scanner – a lot the CNC machine
of the parts for this are recycled or interpreted from
scavenged from old tech an image

> The motor that

lowers and
raises the pen is
considered half
an axis

> A stepper motor

is used, as its
plotter to draw a diagonal line. I had been trying
several algorithms in Python for a long time, but
I had seen people on the movement is
performed in
eventually the simplest one worked how I wanted.” internet creating and using CNC precise fractions
of rotation
Recycling to work plotters and always wondered
The end result is a little robot that can draw – > Stratos usually
exactly as planned. You can see it in action on how these machines work works in Java
YouTube here:
We’re big fans of recycling and upcycling for
projects here, and recycling was always part of
Stratos’s plan. “I wanted to minimise the cost of
the project as much as possible in order to find
out how cheap it can be,” he says. “That is the
reason that I reused parts from an old scanner
and a printer for the hardware part. Also, I used
L293D chips instead of the [more expensive]
L298D motor driver board, so the only cost
was actually a Raspberry Pi and its accessories,
which I owned anyway.
“Moreover, I implemented the software program
myself because I wanted to find out the internal
working of a CNC plotter. So I would say the only Talking about recycling old
tech, an original Raspberry
thing that it cost me mainly was my time, which I
Pi Model B was used for
enjoyed spending while doing this project!” the programming

CNC plotter 23


RFID Gro Clock

Live-wire toddlers are exhausting, with no concept of bedtime. A Raspberry Pi-based
‘Gro Clock’ signals when it’s time to sleep. Sounds like bliss to Rosie Hattersley

etting enough sleep when you’ve got Story books that mentioned CDs piqued his son’s
small children can be a challenge. David interest, so David decided this was a good option
Gardner took a practical approach to sleep for the entertainment element. Using RFID as the
deprivation, devising a clock that uses a traffic control mechanism (for MP3s and other audio files)
light system to let the kids know when it’s OK also made using the Gro Clock more intuitive: “I
to get up. The RFID Gro Clock is based around don’t like my children having lots of interactions
Raspberry Pi Zero W and has a custom-made 3D with screens, so this is a great, physical way for
case. The project took about six weeks to complete, kids to be able to control things.”
David Gardner

and was finished just in time for Christmas.

David is an enterprise
Building blocks
IT technician. He Man with a plan David based the project around Raspberry Pi
recently repaired The aim of David’s RFID Gro Clock project was “to Zero W for its GPIO programmability, memory, and
several household get my son to be more independent in going to bed microSD card support, as well as its compact size
electrical appliances,
and then also to stay in bed longer in the morning. and low cost. He used Python to code everything and
including a 1970s
food mixer, a Kindle, From a purely selfish point of view, that would give decided to use VLC Player for the MP3 playback, “as
and his Sonos audio me a bit more time in bed,” he notes. this has a pretty well-documented API and Python
streaming system (to
To entice his three-year-old to go to bed in the library, plus support for playing audio CDs.”
which he eventually
hopes to add first place, he decided to provide “some form of He added a ‘setcd’ command to identify the
more features). entertainment.” He also needed “a method to number of tracks on a CD when it was inserted, and show somebody who cannot tell the time when it is used events in his Python code to understand when
rfidgrowclockgit OK to get up.” the next or previous track was being played.

Interior of the RFID Gro Clock, showing David used FreeCAD to design the
Raspberry Pi Zero W and lighting all wired up 3D-printed case for his Gro Clock

24 RFID Gro Clock


On-screen icons provide further

indications of whether it’s
playtime or time for a nap. The
clock will be handy once their
toddler learns to tell the time

> David included a
CD player after his
son asked what a
CD was

> It’s currently the

family’s only means
of playing audio CDs
A traffic light system indicates whether
it’s time to sleep, to read, or listen to > David’s son refuses
music in bed, or OK to get up and wake to use the RFID Gro
A CD player for audiobooks and music extends
the parents. Sneakily, the parents can Clock’s alarm
the Gro Clock’s usefulness. The large square
adjust the times and arrange a lie-in
buttons play, skip, pause, and replay tracks
> But he enjoys the
audio books (and
outsmarting his
Testing the components dad, presumably)
T his is a great, physical before installing them in the
custom-designed case
> David has since
way for kids to be able to repaired several
household items
control things using his
He advises anyone planning a similar project to electronics skills
do their research and planning first. For example,
he has no 3D printer, so used a 3D printing website.
Having created a design in FreeCAD (using YouTube
videos as a guide) and sent the resulting STL file to
print, David realised he’d omitted two (thankfully
non-critical) items – a potentially pricey mistake
since 3D printing was already under way.
“Raspberry Pi has been great for the project. It
allowed me to have the flexibility of a computer
and all the software packages that are available,
whilst also giving me the ability to interface
with a wide variety of electronics components,”
he reveals.
Because he was using existing components
as far as possible, not everything came together
immediately. The RFID element caused a few
issues with power consumption due to the Python
package chosen, and because it and the OLED
connect via SPI. Nonetheless, David recommends
RFID cards as a method of control.“It’s a great way
to allow little people to interface with devices,” he
says. “Maybe when [my son] gets a bit older and
more into music, I may look to have some RFID
cards play Spotify songs.”

RFID Gro Clock 25


Real-time bee monitor

Researchers are buzzing with excitement after devising a low-cost
method of monitoring wild bees, as David Crookes discovers

Study co-author Mike Livingstone is
cientists seeking to better understand catching bees from the researchers’
nest in order to tag them
the ecology of bees know that monitoring
them in the wild is no easy task. Harmonic
radar – the best way of tracking bees – is expensive
and complicated, which is why researchers are
currently abuzz over a new method that puts a
Raspberry Pi computer at its heart.
Led by computer scientist Michael Smith, a team
Michael Smith

of researchers from the University of Sheffield and

Michael is a The Bumblebee Conservation Trust have figured
computer scientist a way to make the striped insects easier to spot.
at the University They’re dressing bees in hi-vis retroreflective
of Sheffield and
the lead author of vests and taking photographs of the environment,
a study into the before subjecting them to a machine learning
monitoring of bee model that operates in real-time.
species in the UK,
“I was reading books by Dave Goulson, who
using relatively
inexpensive described the problem of finding the nests of bees,
technology. and it got me thinking of ways to spot them from The method depends on being able to take a a distance without needing an electronic tag,” flash photograph, so the camera needs to be able
beetrack Michael tells us. to expose the entire sensor at once, not just scan
“When I was cycling home one evening,” he lines. “The very short exposure you can get with
continues, “ I noticed how retroreflectors are very the electronic shutter (down to one microsecond)
noticeable when lit by the blinking bike light. It means I can match the exposure to the length
was a eureka moment.” of the flash, which is a few microseconds,”
Michael reveals. “It means almost all of the
Bee-hold Raspberry Pi illumination in the photo is from the flash,
Michael devised a method in which two even on a bright sunny day, and so it’s easier to
photographs would be taken of an environment – detect the retroreflector.”
one using a camera flash and the other without.
He experimented by connecting a Raspberry Pi 3 Hive of activity
The machine learning process subtracts one photo
 achine learning helps to remove false-
M from the other, leaving an image containing bright
spots if the retroreflector-wearing bees happened
positive spots caused by other objects to be in the frame.
“Machine learning helps to remove false-
to an industrial global electronic-shutter camera, positive spots caused by other objects such as
but soon switched up to a Raspberry Pi 4. “The moving trees and litter,” says Michael, who
better CPU meant we could process images much collected the machine learning data with two of
faster and the extra memory improves the image his students – Isaac Hill and Chunyu Deng – by
analysis as more images can be processed at once,” walking around in front of the tracking system
he says. with a reflector on the end of a stick.

26 Real-time bee monitor


Two to four camera flashes

(TT560 models by Neewer)
are used. A Veroboard with
mounted transistors allows
the flashes to be triggered Real-time data is provided via a
from the GPIO pins webpage (and flask API) which is
hosted on a Raspberry Pi 4

The £400 GCC2062M camera takes

Since the tracker works best when it’s
looking down and is away from clutter,
images which are then overlaid with the
the scientists have experimented with
ways of getting the system in the air, bee’s location, highlighted by a cross
> Retroreflective
trying a hexacopter UAV, a 10 metre
mast, and a tethered balloon tags are attached
to bees

“To build the system, we manually labelled

The retroreflective tags placed on the > The tracker spots
where our reflector was in the photos afterwards. bees are made of the same fabric as bees up to 40
These labels, combined with false-positive the high-visibility vests worn by cyclists
metres away
dots in the same images, were used to train
the classifier, and we used Raspberry Pi OS, > It monitors foraging
Python 3, standard libraries, and the Aravis behaviour and 3D
library to interface with the camera and process flight paths
the results.”
So far, the team has been able to detect bees > Seven species of
wild bee have
from up to 40 metres away and this has thrown
been monitored
up some surprising results. On one occasion they
found buff-tailed bumblebees up a pine tree some
> Each tracker costs
33 metres distant in a location the researchers around £500
wouldn’t have usually looked.
“We’ve used the trackers in gardens, fields,
and at various places on the university campus,
but we’re in touch with other researchers who
will be using them for looking at the initial flight
of bees as they leave nests, or for monitoring
bees foraging inside glass-houses. It also makes
sense to think about tracking and detecting other
insects. There are a lot of open research questions
in behavioural entomology.”

Real-time bee monitor 27



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Try out other ways of making

with #MonthOfMaking 2021
and The MagPi!

t’s that time of year again! March around these
parts is the #MonthOfMaking, our month-long
community building event.
We love to seek out and showcase the amazing projects
the wider Raspberry Pi and maker communities come up
with – and by wider, we really mean wider. In the mag
we often talk about electronic-based projects – we are
a computer magazine, after all. However, the world of
making encompasses much more than that: crafting,
sewing, knitting, baking, sculpting, photography,
model-making, cosplaying, and even more.
While you can make anything you want for
#MonthOfMaking, we want to highlight other ways you
can make and be creative in this issue. Let’s build!

30 #MonthOfMaking

How to participate
The rules of #MonthOfMaking are simple

1 2 3 4
Work on a project, Take photos of Share it to Twitter Make sure to
new or old your progress and/or Instagram include the
and completed with a helpful #MonthOfMaking
projects description hashtag


The MagPi 79 The MagPi 91

We introduced In The MagPi #91, we
#MonthOfMaking in The showed you how to
MagPi #79 with eleven document and share your
projects you could try out projects with the community

HackSpace Magazine #MonthOfMaking

Our sister publication,
HackSpace Magazine, See what others are
is joining in on the doing! Be inspired by
#MonthOfMaking fun this each other, and offer help
year. Its back catalogue is if you can when asked
a treasure trove of amazing
project ideas and inspiration 31

Sewing, knitting, crochet, weaving,
etc. are some of the oldest
forms of making. Here’s how to
supercharge them with tech

U Getting started
sually the closest we get to doing
some kind of craft project with
Raspberry Pi is with wearables.
While they are cool in their own way, and can
be definitely be part of this subject, we don’t
with wearables
do much that truly combines yarn craft and This is a great place to start if you want to
electronics. Here are some ways you can. learn a bit more about sewing and coding with
conductive thread. It makes use of Adafruit
FLORA; however if you want to take a stab at modifying it
for a Raspberry Pi Pico, it’s more than doable.
Sewing is something that does take a bit of practice
but it’s a really handy skill if you want to modify or even
make your own clothes! Adding wearables in this fashion
can be a lot of fun, and is also very useful when it comes
to cosplay.

Social Media
without the
This project is more of an art
We recently did a big feature on Arts and Crafts
piece, but it shows the extreme
with Raspberry Pi, and you can find it in issue
application of wearable technology
101 of The MagPi ( for more tips
with buttons and screens all over
and inspiration.
these coveralls. A high five counts
as a ‘like’ in this offline social
experiment. However, you can use
some of the ideas for different types
of costumes – even a Halloween
get-up many months in advance.

32 #MonthOfMaking

CNC Embroidery machine

This is a cool mixture of tech. A lot of
modern embroidery machines let you load up
a pattern via a computer so that the end result
is much more accurate and faster if you require it.
This project is all about hacking a normal sewing
machine that connects to a Raspberry Pi and some
motors to do the hard work. It’s also a lot cheaper, if
you have the skills, materials, and patience.
This is a mix of hardware and software hacking
and quite advanced. If you fancy doing some other
kinds of upcycling/recycling, check over the page for
other projects.


thread embroidery
Not sure if you want to hand-sew WEARABLE
conductive thread into some fabric? TECH PROJECTS
Want to try to hide it? This ingenious
method of attaching conductive Our friends over at
thread by wrapping it in thread also HackSpace Magazine
allows the wire to be somewhat worked with the
insulated! With some practice and a amazing Sophy Wong
steady hand, you could possibly do to create a fantastic
this with a normal sewing machine wearables book, full
as well! of incredible ideas
for merging tech and fashion. Check
it out at

Soft circuit button

This project is a little more of a hacky/DIY way
to work with fabric and electronics. Create a soft,
safer button that can be used in a variety of wearable
or other applications. It’s also fairly disguised for a button.
There are also some good tips on how to use conductive
thread in a sewing machine, such as lowering the tension
on the machine. This project is based on Arduino, but it’s a
perfect fit for Raspberry Pi Pico.

#MonthOfMaking 33

& upcycling
builds NeoPixel Recycled
Use old tech and unwanted
household items and give
Made from recycled bottles for an ultimate
them a new life DIY look, this NeoPixel-powered chandelier is

wonderful. It even uses recycled wood for part
aking can get expensive, but there’s of the build. The mixture of bottles is not perhaps quite
so much you can do with old tech our preference, but it looks good either way. This project
or a cardboard box with a little makes use of Adafruit boards rather than Raspberry Pi,
ingenuity and elbow grease. Here are some but it’s easy to swap them out so you can continue using
great projects that might get you inspired to what you have instead of buying anything new.
turn your Amazon box into a robot lawnmower.

Robotic Arm
A robot made from
recycled parts and/
or scrap seems
very much like a scrappy
sci-fi movie character
thing. However, this version
is very real! It reminds us a
MAGPI MEDIA lot of the MeArm robot kit
and you could probably use
We regularly love to talk to Martin Mander about parts of that to make this bigger robot.
his upcycling projects, so we decided to pick his
Once again, this is all powered by Arduino, but
brains for some excellent upcycling tips. Check
controlling motors and servos with Raspberry Pi is
it out in issue 70 of The MagPi:
incredibly easy using various motor or robotic HATs.
Pairing a game controller will be a bit easier as well.
The potato counterweight is universal, though.

34 #MonthOfMaking

Game Boy Zero
Sticking a Raspberry Pi Zero
inside a classic game controller
or handheld – or any old tech,
for that matter – is a perfect fit for the
tiny computer. While there are many
Game Boy-style cases and 3D-printed
builds you can do (and they’ll work very
nicely as well), this version uses an
actual original Game Boy, albeit with
some external modifications, like extra
buttons taken from an NES controller.
A cartridge has also been made into a
giant microSD card adapter, so you can
switch out cards easily.

Google Pi
It would be very easy
to fill pages with
upcycling projects

Coffee Maker from the always-inventive

and creative Martin Mander.

Greenhouse This Google Pi Intercom

remains one of our favourites
due to its mixture of old tech
Is this an upcycle or a recycle? It’s probably closer (an eighties office intercom)
to recycling as it doesn’t really work as originally and new tech (Google voice
intended, but it does use old tech in a new way. assistant software). He made
Either way, it’s very cool, as it’s been turned into an it using the Google AIY Voice Kit given away for free
automated planter waterer using the original functions of with issue 57 of The MagPi, but it doesn’t require that
the machine. to make it work these days.
The system can sense when the soil is dry, although You can find second-hand and broken tech on pretty
currently it just waters on a timer. The brew button on the much all good online auction/selling sites – just be
original chassis can be used to dispense water ahead of sure you’ve fully discharged any capacitors before
schedule as well, which is something we’d like to see more playing with it.
of in automated projects.

#MonthOfMaking 35

Raspberry Pi
Take photos with Raspberry Pi,
and even do animation with it! High Quality
Camera case hack
hotography is an art and a science.
Tweaking the settings of a camera
for that perfect composition goes Want an easier way to transport a Raspberry
hand in hand with creating excellent photos. Pi HQ Camera and use it as a more traditional
You can do so much with a Raspberry Pi and a point-and-shoot camera? The Raspberry Pi
camera – whether you use an official Camera Foundation’s Richard Hayler and family show us with this
Module / High Quality Camera, a USB webcam, excellent hack using an official Raspberry Pi case.
or a hacked DSLR. It’s a permanent hack using some drilling, so make
sure you don’t mind cutting into a spare case – and have
adult supervision around if you need it!
Learn everything you

Make a 3D camera
need to know about using
official Raspberry Pi camera
boards with The Official
Raspberry Pi Camera Guide:
While you can do some fancy digital tweaks
to a single photo to make it more 3D, the
original and best way is to just take photos
at the same time, using lenses that are side-by-
side. Regular contributor to The MagPi PJ Evans
shows you how using two High Quality Cameras and
two Raspberry Pi Zero boards linked together.
He even demonstrates how to view the photos
– something that will come in very handy for
impressing friends.

A quick and basic way to frame your photo is to think
of it in thirds – as in an equal 3×3 grid bisecting your
photo, like the image above. Features of your photo,
such as the horizon or a tree, should lie roughly along
one of the lines or an intersection of the lines to make
them stand out more.

36 #MonthOfMaking


When creating an animation, ideally you want to aim for 24
frames per second, which is the traditional frame rate of
cinema. This is called ‘animating on ones’. That can be a lot of
work, though, so some animators will skip a frame or three if it
will save time.

Frames per second New picture every Name



Second frame

6 Fourth frame Fours

There are lots of other animation tricks, like moving backgrounds

in parallax to get a sense of motion, or shining a light behind a
picture with cut-outs to create an illusion of sparkles.

This project from the Raspberry Pi Projects

site is very simple yet very effective, allowing
you to take continuous shots using the press
of a button before combining them all into one video
at the end. There’s also a similar project in the Camera
Guide. Creating sets and characters using the craft and
recycling sections might be a great idea as well.

Simple Raspberry
Pi Camera Trap
This project does a bit of recycling, using
a plastic food container as an airtight and
weatherproof box, so also possibly belongs in
the previous section of this feature. It’s a pretty simple
build, technically, but it does make great use of code to
get it to work just right.
It works by waiting for motion before taking photos or
movies, thanks to MotionEyeOS, software mainly used for Motion
time-lapse camera
CCTV. The principles are very similar, though.
There’s a time-lapse photography project already
in The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Guide. This
particular setup takes it a step further, however,
allowing for precise movement as part of the time lapse.
It uses a mix of Arduino and Raspberry Pi, along with some
clever code, to control a camera and motor to get a smooth
pan-and-tilt effect on a time-lapse video. It should be easy
to upgrade with the HQ Camera for more stunning shots.

#MonthOfMaking 37
t s t a r t ed w i th
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Available now:


Build a Pico
Pomodoro timer
Stay focused and get more done with help from
Raspberry Pi Pico and 112 colourful LEDs

he Pomodoro Technique – named after
a tomato-shaped kitchen timer – has
helped countless procrastinators get more
Nik Rawlinson

done by breaking down jobs into 25-minute

bursts, followed by five-minute rests. Although
Esperanto- there are plenty of apps that will count down
speaking, pencil-
wielding, single-
each work and rest cycle, picking up your phone
board computing to check how long remains can be a distraction in
fan who likes its own right.
hyphens and
But pairing a Raspberry Pi Pico with the bright
remembers what
that icon on the LEDs of a Unicorn Pack means you can see at a
save button depicts. glance when your next break is approaching and, if you keep it just out of your eyeline, that warm
red glow is a reminder to carry on working.

With the USB socket uppermost, the longer legs on your

Give your Pico some pins
01 We want to attach Pico to a hardware array
soldered headers should point downwards

of LEDs – but, as Pico lacks the GPIO header of a check the back of the Unicorn Pack, where you’ll
regular Raspberry Pi, we’ll first need to solder a see there’s a white painted illustration of Pico’s
You’ll Need header to the long row of holes on either side of USB socket. Line up this illustration with the actual
Pico itself. With the USB socket uppermost, fit USB socket, then press the Unicorn Pack onto the
> Pico Unicorn Pack
Pico over the shorter pins on either header and use header pins on Pico. Be firm but gentle, and try to
picounicornpack a small amount of solder on each one to create a keep equal pressure on either end to reduce the
contact with the corresponding metal strip on Pico. risk of bending any pins on either of the headers.
> Pico Header Pack
Don’t allow solder to stray across adjacent strips or
picoheaderpack pins, or you’ll create a short circuit.

> Soldering iron and

Flash Pico
03 Your Pico contains a web link to Raspberry
Fit the Unicorn Pack
02 When the solder has had time to cool, turn
Pi’s own firmware, but this doesn’t include the
additional hooks required to work with the Unicorn
> Thonny IDE over Pico so that the longer end of each pin is Pack. Instead, you need Pimoroni’s custom
pointing up and the USB socket is underneath. Now MicroPython firmware image. Point your browser

40 Build a Pico Pomodoro timer


Press X to start a work cycle

and Y to terminate the process

The LEDs are extinguished at different

rates for the work and rest cycles

at and download

the most recent UF2 (.uf2) file – examples for use
are at Press and hold
Pico’s BOOTSEL button while plugging it into a
USB port on your computer (Raspberry Pi, PC, or
Mac). When it appears, drag the UF2 file from your
Downloads folder onto Pico. It will then reboot
with the updated firmware.

 e’ll code Pico using

 hen fitting the
Unicorn Pack to
Pico, match the rear
Thonny, which is included in illustration to the
USB socket to make

Raspberry Pi OS sure it’s correctly


Redirect Thonny Set up the environment

04 We’ll code Pico using the Thonny Python
05 The first three lines of code set up the
IDE, which is included in Raspberry Pi OS, and free environment in which our program will run by Top Tip
for Windows and macOS ( By default, referencing the libraries that handle time and
it works with and executes code stored locally, but the specific features of our Unicorn Pack add-on. Why
we want to address Pico directly so that we can take We’ll use the utime library to count the length of
advantage of the custom firmware. Click ‘Python’ each work and rest cycle – which are 25 minutes You can save
in the lower-right corner of the Thonny window (1500 seconds) and five minutes (300 seconds) multiple apps
on your Pico, but
and select ‘MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)’ from respectively – and divide the number of seconds in
only runs
the list of options to redirect its output – you’re each stretch by 112. Then, every time one 112th of automatically
now ready to start coding. Make sure you save your a cycle has passed – 13.4 seconds on a work cycle when it’s
code regularly as and, when asked where and 2.7 on a rest cycle – we’ll extinguish one of the powered up.
you want to save, choose ‘Raspberry Pi Pico’. LEDs on the Unicorn Pack.

Build a Pico Pomodoro timer 41


 hen first
connecting Pico
to your computer,
hold the BOOTSEL
button to mount
the file system so
you can transfer the
necessary firmware

Define a new process …and knock them down

06 We’ll define a process that can be kicked
08 Now we start extinguishing the LEDs
into action as soon as the X button is pressed. one by one. The important element here is the
We’ve called this process pomocycle, as detailed multiplier, which defines how long Pico will wait
on line 7. The first job is to define the variables after turning off a light before targeting the next
Warning! we’ll be using, which include values for the red and one. We could have told it to wait 13.4 seconds
Soldering green mix in the colours we want to display (red for between each action in a work cycle, or 2.7
work, green for rest), and a column and row count. seconds in a rest cycle. If we did that, however,
This project requires
soldering. Take care
Why 6 and 15 when there are 7 rows of 16 LEDs on it would only be possible to interrupt a cycle by
when handling a hot the Unicorn Pack? Because the first row and first pressing Y every 13.4 or 2.7 seconds, which would
soldering iron and solder.
column of each is counted as 0, not 1. both feel very unresponsive, and be extremely
irritating. We need to find a way of checking the
T he important element button’s status during a sleep cycle.

here is the multiplier

Build them up… Wake, sleep, repeat
Top Tip 07 We now start a loop that keeps running as
09 The solution is to only sleep for 0.1 seconds
long as button Y hasn’t been pressed. If it has, we before checking the status of the button, and
Button exit the process and go back to waiting for a press to use the multiplier to define how many times
bonanza of the X button, which starts the work and rest the sleep/check cycle is repeated. By repeating
cycles all over again. The first job is to illuminate it 134 times for each LED when working, it will
We’re using two every LED on the Unicorn Pack, so we work through take 1500.8 seconds to extinguish all of the LEDs.
buttons, leaving a couple of cycles, one of which is embedded within Conveniently, that’s 0.8 seconds longer than
two free. You
the other so they can target each pixel directly and a 25-minute work cycle. On a rest cycle, we set
could program
one to skip to set it to either red or green, depending on whether the multiplier to 27, so the sleep/check process
the rest cycle for we’re working or resting, as defined in both the loops 27 times for each LED, the last of which will
comfort breaks. opening variables and the reset cycles that appear then extinguish after 302.4 seconds, which is five
later in the code. minutes and 2.4 seconds.

42 Build a Pico Pomodoro timer

> Language: MicroPython

001. import math

002. import utime
003. import picounicorn
005. picounicorn.init()
Make sure you select the ‘MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)’ 006.
interpreter when working with code in Thonny
007. def pomocycle():
009. # Set up our variables
Subtract and start again
10 Every time an LED is extinguished, we
r = 255
g = 0
012. column = 15
subtract one from the column count and, when
013. row = 6
the next loop repeats, the LED in that spot will go 014. phase = "work"
out. Remember, the first column is column zero, 015. multiplier = 134
so when the column count number hits -1 we reset 016.
017. # Start counting down
the counter to 15, and instead subtract one from 018. while not(picounicorn.is_pressed(picounicorn.BUTTON_Y)):
the row count. This continues until the row counter 019.
also hits -1, when we know there are no remaining 020. # Illuminate every LED on the board
021. for x in range(16):
illuminated LEDs. At this point, if we’ve been on a
022. for y in range(7):
25-minute work cycle, we need to switch to a five- 023. picounicorn.set_pixel(x, y, r, g, 0)
minute rest cycle, and vice versa. 024.
025. # Extinguish LEDs one by one
026. while row > -1:
027. while column > -1:
028. for x in range(multiplier):
Reset the variables 029. if not(picounicorn.is_pressed(
11 If we were working, it’s time to rest. So, we 030.
set the multiplier to 27 and swap the values for 031. else:
the red and green tones we’ll use to illuminate the 032. break
033. picounicorn.set_pixel(column, row, 0, 0, 0)
LEDs. Then, when the process restarts, the LEDs
034. column -= 1
will shine green and blink out more quickly as 035. column = 15
they count to the end of our break. If we had been 036. row -= 1
resting, the LEDs are instead set to red, and the 037. row = 6
multiplier is again set to 134 to slow down the rate 039. # No more LEDs? Switch from work to rest and vice versa
at which they disappear. The code now rewinds 040. if phase == "work":
the defined process, illuminates each LED as 041. phase = "rest"
042. multiplier = 27
appropriate, and starts the next countdown.
043. r = 0
044. g = 255
045. elif phase == "rest":
046. phase = "work"
047. multiplier = 134
Keep everything running
12 At this point, our code is all but complete.
r = 255
g = 0
We just need to define what happens when we 050. pass
press the Y button. That’s handled in lines 53 to 052. # Clear the display
55, which simply extinguish any remaining LEDs 053. for x in range(16):
on the Unicorn Pack by setting the red, green, and 054. for y in range(7):
055. picounicorn.set_pixel(x, y, 0, 0, 0)
blue value for each one to zero. Then, the code
comes to an end. With nothing else to do, Pico 057. while True:
returns to where it started, waiting for the next 058. while picounicorn.is_pressed(picounicorn.BUTTON_X):
time the X button is pressed, at which point the 059. pomocycle()

pomocycle process kicks into action once again.

Build a Pico Pomodoro timer 43


Create GUIs
Part 03

with Python:
Meme Generator
Create a GUI application which draws memes

et’s take the lessons you learnt from the The meme will be created when the text in the top
Laura Sach

previous instalments to create a GUI which and bottom text boxes changes. To do that, we will
Laura leads the draws memes. You will input the text and need to create a function which draws the meme.
A Level team at image name and your GUI will combine them into The function should clear the drawing, create an
the Raspberry
your own meme using the Drawing widget. image (we’re using a photo of a woodpecker, but
Pi Foundation,
creating resources Start by creating a simple GUI with two text you can use any you want) and insert the text at
for students boxes for the top and bottom text. This is where the top and bottom of the image.
to learn about you will enter the text which will be inserted over Remember when you used name.value to set
Computer Science.
your picture to create your meme. Add this line to the value of the Text widget with the spy name in
@CodeBoom import the widgets needed. Part 2 of this series? You can also use the value
property to get the value of a Text widget, so in
from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing this case top_text.value means ‘please get the
value that is typed in the top_text box’.
Then add this code for the app:
def draw_meme():
app = App("meme") meme.clear()
meme.image(0, 0, "woodpecker.png")
top_text = TextBox(app, "top text") meme.text(20, 20, top_text.value)
bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text") meme.text(20, 320, bottom_text.value)

O’Hanlon app.display() The first two numbers in meme.image(0, 0) and

meme.text(20, 20) are the x, y co-ordinates of
Martin works in
The meme will be created on a Drawing widget where to draw the image and text. The image is
the learning team
at the Raspberry which will hold the image and text. drawn at position 0, 0, which is the top-left corner,
Pi Foundation, so the image covers the whole of the drawing.
where he creates Create a meme Finally, call your draw_meme function just before
online courses,
projects, and Add it to the GUI by inserting this code just before you display the app. Insert this code just before
learning resources. the app.display() line. The Drawing widget’s the app.display line:
@martinohanlon height and width should be set to ‘fill’ the rest of
the GUI. draw_meme()

meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", Your code should now look like
height="fill") If you run your app (Figure 1) and try changing

44 Create GUIs with Python


Figure 1
> Language: Python 3

001. # Imports ---------------

003. from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing
006. # Functions -------------
008. def draw_meme():
009. meme.clear()
010. meme.image(0, 0, "woodpecker.png")
011. meme.text(20, 20, top_text.value)
012. meme.text(20, 320, bottom_text.value)
015. # App -------------------
017. app = App("meme")
019. top_text = TextBox(app, "top text")
Figure 1 Meme with unstyled text 020. bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text")
022. meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", height="fill")
the top and bottom text, you will notice that it 023.
doesn’t update in the meme. To get this working, 024. draw_meme()
you will have to change your program to call the 025.
026. app.display()
draw_meme function when the text changes, by
adding a command to the two TextBox widgets to
the app.

top_text = TextBox(app, "top text",

bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text", > Language: Python 3
001. # Imports ---------------
 pdate your meme by
U 003.
from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing

changing the top and 005.

006. # Functions -------------

bottom text 007.

008. def draw_meme():
009. meme.clear()
010. meme.image(0, 0, "woodpecker.png")
Your code should now look like that in 011. meme.text(20, 20, top_text.value)
Run it and update your meme by changing the top 012. meme.text(20, 320, bottom_text.value)
and bottom text. 013.
You can alter the look of your meme by 014.
015. # App -------------------
changing the color, size, and font parameters of
the text. For example: 017. app = App("meme")
meme.text( 019. top_text = TextBox(app, "top text", command=draw_meme)
20, 20, top_text.value, 020. bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text", command=draw_meme)
color="orange", 022. meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", height="fill")
size=40, 023.
font="courier") 024. draw_meme()
meme.text( 025.
026. app.display()
20, 320, bottom_text.value,

Create GUIs with Python 45


color="blue", The number of options available for the colour

Top Tip size=28, and font are limited, so you could use a drop-
font="times new roman", down list, also known as a Combo, for this. The
These lines ) size could be set using a Slider widget.
of code were
First, modify your import statement to include
starting to get
very long, so we Your code should now look like Try the Combo and Slider widgets.
have split them different styles until you find something you
over a number like (Figure 2). from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing,
of lines to make Combo, Slider
it easier to Customise your meme generator
read. It doesn’t
For a truly interactive meme generator, the user After you have created your TextBox widgets for
affect what the
should be able to set the font, size, and colour the top and bottom text, create a new Combo
program does,
just how it looks. themselves. You can provide additional widgets widget so the user can select a colour.
on the GUI to allow them to do this.
bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text",
color = Combo(app,
options=["black", "white", "red",
"green", "blue", "orange"],
> Language: Python 3 command=draw_meme)

001. # Imports --------------- The options parameter sets what colours the user
002. can select from the Combo. Each colour is an
003. from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing element in a list. You can add any other colours
004. you want to the list.
006. # Functions -------------
008. def draw_meme(): The options are
009. meme.clear()
010. meme.image(0, 0, "woodpecker.png") displayed in the order in
011. meme.text(
20, 20, top_text.value,
which you put them
in the list
016. meme.text(
017. 20, 320, bottom_text.value,
018. color="blue", The options are displayed in the order in which
019. size=28, you put them in the list. The first option is the
020. font="times new roman", default, which is displayed first. If you want to
021. )
have a different option as the default, you can do
023. it using the selected parameter, e.g. "blue".
024. # App -------------------
025. color = Combo(app,
026. app = App("meme") options=["black", "white", "red",
028. top_text = TextBox(app, "top text", command=draw_meme) "green", "blue", "orange"],
029. bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text", command=draw_meme) command=draw_meme,
030. selected="blue")
031. meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", height="fill")
Now your user can select a colour. Next, you need
033. draw_meme()
034. to change the draw_meme function to use Combo’s
035. app.display() value when creating the text in your the meme.
For example:

46 Create GUIs with Python


Figure 2
> Language: Python 3

001. # Imports ---------------

003. from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing, Combo, Slider
006. # Functions -------------
008. def draw_meme():
009. meme.clear()
010. meme.image(0, 0, "woodpecker.png")
011. meme.text(
012. 20, 20, top_text.value,
013. color=color.value,
014. size=40,
015. font="courier")
016. meme.text(
Figure 2 Alter the fonts and colours 017. 20, 320, bottom_text.value,
018. color=color.value,
019. size=28,
020. font="times new roman",
meme.text( 021. )
20, 20, top_text.value, 022.
color=color.value, 023.
024. # App -------------------
font="courier") 026. app = App("meme")
Do the same for the bottom-text block of code. 028. top_text = TextBox(app, "top text", command=draw_meme)
Your program should now resemble 029. bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text", command=draw_meme)
Following the steps above, add a second Combo
031. color = Combo(app,
to your application so the user can select a font 032. options=["black", "white", "red", "green",
from this list of options: ["times new roman", "blue", "orange"],
"verdana", "courier", "impact"]. Remember to 033. command=draw_meme, selected="blue")
change the draw_meme function to use the font
035. meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", height="fill")
value when adding the text. 036.
Create a new Slider widget to set the size of the 037. draw_meme()
text your user wants. 038.
039. app.display()
size = Slider(app, start=20, end=40,

Drawing widget
The range of the slider is set using the start and
end parameters. So, in this example, the smallest
text available will be 20 and the largest 40.
Modify the draw_meme function to use the The Drawing widget is really versatile and can
value from your size slider when creating the be used to display lots of different shapes,
meme’s text. patterns, and images. To find out more about
the Drawing widget, see Appendix C of the book
meme.text( (, or take a look at the online
20, 20, top_text.value,

Create GUIs with Python 47


Figure 3
> Language: Python 3

001. # Imports ---------------

003. from guizero import App, TextBox, Drawing, Combo, Slider
006. # Functions -------------
008. def draw_meme():
009. meme.clear()
010. meme.image(0, 0, "woodpecker.png")
011. meme.text(
012. 20, 20, top_text.value,
013. color=color.value,
014. size=size.value, Figure 3 The finished meme generator
015. font=font.value)
016. meme.text(
017. 20, 320, bottom_text.value,
018. color=color.value, color=color.value,
019. size=size.value, size=size.value,
020. font=font.value, font=font.value)
021. )
Your code should now resemble that in
024. # App ------------------- Try running it and you
025. should see something like Figure 3.
026. app = App("meme") Can you change the GUI so that the name of
the image file can be entered into a TextBox
028. top_text = TextBox(app, "top text", command=draw_meme)
029. bottom_text = TextBox(app, "bottom text", command=draw_meme) or perhaps selected from a list in a Combo?
030. This would make your application capable of
031. color = Combo(app, generating memes with different images too.
032. options=["black", "white", "red", "green",
"blue", "orange"],
033. command=draw_meme, selected="blue")
035. font = Combo(app,
Create Graphical User
036. options=["times new roman", "verdana", "courier", Interfaces with Python
037. command=draw_meme) For further tutorials on how
038. to make your own GUIs with
039. size = Slider(app, start=20, end=50, command=draw_meme) guizero, take a look at our
040. book, Create Graphical User
041. meme = Drawing(app, width="fill", height="fill") Interfaces with Python. Its
042. 156 pages are packed with
043. draw_meme() essential info and a range of
044. exciting projects.
045. app.display()

48 Create GUIs with Python

Create Graphical
User Interfaces
with Python
✓ Create games and fun Python programs
✓ Learn how to create your own graphical
user interfaces
✓ Use windows, text boxes, buttons,
images, and more
✓ Learn about event-based programming
✓ Explore good (and bad) user
interface design

Buy online:


Make a digital
do-not-disturb sign
Kids barging in on Zoom meetings? Parents being a pain when you’re in Google Classroom?
Let them know what you’re up to with ‘Busybot’, the custom do-not-disturb sign

Install the Scroll pHAT HD
here are often times when family and
work life collide. The internet is littered
02 and diffuser
with videos of online meetings being We’re going to set up the display first. Pimoroni’s
hijacked by partners, parents, and pets. We can’t Scroll pHAT HD is a display made up of 17×7 pixels
do anything about your cat, but maybe a digital (119 total) and comes with a Python library that
sign can let people know what you’re up to, and does all the hard work of displaying and scrolling
whether it’s OK to wander in. text for us. The pHAT form factor makes it just the
PJ Evans In this tutorial we’re going to use a popular right size for a display, but of course you can adapt

messaging protocol, MQTT (Message Queuing this tutorial to any display you like. You’ll need to
PJ is a writer, tinkerer, Telemetry Transport). With MQTT, we will set up solder the 40-pin header to the display and also add
and software
a simple do-not-disturb sign that you can trigger a reciprocal header to ‘busybot’ Raspberry Pi if it
engineer. He spends
all day on Zoom and with a single key press and customise to your doesn’t already have one. Before assembling them
no longer knows if heart’s content. together, screw on the diffuser, which will make the
his colleagues have display much easier to read. Now, with Raspberry Pi
legs or not.
powered off, carefully connect the Scroll pHAT HD.
Prepare Raspberry Pi
01 We’re using two Raspberry Pi Zero W
Set up the display software
computers for this project, although it will
work with any recent model. For both, we
03 It’s time to make sure our display is
recommend installing Raspberry Pi OS Lite working before we go any further. Fortunately,
( as we don’t need a desktop Pimoroni has created an install script for us. At the
interface. Make sure both devices are working command line, run the following:
and connected to the same network. We also
recommend setting their host names by running curl
sudo raspi-config at the command line, then | bash
going to System Options > Hostname. We chose
‘busybot’ for the sign and ‘buttonbot’ for the Make sure you do the ‘Full Install’ when the option
You’ll Need controller, and that’s how we’ll refer to them is presented. This will set up Raspberry Pi so it
throughout this tutorial. Finally, make sure can communicate with the display and install
> 2
 × Raspberry Pi everything is up to date. Enter these commands: all the Python libraries we need. Take a look at
Zero W Pimoroni’s GitHub ( for sudo apt update more information on installation.
> S
 croll pHAT HD sudo apt full-upgrade Once the install has finished, we can test things out. Reboot, then try this on the command line:
scrollhathd You should be able to ping one device from the
 HAT Diffuser
> p other. On ‘busybot’ Raspberry Pi Zero W, enter: cd ~/Pimoroni/scrollphathd/examples python3
phatdiffuser ping buttonbot.local
> K
 eybow Kit (3-key) See a pretty pattern? Then you’re ready to proceed. You should get a response from ‘buttonbot’ Have fun with the other examples in the directory;
Raspberry Pi Zero W. they’re a great source of inspiration.

50 Make a digital do-not-disturb sign


These bright LEDs can produce

scrolling text or patterns

Clicky goodness with the

tactile Keybow to send
messages to the display

The interface Connectors

04 Our buttonbot and busybot are going to need
06 The code for this project does two main jobs:
to talk to each other over the network. One of the listens to the MQTT server for new messages, and
easiest, and most popular, ways to do this is the then takes those messages and scrolls them on the
MQTT protocol. It uses a pub/sub model (publisher display. You can enter the code shown here or get
/ subscriber) to process messages. An MQTT server the files from We need the
(the ‘broker’) receives messages from ‘publishers’ code to be running all the time. To do this, create a
that are then transmitted to ‘subscribers’. These new file from the command line:
are organised by ‘topic’. The biggest advantage is
that publishers don’t need to understand or even sudo nano /usr/lib/systemd/busybot.service
be aware of the subscribers, they just need to speak
MQTT. Don’t worry if this is confusing; working T
 he MQTT protocol is
perfect for Internet of
through the tutorial will make things clearer. Things projects

05 For our system to work, you need an MQTT
server (or ‘broker’) to handle the messages. This can
be anywhere on your network, but for the purposes
of the tutorial we’ll install it on the same ‘busybot’
Raspberry Pi driving the display. MQTT software
tends to be very ‘lightweight’, so a Raspberry Pi
Zero W can easily handle being the server as well as
a publisher. Mosquitto is probably the most popular
set of MQTT tools. Installation is straightforward,
too. Enter this at the command line:

sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients

sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt

The broker will be automatically installed as a service

and always be running in the background. We’ve
also installed Paho, a popular Python library for
implementing MQTT.

Make a digital do-not-disturb sign 51


 eed more buttons? Try
the nine-key Keybow

If you see the messages scrolling across, then

everything is working. Send any message you wish,
 he Scroll pHAT HD Enter the code from busybot.service. (Change or a blank space to clear the display.
without its diffuser.
119 very bright LEDs the paths if you’ve created the code elsewhere.)
Save the file (CTRL+X and then Y), then enter
these commands:
Assemble the Keybow
sudo systemctl enable /usr/lib/systemd/
08 Now we have our display working, it’s time
busybot.service to turn our attention to sending the messages.

Top Tip sudo systemctl start busybot MQTT is widely supported and you can get clients
for almost every platform and programming
language in common use. That means we can send
In the upside-
messages to the display from pretty much anywhere.
Testing time
If your display is
07 Let’s confirm that the code is working.
In this tutorial, we’re going to use Pimoroni’s
Keybow interface to provide a quick way of setting
looking a little Using the Paho MQTT libraries, the code subscribes messages. On the second ‘buttonbot’ Raspberry
topsy-turvy, to the MQTT topic ‘busybot’ on the broker. Pi WH, assemble the Keybow as instructed at
you can flip Whenever anything publishes a line of text to that, but don’t install
the display by topic, busybot will be notified, the text delivered Keybow OS – we’ll stick with Raspberry Pi OS Lite.
and then displayed. We can check everything
the line
containing is working using the Mosquitto command line
publishing tool:
 henever anything publishes
flip(1, 1) in
a line of text to that topic,
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t busybot -m "Hello from MagPi" busybot will be notified
Keybow setup
09 We’ll now add some code to send messages

busybot.service to the MQTT broker when buttons are pressed.

First, from the command line, we need to install
some dependencies on buttonbot:
> Language: Bash
sudo apt install python3-pip git
001. [Unit] sudo pip3 install keybow paho-mqtt
002. Description=busybot
004. [Service] Now get the code from GitHub:
005. ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/busybot/
006. Restart=on-failure
007. User=pi cd
008. Group=pi git clone
010. [Install]
We can now test the Keybow with a simple example:

52 Make a digital do-not-disturb sign


cd ~/busybot
python3 DOWNLOAD
Press the keys. Do they all light up? Then all is well.
> Language: Python 3

001. import time

Keybow code 002. import scrollphathd
10 In the busybot directory, have a look at
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt You’ll also need to change the name 005. # Change these to suit your needs
of the MQTT broker and/or topic if you’ve used 006. broker = ''
007. client_name = 'busybot'
something different. 008. topic = 'study/busybot'
We need to make sure the code is always 009. brightness = 0.1
running, just like busybot. Again, we’ll create a 011. current_message = ''
service to do this. From buttonbot’s command line, 012.
go through the process in Step 6 to create a service 013.
014. def scroll_message():
file and enable it. Just make sure you change the 015. # Original function by Pimoroni x
ExecStart line to: 016. global current_message
017. while True:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/busybot/ 019. # No message? Don't do anything. 020. if len(current_message) is 0:
021. scrollphathd.clear()
022. time.sleep(1)
Save the file and enable it as before. 023. continue
025. # Clear the display and reset scrolling to (0, 0)
026. scrollphathd.clear()
027. length = scrollphathd.write_string(current_message)
Testing and tinkering 028.
11 Everything should now be ready. With both

Raspberry Pi Zero computers running, try pressing 031. length -= scrollphathd.width

a key on the Keybow. A message will now scroll 033. # Now for the scrolling loop...
across the display on the other Raspberry Pi Zero. 034. while length > 0:
Make sure all three keys work. You’re now ready to 035. # Scroll the buffer one place to the left
036. scrollphathd.scroll(1)
start customising the system to your own needs. If 037.
you edit, you’ll see some documented 038. length -= 1
options for changing the messages and the colours 039. time.sleep(0.02)
of the keys. Free free to experiment, make changes, 041. time.sleep(0.5)
and make this code your own. If you need more 042.
than three messages, see if you can alter the code to 044. def on_message(client, userdata, message):
support key press combinations, which would give 045. global current_message
you up to seven options. 046. print('MQTT Message received')
047. current_message = message.payload.decode("utf-8")
048. if len(current_message) == 0:
049. print('Clearing message')
050. else:
051. print('Scrolling ' + current_message)
Python vs C++
12 As the display doesn’t ‘know’ about
054. print('Starting')
buttonbot’s existence, it means that anything 055. client = mqtt.Client(client_name)
capable of speaking MQTT can send messages to 056. client.connect(broker)
busybot to set the scrolling text. It could be done 057. client.subscribe(topic)
058. client.on_message = on_message
from the command line or when a certain event 059.
happens. If you’ve been following the Home 060. print('Listening to ' + topic)
Assistant (HA) series in The MagPi, then you may 061. client.loop_start()
be interested to know that HA speaks MQTT, so 063. scrollphathd.set_brightness(brightness)
the display could be tied to a temperature/motion 064. scroll_message()
sensor. Have fun dreaming up new ideas.

Make a digital do-not-disturb sign 53


This tutorial first appeared
in Wireframe, our sister
magazine that lifts the
lid on the world of video
games. Every issue
includes tutorials and
in‑depth interviews, along
with news and reviews
of the latest indie and
triple-A games.
To find out more, visit their
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Source Code

Code your own

Pipe Mania puzzler
Create a network of pipes before the water starts
JORDI SANTONJA to flow in our re-creation of a classic puzzler

ipe Mania, also called Pipe grid and nextTiles are lists of tile values, The image waterPath isn’t shown to the
Dream in the US, is a puzzle from 0 to 8, and are copied to the screen user, but it stores the paths that the water
game developed by The in the draw function with the screen.blit is going to follow. The first point of the
Assembly Line in 1989 for operation. grid is a two-dimensional list, with water path is located in the starting tile,
Amiga, Atari ST, and PC, sizes gridWidth=10 and gridHeight=7. Every and it’s stored in currentPoint. update calls
and later ported to other platforms, pipe piece is placed in grid with a mouse the function CheckNextPointDeleteCurrent,
including arcades. The player must place click. This is managed with the Pygame when the water starts flowing. That
randomly generated sections of pipe onto functions on_mouse_move and on_mouse_down, function finds the next point in the water
a grid. When a counter reaches zero, where the variable pos contains the mouse path, erases it, and adds a new point to
water starts to flow and must reach the position in the window. panelPosition the waterFlow list. waterFlow is shown to the
longest possible distance through the defines the position of the top-left corner user in the draw function.
connected pipes. of the grid in the window. To get the grid pointsToCheck contains a list of relative
Let’s look at how to recreate Pipe Dream cell, panelPosition is subtracted from pos, positions, offsets, that define a step of two
in Python and Pygame Zero. The variable and the result is divided by tileSize with pixels from currentPoint in every direction
start is decremented at each frame. It the integer division //. tileMouse stores the to find the next point. Why two pixels? To be
begins with a value of 60*30, so it reaches resulting cell element, but it is set to (-1,-1) able to define the ‘cross’ tile, where two lines
zero after 30 seconds if our monitor runs when the mouse lies outside the grid. cross each other. In a ‘cross’ tile the water
at 60 frames per second. In that time, the The images folder contains the PNGs flow must follow a straight line, and this
player can place tiles on the grid to build a with the tile images, two for every tile: the is how the only points found are the next
path. Every time the user clicks on the grid, graphical image and the path image. The points in the same direction. When no next
the last tile from nextTiles is placed on the tiles list contains the name of every tile, and point is found, the game ends and the score
play area and a new random tile appears adding to it _block or _path obtains the name is shown: the number of points in the water
at the top of the next tiles. randint(2,8) of the file. The values stored in nextTiles and path, playState is set to 0, and no more
computes a random value between 2 and 8. grid are the indexes of the elements in tiles. updates are done.

54 Code your own Pipe Mania puzzler



Pipe-wrangling in Python the code

from GitHub:
Here’s Jordi’s code for a Pipe Mania -style puzzler. To get it working on your system, wfmag46
you’ll need to install Pygame Zero – full instructions are available at

# Pipe Mania if start > 0:

from pygame import image, Color, Surface screen.draw.text("Start in "
from random import randint + str(start // 60), center=(400, 50), fontsize=35)
gridWidth, gridHeight = 10, 7 screen.draw.text("GAME OVER. Points:
grid = [[0 for x in range(gridWidth)] for y in range(gridHeight)] "+str(len(waterFlow)), center=(400, 50), fontsize=35)
tileSize = 68
panelPosition = (96, 96) def update():
numberNextTiles = 5 global start, playState
nextTiles = [randint(2, 8) for y in range(numberNextTiles)] if start > 0:
nextTilesPosition = (16, 28) start -= 1
tileMouse = (-1, -1) elif playState == 1:
if not CheckNextPointDeleteCurrent():
tiles = ['empty', 'start', playState = 0
'hori', 'vert', 'cross',
'bottomleft', 'bottomright', def CheckNextPointDeleteCurrent():
'topleft', 'topright'] global currentPoint
for point in pointsToCheck:
pathTiles = [image.load('images/'+tiles[i]+'_path.png') for i in newPoint = (currentPoint[0] + point[0], currentPoint[1]
range(1,9)] + point[1])
if newPoint[0] < 0 or newPoint[1] < 0 or newPoint[0] >=
waterPath = Surface((gridWidth*tileSize, gridHeight*tileSize)) gridWidth*tileSize or newPoint[1] >= gridHeight*tileSize:
waterPath.fill(Color('black')) return False # goes outside the screen
grid[3][2] = 1 # start tile if waterPath.get_at(newPoint) != Color('black'):
waterPath.blit(pathTiles[0], (2 * tileSize, 3 * tileSize)) waterPath.set_at(newPoint, Color('black'))
currentPoint = (2 * tileSize + 43, 3 * tileSize + 34) waterFlow.append((newPoint[0] + panelPosition[0] - 4,
waterFlow = [] newPoint[1] + panelPosition[1] - 4))
start = 60*30 # 30 seconds currentPoint = newPoint
return True
playState = 1 return False # no next point found

pointsToCheck = [(2, 0),( 0,2),(-2, 0),( 0,-2),

(2, 1),( 1,2),(-2, 1),( 1,-2), def on_mouse_down(pos):
(2,-1),(-1,2),(-2,-1),(-1,-2), if playState == 1 and tileMouse[0] >= 0 and tileMouse[1] >=
(2,-2),( 2,2),(-2, 2),(-2,-2)] 0:
if grid[tileMouse[1]][tileMouse[0]] != 1: # not start
def draw(): tile
screen.blit('background', (0,0)) grid[tileMouse[1]][tileMouse[0]] = nextTiles[-1]
for x in range(gridWidth): waterPath.fill(Color('black'), (tileMouse[0] *
for y in range(gridHeight): tileSize, tileMouse[1] * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize))
screen.blit(tiles[grid[y][x]]+'_block', ( waterPath.blit(pathTiles[nextTiles[-1] - 1],
panelPosition[0] + x * tileSize, (tileMouse[0] * tileSize, tileMouse[1] * tileSize))
panelPosition[1] + y * tileSize)) for i in reversed(range(numberNextTiles - 1)):
for y in range(numberNextTiles): nextTiles[i + 1] = nextTiles[i]
screen.blit(tiles[nextTiles[y]]+'_block', ( nextTiles[0] = randint(2, 8)
nextTilesPosition[1] + y * tileSize)) def on_mouse_move(pos):
for point in waterFlow: global tileMouse
screen.blit('water', point) if playState == 1:
if playState == 1: tileMouse = ((pos[0] - panelPosition[0])//tileSize,
if tileMouse[0] >= 0 and tileMouse[1] >= 0: (pos[1] - panelPosition[1])//tileSize)
screen.blit(tiles[nextTiles[-1]]+'_block', ( if pos[0] < panelPosition[0] or pos[1] < panelPosition[1]
panelPosition[0] + tileMouse[0] * tileSize, or tileMouse[0] >= gridWidth or tileMouse[1] >= gridHeight:
panelPosition[1] + tileMouse[1] * tileSize)) tileMouse = (-1, -1) # mouse outside panel

Code your own Pipe Mania puzzler 55


Turbocharge Raspberry
Pi 400 with an M.2
SATA SSD drive
Boost your storage speeds with a super-fast M.2 SSD and
learn how to adjust boot order in Raspberry Pi OS

ecently we looked at a superb case from So we set about sourcing a compatible solution for
Argon ( which Raspberry Pi 400. Thanks to the USB 3.0 ports on
transformed our Raspberry Pi 4 by the rear of Raspberry Pi 400, and recent default
upgrading the boot drive to an M.2 SSD. support for USB boot, it turns out to be easy to
The result was a tenfold increase in storage speed, upgrade a Raspberry Pi 400 in the same manner.
making for faster performance across the board. All you need to do is source a compatible M.2
Apps load more quickly, and browsing the internet SATA drive and M.2 SATA to USB 3.0 enclosure. Put
is vastly improved. M.2 SATA is also great for the two together and hook the unit up to Raspberry

working with large, demanding files such as video, Pi 400, then copy across the operating system and
large photo images, and big data files. you’re good to boot.
Lucy is editor of The The latest offering from Raspberry Pi and our We used a Transcend M.2 SSD 430S
MagPi and loves her favourite all-in-one computer is Raspberry Pi 400. ( and Transcend TSCM42S USB
Raspberry Pi 400
as well as her 8GB
Raspberry Pi 4.
Sometimes it’s hard
to pick a favourite.

You’ll Need
> M.2 SSD
> M.2 SATA to USB 3.1 Here, the microSD card is ejected from The M.2 drive sits inside this
SSD Enclosure Kit Raspberry Pi 400 so it doesn’t override the housing and is connected
(TSCM42S) boot from the USB 3.0 drive. Adjusting the directly to the blue USB 3.0 default boot order enables you to boot from port on Raspberry Pi 400
> Raspberry Pi 400 the M.2 drive with the microSD card inserted

56 Turbocharge Raspberry Pi 400 with an M.2 SATA SSD drive


computer, including your Raspberry Pi running

from a microSD card. See the ‘Using Imager’ box Top Tip
(overleaf) and head to Step 4 after installing your
fresh installation. Bootloader
Another option is to boot your Raspberry Pi from configuration
the microSD card and clone the current operating
If you intend
system to the M.2 SSD drive. Boot Raspberry Pi 400
to alter the
from the microSD card and – once Raspberry Pi bootloader
OS is running – make sure your microSD card is configuration
 Transcend M.2 SSD drive with a SATA III connection
(on the left) running the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS: file, take a look
at the Raspberry
Pi 4 bootloader
enclosure ( The Transcend 430S sudo apt update
was 512GB, a mighty upgrade from the 16GB card sudo apt full-upgrade
included with Raspberry Pi 400. However, you don’t
need to purchase such a huge drive and the 128GB bootloader
model will be more than enough for most use cases.
Copy the drive
03 Connect the M.2 drive to one of the two blue
USB 3.0 connections. Open the Raspberry Pi menu
Assemble the drive
01 We start by assembling the M.2 drive
and choose Accessories and SD Card Copier.
Choose the microSD card in Copy From Device;
SD Card Copier is
enclosure. Our M.2 SATA to USB 3.1 SSD Enclosure ours is marked ‘SC16G (/dev/mmcblk0)’. In Copy To used to duplicate the
boot image on your
Kit (TSCM42S) contains a SATA III to USB board Device, select the M.2 drive. It should be mounted
microSD card to the
that the M.2 SSD is mounted on. Place the SATA III on /dev/sda and the only other option available. M.2 SSD drive
interface into the socket and gently push the M.2
SSD. Then, a single screw is used to hold the M.2
SSD in place. Once the M.2 SSD drive is affixed to
the board, we use the enclosure to contain it. The
assembly process will vary depending on which M.2
drive and enclosure you use, but most will follow a
similar pattern.

Set up the drive

02 If you want to install a fresh installation
of Raspberry Pi OS to the M.2 SSD drive, then use
Raspberry Pi Imager ( to install
the OS directly to the drive. You can do this on any

The M.2 SSD adapter

translates the SATA III
interface on the M.2
SSD drive into a
USB-C connection.
This is used with a
cable to connect
the drive to the blue
USB 3.0 connection
on Raspberry Pi 400

Turbocharge Raspberry Pi 400 with an M.2 SATA SSD drive 57


Make sure to tick New Partition UUIDs (this

will enable you to mount and access both devices
at the same time). Click Start and Yes at the
‘erase all content’ warning menu to begin the
copying process.

Boot into M.2

04 When SD Card Copier has finished
duplicating the contents of the microSD card to the
M.2 drive, you will be able to use the latter to boot
and run your Raspberry Pi 400.
Power off your Raspberry Pi (choose Shutdown
> Shutdown from the Raspberry Pi applications
menu). Now remove the microSD card from
Raspberry Pi as it has boot priority over the external
M.2 drive. Press the FN and Power (F10) keys to
power Raspberry Pi 400 back up. It will boot and run
 NOME Disks running
from the M.2 drive.
a benchmark test that
shows the M.2 SSD
drive running vastly
faster than the
microSD card
Using Imager Y ou should notice a speed
If you’d prefer to start with a fresh installation of
Raspberry Pi OS, it is possible to use Raspberry
improvement when using
Pi Imager instead of SD Card Copier. This app will
download the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS, the M.2 drive over the
format your hard drive, and install the OS (all at the
click of a button). microSD card
Boot up Raspberry Pi OS using the microSD card
and install Raspberry Pi Imager with Terminal:
Install GNOME Disks
Top Tip sudo apt update
sudo apt install rpi-imager
You should notice a speed improvement
when using the M.2 drive over the microSD card.
Opening programs and browsing the web will be
Back up to Choose Raspberry Pi applications menu > much faster. To get detailed information about the
microSD card Accessories > Imager to open the program. Click speed of M.2, you can benchmark the drive with
on ‘Choose OS’ and select ‘Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit)’. GNOME Disks. Open a Terminal window and install
When booting Next, click on ‘Choose SD Card’ and select your
into your M.2 it with:
external M.2 drive from the SD Card menu. Click on
drive, the microSD ‘Write’ to download the operating system and write a
card can be used fresh installation to the M.2 drive. sudo apt update
as a backup (as sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility
long as your M.2
drive isn’t using
Open the Raspberry Pi applications menu and
a larger amount
of storage than choose Accessories > Disks to open GNOME Disks.
the microSD). Use
SD Card Copier in
reverse, with the
M.2 drive as the Speed-test drive
‘Copy from’ source 06 Select the rootfs partition and click the
and the microSD
card as the ‘Copy ‘Additional partition options’ icon (shaped as two
to’ target. cogs); choose Benchmark Partition. Click Start
Benchmark and Start Benchmarking to test the

58 Turbocharge Raspberry Pi 400 with an M.2 SATA SSD drive


EEPROM and boot order

The option to prioritise USB over microSD can now be found in raspi-config. If you
want to see what is happening under the hood (or customise your own boot mode)
drive. We get an average read rate of 382.4MB/s
you’ll want to edit the EEPROM configuration.
(much faster than our microSD card). View the current EEPROM configuration:
Insert the microSD card and select it in GNOME
Disks to perform a comparative test. We get just rpi-eeprom-config
44.9MB/s in comparison.
This is similar to the config.txt file. The last option will be:


Swap boot order

07 You can now use Raspberry Pi 400 with the
The configuration ‘0xf41’ means try the SD card followed by USB mass storage,
then restart. The values after ‘0x’ are read from right to left.
M.2 drive attached and the microSD card ejected
(as it will boot from the M.2 drive). If you insert the A new boot order
We are looking to change the BOOT_ORDER field to ‘0xf14’. This will boot from the
microSD card, the EEPROM (electrically erasable
USB device ‘4’, then the microSD card ‘1’, followed by a restart ‘f’ if neither is detected.
programmable read-only memory) in Raspberry
To edit it and apply the updates to the latest EEPROM release, enter the
Pi 400 will prioritise the microSD card over USB. following in Terminal to open the boot.conf file in your text editor (the default is
Following a recent update to raspi-config, the Nano, which we’re using here):
option to prioritise USB boot over microSD is just a
few clicks away. Open Terminal and enter: sudo -E rpi-eeprom-config --edit

Change ‘BOOT_ORDER=0xf41’ to:

sudo raspi-config
Use the arrow keys to choose Advanced Options and
Boot Order, then pick ‘B2 USB Boot’. The screen will Press CTRL+O and then CTRL+X to write the file and quit Nano (or save and quit in
say ‘USB is default boot device’. Press ENTER and your preferred text editor). Terminal will report ‘EEPROM update pending. Please
choose Finish and then Yes to ‘Would you like to reboot to apply the update.’ Restart your Raspberry Pi to apply the update.
reboot now?’
sudo reboot
When Raspberry Pi reboots, it will start up from
the M.2 SDD connected to USB (even if the microSD BOOT_ORDER fields
card is inserted). You can now use your Raspberry The BOOT_ORDER property defines the sequence for the different boot modes. It
Pi 400 with the M.2 SSD drive as the default. is read right to left and up to eight digits may be defined.
The default setting is ‘0xf41’. Read from right to left, this setting is SD CARD,

Value Mode Description

0x1 SD CARD SD card (or eMMC on Compute Module 4)

0x2 NETWORK Network boot

RPIBOOT – see (since


USB mass storage boot (since 2020-


USB 2.0 boot from USB Type-C socket

0x5 BCM-USB-MSD or USB Type-A socket on CM4 IO board
(since 2020-12-14)

Stop and display error pattern (since

0xe STOP 2020-09-03). A power cycle is required
to exit this state

Start again with the first boot order

field (since 2020-09-03)
Use raspi-config to set USB as the default boot option

Turbocharge Raspberry Pi 400 with an M.2 SATA SSD drive 59


Cheap Trills for all

Part 02

Using the ring Trill sensor, see how you can make a
wind-up music box with replaceable music cylinders

ast month we looked at how to interact with
the Trill sensors using Python. Now we’ll
02 The difficulty is how do we get a Python
show you how to use these sensors in three program to control the mouse? Enter PyAutoGUI,
different projects: specialised mouse control, a an extension that automates graphical user
jukebox player, and your very own virtual wind-up interface control. You can obtain it easily by going
music box. to Add/Remove Software in Raspberry Pi OS’s
Preferences menu and searching for it. Scroll down
to the name, tick the box next to the name, and
Mike Cook

click on the Apply button; after a short time, you’ll

Smart mouse control
Veteran magazine
author from the old 01 One of the most useful things you could
have it. No need to even reboot your machine.

days, writer of the

add to a piece of established software is smart
Body Build series,
plus co-author of mouse control. For example, take an application
Direct mapping
Raspberry Pi for
Dummies, Raspberry
like the 3D modelling application Blender. It is
quite a dense interface requiring you to remember
03 The simplest way of using a Trill sensor is
Pi Projects, and
Raspberry Pi Projects
multiple key combinations to get into different by mapping the output of one directly to what you
for Dummies. modes. In our opinion, one of the most confusing want to control. The positional output for a sensor is the number of different types of dragging you is a floating point number that goes from 0 to 1.0,
can do (see Figure 1). How about if we had some so mapping is simple. For mouse movements this
touch sensors, so that each touch sensor controlled means multiplying the sensor’s X and Y outputs
one type of drag or zoom? by the screen width and height, to get the mouse
position to move to, plus detecting a second touch
on the sensor to trigger a click. We show you how
Figure 1
in the program (download
all the code from

Incremental mapping
04 You can get a remarkable degree of control
by rolling your finger rather than dragging it, but
using the direct mapping can be a bit coarse for
large screens. On laptops, the touchpad control
often covers only part of the screen. To do this, a
program has to add any new movement from the
Trill sensor to the current mouse position. We show
Figure 1 Actions in Blender you how to do this in the code.

60 Cheap Trills for all


Figure 2

Virtual music box playing

The Trill ring sensor is

hooked up to Raspberry Pi

Figure 2 Using the

Finally, by adding a ring sensor to the square sensor, This allows you to send control messages to the touch-wheel jukebox
you can emulate a scrolling centre button mouse player while it is playing a track. So we used that
– see the code for feature to stop a track while one was playing, by
how to do this. giving three touches on the ring. This turned out
to be quite tricky because once a track has stopped,
calls to read the status of the track crash the code.
The code shows how we did this, and
Simple jukebox
05 We can use the ring sensor alone, to control
Figure 2 shows how it looked.

the playing of music files, stored in the top-level  un your finger round the
Music directory with the code.
Here, the Music directory is scanned to compile ring to emulate winding up
a list of all files it contains. Then, by using the
Trill ring sensor, you can show them one at a the music box
time in the console. Adding a second touch to the
A music box
sensor will then play that track using the built-in
OMXPlayer. The track will then be played to the
07 All the other projects here do not use a
end. Stopping a track isn’t quite so simple. graphical user interface, but our final one does. The
code is called The screen
shows a Trill ring sensor surrounded by a halo of
24 coloured circles representing LEDs (Figure 3).
You’ll Need
More control
06 In order to have more control over
Operation is simple: run your finger round the ring
to emulate winding up the music box. As you wind, > Trill ring sensors
OMXPlayer, you have to use omxplayer-wrapper – the colours change for each full turn of the key.
installed with this Terminal command: When the music box starts off, all the virtual LEDs
> Trill square sensors
are off – i.e. the same colour as the background;
pip3 install omxplayer-wrapper the first full turn of the key turns them red.

Cheap Trills for all 61


Figure 3

saved each note separately as a WAV file, giving it

the name of the MIDI note number it represents.
We recorded notes in the range of 35 to 84, or B in
octave -3 to C in octave 2. These were placed into a
folder called music_box_sounds.

The cylinders
10 The cylinders are files stored in the
surprisingly named folder cylinders, with the
extension .cyl. In fact, these are files with a simple
format that you can generate yourself: they consist
Figure 3 The music of a text file, with a top line that contains the name
box playing on its last
turn of wind of the song, a number containing the tempo, and
the number 1, all separated by commas. The rest
Winding it up
08 When all the LEDs are white, the box is fully
of the file comprises lines of three numbers, a
time stamp, a MIDI note number, and a velocity or
wound at five turns, and no further winding can volume. This last number is used to tell if it is a note
occur. To start playing, simply remove your finger on or off message: zero for off, non-zero to sound.
from the ring. With less than twelve LEDs’ worth of
wind left, the tune becomes increasingly slower, and
then stops. A real music box has the tune encoded
Creating your own cylinders
with a metal cylinder covered in spikes; in the
higher-end boxes, these cylinders can be changed.
11 While we have six sample cylinders on our
With our virtual music box, this can be achieved with GitHub page, it is fun to create your own. These

Top Tip a double touch on the ring. The name of the new tune
will be displayed as the window name.
are formed by taking a MIDI file and stripping it
down to just the information required. To do this,
we need to use a little application called ‘midicsv’,
Making the
obtainable via Add/Remove Software. It can only be
Trill ring box
used from the Terminal window by navigating to
The sounds
The drawings
for the ring box
09 To create the sounds of the music box,
the folder where the .mid file is stored and typing:

can be found we recorded notes from a MIDI sound module midicsv fileName.mid saveName.csv
on our GitHub one at a time using Audacity, the free sound
page, along with
recorder application. When downloading it with Then we can open up the CSV file in a spreadsheet
all software and
the Add/Remove Software tool, make sure to install application and delete the information
data files.
both the application and the data files. Then, we we don’t need.

Figure 4

Figure 4 The structure of a

MIDI file

62 Cheap Trills for all



Hacking a MIDI file Figure 5 Data

12 A MIDI file consists of a header, along with

So, now you have enough information to start
using the Trill touch sensors. Next month we will
to remove from
spreadsheet view of
MIDI file
separate information for each instrument or track see how to mount these sensors into a project, and
– the format is shown in Figure 4. As our music look at some of the things you can do with them.
box has only one voice, we are looking for MIDI
files that contain only one track, or most of the
tune in one track. Figure 5 shows part a MIDI file
 e particularly like the
opened up in a spreadsheet application, annotated results when playing The
to show you what information to remove. When
you have removed these bits, save what remains as Blue Danube
a CSV file. Open this in a text editor, add the first Top Tip
line, and save it as a .cyl file.
14 With such a wide range of notes, some of Cylinder note
the lower notes sound much more clunky than range
others. We particularly like the results when
Tempo Notes outside the
13 Note that when using a two-dimensional
playing The Blue Danube: it sounds like it is being
played by a bag of spanners. A good source of free,
range of 35 to 84
are flagged while
sensor, like the square and the hex, it should be simple MIDI files, is – we found it loading a cylinder
considered as a single touch sensor only. While it best to choose arrangements for single monotone file. Lower notes
can detect multiple touches, it does so by working instruments like wind or brass. result in the
out the number of horizontal and vertical touches Using a Trill ring and a 24 LED ring which lowest note
being played,
detected; there can be a different number of these, fits nicely round it, along with a battery,
but higher notes
and it can’t pair them up. However, more advanced amplifier, and speaker, you could implement
will crash
tracking algorithms could be devised for things like this as a standalone project using a Raspberry the program.
gesture recognition. Pi Pico microcontroller.

Cheap Trills for all 63



Don’t be intimidated by your new Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller.
Here are some great projects being built with Pico. By Lucy Hattersley

aspberry Pi Pico is a brand new microcontroller be used to add screens, lights, buttons, and audio
from Raspberry Pi, shaking up the world of to Raspberry Pi Pico. Along with code examples and
computing. We covered Pico in-depth last issue the excellent documentation, these make Pico burst
( and we’re as keen as you are to get to with potential.
grips with Pico and start making stuff. Microcontrollers There are trailblazers leading the way, with projects
are a new piece of technology for Raspberry Pi and and examples of how to make the most of Pico, with its
The MagPi magazine, and coding for them is slightly GPIO pins and interesting PIO (Programmable Input/
different from a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS. Output) technology.
Fortunately, there are a lot of people out there In this feature, we’re going to look at some of the
making Pico life a lot easier. A wide range of Pico things people are making with Pico, and some easy
products and add-ons are being created. These can ideas for projects to build.

There are a lot of people out there making Pico life a lot easier

To test out Raspberry Pi Pico
projects, and use most of the kit
mentioned in this feature, you’ll
need to solder header pins onto your
Raspberry Pi Pico. See The MagPi
#102 ( for a soldering
guide. Alternatively, Pimoroni or
SB Components both now sell
Raspberry Pi Pico devices with
pre‑soldered headers.

64 Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects


The breadboard is used for quickly adding

and removing components without
soldering. Some breadboards are being
custom-built for using with Raspberry Pi
Pico. The Pico Breadboard Kit has GPIO
pins for the soldered Pico along with
buttons, LED lights, and a buzzer

The functionality of Pico can be

expanded directly with add-ons
such as the Pico Display Pack,
which adds a 1.14-inch IPS LCD
display and four buttons

Soldered pins enable you to attach

Raspberry Pi Pico to a breadboard
for experimentation, and also
Electronic components, like the connect new hardware add-ons
SparkFun SerLCD display and designed for Pico. Pimoroni and
sensors pictured can be tested SB Components are selling Pico
out in the breadboard, and then boards with pre-soldered headers
wired up directly to Pico if you want to skip the process

Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects 65



Bring Pico to life with these visual and sound-based projects

aspberry Pi computers have HDMI output white LEDs. The Unicorn Pack can be used
and 3.5 mm minijack sockets to hook up to create a rainbow display for your window
speakers and headphones. This makes (, as well as simple
it easy to get visual and aural feedback from animations. The Scroll Pack can be used to create
your programs. scrolling text messages (hence the name), and
Raspberry Pi Pico is more lightweight. It is it’s also great for displaying graph data and for
possible to create a DVI output using PIO on creating a status light.
Pico, but most newcomers start by blinking In this issue we have our first project that
the on-board LED and send the classic Hello makes use of a Pimoroni Pico Pack. On page 40,
World output to a terminal on another computer learn to use a Unicorn Pack to build a Pomodoro
( Beyond that, you’ll want Timer (a productivity tool).
to start adding electronic kit to get the most Mood lighting is another great use for LED light
from Pico. displays; the white LEDs of the Scroll Pack or
Unicorn Pack can be used to light up areas around
Pixel strips the house, or to throw a spot of colour into a
If you want to create a light show, then NeoPixels specific area, like a display case.
(also known as WS2812B LEDs) are cheap and If you want something larger, the
widely available strips ( PicoPythonHub75 project (
Each strip contains an array of red, green, and bounces the word ‘Pico’ up and down on a Hub75
blue LED lights designed to be controlled by a 32×32 RGB LED panel. Hub75 panels are an
microcontroller. As you’d expect, Pico is perfect affordable way of adding lots of colourful lights
for controlling NeoPixel light displays. to a build, and Pico’s PIO output enables super-
HackSpace magazine’s Ben Everard has fast animations.
written an article for Raspberry Pi on using LED displays turn up in a range of Raspberry
NeoPixels with Pico ( Pi projects, partly because a small 8×8 RGB
and you can take a look at the code on GitHub LED display was included with the Sense HAT Create mood lighting
( for Raspberry Pi. The Sense HAT projects page controlled by code with
Raspberry Pi Pico
( is packed with ideas and NeoPixels
Visual add-ons that could easily be adapted to a Unicorn Pack or
If you want something custom-built for Pico, Hub75 LED display. Everything from a countdown
a range of light displays, small screens, and timer to a magic 8-ball, advent calendar, and
sound boards are already on sale. Few folks have weather logger could be adapted from Raspberry
stepped up to the Pico platform like Pimoroni Pi to Raspberry Pi Pico.
Pimoroni has produced two LED add-ons: Adding displays
the Unicorn Pack is a 16×7 grid of colour Pimoroni’s impressive Pico Display Pack
LEDs ( and the Scroll ( adds a small
Pack ( is a 17×7 grid of 1.4‑inch IPS LCD display to the board, with
four buttons and a single RGB LED. This can be
The Pico Unicorn Pack
can be used to create used to make a small photo display, or short
dazzling projects animations, and give feedback on data. You can
create a digital thermometer using Pico’s internal
temperature sensor (see chapter 8 of the Get
Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico book,
Once you’ve got a screen on Pico, you can
connect sensors and display the output, opening

66 Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects


If you want to create a light

show, then NeoPixels are
cheap and widely available


Adafruit has created a Lego-compatible mount for Raspberry Pi Pico
that adds studs to our favourite microcontroller board. This mount fits
up a range of IoT (Internet of Things) and standard bricks or base plates, enabling you to affix Pico into a Lego
household projects. We look at some of these in project (
the electronics projects later, but if you’re going
The mount features built-in standoffs so you can snap fit the
Raspberry Pi Pico on top. Taking the project further, The Ruiz Bros have
to attach sensors with Raspberry Pi Pico, a screen made a Pico Enclosure with lights, buttons, a slide switch, and a small
to display feedback is a great add-on. LiPo battery. You can download the STL files and see instructions on
Many of the gaming tutorials later in Adafruit’s website (
this feature make good use of the Pimoroni
Display Pack. If you’d prefer to wire up a small
display directly, then it’s relatively easy to
connect a SparkFun SerLCD (
to Raspberry Pi Pico. You can wire it up to the
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) or Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI) pins on Pico, and there are control
methods implemented in MicroPython. These
small displays can provide feedback from other
electronic devices. A good starter project is
to display the temperature of Pico’s built-in
temperature sensor. Take a look at chapter 10 of
Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico

Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects 67


Add some sounds to your projects
Pico Audio Pack

hen it comes to audio output, to-analogue converter) to output up to 32-bit,
Raspberry Pi Pico is silent. There is 384kHz stereo audio through a 3.5 mm line-out
no built-in speaker or 3.5mm minijack connector. It can also pump out amplified stereo
socket. All is very much not lost, however. from a 3.5 mm headphone jack. The Pico RGB
Ben Everard, from The MagPi’s sister With the Pico Audio Pack, you can turn Keypad can be
combined with the
publication, HackSpace magazine, has Raspberry Pi into a lo-fi synthesizer and Audio Pack to create
devices that respond
produced an excellent PIO Buzz tutorial generate interesting noises in code. If you’re to finger taps.
( that explains how to creating synth projects, you might also Perfect for DJs and
video streamers
wire up a speaker or headphones to PIO want to look at the Pico RGB Keypad Base
(Programmable Input/Output). Pico’s PIO ( This is a 4×4 row
allows developers to define new hardware of illuminated keys that can be used to create
features in software – expanding its capabilities a USB keyboard device. These are popular
beyond any fixed-function device. amongst video streamers and DJs. Use it to
Ben says it’s “a simple PIO program that
outputs a tone based on a number going into it.  reate a disco dance
I’ve not yet done the maths to work out what
number means what note, but it seems to give floor with your fingers
a nice range over audible tones. A bit buzzy at
lower frequencies, but sounds nicer higher up.” “create a disco dance floor with your fingers,”
You might not be able to play music tracks says Pimoroni, “or a Simon Says-style game
through it, but PIO Buzz is a good way to add with which to taunt your friends.”
audio feedback to your projects. The tones One thing to note with the Pico Audio Pack
can be used to create alerts, notifications, and is that it works with Pico’s C/C++ SDK (with
provide user interface feedback in projects. MicroPython support planned). So right now
you’ll need to invest some time in the more
Audio playback challenging code base. Still, the possibilities
If you’re looking for audio file playback, then the for creating a Pico-based digital music player,
Pico Audio Pack ( will Simple Simon game, DJ system, or DAC for your
be of interest. It adds a PCM5100A DAC (digital- home sound system are worth the investment.

68 Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects



Print ‘N Play is a YouTube channel dedicated to
building and making. This video covers setting
up Raspberry Pi Pico and moves on to a range
of easy electronics projects. The code for each
project is available on GitHub. Reading
 a temperature from Pico

 music on Pico Playing
 and recording Morse code

It’s early days for
Pimoroni’s Pico
products, and example
code for all of them
is being added to
Pimorioni’s GitHub
page. Bookmark it and
keep an eye out for
new projects.

Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects 69


Get creative with Raspberry Pi Pico gaming

ideo games are a staple area of interest
for any new computer. At first glance,
you might think that Pico doesn’t lend
itself to games, but you’d be mistaken.
PIO enables a lot of the heavy lifting for the
display and input to be taken away from the
main controller, freeing the dual-core Arm
Cortex M0+ processor to handle the game.
The result is a surprisingly versatile system
for gaming. The BBC Micro computer
emulated on Raspberry
Graham Sanderson has shown that If you are looking for a more complete games Pi Pico, with PIO handling
the display output
it’s possible to emulate a BBC Micro and system, then Pimoroni’s PicoSystem
ZX Spectrum using PIO to output the audio and ( is under development.
VGA graphics. There are no instructions just PicoSystem promises to be a tiny all-in-one
yet, but you can check out the build on YouTube portable games console being built around the
( RP2040 microcontroller at the heart of Pico. It
If you’re looking for a build with features a small IPS LCD screen, joypad, buttons,
ready‑to‑roll code, then take a look at Tetris and LiPo battery.
PicoSystem is an all-
for Pico, built using the Pico Display Pack Raspberry Pi Pico is proving to be quite the in-one games console
( It uses the buttons powerhouse for retro gaming, much more so based around the
powerful RP2040
on the latter to rotate and control the pieces, than you’d first imagine. microcontroller at the
and the small screen displays the game. The heart of Raspberry Pi Pico

code for Pico Tetris can be found on PasteBin

The small screen of the Pico Display
Pack or LEDs of the Pico Unicorn Pack lend
themselves to Tamagotchi-style games, and
you can easily create one for Raspberry Pi Pico
using animations. There is the Pixel Pet code
for Raspberry Pi Sense HAT on the projects
page ( that could be easily
converted to Raspberry Pi Pico and a Pico Display
Pack or Unicorn Pack.

If you’re looking for a

build with ready-to-roll
code, then take a look at
Tetris for Pico

70 Easy Raspberry Pi Pico Projects


Roll your own projects with components and code

ike all Raspberry Pi boards, Pico is Seeed has provided a walkthrough to using
excellent for learning electronics and the Grove Shield with Raspberry Pi Pico
building small circuits that do all manner ( that
of things. It’s possible to solder wires and demonstrates how to attach a buzzer, rotary
components directly to GPIO sockets, but adding angle sensor, OLED display, and temperature
a pin header enables you to slot Pico into the sensor with Raspberry Pi Pico.
sockets of a breadboard (
HATs everywhere
and connect and disconnect components
without having to solder them. Another device is the Raspberry Pi Pico HAT
Expansion ( This PEOPLE
Y ou’ll never be short of is an input/output board that translates the
Raspberry Pi Pico pins into the 40-pin header
Here is one more
projects to try out found on Raspberry Pi computers. This enables project that might be
you to plug any of the myriad of HATs designed suitable for the more
With pins on Pico, you can follow the for Raspberry Pi into Pico (although it’s worth advanced makers
‘Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico’ guide noting that software and APIs designed for out there. Kyle from
Arducam has got
( And make sure Raspberry Pi may need translation work to TensorFlow Lite Micro
you pick up a copy of Get Started with MicroPython function in MicroPython or C/C++). If you have a up and running on
on Raspberry Pi Pico ( You’ll project in Raspberry Pi that’s ripe for conversion Raspberry Pi Pico and
has created a tutorial
also find a fantastic tutorial on using Pico with to Pico, this hardware could be just the thing.
on using the machine
LEDs and buttons on the following pages. Pimoroni’s Pico Omnibus Dual Expander learning framework
( enables you to double for person detection.
Easy electronics up on expansion packs, adding two at once. Connect a camera
to your Raspberry
Numerous devices have been developed to Or, you can use the extra GPIO pins to attach
Pi Pico and you
aid electronic testing and development with jumper wires or circuitry alongside a Pico Pack. will be able to use
Raspberry Pi Pico. SB Components has produced If that’s not enough, the Pico Decker Quad image recognition to
a Pico Breadboard Kit ( Expander ( goes to town detect people.
that should make prototyping easier. As well with support for up to four Pico Pack devices.
as a half-size breadboard, it packs a buzzer, On the board is a ‘landing area’ with labelled
four LEDs, and four push-buttons. It also has female headers for attaching Pico, and four
dedicated 5 V, 3V3, and GND pins. further landing areas with mirrored headers for
Another device aiming to make electronics attaching add-ons. The Grove Shield for
more accessible is the Pico Explorer Base One thing’s for sure: with Pico you’ll never be Raspberry Pi Pico
enables you to plug
( This also features a short of projects to try out. in over 300 modules
mini breadboard, but one-ups other boards with from the Seeed range

a 240×240 IPS LCD screen and four buttons (to

create interactive menus for your projects). It
also has two Breakout Garden slots that you can
use to quickly slot in devices from Pimoroni’s
breakout range (
These include everything from air quality
sensors to haptic feedback buttons.
If you want to avoid a nest of wires and
experiment with a range of components, check
out Seeed’s Grove Shield for Raspberry Pi Pico
( This enables you to
plug and play with over 300 Grove modules.

Physical computing
with Raspberry Pi Pico
Start connecting basic electronic components to your Raspberry Pi Pico
and writing programs to control and sense them

aspberry Pi Pico, with its RP2040 The on-board LED is connected to one of
TIP microcontroller, is designed with physical RP2040’s general-purpose input/output pins,
computing in mind. Its numerous general- GP25. This is one of the ‘missing’ GPIO pins
SELECTIVE purpose input/output (GPIO) pins let it talk to a present on RP2040 but not broken out to a physical
IMPORTS range of components, allowing you to build up pin on the edge of your Pico. While you can’t
In both MicroPython projects, from lighting LEDs to recording data about connect any external hardware to the pin, other
and Python it’s the world around you. than the on-board LED, it can be treated just the
possible to import
Physical computing is no more difficult to learn same as any other GPIO pin within your programs
part of a library,
rather than the whole than traditional computing: if you can do a little – and it makes a great way to add an output to your
library. Doing so can Python coding, you’ll be able to build your own programs without needing any extra components.
make your program circuits and program them to do your bidding. Load Thonny and, with Pico connected to your
use less memory,
and allows you Raspberry Pi, click ‘Python’ at the bottom-right,
to mix and match Your first physical computing then select ‘MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)’ as the
functions from program: Hello, LED! interpreter. Click into the script area, and start your
different libraries. Just as printing ‘Hello, World’ to the screen is a program with the following line:
The programs in
this guide import fantastic first step in learning a programming
the whole library; language, making an LED light up is the traditional import machine
elsewhere you introduction to learning physical computing. You
may see programs can get started without any additional components, This short line of code is key to working with
which have lines
like from machine too: your Raspberry Pi Pico has a small LED, known MicroPython on your Pico: it loads, or imports, a
import Pin; this as a surface-mount device (SMD) LED, on top. collection of MicroPython code known as a library
tells MicroPython Start by finding the LED: it’s the small – in this case, the ‘machine’ library. The machine
to import only the
rectangular component to the left of the micro-USB library contains all the instructions MicroPython
‘Pin’ function from
the ‘machine’ library, port at the top of the board (Figure 1), marked with needs to communicate with the Pico and other
rather than the a label reading ‘LED’. This small LED works just like MicroPython-compatible devices, extending the
whole library. any other: when it’s powered on, it will glow; when language for physical computing. Without this line,
it’s powered off, it remains dark. you won’t be able to control any of your Pico’s GPIO
pins – and you won’t be able to make the on-board
LED light up.
Figure 1
The machine library exposes what is known

Figure 1 The on- as an application programming interface (API). The
board LED is found name sounds complicated, but describes exactly
to the left of the
micro‑USB connector what it does: it provides a way for your program,
or the application, to communicate with Pico via an
interface. The next line of your program provides an
example of the machine library’s API:

led_onboard = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT)


This line defines an object called led_onboard, Figure 2

which offers a friendly name you can use to refer
to the on-board LED later in your program. It’s
technically possible to use any name here – like
All the holes in each
susan, gupta, or fish_sandwich – but it’s best to
rail are connected
stick with names which describe the variable’s
purpose, to make the program easier to read
and understand.
The second part of the line calls the Pin function
in the machine library. This function, as its name The five holes in each
row are connected
suggests, is designed for handling your Pico’s GPIO
pins. At the moment, none of the GPIO pins –
including GP25, the pin connected to the on-board
LED – knows what they’re supposed to be doing.
The first argument, 25, is the number of the pin
you’re setting up; the second, machine.Pin.OUT,
tells Pico the pin should be used as an output rather
than an input.
That line alone is enough to set the pin up, but it for such a short time it appears to remain dark. To 
Figure 2 The internal
connections on
won’t light the LED. To do that, you need to tell Pico fix that, you need to slow your program down by a breadboard
to actually turn the pin on. Type the following code introducing a delay.
on the next line: Go back to the top of your program: click at the
end of the first line and press ENTER to insert a new
led_onboard.value(1) second line. On this line, type:

import utime
T he on-board LED is Like import machine, this line imports a new library
connected to one of into MicroPython: the ‘utime’ library. This library
handles everything to do with time, from measuring
RP2040’s GPIO pins it to inserting delays into your programs.
Go to the bottom of your program, and click on
It might not look it, but this line is also using the the end of the line led_onboard.value(1), then
machine library’s API. Your earlier line created the press ENTER to insert a new line. Type:
object led_onboard as an output on pin GP25; this
line takes the object and sets its value to 1 for ‘on’ – utime.sleep(5)
it could also set the value to 0, for ‘off’. TIP
Click the Run button and save the program on This calls the sleep function from the utime
your Pico as You’ll see the LED light up. library, which makes your program pause for PIN NUMBERS
Congratulations – you’ve written your first physical whatever number of seconds you typed – in this When talking about
computing program! case, five seconds. the GPIO pins on
your Pico they’re
You’ll notice, however, the LED stays lit: that’s Click the Run button again. This time you’ll see usually referred
because your program tells Pico to turn it on, but the on-board LED on your Pico light up, stay lit for to using their full
never tells it to turn it off. You can add another line five seconds – try counting along – and go out again. names: GP25 for
at the bottom of your program: Finally, it’s time to make the LED blink. To do
the pin connected
to the on-board
that, you’ll need to create a loop. Rewrite your LED, for example. In
led_onboard.value(0) program so it matches the one below: MicroPython, though,
the letters G and P
are dropped – so
Run the program this time, though, and the LED import machine
make sure you write
never seems to light up. That’s because Pico works import utime ‘25’ rather than ‘GP25’
very, very quickly – far more quickly than you can in your program, or it
see with the naked eye. The LED is lighting up, but led_onboard = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT) won’t work!

Physical computing with Raspberry Pi Pico 73


Figure 3

Using a breadboard
The following projects in this chapter will
be much easier to complete if you’re using a
breadboard to hold the components and make the
electrical connections.
A breadboard (Figure 2) is covered with holes
– spaced, to match components, 2.54 mm apart.
Under these holes are metal strips which act like the
jumper wires you’ve been using until now. These run
in rows across the board, with most boards having a
gap down the middle to split them in two halves.
Many breadboards also have letters across the
top and numbers down the sides. These allow you to
find a particular hole: A1 is the top-left corner, B1
is the hole to the immediate right, while B2 is one

Figure 3 Your
Pico is designed
hole down from there. A1 is connected to B1 by the
to sit securely while True: hidden metal strips, but no hole marked with a 1 is
in a solderless
breadboard led_onboard.value(1) ever connected to any hole marked with a 2 unless
utime.sleep(5) you add a jumper wire yourself.
 dding electronic
Remember that the lines inside the loop need to be
indented by four spaces, so MicroPython knows they components to a
form the loop. Click the Run icon again and you’ll
see the LED switch on for five seconds, switch off
breadboard is simple
for five seconds, and switch on again – constantly
repeating in an infinite loop. The LED will continue Larger breadboards also have strips of holes down
to flash until you click the Stop icon to cancel your the sides, typically marked with red and black or
program and reset your Pico. red and blue stripes. These are the power rails, and
There’s another way to handle the same job, too: are designed to make wiring easier: you can connect
using a toggle, rather than setting the LED’s output a single wire from one of your Pico’s ground pins
to 0 or 1 explicitly. Delete the last four lines of your to one of the power rails – typically marked with a
program and replace them so it looks like this: blue or black stripe and a minus symbol – to provide
TIP a common ground for lots of components on the
import machine breadboard, and you can do the same if your circuit
UTIME VS TIME import utime needs 3.3 V or 5 V power. Note: All holes joined by a
If you’ve stripe are connected; a gap indicates a break.
programmed in led_onboard = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT) Adding electronic components to a breadboard is
Python before, you’ll simple: just line their leads (the sticky-out metal
be used to using
the ‘time’ library. while True: parts) up with the holes and gently push until the
The utime library is led_onboard.toggle() component is in place. For connections you need to
a version designed utime.sleep(5) make beyond those the breadboard makes for you,
for microcontrollers you can use male-to-male (M2M) jumper wires;
like the Pico – the ‘u’
standing for ‘μ’, the Run your program again. You’ll see the same for connections from the breadboard to external
Greek letter ‘mu’, activity as before: the on-board LED will light up for devices, like your Raspberry Pi Pico, use male-to-
which is used as a five seconds, then go out for five seconds, then light female (M2F) jumper wires.
shorthand for ‘micro’.
up again in an infinite loop. This time, though, your Never try to cram more than one component
If you forget and use
import time, don’t program is two lines shorter: you’ve optimised it. lead or jumper wire into any single hole on the
worry: MicroPython Available on all digital output pins, toggle() simply breadboard. Remember: holes are connected
will automatically switches between on and off: if the pin is currently in rows, aside from the split in the middle, so a
use the utime
on, toggle() switches it off; if it’s off, toggle() component lead in A1 is electrically connected to
library instead.
switches it on. anything you add to B1, C1, D1, and E1.

74 Physical computing with Raspberry Pi Pico


Push your Pico into the breadboard so it straddles

the middle gap and the micro USB port is at the very
top of the board (see Figure 3). The top-left pin, Pin
0, should be in the breadboard row marked with a
The resistor is a vital component in this circuit: it protects both your
1, if your breadboard is numbered. Before pushing Pico and the LED by limiting the amount of electrical current the LED
your Pico down, make sure the header pins are all can draw. Without it, the LED can pull too much current and burn
properly positioned – if you bend a pin, it can be itself – or your Pico – out. When used like this, the resistor is known
as a current-limiting resistor. The exact value of resistor you need
difficult to straighten it again without it breaking.
depends on the LED you’re using, but 330 Ω works for most common
Gently push the Pico down until the plastic parts LEDs. The higher the value, the dimmer the LED; the lower the value,
of the header pins are touching the breadboard. the brighter the LED.
This means the metal parts of the header pins are Never connect an LED to your Pico without a current-limiting resistor,
fully inserted and making good electrical contact unless you know the LED has a built-in resistor of appropriate value.
with the breadboard.

Next steps: an external LED of your breadboard’s power rail. If you connect it to
So far, you’ve been working with your Pico on the power rail, finish the circuit by connecting the
its own – running MicroPython programs on its rail to one of your Pico’s ground pins. Your finished
RP2040 microcontroller and toggling the on-board circuit should look like Figure 4.
LED on and off. Microcontrollers are usually used Controlling an external LED in MicroPython is no
with external components, though – and your Pico is different to controlling your Pico’s internal LED:
no exception. only the pin number changes. If you closed Thonny,
For this project, you’ll need a breadboard, male- reopen it and load your program from
to-male (M2M) jumper wires, an LED, and a 330 Ω earlier in the chapter. Find the line:
resistor – or as close to 330 Ω as you have available.
If you don’t have a breadboard, you led_onboard = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT)
can use female-to-female (F2F) jumper wires, but
the circuit will be fragile and easy to break. Edit the pin number, changing it from 25 – the pin
Hold the LED in your fingers: you’ll see one of connected to your Pico’s internal LED – to 15, the
its leads is longer than the other. The longer lead pin to which you connected the external LED. Also
is known as the anode, and represents the positive edit the name you created: you’re not using the on-
side of the circuit; the shorter lead is the cathode, board LED any more, so have it say led_external
and represents the negative side. The anode needs instead. You’ll also have to change the name
to be connected to one of your Pico’s GPIO pins via elsewhere in the program, until it looks like this:
the resistor; the cathode needs to be connected to a
ground pin. import machine
Start by connecting the resistor: take one end import utime
(it doesn’t matter which) and insert it into the
breadboard in the same row as your Pico’s GP15 pin led_external = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.OUT)
at the bottom-left – if you’re using a numbered
breadboard with your Pico inserted at the very top, while True:
this should be row 20. Push the other end into led_external.toggle() 
Figure 4 The finished
a free row further down the breadboard – we’re utime.sleep(5) circuit, with an LED
and a resistor
using row 24.
Take the LED, and push the longer leg – the
anode – into the same row as the end of the resistor.
Figure 4
Push the shorter leg – the cathode – into the same
row but across the centre gap in the breadboard, so
it’s lined up but not electrically connected to the
longer leg except through the LED itself. Finally,
insert a male-to-male (M2M) jumper wire into the
same row as the shorter leg of the LED, then either
connect it directly to one of your Pico’s ground pins
(via another hole in its row) or to the negative side

Physical computing with Raspberry Pi Pico 75


Inputs: reading a button

TIP Outputs like LEDs are one thing, but the ‘input/
button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN,
output’ part of ‘GPIO’ means you can use pins
as inputs too. For this project, you’ll need a This works in the same way as your LED projects: an
breadboard, male-to-male jumper wires, and a object called ‘button’ is created, which includes the
You don’t really
push-button switch. If you don’t have a breadboard, pin number – GP14, in this case – and configures
need to change the
LED object name you can use female-to-female (F2F) jumper wires, it as an input with the resistor set to pull-down.
in the program: it but the button will be much harder to press without Creating the object, though, doesn’t mean it will do
would run just the accidentally breaking the circuit. anything by itself – just as creating the LED objects
same if you’d left it at
led_onboard, as it’s Remove any other components from your earlier didn’t make the LEDs light up.
only the pin number breadboard except your Pico, and begin by adding To actually read the button, you need to use the
which truly matters. the push-button switch. If your push-button has machine API again – this time using the value
When you come only two legs, make sure they’re in different- function to read, rather than set, the value of the
back to the program
later, though, it numbered rows on the breadboard somewhere pin. Type the following line:
would be confusing below your Pico. If it has four legs, turn it so the
to have an object sides the legs come from are along the breadboard’s print(button.value())
named led_onboard rows and the flat leg-free sides are at the top and
which lights up an
external LED – so bottom before pushing it home so it straddles the Click on Run and save your program as –
try to get into the centre divide of the breadboard. remembering to make sure it saves on Raspberry Pi
habit of making sure Connect the positive power rail of your Pico. Your program will print out a single number:
your names match
breadboard to your Pico’s 3V3 pin, and from there to the value of the input on GP14. Because the input
their purpose!
one of the legs of the switch; then connect the other is using a pull-down resistor, this value will be 0 –
leg to pin GP14 on your Pico – it’s the one just above letting you know the button isn’t pushed.
the pin you used for the LED project, and should be Hold down the button with your finger, and
in row 19 of your breadboard. press the Run icon again. This time, you’ll see the
value 1 printed to the Shell: pushing the button

 ushing the button has completed the

P has completed the circuit and changed the value
read from the pin. To read the button continuously,
circuit and changed the value read you’ll need to add a loop to your program. Edit the
program so it reads as below:
If you’re using push-button with four legs, your
circuit will only work if you use the correct pair of import machine
legs: the legs are connected in pairs, so you need to import utime
either use the two legs on the same side or (as seen
in Figure 5) diagonally opposite legs. button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN,
Load Thonny, if you haven’t already, and start a machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)
new program with the usual line:
while True:
import machine if button.value() == 1:
print("You pressed the button!")

Figure 5 Wiring a
Next, you need to use the machine API to set up a utime.sleep(2)
four-leg push-button
switch to GP14 pin as an input, rather than an output:
Click the Run button again. This time, nothing will
happen until you press the button; when you do,
Figure 5 you’ll see a message printed to the Shell area. The
delay, meanwhile, is important: remember, your
Pico runs a lot faster than you can read, and without
the delay even a brief press of the button can print
hundreds of messages to the Shell!
You’ll see the message print every time you press
the button. If you hold the button down for longer
than the two-second delay, it will print the message
every two seconds until you let go of the button.

76 Physical computing with Raspberry Pi Pico


Inputs and outputs: putting it all together

Most circuits have more than one component,
which is why your Pico has so many GPIO pins. It’s
time to put everything you’ve learned together
Unlike an LED, a push-button switch doesn’t need a current-limiting
to build a more complex circuit: a device which resistor. It does still need a resistor, though: it needs what is known as
switches an LED on and off with a button. a pull-up or pull-down resistor, depending on how your circuit works.
In effect, this circuit combines both of the Without a pull-up or pull-down resistor, an input is known as floating
– which means it has a ‘noisy’ signal which can trigger even when
previous circuits into one. You may remember you
you’re not pushing the button.
used pin GP15 to drive the external LED, and pin
So where’s the resistor in this circuit? Hidden in your Pico. Just like it
GP14 to read the button; now rebuild your circuit so has an on-board LED, your Pico includes an on-board programmable
both the LED and the button are on the breadboard resistor connected to each GPIO pin. These can be set in MicroPython
at the same time, still connected to GP15 and GP14 to pull-down resistors or pull-up resistors as required by your circuit.
(see Figure 6). Don’t forget the current-limiting What’s the difference? A pull-down resistor connects the pin to
resistor for the LED! ground, meaning when the push-button isn’t pressed, the input will be
0. A pull-up resistor connects the pin to 3V3, meaning when the push-
Start a new program in Thonny, and begin button isn’t pressed, the input will be 1.
importing the two libraries your program will need: All the circuits in this guide use the programmable resistors in the
pull-down mode.
import machine
import utime
Figure 6
Next, set up both the input and output pins:

led_external = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.OUT)

button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN,

Then create a loop which reads the button:

while True:
if button.value() == 1:

Rather than printing a message to the Shell,

though, this time you’re going to toggle the import machine 
Figure 6 The finished
circuit, with both a
output pin and the LED connected to it based on import utime button and an LED
the value of the input pin. Type the following,
remembering it will need to be indented by eight led_external = machine.Pin(15, machine.Pin.OUT)
spaces – which Thonny should have automatically button = machine.Pin(14, machine.Pin.IN,
handled when you pressed ENTER at the end of machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN)
the line above:
while True:
led_external.value(1) if button.value() == 1:
utime.sleep(2) led_external.value(1)
That’s enough to turn the LED on, but you’ll also led_external.value(0)
need to turn it off again when the button isn’t being
pressed. Add the following new line, using the Click on Run and save the program as on
BACKSPACE key to delete four of the eight spaces – your Pico. At first, nothing will happen; push the
meaning the line will not be part of the if statement, button, though, and you’ll see the LED light up. Let
but will form part of the infinite loop: go of the button; after two seconds, the LED will go
out again until you press the button again.
led_external.value(0) Congratulations: you’ve built your first circuit
which controls one pin based on the input from
Your finished program should look like this: another – a building block for bigger things!

Physical computing with Raspberry Pi Pico 77


SmartiPi Touch Pro

SPECS SmartiCase £30 / $35

Dependent on The latest addition to the SmartiPi Touch family brings improved design,
see the cooling, and a wealth of options. PJ Evans looks into the case
CAD files at

e’re big fans of the SmartiCase range Construction was simple and completed in
COMPATIBILITY: here at The MagPi magazine. The about 20 minutes, thanks to a well-written online
Any Raspberry SmartiPi Touch 2 was a big hit in 2020, guide. It’s even easier than the previous models.
Pi computer
that supports
with a solid 8/10 awarded. Now it’s back with a Everything you need is included, along with
the official third iteration, the SmartiPi Touch Pro. options for fan covers, a range of port blockers
touchscreen All models mount the official 7-inch Raspberry

Pi touchscreen and a Raspberry Pi of your choice
into a single case running from one power supply.
T he Touch Pro is a
25 mm or 45 mm The result is a small, freestanding unit, perfect solid refinement of
clearance for kiosk-style applications. Add a keyboard

and monitor for a small, but perfectly formed, its predecessor
Black or white
The Touch Pro is a solid refinement of its for both Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 configurations,
MOUNTING: predecessor. Although similar in appearance, the ribbon cables for the display and camera, and –
Hinged base, optional camera mount has been moved to the very neatly – a Y-adapter for both USB micro and
wall eyelets,
base of the screen, which gives it a slimmer profile. USB C that now mounts inside the case to give a
and VESA
The internals have been redesigned to create more smart single connector to run both the device and
MATERIALS: space: in fact, you can fit two HAT form-factor
ABS plastic, devices side by side. Cooling has been improved
metal screw
with a small optional fan mounted on rubber
pillars to reduce vibration.

Multiple mounting options make this case suitable for both

home and business applications

78 SmartiPi Touch Pro


screen. We also received the metal base accessory customer feedback considered. It’s a solid injection- This smart case makes
a perfect control deck
(sold separately) which gives the assembly a solid moulded construction riddled with cut-outs so you or mini workstation
footing; your cat would struggle to topple this. can customise to your heart’s content. Access to the
Smart design means
microSD card slot would be nice, but it’s blocked lots of space for HATs
Room for everything by the display ribbon cable. Nevertheless, if you’re and more

Space is a common frustration in Raspberry looking for a kiosk or control-centre project, or

Pi cases, and it is addressed head-on with the even a highly portable computer (as we featured in
SmartiPi Touch Pro. There is a choice of two rear The MagPi issue #98), the SmartiPi Touch Pro is a
covers, one with 25 mm clearance above the great bit of kit.
Raspberry Pi, and a larger version with a whopping
45 mm to play with. Even with the standard header, Verdict
you can get a low-profile HAT mounted. If you can
The sheer range
use jumper cables, you can even mount another
of options,
HAT alongside. With the larger enclosure, even the
spacious interior,
larger HATs on the market won’t be constricted. solid design,
Industrial applications have also been and a great
considered. A ‘stealth’ mode allows Raspberry Pi price make this
to be mounted fully inside, giving no easy access an essential
to the ports. And if wall or arm mounting would purchase for
any touchscreen
make for a cool touchscreen controller, the rear of
project, whether
the case features VESA mounting and eyelets for it’s a control
hanging from screws. If you want a custom base, centre or
additional hinges are provided that can be screwed mini desktop.

on to your mount of choice.
We were impressed by the build quality, especially

at the very reasonable price point. This SmartiPi
Touch Pro has been carefully thought through and

SmartiPi Touch Pro 79


RasPad 3
Sunfounder £173 / $240

10.1-inch This chunky tablet promises touchscreen interaction
pixel, ten-point with Raspberry Pi. Lucy Hattersley gives it a tap

DIMENSIONS asPad 3 improves upon previous iterations We found assembly easy. Use four screws to
/ WEIGHT: with a 10.1-inch, ten-point multitouch affix Raspberry Pi 4 to the case, then use the USB
26×17×4.8 cm;
2 kg display. Inside, Raspberry Pi 4 sits between cables, micro HDMI cables, and Type C to connect
two daughterboards. The ‘main board’ breaks Raspberry Pi 4 to the main board. FFC cables
PORTS: out the Ethernet, USB C, and audio sockets and are used to connect the smaller daughterboard
Ethernet, HDMI,
provides a full-sized HDMI port for a second to Raspberry Pi. These are easy to connect, but
3.5 mm audio,
3 × USB 3.0, external display and an RCA power socket (a 15 V the instructions do not mention how to gently
microSD 2 A AC adapter is included as power supply). pull out the connector and push them back in to
The smaller ‘microSD card and button board’ lock the cable.
connects to the microSD port on Raspberry
Pi and enables three buttons (power, plus
brightness controls).
 asPad 3 is terrific for
Inside the large wedge at the bottom sits a demystifying the technology
three-cell 3 Ah lithium battery (we got two-and-a-
RasPad OS makes
Raspberry Pi OS touch-
half hours of use). that underpins tablets
friendly, adds support One notable absence from the case is GPIO pins.
for the rotating screen,
However, a small gap in the case enables you to Three small heatsinks are attached to the
and provides an
on‑screen keyboard feed a ribbon cable to extend the GPIO header. Raspberry Pi and a fan, screwed in place to the
bottom half of the case. Finally, a neat touch. A
small Accelerometer SHIM Module is placed on top
of the GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi. When running
the RasPad OS, this enables a rotating display. Four
more screws are used to assemble the case. It’s
important not to leave the microSD card inserted
when assembling or disassembling the case, as it
will (and indeed did) break.

Custom OS
RasPad OS ( is based on
the latest Raspberry Pi OS but with a refreshed
interface with larger, touch-friendly buttons,
additional software support, and tablet-friendly
features: there’s an on-screen keyboard and
support for the aforementioned accelerometer.
One aspect of RasPad 3 that disappoints straight
out of the box is the built-in fan (which you will
quickly remove). We’ve never encountered a

80 RasPad 3

Discover the technology

that sits inside a tablet
with RasPad

Raspberry Pi product that makes such a persistent more detailed work. It’s chunky, but you can hold
noise. It’s a constant buzzing and we found no fan RasPad in your hands and rotate it around like a
throttling controls in software or hardware. commercial tablet. While it’s on a surface, the
We found the fan intolerable, to the point where wedge provides two distinct viewing angles. You Verdict
we reopened the case and removed it, and dug out do lose the ability to use the touchscreen when
our heat testing setup to see what performance was a second monitor is attached, but it performs It’s easy and fun to
like without it ( We measured admirably as a smaller second display. set up RasPad 3,
but once the
the idle baseline temperature at 65°C and it ran at RasPad 3 is terrific for demystifying the
tablet components
full stress for several minutes before hitting the technology that underpins tablets (key technology lesson is over,
80°C mark (where Raspberry Pi OS starts to throttle in many younger learners’ lives). It may be chunky, it’s not great fun
back performance). We found little difference but you can open it up and see the processor, to use. Jarring
to using a Raspberry Pi in the official case. As screen, battery, and accelerometer in action. It elements (in
usual, we see no reason for a fan to be used with may not be as slick as a commercial tablet, but the particular the
fan) don’t help.
Raspberry Pi, unless you plan to overclock. Once learning process is more rewarding.
There are better
the fan was stripped out, we were able to appraise As a daily device, things are less impressive.
Raspberry Pi 4
RasPad 3 with kinder eyes. It’s painful to watch RasPad 3 side-by-side tablet and laptop
As a tablet, it functions well. The screen is nice against pi‑top’s FHD Touch Display and Bluetooth options on
to look at, and touchscreen performance is snappy keyboard ( The extra money the market.

and responds quickly (if a little haphazardly). spent on the pi-top is well worth it.
While functional, the on-screen keyboard is too Meanwhile, at the entry end of the scale, devices

small for our fingers and a chore to type on. Still, such as SmartiPi Pro offer a touchscreen display
you can add a Bluetooth or wired keyboard for setup at a much more affordable cost.

RasPad 3 81

10 Amazing:
RGB Keypad Base

Raspberry Customisable keypad

Pi Pico
We like the keypad range Pimoroni does, and we’re already thinking up ways to
create our own macro keypad with one of these and a Pico. Look out for that in
a future issue.

£22 / $25 |

add-ons  et Started with

MicroPython on
Raspberry Pi Pico
Upgrades for the newest
Raspberry Pi family member Book of knowledge

The ultimate accessory for Pico is the Get Started with
aspberry Pi Pico has been out for only six MicroPython book, which has a breakdown of what Pico
weeks and it’s already got a huge host of can do, and how you can make use of its various abilities.
add‑ons specifically made for it! Some of
these have really inspired us to think up new projects. £10 / $14 (or free PDF) |
Here are just ten of them.

Breadboard Kit
Explorer Base
Prototyping board
Electronics with Pico
Another way of learning is by having components connected
straight to the same breadboard as Pico itself. The breadboard These types of breadboard breakout boards always rate highly with us as
here is sizeable and the built-in buttons and LEDs are a simple and easy ways to get to grips with how tech works. While others work
nice addition. well with a Raspberry Pi, this one is perfect for Pico.

£14 / $20 | £22 / $26 |

82 Raspberry Pi Pico add-ons


Audio Pack
HAT Expansion Portable stereo sound
Add HATs Turn Pico into a simple sound card / amplifier for a Raspberry Pi,
or other hardware if you know how to tweak it. It wouldn’t be too
Fancy using a Raspberry Pi HAT with a Pico? SB Components has you covered hard to turn this into part of a mini MP3 player as well, in case you
with this special add-on. It also keeps the pins on Pico available to use. miss those.

£10 / $15 | £14 / $16 |

Female headers Display Pack

Opposite header style Tiny and colourful
If you want pins that you can plug This is a 1.14-inch, RGB, IPS LED display,
jumper wires into, or any other kind which is ridiculous! Pico can power it
of wire, these female headers will be fairly easily, and the display itself has
right up your alley. some physical buttons on it. You could
easily use it for simple games or
£1 / $2 | costume wearables.

£14 / $16 |

GPIO Expansion Board Header Pack

Solderless pin access Male headers
While not essential, soldering on headers to a Raspberry Pi Pico
If you don’t fancy soldering headers to your Pico, this board allows you to make
makes it easy to add it to a breadboard or use jumper wires to
use of both male and female headers for whatever project you’re working on.
attach to other circuit bits. Time to practise your soldering skills.
It’s great for prototyping.

£8 / $11 | £2 / $2 |

Raspberry Pi Pico add-ons 83


Learn game development

with Raspberry Pi
Get a head start with Raspberry Pi game creation with this resource list. By Mark Vanstone
For most developers of games,
Itch corp the main reason to create a

game is to challenge others to

Price: play their game. So the first
Free / Percentage question is: how can we make a
of sales
game available for other people to play? That’s where
comes in. The website provides
an app store-style platform for
independent developers to
upload and sell their games.
Games can be built and
uploaded in all kinds of formats.
They can be built as executables, for new developers and if you so you can have a good look
source code downloads, or online want to sell your game, they will around and see what everyone
browser games. There is a large deal with all the payment else has uploaded, and get ideas
active community, and regular process but, of course, ask for a about how to present your new
competitions to reward the best small cut of the profits. game to the world, get feedback
games. The site is free to Currently there are over from players, and even make a
use and provides lots of support 300,000 games hosted on, bit of money.

Books for game development

Paper-based or online books for reference and tutorial
A treasure-trove of a book, both Learn how to create your own An in-depth look at game creation
paper-based and for download. versions of retro games from with Python and Pygame. From your
Learn to build games using scratch using Python and Pygame first game to physics simulations
the Minecraft engine, and even Zero. Five classic video games and alien invaders, this book is
program external controllers to are remade, ranging from Pong to packed full of useful techniques
trigger events in-game. Sensible Soccer. and listings.

84 Learn game development with Raspberry Pi


Scratch Game

Scratch is available as a game Raspberry Pi’s website for you to

Foundation and animation development
system, both in a browser and
see what others have done with
Scratch. Graphics and sounds are Creator
Free as an offline program. Both included in the Scratch library, work and look very similar. but you can also create your own
Scratch is an excellent using the built-in pixel editor or
introduction to programming, a separate paint package. There Get free game
and provides a visual block are extra extensions you can add resources online
interface to create interactive to connect to external projects,
content. You can share games and a whole range of tutorials to
that are created with Scratch, show you how to get started
and there are lots of examples on making the game of your choice.

Pi Game Dev is a well-
organised site dedicated
solely to resources for making
games on Raspberry Pi. There
are comprehensive lists and
links to game engines, art and
music tools, code editors, and
game assets.


Raspberry Pi Game Projects

OpenGameArt is a go-to,
one-stop, free shop for 2D
and 3D game graphics and
sound effects. Searchable and
Raspberry Pi

Since the launch of Raspberry for you to delve into and find categorised, this site features
Foundation Pi, the Raspberry Pi Foundation out how they were made and thousands of submissions from
has been producing example download the elements you designers. You can submit
projects of all kinds on its need to build them. There are your own creations to give
From £19.99
website. In the game section, projects for Scratch, Python, something back.
there are around 60 projects web browsers, and even games
to play with external hardware,
like the Sense HAT. Each project SPRITERS RESOURCE
describes what you will need Sprite sheets are bitmaps
to make it, shows the finished full of animation frames, and
project, and then walks you Spriters Resource has all the
through, step by step, what retro game graphics in sprite
you need to do from beginning sheet format. Just search
to end. You will also find for your favourite game and
suggestions for other projects to there’s likely to be a sprite
look at after you have finished, to sheet or two for it.
progress further with your game
development experience.

Learn game development with Raspberry Pi 85


Tanya Fish
Tanya is all over the online Raspberry Pi community.
How did this engineer, teacher, and student start out?

> Name Tanya Fish > Occupation Student

> Community role Educator and maker > url @tanurai

f you’re part of the online the back of magazines as a kid, things apart throughout my
Raspberry Pi community, and got in trouble at school childhood, and I think that
it’s hard to miss posts from for altering Granny’s Garden was the first thing that was
Tanya Fish, aka tanurai. She (an educational puzzle-solving physically useful. I was lucky
creates cool things and has great game),” Tanya tells us. “When enough to work with a drag
Tanya continued the
tradition of making earrings insights into making. I was 16, my dad put a Ford racing team for a few years on
resembling new, tiny “I used to program the BBC Sierra in front of me and said a Fuel Altered [car] that did the
Raspberry Pi boards – this
one is a handmade Pico Micro using BASIC code from ‘take that apart’. I’d been taking quarter mile in 7.4 seconds. I
carried on making anything I
could – woodworking, drawing,
knitting, crochet, smaller things
mainly. Then I discovered
Raspberry Pi and got into
learning my way around a Linux
operating system, and started to
teach myself Python.”
After working for our cool,
gadget-making pals Pimoroni,
Tanya is back at school working
towards a PhD “in the effects of
STEM outreach in schools”.

When did you learn about

Raspberry Pi?
Probably in the later half of 2012,
and a lot of my friends were
using them as media servers. I
got one for Christmas 2012 – and
I still have it! I’ve used every
model since, and I liked it that
they were small enough to build
into projects.

86 Tanya Fish


Big projects

Eurovision crown
“I think that the first big project I did was with a
Raspberry Pi Zero W, for a Eurovision party in
2017. It used APA102 pixels and a Scroll pHAT,
and ran off a Poundland battery pack. I was just
starting out with Python then, but I managed
to make it grab tweets about Eurovision and
scroll them across the front of the crown.”

Tanya has also presented at Maker Faire Giant Picade

“A project I built a workshop around was a
What is your favourite way to
interact with the community?
I think there’s giant breakout of the controls to play games
using RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi 3B+. I got kids
My favourite way to get
involved in the community is
a lot more to to build all of the switches using cardboard
and foil, and clip them onto this rig. We were
playing Mario with a spoon, flip-flops, head-
by volunteering at events like come from desks, and homemade tilt switches.”
Raspberry Jams, sometimes
giving talks, workshops, or Raspberry Pi
just bringing along a project
to talk about. Luckily, my
previous employers were never been a computing teacher,
really supportive of that, and I yet I have used a Raspberry Pi
loved standing at the stall and and coding for every subject I’ve
chatting with people about taught. There’s a lot to be said
what they were making, and for their creative use – last year
helping out with equipment one of my graphics students
choices. I try to write up personal made an interactive video player Elephant nightlight
projects, but documentation controlled by children’s toys to “I also did a kids’ nightlight using a Raspberry
is time-consuming! teach history – and to say that Pi Zero, which changes colour depending on
they can go from not knowing whether it’s time to get up or go to sleep. I
What has your experience been any code to that shows the ease liked that Raspberry Pi Zero is small enough
to fit inside a 1 pint milk bottle! It’s actually a
like with Raspberry Pi? of use of Raspberry Pi. I look
useful project; most of the things I build are
I think there’s a lot more to forward to using them in my
frivolities – I like playing with tech creatively.”
come from Raspberry Pi. I have teaching for years to come.

Tanya Fish 87


This Month in
Raspberry Pi
MagPi Monday
Amazing projects direct from our Twitter! 01

very Monday we ask the question: have you
made something with a Raspberry Pi over
the weekend? Every Monday, our followers
send us amazing photos and videos of the things
they’ve made.
Here’s a selection of some of the awesome things
we got sent this month – and remember to follow
along at the hashtag #MagPiMonday!!

MacFeegle Prime is the mini Johnny 5 of
our dreams
02. We had a couple of people show us time-
lapses over the last month, and they’re
all great
Bread rising is a miracle of food science
04. As you may imagine, it does not work well 02
05. While this may look like Asteroids, it’s just a
very pretty display
06. We love seeing this project evolve!
07. An amazing build here, worthy of the
space station
08. This robot clearly means business
09. This Star Trek TNG tricorder looks
extremely legit
10. Snow is very cool. It’s fun to watch it build
up like this

88 MagPi Monday









MagPi Monday 89


Mondays are for Pico

#MagPiMondays aren’t just for standard Raspberry Pi projects

aspberry Pi Pico was released two days
after we went to press last issue, so we
weren’t able to feature any community
projects then.
This month, though, we have plenty. Take a peep
at some Pico projects that were shared with us on




Would a Pico Cat be a Picat?
02. The MagPi regular Mike Cook has a go with
music on Pico using PIO
A very important thing to learn!
04. Colour-coding pins is a great way to make
prototyping a little quicker
05. We could not solder that well at eleven
years old
06. As usual, Caroline is getting stuck in doing
cool stuff with Pico

90 Mondays are for Pico


Best of the rest!

Other amazing things from the community


This setup looks amazing, and Reddit user Error_No_Entity has This is an incredible build using Raspberry Pi 4, TensorFlow, and publicly
included an OS image so you too can have this excellent build. We’d available training datasets. It’s amazing what you can do with computer
love to know more about the physical build, though. vision on a Raspberry Pi.


Reddit user Gorse212 has been customising “My local rinky-dink airport apparently runs
retro games to work on a large LED matrix, the arrivals tracking on a [Raspberry Pi 4],” This ingenious build perfectly copies not only
and they look pretty cool! This could easily points out V0xx0m on Reddit. It seems like your handwriting, but will also write out text
be scaled up to larger projects as well, more and more airports are using them. that you’ve typed. Now handwritten notes
we think. Hopefully they’ll fix this one. don’t have to be… handwritten.

Best of the rest! 91


RP2040 minus Pico
Will the RP2040 be available to buy as an IC from usual
suppliers? I really want to use it as the base IC for a
new sensor board, but the footprint of the Pico module
is too big.

Jah via email

According to our friends at HackSpace magazine: “It will

be once there’s enough of them created. We’re expecting
Q2 this year, but this isn’t confirmed yet.”
For those not in the know, you can buy and use
RP2040, the core chip that powers Raspberry Pi Pico. A
few microcontroller makers are already coming out with
 owever you like to use
their own ranges of boards with RP2040 chips, and the your Pico is up to you
sky’s the limit.
Pre-soldered Pico
Is there any way to get a Raspberry Pi Pico that has the pins
already soldered onto it? My soldering skills aren’t quite up to
scratch, I’m afraid.

Charlotte via Facebook

You can actually get pre-soldered Pico boards from many of the Pico
resellers, such as SB Components and Pimoroni. They’re usually in
more limited supply, though, and will cost a bit extra.
We personally like the holes, as for some wearable stuff it’s a
It’s not out just yet, but
bit more useful. Also, it would be good practice to solder on the
Adafruit is working on a new
Feather board with RP2040 headers anyway!

92 Your Letters


 his DAC is also a HAT, which

we understand makes things
even more confusing
Coolest Projects
When does Coolest Projects registration open? Is it
separated by locale like in previous competitions? I’d
really like something to work towards right now!

Dale via twitter

You’re in luck, as registration has recently opened! You

can register here:
This year the competition is worldwide, and everyone
up to the age of 18 can participate! There are loads of
categories you can apply for, and there are workshops and
tips on how to manage your project. You have until 3 May
to apply, so get online and get started!

Any chance of an up-front glossary on your website for complete
novices like me? There are so many acronyms – HAT, pHAT,
DAC, etc. – that I get completely lost in having to look them up
elsewhere. And even then, they are not always well explained
because they assume another level of knowledge.
Perhaps there is one, but I couldn't find it!

Nick via email

You’re correct, we don’t currently have a glossary of terms like this. Submit your project to be in
However, it’s a good idea, and we’ll try and get one set up. We’ll put the online showcase gallery!
it on GitHub so folks can make suggestions for it – otherwise, any
acronyms or terms you think of, don’t hesitate to let us know so we
can add them!

Contact us!
> Twitter @TheMagPi
> Facebook
> Email
> Online

Your Letters 93



on the cover price




The RFID HAT for Raspberry Pi allows you
make use of RFID tags that you already have, or
the programmable card or fob that comes with
it. It even has a little LCD screen. We gave it an
8/10 last issue, and now ten are up for grabs.

Learn more: Head here to enter:

Terms & Conditions

Competition opens on 24 February 2021 and closes on 25 March 2021. Prize is offered to participants worldwide aged 13 or over, except employees of the Raspberry Pi Foundation,
the prize supplier, their families, or friends. Winners will be notified by email no more than 30 days after the competition closes. By entering the competition, the winner consents to any
publicity generated from the competition, in print and online. Participants agree to receive occasional newsletters from The MagPi magazine. We don’t like spam: participants’ details
will remain strictly confidential and won’t be shared with third parties. Prizes are non-negotiable and no cash alternative will be offered. Winners will be contacted by email to arrange
delivery. Any winners who have not responded 60 days after the initial email is sent will have their prize revoked. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by,
or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

Competition 95
Join us as we lift the lid
on video games

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Head of Design
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WITH RASPBERRY PI James Adams, Mike Cook,

COMPUTERS AND David Crookes, PJ Evans, Gareth

Halfacree, Martin O’Hanlon,

MICROCONTROLLERS Rosemary Hattersley, Nicola King,

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The MagPi magazine is published by
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ISSN: 2051-9982.

Vertical innovation
James Adams on building Raspberry Pi’s first microcontroller platform

n 21 January we launched well as requiring specialist skills, you can be programmed to ‘bit-bang’
the $4 Raspberry Pi Pico. As I need a lot of expensive tools and IP. almost any digital interface without
write, we’ve taken orders for After a slow start, for the past couple using valuable CPU cycles. Finally, we
nearly a million units, and are working of years we’ve had a small team have released a polished C/C++ SDK,
hard to ramp production of both the working on it full-time, with many comprehensive documentation and
Pico board itself and the chip that others pulled in to help as needed. some very cool demos.
powers it, Raspberry Pi RP2040. For me, this project has been
Microcontrollers are a huge yet Low-cost and flexible particularly special as I began my
largely unseen part of our modern The Pico board was designed career at a small chip-design startup.
lives. They are the hidden computers alongside RP2040 – in fact we This was a chance to start from a clean
running most home appliances, designed the RP2040 pinout to work sheet and design silicon the way we
gadgets, and toys. Pico and RP2040 well on Pico, so we could use an wanted to, and to talk about how and
were born of our desire to do for inexpensive two-layer PCB, without why we’ve done it, and how it works.
microcontrollers what we had compromising on the layout. A lot of Pico is also our most vertically
done for computing with the larger thought has gone into making it as integrated product; meaning we
control everything from the chip
through to finished boards. This ‘full
T his ‘full stack’ design approach has allowed stack’ design approach has allowed

optimisation across the different parts optimisation across the different

parts, creating a more cost-effective
and coherent whole.
Raspberry Pi boards. We wanted to low-cost and flexible as possible – And of course, it is designed here in
create an innovative yet radically low- from the power circuitry to packaging Cambridge, birthplace of so many chip
cost platform that was easy to use, the units on to tape and reel (cost- companies and computing pioneers.
powerful, yet flexible. effective with good packing density). We’re very pleased to be continuing
It became obvious that to stand out With Pico we’ve hit the ‘pocket the Silicon Fen tradition.
from the crowd of existing products money’ price point, yet in RP2040
in this space and to hit our cost and we’ve managed to pack in enough
James Adams

performance goals, we would need to CPU performance and RAM to run

build our own chip. I and many of the more heavyweight applications such
As Raspberry Pi Trading’s Chief Operating
Raspberry Pi engineering team have as MicroPython, and AI workloads like Officer and Hardware Lead, James has
been involved in chip design in past TinyML. We’ve also added genuinely been deeply involved in Raspberry Pi
lives, yet it took a long time to build a new and innovative features such as product development since 2013.

functional chip team from scratch. As the Programmable I/O (PIO), which @JamesAdams314

98 Vertical innovation

Robotics & rapid prototyping
with your Raspberry Pi
Power your projects with computer vision and applied AI
pi-top [4] Robotics Kit comes with electronic components such as a wide-angle
camera, servos and motors, all of which plug and play with the pi-top [4]
Complete or pi-top [4] DIY Edition†.
pi-top Robotics Kit with Expansion Plate
187.90 / $199.90

Gesture Obstacle Autonomous

Control Avoidance Driving

Object Emotion Line

Recognition Mapping Recognition

with Microsoft

Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. †pi-top [4] and Robotics Kit with Expansion Plate sold separately. © CEED Ltd. 2021

Raspberry Pi made simple, robust and modular.

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