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A difficult wake up

I don’t know if it was because of too much sun on my head or too much equations to solve, I
couldn’t slept, so last Sunday I woke up finished with froggy eyes (a shame for a Frenchie). When I
succeeded to reach the kitchen to get a coffee, everybody (Roger, Rosetta’s sister and the maid who
is coming every Sunday at 8h waking up the whole house, shit!) were having their breakfast
watching Skynews waiting for Rosetta. No “Fashion one” this morning. When Rosetta came, I was
finishing my second mug of coffee. She was in a very good mood, fresh like a rose (makes sense for a
Rosetta) : a real sun shine with her summer clothes and stilettos. Dressed to kill!

Rosetta: Hello everybody, I’m ready to pick up.

Me: What does it means ready to pick up?

Rosetta : Heu, that’s means I feel like a spring chicken.

9h30, and my rdv with Patricia was at 11h30, Let’s get ready, nevertheless saving my energy: I slept
with my hear style, so I kept it, put a white pant with a Kaki t-shirt with fancy short sleeves. Yes this
day I didn’t care how I looked.

10h50! No!, how was it possible! Oh Gosh! Hurry-up!

Since few weeks, I was trying to reach one of my best friend from Reunion Island. I was checking on
skype, when I saw her message: maybe it wasn’t too late, 2 hours jet lag… When I called her, she was
there. When we saw each other we lol, we were in the same shape! Zazou had a busy night, she is a
Tinder Queen and the only one who can understand my equations and reciprocally.

Already 11h25! Sorry Zazou, I’ve to go, bye. Bisous, à bientôt!

No news from Patricia, That’s not her habit. When I phoned her, she was still in bed.

-“Oh, I’m KO, because of my sinus. Do you still want to go to the Botanical Gardens?”

-“You know Patricia I’m Kaput too, if you want we can chill out. I can get a pic-nic and rent a deck
chair at the swimming pool, or we can get a Salad at the Club House, admiring the golf view, and
then practice our gym-tonic.”

-“Oh yes let’s go to the Club House, people say it’s a cool place. Come fetch me in one hour. “

During this hour waiting, I was lying on the bed like a stranded sea star.

On our way.

When I arrived at Patricia place, an old man was waiting for the elevator.

He said to me, “Whoua, you look cool! I like your hat. “

-“Ty (in the elevator)”

-“Where are you from?”


- “Oh you French, yes I’ve guessed”

-“And you?

-“I’m from Las Vegas, I live 6 months there and 6 month here.”
-“That’s not the same!”

-“Yes, Here it’s quite, I like both. Ah that’s my level, Bye”

-“Enjoy your day!”

Patricia was waiting for me and in 5 seconds we were downstairs. When we met, it was like our
strength came back: a positive energy. Ready to be up to!

On Our way, She told me about her job, we talked about Cavewoman and I told her about the
national park, the tour guide who doesn’t know the name of the flowers but can find the animals (=
much more important.)

In few minutes we were at Green Point. There is a place we use to get a fresh orange jus. I was
thirsty and the sun was very strong.

-“Patricia, Do you want me to offer you a drink?”

-“No, the Club House must be at five minutes.”

When we arrived at the Golf, it was like the time was frozen in the 80’s, even the people! We had a
look upstairs and I said:

-” No, no, Sorry Patricia, I never saw a Club House like that, usually it’s stunning places. We can’t
have a salad here.”

-“No, no worries, that’s Ok, I told you I like “camping places” but I’m like you, I like both, camping,
and five stars hotels.”

-“Ok, so let’s go to the One &Only!”

We were thirsty. Walking on the direction of the WA,

Patricia asked me:” Are you attracted like a magnet, we are going once again to your head quarter,
Next time we should go to the opposite side, at Clifton and spend the day on the beach! “

-‘Yes you ‘re right Patricia, we will do that next time.”

Thirsty to die, when we so the Radisson Hotel, we had the same idea, have a drink there. When we
entered at the restaurant and saw the buffet, we though, we should try it. Fully booked outside, we
decided to have a drink in the terrace and then we will see.

Lunch time at the Radisson.

Outside a huge U format coach was free, waiting for us. At the same time 2 guys sat on a side.

-“Look, said Patricia, our angels are here, it’s a sign, I really believe in that! “

She was showing me babies’ white feathers: ‘You know, I’m registered to a club of positive thinking
and I won an eBook. I had the choice between a book about chakras, spiritualism, others and angels.
I’ve chosen angels.”

-“Oh, I’m interested to read it, “

-“that’s in English”,

-“Oh, Ok, Never mind, that will make me practice, if you want I’ve got all the mediations about the
attractions power, in French.”

-“Oh, no thanks, you know, I’ve got already everything.”

While we were waiting for our drinks the 2 guys had ordered a Club Sandwich with chips.

-“That’s look good, Patricia would you like to try that, “

-“Yes why not, looks good.”

So I asked to the guy next to me:” is your sandwich good? “

And he started to speak to us. Francois and David from Durbanville builder and Architect.

-“Are you Tourists? It was a wrong step for the guy, never ask to Patricia if she is a tourist, so she
answered him first :, “no I leave here, work here since 5 years but for a French company that’s the
reason why my English sound French.

-“And you?”

-“Me? About 6 months.”

-“6 months! Ah, Ah you are a Virgin! Haha”

-??????!, Yes that’s it, my name is Virginie, that’s the reason why I’m a virgin.”

Patricia was laughing inside herself.

-“And you are both single?

At the same time Patricia and I answered: Heuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

-“Ok I seeeeeeeeeeeeee.”

I don’t know what he figured out, but once again at the same time, Patricia and I, knew it was the
time “t” to run. While the waitress arrived with our Club Sandwich, Patricia saw a table available
next to the swimming pool.

-“I’m going to ask if she can dress this table, it’s not really polite for the two guys, no? “

-“You kidding Patricia? We don’t care about the 2 guys, this table is the best place to be!”

The 2 guys were disappointed when we left.

Only the seagulls were enjoying the swimming pool. We had a stunning view. The Club Sandwiches
were good but not light, one for 2 would be enough. And Patricia felt guilty because she try to eat
gluten free. She said I should do the same because it cause body inflammations.

-“Yes I know, I don’t eat bread and pasta, only biscuits.”

We talked about hand bags, and the super stuff we left in France we would like to have here.

But the conclusion was: we have nothing here but we are happy because with nothing we do a lot.
And Patricia said:” look at you, you have a Private guide tours and you have me as your personal
sport coach.
-“Yes, you’re right, I’m very lucky!”

I wanted to go to Clicks at the WA to get a sea water pray for Patricia’s sinus.

Before going we went to the 5 stars restroom, where the towels are roll like spring rolls and you
have hand moisturising cream smelling peach or vanilla.

At The WA

During the way, we were talking about home design.

-“Patricia you should go to H&M Home.”

-“H&M Home?”

-Yes, at the 2d floor.

-Oh I never noticed there are 2 floors at H&M.

-Yes, let’s have a look (I school her too)

When we arrived, at H&M there were some sales. Patricia was very excited by the 50% off.

The problem with the sales, it’s difficult to find your size. She found stuff but not at her size. She
made me try some jackets, but I was so tired, I found everything not shaped for me.

-“Yes, this long vest is nice on the hanger but on me, it’ looks like a bathroom carpet.”

Buying nothing we were in the point of forgetting to visit the second floor. The deco is trendy at

Then she needed to go to Woolworths because she bought last week her 50 th Kaki t-shirt, and she
decided that 49.

I’m looking for a Panama hat, so we went to the accessories department. At Woolworths you have

- Patricia said:”whaouh, this cowboy hat is cool, that suit me!”

But when I looked at her, there were something wrong.
-“Patricia, I think it’s the wrong side! “
When I saw her face, I couldn’t help laughing at her.
We have found our new game, trying them all! Queen Elisabeth style, Granny, Pancake and apple
tart style.
Patricia said: “look at this one, when you are tired of it you can use it as doormat.”

We laugh like too wales (translation of a French expression).

When I came see her with a hat without top (gaufrette in French), around my neck Like the dog stuff,
we were laughing to die.
Patricia, said:” hahahaha, we are doing our abdo” and we laugh until losing our breath.
That’s the must funnier way to do abdo. I think I haven’t laugh like that since Reunion Island with my
friend Zazou.
Then we went quickly to Clicks, it was the reason why we were here!
When we went out to go back home, at the same time the bus to Sea Point was coming.
Patricia was right, our angels were with us.

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