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Theme III: Ethics and Professionalism

3.1- Philosophy of Education

2.3.14- Develop a personal philosophy of education.

My philosophy of education is built from my own strengths and weaknesses, educational

experiences, and research. I believe that all students have the right to a high quality education

regardless of their race, generder, disabilities, ethnicity,home life and any other barriers. I also

believe that educational philosophies need to be flexible so it will allow growth in the students

over time. We need to take what we learn from teaching experiences, our teachers and their

learning tactics, and a students learning style and use it to the best abilities.

Being a teacher and studying the different education philosophers and their philosophies

can help them figure out their own beliefs about education. Albert Bandura's theory was arguing

that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. This is very

important for teachers to model their concepts and information correctly to their students. It’s

also important that teachers pick appropriate student models. Based on all the different theorists

and their philosophies, there's many ways teachers can keep students engaged in the classroom

(Evidence; 3.1.1).

When I become a teacher, every student will have different expectations. Each student

has their own strengths and weaknesses. I need to make sure that I'm aware of what each student

needs so I can give them the best to help them be successful. Each of my students will have

different goals in the classroom, some will have different assignments, but my main goal in the

classroom is to make sure my students are improving in the classroom and have a person. I am

going to make sure that all my students have self confidence in and out of the classroom so they

know that they can do anything they set their mind to.
The most important thing a teacher can do is get to know their students. When the student

feels comfortable with the teacher and starts opening up to them it not only benefits the students

but it benefits the teacher so they know how to teach them in a way that will be most effective to

them. All of the different strengths, weaknesses, learning styles, interests is how I will structure

my classroom, lessons and how I will facilitate instruction in my classroom.

This course has not only taught me how to be a teacher but how to be a GREAT teacher.

This has shown me all the different components that I need to have in order to be successful

when I get older. This class has shown me that I am fit to be a teacher and I'm very capable of

doing it (Evidence; 3.1.2).

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