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Autostraddle PDF Video Planning


(in black and white)

-Actor clearly nervous [eyes go side to side, visibly sweating], reaches out to tap their partner
on the shoulder [hand trembling]

Narrator: Are you nervous to talk to your partner about sex? (possibly put the words on screen
as floating text)

-transition by sliding the frame off the screen, sliding the next scene onto screen-

-Actors are sitting on a couch together, one actor repeatedly looks like they’re about to speak
but never actually forms a word, the other is looking at them confused. The main actor
ultimately gives up attempting to form words and defeatedly leans back into the couch and

Narrator: Do you struggle to find the right words when trying to communicate with your
partner about sex?

-transition by sliding the frame off the screen, sliding the next scene onto screen-

-Actors sitting on a bed, facing one another (possibly have some sex toys on the bed?), one
partner is talking (but the scene will not have sound). Speaking actor is visibly feeling awkward
(nervously rubs the back of their neck)

Narrator: Is it awkward trying to tell your partner what you do or don’t want to do? Well no
longer! With this inclusive, comprehensive, and easy-to-use guide, it is easier than ever to
openly communicate with your sexual partners about sex!

(now in color)
-as narrator talks, transition to the cover of the pdf, spiraling from the back of the frame to the
center of the screen, narrator will be in gameshow host-like attire (collared shirt, tie, and suit
coat), and will appear in the corner of the screen-

Narrator: You can use this guide to discuss so many things with your partner, such as:

-have list in text begin forming on screen as narrator lists things-

Narrator: [voice should sound similar to when prizes are listed on game shows] what you want

to do, what materials [read as sidenotes to audience] (such as toys and lubricants) you prefer

[sidenote voicing] (or if you are allergic to any materials), what turns you on, what sort of

language is acceptable to use during sexy time (such as what you want your gender to be

referred to as, or what words indicate that someone wants to stop, which is a-okay!). You can

also use this wonderful guide to discuss what fantasies you and/or your partners like to think

about during sexy times ([suggestive tone] which can be very helpful for some fun dirty talk

[narrator gives overexaggerated wink directly to the camera]). You can also use this guide to

firmly draw lines and create your boundaries, which we all know can be hard sometimes.

-Actors will now portray much more comfortable discussion in the same settings as before-

-Actor from scene one confidently taps their partner on the shoulder and presents them with a

copy of the pdf and a pen, and will also have a copy for themselves-

-Actors from second scene are now relaxing on the same couch together, one will have their

arm around the other, the pdf in their laps, both look intrigued and are pointing out things on

each other’s filled out pdf, nodding-

-Actors from third scene are now sitting on the bed together, less rigid and more relaxed, each

one has their pdf in their hands and are comparing them. The one that was uncomfortably

rubbing their neck in scene before has the lines drawn on their pdf, then moves the majority of

the sex toys to the side, then picks out 2-3 that they act willing to use, their partner nods and

they both smile approvingly-

Narrator: [in a more genuine tone, but still with a hint of gameshow host voicing] All in all, this

easy-to-use guide is intended to help you openly communicate with your sexual partners so you

both have the best experiences possible. Use protection, stay safe, and always get enthusiastic


-screen goes into black with a circle around the narrator as they sat the last line, fade out by the

circle getting smaller until screen is all black, then a gc staff member (possibly Em?) will appear

on screen in front of a solid-colored background clearly in the Hub-

Em: In this video we wanted to grab your attention with humor, but in all seriousness, we are

showing you this guide to use as a resource. This guide is a tool to help you communicate with

your sexual partners, or even just be honest with yourself as you figure out what you want and

what you feel comfortable and safe doing, by yourself or with others. At GCSU, we want all

students to have experiences founded on the 3 R’s: Reason, Respect, and Responsibility. Here

at the Women’s Center and LGBTQ+ Programs [gesture around with arms to indicate being at

the Hub, camera zooms out to show more of the background] we want to encourage you to

apply these three principles to all areas of your life, so we are giving you the option to use this

guide to help you do so. You can access this guide online for free [provide link on screen or in
the description] and all you have to do is fill out each page based on your preferences and

boundaries. We hope you all stay safe, whether you use this guide or not. Thank you.

-screen fades to black-

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