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Andreas Goering

Professor Arini

English 102-11

January 14, 2021

How Rhetoric Affects Me Daily

This morning I opened my phone to Snapchat and saw an advertisement that showed up

on Snapchat. This advertisement was for the Dell XPS 13 Laptop. The advertisement is

demonstrating the quality of the laptop by the materials that Dell uses to manufacture this

product. The main purpose of this advertisement was to appeal to the quality, looks, and

processing power of the laptop. The audience ranges from a college student in the market for a

new laptop or to most adults but is most appealing to a modernist or digital creator. The voice in

the advertisement uses short, to the point features about the laptop.

After having breakfast I opened my laptop for a class where there was a trailer for a

movie called Bloodshot playing before a Youtube video. This trailer shows the main character,

who is played by Vin Diesel, being injected with some kind of serum and various other shots of

him fighting mercenaries. This trailer is appealing to an audience who enjoys action and

suspense. The message throughout this trailer was to show how action-packed and suspenseful

the movie is,

Next, I was scrolling through Instagram on my phone when an ad for Klipsch audio for

headphones, speakers, and audio hardware. This ad was interactive to where the viewer had to

swipe to the right to view each different product Klipsch was advertising. The audience for this

advertisement is people who enjoy music and or are musicians or producers. The purpose is to
appeal to people who enjoy music and the quality and design of the products. The Voice in this

ad was to the point explaining the features and specifications.

Next, I was at The Home Depot shopping when I saw an advertisement for the different

prices and sales for various products around the store. The voice in this advertisement was shown

with bold, eye-catching words such as, “sale”. The message appears to highlight all of the price

drops and sales. The purpose of this Home Depot advertisement was to try to get more customers

to make an impulse purchase and to add general information about the prices of products. The

Audience for this advertisement was targeted at people who look for sales and discounts when

shopping and someone in the market for home improvement.

While I was walking around my house I saw an old newspaper from the 1980s with an

advertisement for the new Star Wars movie from the time Return of the Jedi. This advertisement

showed the movie title in Large bold lettering with the classic font so the viewer could easily see

it and remember the title. The Voice of this advertisement used well-known quotes from Star

Wars to create a level of brand recognition. The audience was people who enjoy movies that fall

into the category of science fiction and enjoy action and adventure movies. The message being

put across was the release date and theater dates. The purpose of this newspaper advertisement

was to inform and excite people about the new movie coming out.

Throughout my day, the most influential advertisement for Klipsch headphones. This

appealed to me because I am into music and I look for the quality and design of a product. About

all of the advertisements, I saw on the Internet related to my interests. Every day we are being

berated and persuaded with targeted advertisements that are run by mathematical algorithms.

Almost every advertisement I saw today related to my interests or hobbies which in a way is

somewhat alarming the way our data is collected, transferred, and sold.

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