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Samantha Ross

EDU 214

Why I want to be a teacher!

Growing up, school was always an escape from my home life. I was raised by my

grandparents, but they weren’t always as present as they should have been. I had an absent

biological father and a very abusive biological mother. When I was in school, I felt like I was

finally able to be a child and actually act my age. At home especially starting my freshman year

of high school I had to grow up. My grandparents had gained custody of my severely autistic

younger sister. I was the only person she would allow to do things for her. My grandparent’s

kind of gave up on trying so they made me take care of her. When I was at school she just sat on

my bed and waited for me to get home. Once I was home, she wouldn’t leave my side. I was able

to get her to eat and do things a child her age should have been doing.

All of my teachers throughout my schooling years were the people I could talk to about

things going on at home. They believed me they got me help. School is where I could go and be

myself and not be reprimanded for it. My 5th grade teacher helped me come out of my shell. She

helped me open up and talk more than I had ever before. She was the turning point in my life.

My freshman year science teacher was the one who helped me realize my passion for children

and teaching. He would use my weaknesses against me to make me become stronger and stand

up for myself. I was always a very shy person and he noticed that and his passion for his students

and helping them succeed was the thing I needed the most.
I want to teach Kindergarten because I believe that the love for education starts at a young age. I

want to help my students realize that learning can be fun and that you can become whatever you

want. I want to be able to be that teacher they remember forever. I want my students to always

know that no matter what stage in life they are in they can always return to my classroom and

talk to me.

I want to help teach my students from my experiences and help them learn to stick up for

themselves and that they have a voice and just because one person won’t listen to it doesn’t mean

all won’t. I want to be able to help my students realize their potential from a young and vital

age. These children are the future of our country and I know that as a teacher I will be that

frontline person in their lives to help them have a successful life.

After teaching kindergarten for about 10 to 15 years I would like to start teaching

aspiring teachers. I want to teach from my experience as a teacher and let them know that it isn’t

always going to be easy, but it will be very rewarding. I want to also help the students that are on

the edge of what they want to be, realize if they really want to be a teacher or not. Teaching is

the most underappreciated career out there, but it is the most rewarding career that someone can

Your scores were:

● Visual 6
● Aural 8
● Read/Write 8
● Kinesthetic 13

Your learning preference:

Mild Kinesthetic

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