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Synthesis | Ashford Writing Center

What is synthesis?

Synthesis refers to combining multiple sources and ideas. It is the use of

information from several sources to create new ideas based on the analysis of these
gathered information.

How is synthesis different from summarizing?

In a summary, you share the key points from an individual source and then move
on and summarize another source. In synthesis, you combine the information from
those multiple sources and add your own analysis of the literature.

Why do you need to include synthesis?

At the senior level, you are entering the scholarly conversation on advanced topics
in your field of study. By synthesizing research, you are showing that you can
combine current information in your field of study and add a new interpretation or
analysis of those sources.

What steps do you need to take to reach synthesis?

To effectively synthesize the literature, you must first critically read the research
on your topic. Then, you think about how all of the ideas and findings are
connected. One great way to think about synthesis is to think about the authors of
the research discussing the topic at a research conference. They would not
individually share summaries of their research; rather, the conversation would be
dynamic as they shared similarities and differences in their findings. As you write
your paragraphs, focus on a back and forth conversation between the researchers.

What strategies can you use to synthesize your information?

The key to a good synthesis is to be organized as you are researching and reading
sources on your topic. One way to organize your research is to use a synthesis
matrix. You can record your sources and main ideas on the topic in a chart.
A synthesis matrix can take many different forms. In the example table below, the
sources are listed in the left column of the table, and the main ideas or themes
about the topic are listed along the top of the table.

When finished, it will provide a visual representation of your research and help
you to see how sources are connected.
In addition to a matrix, as you critically read your sources, take note of the

 Do any authors disagree with another author?

 Does one author extend the research of another author?
 Are the authors all in agreement?
 Does any author raise new questions or ideas about the topic

Example of Synthesis

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