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epublic of tbe bilippineg

:mepartment of qfbucation

SEP 1 2 2012
DepEd O R D E R
No. 7 5 , s. 2012



To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
All Others Concerned

1. Under the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) , the Department
of Education (DepEd) has formulated the Quality Assurance and Accountability
Framework (QAAF) to serve as a "road map" in instilling quality and accountability
in the respective operations within the basic education sector.

2. To systematically put into action the logic and principles of the QAAF, the
DepEd has established the Quality Management System (QMS) formulated to
systematize and standardize DepEd core processes required to achieve the objective
of the framework for basic education. The QMS has been previously modeled in
eight (8) regions (I, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, XI and ARMM).

3. The Regional Implementation Support and Enhancement (RISE) Funds has

been set up to support the modeling of QMS in all regions. The utilization of RISE
Funds shall be aligned pursuant to the new QAA/ QMS implementation strategy.

4. To effectively utilize the funds, this Department has formulated the enclosed
guidelines outlining the procedures and implementation strategies of the RISE
Funds and to ensure effective and transparent utilization of the said Fund.

5. For more information and clarification, concerned parties may contact

Mr. Roger B. Masapol, Chief, Project Development and Evaluation Division-Office of
the Planning Service (PDED-OPS) , DepEd Central Office, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
at telephone no.: (02) 635-3983.

6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.


Ends.: As stated
Reference: N o n
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following


SMA/ 00 Guidelines on the Utilization of the RISE Funds
1572/September 10, 2012
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City 1600 ,,633-7208/6337228/632-1361 ""636-4876/637-6209 4
Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 75, s. 2012




1. On e of th e Key Reform Th ru sts (J< RT ) u n d er th e Basi c Ed u ca ti on Sector Reform

Age nd a (BESRA) is the Quality Assura nce and Accou nta bility an d Monitori ng and
Eval uation ( QAA/ M&E ) which is aimed pri ma rily to set qual i ty consciousness within
the basic ed u ca ti on sector.

2. Th rough the BESRA KRT4, the Quality Assura nce and Accou nta bility Frame\vork
(QAAF) ha d been formulated. The QAAF serves as a "road ma p" tha t wi ll i nstill quality
and accou nta bi l i ty i n the respecti ve opera tions i n the ed u cati on sector. I t seeks to bi nd
key players a nd stakeholders i n volved i n the system i n to one i n tegra ted enti ty wh
ose mai n objective is to ensure consistent provision of quality basic education services to
every Filipi no learner anytime, anywhere.

3. The establ ishm ent of the Qua l i ty Ma nagem ent System (QM S) wil l system a tically put i n to
action the logic and pri nci ples of the QAAF. The QMS will systematize and standardize
Dep E D core processes req u ired to achi eve the objecti ve of the fram ewo rk for basi c
ed u cation. I t is a system tha t will rati ona l i ze the opera tio n of ea ch u n i t based on
ma ndates and map out the l ink and points of convergent ot each u n it i n achi eving the
desired outcomes.

4. QMS wil l be opera ti onalized by th ree i n terrelated sub-system s which define stand a rd s
on pla nning, core b usi ness processes and moni toring & evaluation which com plete the
entire cycle of strategic plan ni n g, program i mplementation down to monitori ng and
ev;il ua ti on wh i ch will i nfl u ence th e pla n n i ng ,rn d bu d geting cycl e. Th ese th ree su
b systems a re:
4.1 Quality Planning, ensuring the quality (releva nce & res ponsi veness), consistency
and continuity of strategies, programs and projects;
4.2 Quality Assurance, a m echa nism for contin uou s i m provem en t -- revievv a nd
enh ancem ent of stand a rd s and fine tu n i n g of processes; and
4.3 Quality Control, ensu ri ng efficiency of implementation ( as per plans )a nd
assu ra nce o f resul ts (as per sta nda rds).

5. One goal of the BESRA KRT4 is to esta blish the QMS i n all regions and divisions
nation wi cl e.

6. The Regiona l I mplemen ta tio n Su pport and E nha ncem ent ( RI SE ) Fu n d h as been set u
p to espouse the modeling of QMS i n all regions.


7. The RISE Fund is a Ph p 50 M illion fundi ng facili ty extended tu all Regiona l Offices to
ena ble regions to perform thei r ma ndated tu ncti ons as provid ed i n RA 9155 pa rticularly
on qua l i ty pla n n i ng, qua l i ty assu rcrncc a n d qu a l i ty con t rol.

8. The overall objective of the fund is to chan nel funds to regions which wi ll a llow them to
provi d e tech n i cal assista n ce to Di visions i n t er ms of pu tti ng i n to p ra cti ce the p ri
nci pl es of QMS.
9. Speci fi ca lly, R ISE Fu nd s sh a ll he u sed by th e regi on s to: i ) set u p the Regio n a nd D i
vision Plan ni ng and M onitori ng & Evaluation ( M&E ) System; ii ) provid e capacity bu ilding
program to d ivisi ons rel ated to strategic pla n ni n g, mon itorin g & eva l u ation, and
perfo rm a nce reporti n g; a n d i i i ) m obi l i ze Regi on ,rn d D i visi on M& E tea m s.

10. RISE Fu nds shall be released to and ma naged by the region.

11. A N 3ti ona l Progra m Su pport Fu n d s i n th e a m ou n t of Ph p 8 M i ll i on sh a ll be reta i n

ed at th e Ce n tra l O ffi ce wh ich wi ll be u ti l ized pri m a rily on th e con d u ct of the N
a tional Ori entation and for monitori ng th e im plementation ot the RISE Fu nds. This amou
nt will enable the National Quality Management Team ( NQ MT) to perform their fu
nctions as refl ected i n De p E D Ord er N o. 43 s, 2010.

12. The QAA/ M&E TWG shall prepare a deta il ed work pla n on the use of the
abovementioned funds to be su bm itted to a nd ap proved by the QAA/ M&E TWG Chai r.


OF - -- --

Summary of the RISE Funds Allocation

__ _ _DIVJ_§l_9NS ···· L ALL?CAT_ION (in Php)

t- _

Region I
Re ion I I I
+--- _ll__
1---- -- -=
t' ·- 2,650.485.44
. 3,669,902.91 . _j1:
Region II 8 1,631,067.96

Reg10 n IV-A=!- _ L 1_ _ -- t _ 3,058.,252.43 _ _ J

- _ ! _ - + - - 1_.i{Z ,lll4.i7 _ _ -:
- _ _ _ 13 - --i--- _ _ 2,650,485.44 )
::;i( t
Regio n VI . 18
1 //I J-
t :}11:+-- - - l
3,669,902.91 I

t=------ i
I Regi on IX r 8 ---- -T 1,631,067.9( - -- '
1 _1_ . ·- -2.85-i368.9, -
------+ -
>--- Regi on X 14.
- Region XI g_ ?,Q3_8_.§ 4.95
Rgion XII - - - ------- -- -------.'..- !._8_:34, __
---1·- .... - 1,4 27,
------ -- ---- - -- -
- CARA GA . _ -- - ---- -- - I _ _ _ 1,§_3i,2_1_:_"!fi_ _ _ _
r ANR( RM _
t1 -------_ ·---..,. ._ _ .. ,_,

±; md . . t =5::
! N ational Program i I

L Su f ; 0 i[ J
13. The regi on shall ensu re eq u i ty i n th e u tiliz:1tion of t h e fu nds.

14. Eligi ble activities and expenses u nder the R ISE Fu nds sha l l be related to:
14.1 Sett i ng u p of th e Region a nd D i visi on Pla n n i ng a n d M & E System a n d format i on of
the Region and Division M&E Tea ms ( not to exceed 3Qli'iJ of the total fund a
llocation per region)
14.1.1 1 Wo rkshops ,rn d meeti n gs vvi th i n the regi on
14.1.2 Offi ce su p pl i es a nd ma teri a ls
14.2 Capacity buildi ng program for Divisions on Plan ni n g and M onitori ng & Evaluation.
This activity shall be consistent with the standards set on the provision of capacity
b u i l d i n g progra ms to regi on s p rovi d ed by t h e N ation;il Offi ce ( n ot be lower th a n
50%i of th e tota l fu n d alloca ti on pe r regi on )
14.2.1 Train i ng ven ues (priority on govern ment facilities)
14.2.2 Professi onal fees of Resource Persons ( non- DepE D expe rts)
14.2.3 Offi ce su ppl ies a nd m a te ri a ls
14.3 Tech n i ca l assista nce to d i vi sion s. Pla n a ppra isal, qu a rterly im pl em enta ti on
review of division plan and continuous capacity assess ment of Division M&E Team (not
to exceed 20°/ri of the total fu nd allocati on per regi on)
14.3.1 Tra nsporta t i on expenses on the actu a l con d uct of progress mo n i to ri n g
14.3.2 M eeti ngs

15. All other expenses not specified above shall be cha rged against local funds.


16. Th e ma nagemen t a n d li qu id a ti on of th e R ISE Fu n d sh all be gu i ded by

th e N PS B E/SPH E R E Opera tion Ma n ua l.

17. All regions shall submit the followi ng to the QAA/M&E TWG Technical Secretariat c/o
M r. Roge r B. M asa pol, Chi ef, P D E D-O PS, 4r11 Fl oor, Bon i fa ci o B u i l d i ng, De p E D
Com plex, Pasi g City; th ru ema il at Q.µ:c, l" or vi a fox a t ( 02) 633 - 7256 on or before
August 17, 2012:

17.1 Deta iled Wo rk a n d Fi nanci a l Pla n on the setti ng u p of the Regional Pla n n i ng ,rnd
M& E System a nd th e formatio n of th e Region;il a nd D i visi on M&E Tea m
17.1.1 For 11011-PRIM E J regions, the work plan should incl ude orienta tion on the
Moni toring and Evaluation an d Plan Adjustment ( M EPA) which will be
i n trod uced by the Ce n tra l Offi ce th ru P R I M E
17.2 Work Plan and Training Design for the capacity building for the d i visions.
specifically on the followi ng:
17.2.1 I n trod ucti on to Total Qu ality M anagement (TQM )
17.2.2 Co u rse on Strategic Pla n n i n g a n d M&E
17.2.3 Managi ng the M&E System
17.2.4 Policy Analysis
17.3 Tech ni cal Assista n ce ( TA ) Pla n for th e d i visions on track i ng th e p rogress of
i m plementati on of progra ms and projects
17.3.1 Progress ( monthly or quarterly) M onitoring
17.3.2 Performa nce Reporti ng
l 7.4 Special h,m k accou nt for the R I SE F u n ds

18. PD E D shall appraise the Work and Financial Plan c1nd end orse t n the QAA/ fvl&E TWc;
Chair for approval. Dependi ng on th e decisi on of the QAA/ M&E TWG, PD E D -;
hall i m m ed i a tely noti fy the respecti ve regi on of the resul t of the a pp ra isa l.

19. The Fu nd will be released to the regi on i n one tra n che.


The Philippines' Response for Indigenous People and Muslim Education (PRIME) covers Region I, II, IV-B, IX, X.
2 0. To ensure smooth im plementation ot the RISE Fu nd, the ED PITAF Program
Coordi nation Office ( PCO ) wil l ha ndle the ma nagement, coord ination and m onitori ng &
eval u ation of the R I SE Fu nd. Th e E D P I TA F- PCO sh;1ll:
20.1 Serve as th e over-a ll ma nagem en t of th e R IS E Fu nds i n cl ose coord i natio n wi th
OPS and Accou nting Division
2 0.2 Coordi nate with the Regiona l Office i n setting u p of th e RISE Fund

21. The Offi ce of Pla n n i ng Service ( OPS ), spea rh ea d ed hy th e Project Devel opme nt :md
Evaluation Divisi on (PDED ) shall:
21.1 Appraise the Work and Fina ncia l Pla n and oth er req uirements submitted by the
regi ons a n d end orse the aforem enti on ed to th e QAA/TWG Cha i r
21.2 Gi ve feedba ck on th e WFP i n cl ose coord i n a tio n w i th E D P I TA F- PCO

2 2. The Accou nting Division shall:

2 2.1 H a nd le the fi na ncial m anagem en t aspect of the RI SE Fu nd subject to the usu a l
accou nti ng rules and regulations

2 3. A N a ti ona l Ori entation will then be cond ucted to present a nd d iscu ss i n d eta i l th e RISE
Fu nd I m plem enta ti on Gu i d elines followi ng the N PSBE/S PH E R E Ope ra ti on M a n ua
l. includ ing the World Ba nk policy on availment, utilization and liq u idation to preven t
potential disallowance and implementation issues.

24. At th e regional level, the Regi onal M on i tori ng & Eval uation Teams (R M ETs)2 sh a ll be
responsi ble for the management, coordi nation and implementation of the R ISE Fund.
Regions without a functional RM ET shall create thei r respective R M ETs hea ded by the
Assi stant Regi onal Directo r to perform su ch fu ncti ons.


25. M oni to ri ng and evaluation of th e RISE Fu nd shall be d one by the Off i ce of Pla n n i
ng Service (OPS), hence, qua rterly M&E and progress reports from a ll regions will
be req uired to be submitted to OPS.

26. Dep E D CO Accou nti n g D ivision shal l ha n d l e the fi na ncial m ana gem ent aspect of th e
R ISE Fund. For Fund release/tra nsfer, they will coord inate wi th ED PITAF-PCO.

It can be also be the Regional Quality Management Team (R QMT) or the Regional Monitoring & Evaluation
Group (RMEG)

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