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(hereafter referred to as "Landlord"). This bedroom is to be occupied only by myself and one child. This amount
will cover occupancy of said living quarters, including use of community bathroom, kitchen, backyard, living room,
dining room and basement, as well as utilities such as electricity, gas, water, internet, and food, within reason. This
agreement is made and entered into on September 1st, 2020.

A breakdown of expenses are as follows:

rent - $75 per adult
food - $100 per adult
electricity - $40 per adult
internet - $ 10 per adult
gas - included with electricity

If payment is not made in full, I hereby reserve the right, as Tenant, to forfeit use of specific expenses and utilities.

I agree to pay for any damage to the premises and property of other tenants if found to be caused directly by my
actions or others under my responsibility such as animals, guests, or children.

I agree to the following guidelines:


Bathrooms are to be kept clean and free of dirty clothes and towels, individually owned supplies, and waste
material immediately after use of shower, toilet, sink, or mirror. Anything left behind by said owner will be subject
to community utilization or thrown away by the Landlord. Showers are not to exceed 15 minutes in length. If this
rule is broken, you may be subject to paying a portion of the water expenses by the Landlord. If utility payment for
water has not been made, access to the shower will be completely restricted or limited by the Landlord. Only one
bath per week will be allowed during hours that other residents are away or sleeping. Bathes are not to exceed 20
minutes in length.


Kitchen is to be kept clean and free of dirty dishes, individually owned supplies, and waste material immediately
after use of utilities and supplies such as counters, dishes, utensils, microwave, stove, sink, and refrigerator. If
utility payment for food has not been made, access to the refrigerator/shelving and community food will be
completely restricted or limited by the Landlord.


Animals are to be picked up after and owners are fully responsible for the actions of their pets. Animals are to be
accompanied outside and picked up after immediately and all waste is to be disposed of in a proper receptacle to
ensure fair use of the backyard and other community areas. No additional animals are to be brought into the
house for permanent or temporary residence without direct permission from the Landlord. If damage is incurred
to property by an animal, its owner is responsible for said damage, even if property is left in a community area,
unless damage is not proven or witnessed to be from any specific animal, in which case, responsibility lies on the
property owner.


Quiet hours generally begin at 10:00 PM and last until the following morning at 07:00 AM. Excessive noise will not
be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action. These hours ensure healthy and undisturbed sleep to those who
must work in order to pay their rent and utilities. During non-quiet hours, you may not be accommodated for an
extension if you chose to stay up late the previous night. 3rd shift workers may not be accommodated.


If you leave the house for any reason for any duration lasting longer than 30 minutes, all computers, fans, lights,
TVs, air conditioners, or any other electronic must be turned off to preserve electricity unless being used by
another individual. If this rule is broken, you may be subject to an increased electricity payment by the Landlord.


Community food is to be eaten only by those who pay their portion of food expenses. Any guests outside of this
agreement will not have food made for them but are welcome to anything that is left over from a prepared meal
by the Landlord. Personal food that belongs to a specific individual may not be eaten by another without
permission. If it is accidently eaten or thrown away, the person who ate must pay for the loss. People storing
personal food in the refrigerator or cabinets must be considerate of others and their right to store food as well.


Parking is first come, first serve. The street immediately outside the house can and must fit two vehicles. If you
park directly in the middle and take up what would normally be two spots, you will be asked to move. During
winter months, alternate parking is mandatory. One additional parking spot (three total) in the driveway may be
available depending on circumstances.


If you are found in possession of stolen property of another person living under the same roof, you will be in direct
violation of this agreement, your agreement will be null and void, and you will be suspended from the house for a
time determined by the Landlord until the possession is either returned or payed for in full.


The personal living area of the Tenant must be kept clean and free of trash, dishes, eating utensils, and dirty
laundry. This is to prevent pests such as mice and flies from accumulating and spreading throughout the house.


You will be responsible for your own dishes. If you lose or are too lazy to wash your dishes, you do not get to grab
another clean dish. If you are found in possession of more than four glasses or more than four of any type of
utensil, you will be subject to disciplinary action.


If at any time you are unemployed and unable to pay rent or utilities, you will be held to a specific set of rules until
employment has been found unless enough reason is given that prohibits a successful search. A mandatory job
search will be required for all those who are unemployed and at least three applications must be submitted to
various businesses per week. No drug or alcohol use will be allowed while searching for a job. In your spare time
you must also clean and maintain the community areas to the best of your ability.

If for any reason you decide to leave and come back, you will be subject to specific limitations. These limitations
include not having the ability to move back in with anybody who is not family, including, but not limited to
girlfriends, friends, or pets.


Be considerate of other people's rights. Attempt to fact check everything you say before stating your opinion.
Respect their right to voice that opinion. No threats are to be made to any other living under the same roof. Clean
up after yourself so that others don’t have to. All complaints are to be handled by the Landlord. Make friendly
suggestions rather than forcibly acting. Think of others and not just yourself. All rules and guidelines are subject to
change at Landlord's discretion but must be reagreed upon by the Tenant the following month. The concerns of
Tenants must have a response and action must be taken within 30 days by the Landlord to preserve equal rights
and opportunities to all under the same roof.

Tenant Signature________________________________________________ Date____________________

Landlord Signature_______________________________________________ Date____________________

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