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is a self-enforced restraint from indulging in bodily activities that are

widely experienced as giving pleasure. Most frequently, the term refers to sexual abstinence,

but it can also mean abstinence from alcohol, drugs and other vices. It is becoming

increasingly important that young people are aware of the benefits of abstinence. The

Abstinence Club has decided to create a campaign promoting the significance of abstinence

which targets the school’s population. The main features of the proposal include appropriate

language varieties, registers and also justification for the various strategies used to promote

the campaign.

To begin, various advertising strategies can be employed for successful promotion of

the campaign across the student body. One of the most appealing means of captivating

students’ attention is through the use of flyers. The appeal to logos can be incorporated by

including important facts and benefits relating to abstinence. Information concerning the

weekly meetings can be integrated in a concise manner. This flyer will be effective as it can

be distributed to students individually, and by having their own copy, they can read the

information on the flyer on their own time. This can create direct appeal by making students

aware of, attend and participate in the activities within the campaign which will not only

inform but persuade them to consider or even practice abstinence.

Additionally, the use of videos can be used to stimulate the audience’s attention

regarding the campaign. Members of the abstinence club can create a video or skit describing

what the campaign is about, its importance to students’ lives and activities at the weekly

meetings. There is the appeal to ethos in the video where pertinent information from reliable

sources can be presented. This will provide relevant information concerning the benefits and

importance of abstinence. It can be played during assembly time to reach the entire school

population directly and at once. The video will be beneficial because it appeals to visual and
aural imagery, and is an effective means of appealing to the audience and persuading them to

practice abstinence and also attend the weekly meetings.

Furthermore, a mixture of Creole and Standard English can be used to reflect the way

students within the school and the society usually speak. Creole dissemination of information

can be employed in skits and posters. Standard English in the form of a consultative register

can be used for some flyers and presentations to help communicate the seriousness of the

message. Slang commonly used by young people can help students identify with the theme of

abstinence in the form of a casual register.

Moreover, a variety of pertinent information should be relayed during this campaign

in order to effectively inform the student population about abstinence. The student body

should be informed of the benefits of abstinence, risks associated with sexual activity.

Problems associated with abstinence and viable ways of overcoming them should be relayed

to students. Also, students should be advised that alternatives to abstinence are not viable for

a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, recuperative strategies should be explored for those who

have not been abstinent, but wish to change.

To summarize, the success of the campaign is highly dependent on the ways in which

it is promoted. Abstinence among the student population can be achieved by students

attending weekly meetings and consuming relevant information. Appropriate language

varieties, registers and the multitude of advertising strategies all contribute to making the

student population aware of the Abstinence Club, encourage their attendance and

participation in the activities of the campaign.

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