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Curse 2020/2021


1- Surname(s), Name _________________________________________________________

2- Surname(s), Name _________________________________________________________
3- Surname(s), Name _________________________________________________________

Simulation results:
1. Beninar Reservoir

Mean annual inflow to the reservoir ______________________________________ Mm 3/year

Seepage from the reservoir ______________________________________________ Mm 3/year

2. Reliability
a. Without transfer

Maximum monthly deficit of Adra demand _________________________________ Mm3

Monthly failures of Adra demand _________________________________________

Rm= ______________ %

Mean discharge from the aquifer _________________________________________ Mm 3/year

b. With transfer

Maximum monthly deficit of Adra demand _________________________________ Mm3

Monthly failures of Adra demand _________________________________________

Rm= ______________ %

Mean discharge from the aquifer _________________________________________ Mm 3/year

Mean annual transfer __________________________________________________ Mm 3/year

c. With transfer and operation rule

Maximum monthly deficit of Adra demand _________________________________ Mm3

Monthly failures of Adra demand _________________________________________

Rm= ______________ %

Mean discharge from the aquifer _________________________________________ Mm 3/year

Mean annual transfer __________________________________________________ Mm 3/year


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