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case records of the massachusetts general hospital

Founded by Richard C. Cabot

Nancy Lee Harris, m.d., Editor Eric S. Rosenberg, m.d., Editor
Jo-Anne O. Shepard, m.d., Associate Editor Alice M. Cort, m.d., Associate Editor
Sally H. Ebeling, Assistant Editor Emily K. McDonald, Assistant Editor

Case 18-2013: A 32-Year-Old Woman with

Recurrent Episodes of Altered Consciousness
Andrew J. Cole, M.D., Emad Eskandar, M.D., Theofanie Mela, M.D.,
Jeffrey L. Noebels, M.D., Ph.D., R. Gilberto Gonzalez, M.D., Ph.D.,
and Declan McGuone, M.B., Ch.B.


From the Departments of Neurology Dr. Jennifer Lyons (Neurology): A 32-year-old right-handed woman was seen in the
(A.J.C.), Neurosurgery (E.E.), Medicine
neurology clinic of this hospital because of episodes of altered consciousness.
(T.M.), Radiology (R.G.G.), and Patholo-
gy (D.M.), Massachusetts General Hos- She had been well until the age of 24 years, when she began having episodes
pital, and the Departments of Neurology of “a feeling of walking through a cloud,” hearing spoken words without under-
(A.J.C.), Neurosurgery (E.E.), Medicine
standing, an inability to speak, and vertigo. A witness described events lasting less
(T.M.), Radiology (R.G.G.), and Patholo-
gy (D.M.), Harvard Medical School — than 1 minute, during which the patient would stare at her hands, make gripping
both in Boston; and the Department of movements, and sometimes swear, and then be confused for 2 to 3 minutes. She
Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine,
had little memory of events after the episodes. During several episodes, she lost
Houston (J.L.N.).
muscle tone and collapsed. During the next 8 years, episodes recurred at an ac-
N Engl J Med 2013;368:2304-12.
celerating rate, sometimes with loss of consciousness, abrupt collapse, and occa-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcpc1215969
Copyright © 2013 Massachusetts Medical Society. sional incontinence. The frequency increased 4 to 5 days before menses.
Three months before this evaluation, the patient struck her head during a
typical episode. She was admitted to another hospital, where results of magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, Holter
monitoring, routine and 3-day ambulatory electroencephalography (EEG), and
multiple blood tests were reportedly normal; no episodes occurred during moni-
toring. There was no symptomatic improvement after the administration of triptans
or beta-blockers. Subsequently, the frequency of episodes increased to at least daily.
On evaluation at this hospital, she reported no fever, chills, rashes, neck pain,
tinnitus, baseline vertigo, palpitations, chest pain, dyspnea, cough, weakness, numb-
ness, gastrointestinal symptoms, or changes in vision, hearing, balance, gait, or
bladder habits. Between the ages of 9 and 22 years, she had had occasional epi-
sodes of syncope after painful stimuli (such as immunizations or blood draws).
She took no medications and had no known drug allergies. She lived with her
husband and children and worked in a pharmacy. She drank alcohol infrequently,
had stopped drinking caffeinated beverages after the onset of these symptoms,
and did not smoke or use illicit drugs. Her mother had a history of headaches and
drug abuse, and her father was healthy; there was no family history of neurologic

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On examination, the blood pressure and

pulse were normal, with appropriate orthostatic
changes. A detailed neurologic examination and
the general physical examination were normal.
A diagnosis of probable complex partial seizures
with secondary generalization was made, and
the patient was advised to stop driving. Two
months later, a 72-hour ambulatory EEG cap-
tured 10 seizures arising from the left temporal
lobe, all of which were noted by the patient.
Lamotrigine was administered and the dosage
was increased to 150 mg twice daily, with reduc-
tion in the frequency of events from three times
daily to approximately once every 3 days. One
month later, MRI of the brain was performed.
Dr. R. Gilberto Gonzalez: MRI was performed
with and without the administration of contrast
material (Fig. 1), in accordance with an epilepsy
protocol. On T2-weighted images, there is a well-
demarcated focus of increased signal intensity in
the left inferomedial temporal lobe. The mass
does not enhance with gadolinium. It has het- B
erogeneous signal intensity that is predomi-
nantly hypointense on T1-weighted images and
hyperintense on T2-weighted and fluid-attenuat-
ed inversion recovery images. The mass involves
the occipitotemporal (fusiform) gyrus and causes
mild local mass effect. The appearance is most
suggestive of a primary brain neoplasm, such as
a low-grade glioma. In retrospect, the same
finding is present on the study from 6 months
earlier, although it is harder to identify because
of the positioning of the slices.
Dr. Lyons: During the next 7 months, the pa-
tient continued to have staring spells, some of
which were associated with sudden loss of pos-
tural tone and collapse. Antiseizure medications,
including lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbaze-
pine, and clonazepam, were aggressively adjust-
ed without a clinically significant effect.
Ten months after her initial outpatient evalu-
Figure 1. MRI Images of the Brain.
ation, the patient was admitted to this hospital,
A fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image (Panel A)
and additional diagnostic testing was performed. and a T2 -weighted axial image (Panel B) from an MRI
scan obtained at the level of the temporal lobes show a
DIFFER EN T I A L DI AGNOSIS heterogeneous but predominantly hyperintense mass
lesion in the inferior left temporal lobe (arrows).
Dr. Andrew J. Cole: I am aware of the diagnosis in
this case. Paroxysmal, stereotyped neurologic
events may be the result of seizures, cardiac
dysrhythmia, migraine, vascular disease, toxin the history, and the principle of parsimony en-
ingestion, or psychiatric disease. Typically the courages the selection of a single unifying diag-
diagnosis is strongly suggested by the details of nosis.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Paroxysmal, stereotyped neurologic events tions were reduced to facilitate capture of her
This 32-year-old woman described an 8-year his- typical events. The EEG showed intermittent left-
tory of stereotyped self-limited events character- temporal slowing, left-temporal interictal epi-
ized by the sudden onset of an experiential phe- leptiform discharges, and seven seizures, five of
nomenon, receptive and expressive dysphasia, which were localized to the left temporal region.
diminished responsiveness, and automatic activ- Five events were associated with up to 40 sec-
ity lasting minutes and followed by confusion onds of asystole and resultant electrocerebral
and amnesia for the preceding episode. Some at- silence (Fig. 2), whereas 2 events, similar to the
tacks were complicated by sudden loss of muscle 10 events captured on the ambulatory EEG re-
tone with collapse, sometimes with resultant cording, were not associated with a disturbance
traumatic injury. Frank convulsive activity was in cardiac rhythm. Seizures were characterized
not described, and incontinence occurred on oc- by the patient’s staring, fidgeting, and reports of
casion. Although the patient’s history included nausea, followed by loss of consciousness and
episodes of neurocardiogenic syncope triggered collapse if the seizures were associated with
by painful stimuli, recurrent dysrhythmia was asystole.
inadequate to explain the semiology (observable
manifestations) of the events. Rather, it seems Neuronal control of cardiac rhythm
clear that she had recurrent focal seizures. The How can we explain the cardiac rhythm distur-
experiential aura, ictal dysphasia, and automatic bance? Cardiac dysrhythmias in epilepsy are not
activity strongly support localization to the dom- uncommon and have been hypothesized to un-
inant hemisphere, with involvement of the limbic derlie sudden unexplained death in epilepsy
system and adjacent neocortex, as evidenced by (sometimes referred to as SUDEP), which affects
the patient’s language dysfunction. 0.5 to 1.0% of patients with epilepsy each year
Eventually, a 72-hour ambulatory EEG cap- and accounts for the largest number of deaths
tured 10 of the patient’s typical confusional associated with this disorder. Both bradyarrhyth-
events, proving the proposed diagnosis beyond mias and tachyarrhythmias have been described.
doubt. Moreover, high-resolution MRI revealed a Ictal tachycardia is most common, although in
lesion in the left temporal lobe that was consis- one study, 7 of 20 patients had ictal bradycardia
tent with the clinical localization of the attacks. in at least one seizure, and 3 of those patients
had asystolic events.3 Only a minority of events
Loss of muscle tone with falls recorded from any given patient show bradyar-
The patient’s history contains one unexplained rhythmia, indicating that this phenomenon can
element that warranted further investigation. In be intermittent.
some but not all of the attacks, sudden loss of The relationship between seizures and cardi-
muscle tone without convulsive activity was de- ac dysrhythmia may take several demonstrated
scribed. Patients with complex partial seizures or hypothetical forms. For example, dysrhyth-
may fall during attacks, but such falls typically mia can cause seizure (convulsive syncope), sei-
consist of stumbling or slumping to the ground. zure can cause dysrhythmia (arrhythmogenic
Epileptic drop attacks (also known as temporal- epilepsy), treatment can cause dysrhythmia, or
lobe syncope) that are characterized by sudden seizure and dysrhythmia can occur as epiphe-
loss of postural tone are rare in temporal-lobe nomena caused by a shared underlying mecha-
epilepsy. At one referral center, these attacks oc- nism. To determine the nature of the relation-
curred in 13% of recorded patients and were associ- ship in a specific case, details of the history and
ated with bifrontal propagation of epileptic dis- ictal recording are critical. In this patient, cere-
charge in 74% of affected subjects1; 45% of these bral electrographic change preceded bradycardia
patients were cognitively impaired and 52% had and asystole, eliminating the possibility of con-
progressive mental deterioration, neither of which vulsive syncope. Because asystolic episodes re-
occurred in this patient. Sudden collapse has curred while she was on multiple anticonvulsant
also been associated with ictal asystole.2 regimens, it is unlikely that asystole resulted
To better understand the events leading to from specific anticonvulsant treatment. In this
falls, the patient was admitted to this hospital for case, bradycardia followed by asystole favors a
continuous monitoring with video EEG. Medica- disruption of atrioventricular conduction or nod-

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Figure 2. Ictal Electroencephalographic (EEG) Recording.

The first unequivocal ictal EEG change occurs in the left temporal chain (arrow A, top four traces). Within 8 sec-
onds, asystole lasting 30 seconds begins (arrow B). Attenuation is evident after 16 seconds of asystole (arrow C).
Resumption of normal sinus rhythm (arrow D) is followed 11 seconds later by the return of delta slowing (arrow E).
Gridlines are 1 second apart, the high-frequency filter is 70 Hz, the low-frequency filter is 1 Hz, and original sensi-
tivity before reproduction is 10 μV per millimeter.

al function, rather than a ventricular repolariza- should raise the clinical suspicion of a second-
tion mechanism for the arrhythmia. Lacosamide ary cardiac cause.
has been associated with prolongation of the PR How might seizures cause dysrhythmia? It is
interval, whereas overdoses of lamotrigine have possible that catecholamine release, acidosis, or
been associated with complete atrioventricular hyperkalemia resulting from prolonged convul-
block; however, this patient was never exposed sive activity could induce arrhythmia; however,
to lacosamide and had not received high doses this patient had early-onset asystole in the con-
of lamotrigine. No reproducible evidence for an text of partial seizures that caused little physio-
effect of anticonvulsant drugs on the corrected logical stress. Alternatively, seizure activity may
QT (QTc) interval has been presented, although involve cerebral structures that are important in
drugs known to inhibit the cytochrome P-450 the regulation of cardiac rhythm, including the
3A4 isozyme may potentiate the effect of coad- amygdala, insula, or hypothalamus. Studies of
ministered drugs on the QT interval. cortical stimulation in humans indicate that di-
rect electrical stimulation4 or transcranial direct-
Ictal asystole (arrhythmogenic epilepsy) current stimulation5 of the left hemisphere,
Ictal asystole, or arrhythmogenic epilepsy, has particularly the insula, may activate parasympa-
been studied at the Cleveland Clinic.2 In 3700 thetic descending pathways, leading to bradycar-
video EEG studies in which seizures were re- dia. Similarly, the infusion of amobarbital into
corded, ictal asystole was recorded in 16 sei- the left carotid artery, resulting in left-hemi-
zures occurring in 10 patients, 8 of whom had sphere anesthesia, produces tachycardia, where-
temporal foci and none of whom had general- as infusion into the right carotid artery produces
ized seizures. Atonia occurred an average of 42 bradycardia.6 Case reports of ictal asystole sug-
seconds after the onset of a seizure and 8 sec- gest that the onset of seizures occurs predomi-
onds after the onset of asystole. Delayed loss of nantly on the left side,1 but clear cases of onset
muscle tone after the onset of clinical seizures on the right side have been documented.2,7 This

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

patient’s lesion was located in the left fusiform short QT intervals, torsades de pointes, and asys-
gyrus and extended upward toward the insula; it tole.12 Most of these genes show dual expression
was well positioned to activate structures impli- in the heart and brain, and perhaps additional
cated in bradycardic responses. expression in the autonomic nerves, defining a
This patient’s history of neurocardiogenic singular mechanism linking epilepsy, cardiac ar-
syncope over a period of many years before the rhythmia, and sudden death. Patients with the
onset of epileptic events and her underlying pre- long-QT syndrome have a high incidence of sei-
disposition for syncope are most consistent with zures13,14; furthermore, seizures, the long-QT
seizures as the cause of asystole. In one series, syndrome, and sudden cardiac death occur in
half the patients with seizure-induced syncope transgenic mice carrying human genes with mu-
(arrhythmogenic epilepsy) had a positive test when tations in the most common gene for the long-
lying in the head-up position on a tilt table.7 QT syndrome, establishing the causative link.15
It is also possible that seizures and dysrhyth- There is a second category of genes associat-
mia may result from a genetic abnormality ed with sudden unexplained death in epilepsy.
shared by excitable cells in the brain and the These genes cause arrhythmias without intrinsic
heart. Dr. Noebels will discuss the molecular cardiac-conduction disease and could be in-
mechanisms of epilepsy and arrhythmia and volved in this patient’s condition. Mutation of
their clinical implications for this patient. the gene encoding Kv1.1 is a rare cause of tem-
Dr. Jeffrey L. Noebels: This patient had bradycar- poral-lobe epilepsy and myokymia in humans;
dia and asystole in temporal-lobe epilepsy, a Kv1.1 potassium currents stabilize excitability in
combination that occurs in less than 5% of per- hippocampal networks and peripheral nerves
sons with seizures in this location.8,9 The pres- but are not found in the myocardium.16 Other
ence of a hypothalamic or temporal-lobe mass candidates include pacemaker genes that regu-
along with seizures and asystole is especially late basal heart rate (HCN1 through HCN4, regu-
rare,10 suggesting the likelihood of a “double lating the If current, and muscarinic M2- and
hit” in this patient — namely, an epileptogenic M3-type G-protein–coupled receptors).17-20
lesion coincidentally superimposed on a nervous
system primed for vagal hyperreactivity by ge- Ascertaining the Genetic risk of Sudden,
netic mutation. Unexplained Cardiac Death
Molecular links between arrhythmias of the Gene-directed therapy presents an opportunity
heart and brain are emerging that can explain to lower the risk of sudden unexplained death in
cardiac-associated coexisting conditions in epi- symptomatic persons with epilepsy and the long-
lepsy and can expand our ability to identify and QT syndrome.21 This patient had no clear evi-
manage the risk of sudden death beyond simply dence of a QT-interval abnormality; however, QT-
controlling seizures. It is interesting to consider interval prolongation is intermittent and may be
which genes we might interrogate to explain the difficult to detect, even in persons with known
seizure-driven bradyarrhythmia and asystole in risk-associated DNA variants in the long-QT in-
this patient, and whether treating mutations of terval.22,23 Despite epidemiologic evidence of a
such genes might prevent sudden unexplained high frequency of seizures among patients with
death in epilepsy. the long-QT syndrome, seizures may be under-
recognized in the cardiology clinic.14 Likewise,
Expression in the heart and brain of genes the incidence of the long-QT syndrome among
associated with the long-QT syndrome patients with epilepsy is unknown, since many
There is a growing list of genes influencing car- patients, such as this one, never undergo routine
diac conduction that are directly related to this ECGs, even on the initiation of antiepileptic
patient’s presentation, beginning with genes as- medication targeting ion channels.
sociated with the long-QT syndrome. The loci for Other obstacles forestall accurate risk predic-
long-QT syndrome encompass more than 17 tion in such patients. First, detection of a trun-
genes encoding ion channels, connexins, and cation mutation disrupting a key channel pro-
transcription factors.11 Mutations in these genes tein powerfully predicts loss of current; however,
produce paroxysmal bradycardia and syncope; the implications of more frequently encountered
electrocardiographic features include long and missense mutations are less evident.24 Second,25-27

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pathogenic variants causing the long-QT syn- drome was unlikely, given the patient’s young
drome are readily identified by their segregation age, structurally normal heart, and absence of
with affected persons within a mendelian pedi- bradycardia outside the episodes of seizures.
gree; however, correctly interpreting the mean- For management of the condition, a perma-
ing of these variants in patients with sporadic nent pacemaker could be considered. Permanent
disease, such as this patient, remains challeng- pacing in a young patient is not without implica-
ing. A study profiling 237 ion channels in per- tions. She would be at a risk for mechanical
sons with epilepsy and in those without epilepsy complications, infection, vascular complica-
revealed that individual profiles of missense tions, and the need for numerous replacements
variations associated with neurocardiac diseases of the generator and leads during her lifetime.
were prevalent in both groups at similar levels of The patient’s inability to undergo MRI of the
complexity, confounding a personal prediction brain would be a critical problem for her follow-
of risk.28 For these reasons, routine testing of up, since MRI-conditional pacemakers were not
ion-channel genes may not yet be useful in the available at the time.
treatment of patients such as this one. In the telemetry unit, no further arrhythmias
occurred, and the patient had no requirement for
DR . A NDR E W J. C OL E’S DI AGNOSIS pacing. Although randomized trials involving the
study of beta-blockers in vasovagal syncope have
Left-temporal-lobe epilepsy due to a tumor in the yielded mixed results, we recommended the ad-
left fusiform gyrus, most likely a glioma, compli- ministration of a low-dose beta-blocker for the
cated by ictal asystole in a patient with a predis- vasovagal symptoms, which she began.29
position to neurocardiogenic syncope.
Surgical treatment of Epilepsy
DISCUSSION OF M A NAGEMEN T Dr. Cole: Indications for surgical treatment of epi-
lepsy include medical intractability, disabling
Dr. Cole: After the demonstration of asystole, the seizures, and a reasonable likelihood that the
cardiology staff were consulted for advice on situation can be improved at an acceptable level
management of this patient’s arrhythmia. of risk. Additional indications are seizures that
are immediately life-threatening and the diagno-
Management of cardiac arrhythmia sis and treatment of underlying lesions, usually
Dr. Theofanie Mela: The patient received a tempo- tumors. Because this patient met all five pro-
rary transvenous pacemaker and was transferred posed indications, surgical treatment of the epi-
to the cardiac telemetry unit. She clearly de- lepsy was recommended.
scribed two different types of symptoms, the Dr. Emad Eskandar: The goals for surgery were
first being a long history of combined light-head- as follows: to obtain a diagnosis, to determine
edness and dizziness that caused her to sit down whether the lesion was neoplastic and to remove
to avoid syncope. She also had had episodes of it as needed, to treat or mitigate the epilepsy,
syncope after painful stimuli since childhood. and to maintain the ability to perform serial
These symptoms were strongly suggestive of the MRI for long-term follow-up. Temporal-lobe sur-
vasovagal syndrome and were different from the gery has some risks, especially in the dominant
seizure-related syncope, which she could not pre- hemisphere. The risks included speech dysfunc-
vent by sitting down. tion, memory loss, and disruption of the optic
The patient’s ECG showed normal sinus radiations, which would cause a decrease in the
rhythm, with no evidence of a long-QT interval visual field. After discussion, we concluded that
(QTc, 406 msec), the Wolff–Parkinson–White that area of speech was most likely posterior to
syndrome, or any other condition that was sug- the lesion and that we would be able to spare her
gestive of syncope with a cardiac origin. An memory apparatus.
echocardiogram was also normal. The options were to perform a simple resec-
The differential diagnosis included seizure- tion of the lesion, a resection with a surgical
induced asystole in a patient with an underlying margin (which would most likely provide better
component of the vasovagal syndrome, as well seizure control), or a formal temporal lobecto-
as the sick sinus syndrome. The sick sinus syn- my, including the hippocampus and the amyg-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

dala. The patient had intact memory and speech, droglial component) (Fig. 3B). A minor compo-
and we did not think it was necessary to remove nent of astrocytic tumor was present. Perivascu-
the medial structures, so we planned a resection lar accumulation of tumor cells and perineuronal
of the lesion plus a margin. satellitosis were evident. There were few mitoses
We performed a small temporal craniotomy (Fig. 3C). There was no necrosis or microvascular
with the use of frameless stereotactic guidance. proliferation. The proliferative index (assessed
We then removed the lesion plus a small margin according to nuclei labeled with Ki-67) was inter-
and spared the medial temporal structures. mediate, at 4.5%.
Immunohistochemical analysis did not pro-
PATHOL O GIC A L DISCUSSION vide evidence for the mutant (R132H) form of
IDH1, the presence of which confers responsive-
Dr. Declan McGuone: The surgically excised lesion ness to temozolomide and improved survival in
was a low-grade infiltrating oligoastrocytoma gliomas. The results of SNaPshot tumor geno-
(World Health Organization [WHO] grade II of type analysis (Applied Biosystems), a multiplexed
IV) with an ill-defined nodular growth pattern allele-specific assay designed for detecting so-
(Fig. 3A). Portions of the lesion consisted of matic mutations in tumor DNA, confirmed the
small cells with relatively uniform round nuclei tumor to contain nonmutated IDH1. The analysis
and perinuclear halos that were sitting amid a did identify a BRAF V600E mutation, which has
network of branching capillaries (an oligoden- been described to occur at low frequency in



Figure 3. Pathological Examination of a Mass in the Left Temporal Lobe.

A view at low magnification shows brain tissue infiltrated by a tumor with an ill-defined nodular architecture (Panel
A). At higher magnification, the tumor consists of oligodendroglial cells with round nuclei and perinuclear halos
(Panel B). A tumor cell is in mitosis (Panel C, arrow); there is no necrosis or microvascular proliferation. Fluores-
cence in situ hybridization analysis (Panel D) shows maintenance of material from chromosome 1p (left side) and
chromosome 19q (right side).

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oligodendroglioma but is more common in other prognosis and need for lifelong follow-up MRI.
tumors, such as pilocytic astrocytoma and mela- Radiotherapy is standard for low-grade gliomas,
noma.30 The prognostic significance of the mu- but its timing is controversial. The patient’s
tation is not known. overall risk category was low; therefore I recom-
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) mended observation. Repeat imaging continues
showed maintenance of chromosomes 1p and to show only postsurgical changes.
19q (Fig. 3D), which is associated with a less Dr. Jay Pathmanathan (Neurology): At the
favorable prognosis than is codeletion of these 24-month follow up, the patient remains free of
chromosomes; codeletion of 1p and 19q is com- seizures. She has had some mild memory and
monly observed in oligodendrogliomas. The re- word-finding difficulties but remains active. Re-
sults of FISH studies that were performed to duction in her medication dose has not resulted
assess the patient’s eligibility for potential clini- in seizures. Her prognosis is extremely favorable.
cal trials did not show amplification of the gene Freedom from seizures at 2 years in a patient with
locus of platelet-derived growth factor receptor lesional epilepsy suggests a 74% probability of
alpha, seen in about one third of glioblastomas. freedom from seizures at 10 years31 and suggests
These findings are diagnostic of oligoastrocy- an absence of intractability.32 The risk of seizure
toma, WHO grade II of IV. recurrence is not affected by discontinuation of
Dr. Cole: In summary, this patient had asystole antiepileptic medications after 1 to 2 years.31-33
and a predisposition to neurocardiogenic syn- The patient is quite happy with her treatment
cope, triggered by seizures caused by a glioma outcome.
in the left temporal lobe. This case raises impor- Dr. Mela: The patient has continued taking
tant issues regarding screening for predisposi- atenolol, which she thinks is helpful for persis-
tion to seizure-induced cardiac dysfunction, tent vasovagal symptoms, as well as occasional
neurologic mechanisms of cardiac rhythm dis- palpitations, which she continues to have during
turbance, shared molecular mechanisms of stress or pain. Testing for mutations associated
brain and heart dysrhythmia, and appropriate with the long-QT syndrome has not been per-
strategies for the prevention of sudden unex- formed, since the clinical suspicion was low and
plained death in epilepsy. The diversity of mo- interpretation of the results can be difficult, for
lecular mechanisms at play in certain persons the reasons outlined by Dr. Noebels.
and an incomplete understanding of genotype–
phenotype relationships pose important chal- A NAT OMIC A L DI AGNOSIS
lenges in the development of appropriate screen-
ing strategies in the near future; however, at a Oligoastrocytoma, WHO grade II of IV, associat-
minimum, it seems prudent to consider formal ed with temporal-lobe seizures and ictal asystole
12-lead electrocardiography in patients with epi- (arrhythmogenic epilepsy).
lepsy before and after the administration of an- Presented at Neurology Grand Rounds.
ticonvulsant drugs. Dr. Cole reports receiving consulting fees from Clarus Ven-
tures, Concert Pharmaceuticals, and Sage Pharmaceuticals. Dr.
Dr. Nancy Lee Harris (Pathology): Drs. Chi and Eskandar reports payment to his institution for a patent on a
Pathmanathan, would you describe the patient’s device for deep-brain stimulation for enhancing learning, moti-
vation, and memory. No other potential conflict of interest rele-
subsequent treatment and follow-up? vant to this article was reported.
Dr. Andrew S. Chi (Neuro-oncology): This pa- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
tient had a low-grade oligodendroglial tumor, the full text of this article at
We thank Dr. Thomas Byrne for help with organizing the
which was grossly totally resected. I advocated conference, and Dr. Matthew Frosch for reviewing an earlier ver-
against a permanent pacemaker, given her good sion of the manuscript.

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