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PICASSO ART Picasso was delighted in difficulty.

His style of art is

interchangeable and follows a dominant approach – which
makes his art unique. He is interested in the core of art and not
in the surface appearance alone. Picasso was a proficient
artist. He does not pleasure the eyes of the public and he is
really interested in difficulty. As I view some of his artworks, I
can really tell that his art is a product of his imagination. He
faced a lot of struggles but those struggles never stopped him.


He was known for his cubism approach. His works were
astounding, and he believes in the concept of relativity and
then, surrealism. Picasso paints according to what his eyes
dictate and not what his eyes see independently. According
to him, “everything you imagine is real” – and that makes his
art exceptional.

Van Gogh committed himself to art. His paintings

were intricate, and the movements of his dramatic
brush bring so much charisma. He believed that art is a
revelation of heaven here on Earth. He preached trough
painting; through art. Van Gogh was troubled by his
mental illness. Lost in total identification, Van Gogh
lost colors, and his paintings became mostly brown
and black and Vincent’s vision about the world
happened. Ever since he discovered color, he played
with drama and the contrasting of colors. One of his
famous masterpieces was “Starry starry night”. I find it
so captivating and how he came up with those colors,
the strokes of her brush and what was he thinking upon
painting his artwork. Van Gogh has a unique way of
painting that the flow of the paint just adds to this to
create something truly beautiful and attractive.

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