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1 Ask open-ended, probing questions to understand how well the graduate can 'Sizzle'
SELF-SIZZLE themselves and determine their commitment to the process
 "What made you decide to study for a career in healthcare, why did you choose the ____ degree
CHECK program?’
 "Based on your work experience, let's review your transferable skills."
 “Describe your other skills, your life skills, that would apply to this position” (family finances, home
 "If you were to go to an interview for a receptionist position, sell me on how and why you are
 “How soon are you able to start interviewing? If offered a position, how soon could you start
2 Evaluate graduate's interview confidence/areas of opportunity
 “Tell me more about your last interview? How did it go? What areas do you wish you would have
been more prepared”?
 “On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest, how confident do you feel going on an interview tomorrow?
CHECK Why?” -Ask questions to f
 “Tell me more about your ability to interview right now, do you have everything you need like an
interview outfit, transportation or childcare?
 “What is your weekly schedule like now and what are the best days and times for me to schedule
 “Describe your “virtual” interview space and comfort level with Zoom or Phone Interviews”
 Confirm the set-up of a “job hunt only” professional email. Confirm professional voice mail. Explain
professional use of other social media
 Ask Pre- interview questions- see handout

3 Ensure accuracy by verifying current address, phone number and “job only” email address
 Confirm list of professional references and contact information
 Confirm the accuracy of the employment history
CHECK  Ask if any information is missing and ensure none of the information is more than 10 years old
 Add additional skills, classes, certifications

Be intentional with your questions: they should be open-ended and specific - no details left
4 behind
 "From head to toe, tell me about your interview outfit."
APPEARANCE  "Tell me about any visible piercings you have."
CHECK  "Tell me about any visible tattoos you have when you are wearing a shirt."
 "What type of hair style do you have and what color is your hair?"
 "Are you concerned about how your teeth look when you smile or talk?"
 "Is there anything else special, different or unique about your appearance that we haven't discussed
5 Advise your graduate that there will be employers who are smoke-free and only hire non-
SMOKING smokers
 "Do you smoke?" / "Does anyone in your household smoke?"
CHECK  (If YES) - "Do you/do they smoke in the house? In the car?"
 Ensure the graduate understands the importance of being freshly showered, with clean clothes and
6 Make sure the graduate understands the content and vocabulary on the resume
 Using the skills section on the resume, probe for the graduate's ability to explain a few of the terms
and qualifications listed there
CS Training 1/8/2021
CHECK  Ask about any other certifications or on-line courses they may have taken
 Utilize the Resume Keywords and Commonly Used Medical Terms job aids
 Graduates can also be referred to Academic Coaching for a brush-up session or Live Lab (ext 7999)
7 If this is a Welcome Call, set the expectation that short interview preps will be part of the
SET INTERVIEW process before every interview
 Ensure the graduate sounds confident and natural; if they sound canned or uncomfortable, use
coaching exercises
CHECK  Base Interview questions on the specific interview details from the JO
 "Tell me about yourself." / “Why should we hire you for this position?"
 "Do you know how to research a company?" / "Do you know why this is important?"
8 Ensure graduate has reliable transportation, or a transportation plan
TRANSPORTATIO  Do they have their own car?
N CHECK  Do they have a current license and registration?
 If they do not have their own car- what is their mode of transportation
 Discuss transportation plan, UBER, and other strategies
9 Find out about ay barriers that would prevent graduate from securing a position ?"
BARRIERS TO  “Most places will do a Background check that could go back a far as 10 years, and/or a Drug
EMPLOYMENT Test, will either of these be concern, or is there something we need to be able to have a plan
CHECK to discuss with employer?”
 “Tell me about any concerns, issues or conflicts that would keep you from interviewing
ASAP? Is there any obstacles to you starting a job or anything that would interfere with
Starting a job ASAP?”
 “Do you have any events coming up, such as vacations, surgeries etc that we need to plan
10 Find out if there are any physical/mental or environment requirements that need to be
SPECIAL addressed
REQUESTS OR  “Are there any special requirements, such as slower passed environment, or restrictions,
REQUIREMENTS such as standing for long periods of time, that I need to know about to insure I find the right
working conditions for you?”
 “What modalities are you comfortable working in”
Pharmacy Plasma Peds Hearing centers Vision centers Veterinarian Call
WFH Hospital Urgent Care ER Billing Front Desk Elderly Care Other

Email grad Send a follow-up interview confirmation

Next "Readiness Update
Notes & New Before
email to the grad with all the details.
Overview" email
Steps Zoho Sizzle ITVAsk for a reply as an added layer of
and next steps confirmation

CS Training 1/8/2021

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