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More Stories A

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Word, Sentence and Text Level Activities for the Literacy Hour

● 1
●│ │● ・ ●‐ 0

l. The mogic keg wqs on the (orm / qrmor) of the chqir'

2. Chip found Mum's (missed / missing) eqr-ring.

3. The mqgic keg wcrs (stuck / stick) to q toffee.

4.Theg must hqve (tocked / [ooked) them qwqg'

5. Suddenlg, q mogpie (ftew / ftow) down qnd took the k"9.

6. The prince gqve the chitdren o (mediq / medo[).

鸞 IWlhlatllls it?││││‐・ ││││‐ ■‐

‐ ‐ ││‐ ‐ │‐ ‐│ ‐ . ││
1饉 1議 │1艤 ‐
■ ■ 1鬱
.│1饉 鬱 薔 貰 蔵 │‐ 饉 億 艤

It is soft, tight ond futt of holes.


We use this when we wqnt to rub the surfoce of

something to mqke it shing.
3     4

A bird mqkes this for [oging its egg.

This is given to the person who wins the


5. This is o btock qnd white bird with [ong tqi[.

6. 丁his is on instrument
This instrument used to reqlise the tin
used to time.

7. This is q comfortoble chqir with ports on

either side to rest gour orms on.
8. This is o person who is kept in the joit for o
certqin behqvior.

α rnaqDle
‐ わ

辟 IWhot lふ o早 │■ 1率 t?

Chip looked in the ormchqir then

lt)ご Biff sα w something shinり then

The soldiers took the children to

the prince then

':,lf The sotdiers thought the chitdren

had stolen things then

The mqgpie took the mqgic keg


│.ン NQdim ctimbed the tree then

一一・一・一一 一 一 一一一・一一一 一
一一一 一一一一一一一一一・ 一 ・

││││■ ││││■
││‐ lt‐
││││││││‐ ■ │‐
│‐ ││■ ‐

│││││││││‐ │││‐ │││■ │││││ ││││‐ │││ ││││

││‐ ‐ ・
‐■ ‐││ ● 1 1 111 11‐ , ││■ │ ■ │「 't ‐
摯 │‐ 華 │1警 │‐
1鷺 儘 鰺 ‐鰺│ 1警 │ ‐
饉 豊 驚 ‐
蔭 鶴

1鼈 瞼


は勒呻uSe the、 ″ordsin the box and complete the
surnrnarり .

Chip the mqgic keg while he wos wqtching tetevision On

mogpies. Nqdim hetped Chip the ormchoir becquse Chip
put the k"g there . Theg found the k"g
but it wqs qtI stickg with toffee. So Nqdim cleqned qnd it

verg shing. , Biff picked up q shing ring in o

wood. However, the soldiers thought the children were thieves.
The prince wos going to . Suddentg, q mqgpie took
the k"g from the prince qnd q tree. Nqdim ctimbed up
the tree ond found the nest futt of shing things! The mogpie
was qt the end. The prince fett sorrg for the children
and gove them q medq[. Evergone wqs pteosed to f ind their

… … … … … …

mqde flew to ln th
lost the thief lock them up
lost th ings look in before he hod lost it
11,│=な :機 種11なな 111姦 懸 鷲│1主 ::::│=筆:l榎 壼│:篠 III筆 │=篠 彗な 11織 華,苺 ■1犠 雌職 篠獲鷲t霧 濠 漁舞 鷲撃警驚 懸嬌誓,■ 誠篠 驚 理,機 事驚壼継 な機菫縦穫嬢 :■│=機 1審 爾覆覇電奪爾顧冒
=囃 =難 =議

Look in the book to find the qnswers to these

l.Where is the mqg ic keg in this picture? 1p.ry

2e What happened to the keり ?(P.6)

3.Whり did the sOldiers grab the children?(P.12)

4.Who t00k the rnagic keり ?(p.17)

5. Hqve gou ever lost qnd found qngthing? Drqw whqt it

wos qnd write where gou found it.

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