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Welcome to a SUPER MARIO PARTY Bitmoji

Fitness Dice Workout
1. Have a pair of dice ready!
a. If you do not have any dice, then use an online dice
with this website:
2. You are going to roll your dice for a minimum of 10
times (This means, you will have 10 different
exercises to perform!)
3. Read your dice however you want, but one of them
will have to be horizontal (left to right) and vertical
(up and down)
4. There are a variety of exercises that you can come
up with, see what combinations you get! Keep
track of what you get, you will have to share your
combinations with Ms. Rowan
Fitness Spelling Challenge
1. You will be challenged to spell 5 different
words to come up with your fitness
a. These words can be vocabulary that you
have learned in PE class!
2. Each word must have a minimum of 5
3. Keep track of your words, you will be
sharing these with Ms. Rowan
Footwork Challenge
1. Equipment list:
a. Rolled up towels, pencils, rulers, rolled up shirts to
act as your “ladder”
2. You will be challenged to practice on your footwork
with these 6 drills
3. Follow along to the footwork that is listed for you, if
you need to start off slow to get comfortable with
the movement, you are encouraged to do so
a. If you would like a challenge, you can go a little
4. You will do 5 rounds of this activity with no breaks
in between. Once you get through all 6 drills, you
will take a 60 second break and then continue on
with your rounds

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