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Facultad de Administración pública
Licenciatura en Administración Pública

Nombre de la Asignatura: Lenguaje y Comunicación en inglés

Abreviatura: NCIN 0004 Código de Asignatura: 22475

Semestre: I Créditos: 3

Horas Totales: 3 Teóricas: 2 Prácticas: 1

Pruebas 30%
Talleres 20%
Exposiciones 15% y prueba final 35%
Activity 1-Make a self-introduction. Use the video to do it. It will be evaluated in this
way: content 8 points, audio and video 4 points, pronunciation 3 points and
punctuality 5 points.
1-Say your name and where are you from.
2-Mention your college.
3-Talk about your hobbies and interests.
4-What are your expectations?
Hello everyone! my name is Peter Smith. I am from Panama and I live in Kankintu.
I am student at Universidad de Panama in the Education bachelor.
My hobbies included practice sports and read books.
My expectations are increase my knowledge in the English language and be able to
talk in English.
Thank you!
The parts of speech explain how a word is used in a sentence.
There are eight main parts of speech (also known as word classes).

Most parts of speech can be divided into sub-classes. Prepositions can be divided into
prepositions of time, prepositions of place etc. Nouns can be divided into proper nouns,
common nouns, concrete nouns etc.
It is important to know that a word can sometimes be in more than one part of speech. For
example, with the word increase.
Increase can be a verb e.g. Prices increased and increase can also be a noun e.g.
There was an increase in the number of followers.
Forming the Present Simple

verb rest of sentence


sleep late on Saturdays

I / You / We / They

goes to the beach every weekend

He / She / It

Time Expressions in the Present Simple

The most common time expressions in the present simple are: usually, always, never, on
Wednesdays, every Wednesday, twice a week, once a month, in general, every other
Time expressions made up of one word are placed between the subject and the verb in
positive sentences and questions and between the auxiliary verb and main verb in negative
1. I always study hard for exams.
2. Do you usually speak to him like that?
Time expressions made up of two or more words are placed either at the beginning or the
end of a sentence and usually at the end of questions.

1. Ben goes to football practice every Tuesday.

2. In general, I believe that all people can live in peace.
3. you go to the supermarket every week?

Negative Sentences in the Present Simple Tense

When shortening the 3rd person (he, she, it) negative, just remove the o in not and add an
apostrophe (‘) does not > doesn’t

When creating negative sentences, we usually use the auxiliary verbs don’t and doesn’t + the
base form of the verb.

Note: Save the long forms (do not, and does not) for when you want to create emphasis.
When speaking, put the stress on ‘not’.

Read and mark the verbs in the following reading.

2. He study / studies ants.

3. A salesperson sell / sells products for a company.

4. You and Anita work / works on weekends.

5. Nurses help / helps people.

6. We write / writes science books.

7. Our office close / closes at 7:00 p.m.

8. She take / takes classes at the business school.

9. You walk / walks to work every day.

I start / starts work at 8:00 a.m. every morning

Simple Present Spelling Rules: -s and -es Endings
1. Add -s to most verbs. close– closes love–loves stop–stops dance–dances open–opens
exercise–exercises play–plays write–writes feed–feeds put–
puts work–works
2. Add -es to verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -s, -x, wash–washes dress–dresses buzz–buzzes and -z. teach– teaches
3. Change -y to -i and add -es to verbs carry–carries copy–copies study–studies ending in
a consonant + y.

7 Write each verb with the correct -s, -es, or -ies ending.

1. study

5. Explore____________________

6. bite

7. buy

3.3 Irregular Verbs: Do, Go, and Have

3.4 Simple Present: Negative Statements

4 Circle doesn’t or don’t to complete each sentence.

1. An astronaut on the International Space Station doesn’t / don’t have a lot of free time.

2. Astronauts doesn’t / don’t work all day on Saturday.

3. An astronaut doesn’t / don’t have the same schedule every day.

4. We doesn’t / don’t work on weekends.

5. I doesn’t / don’t work in an office.

6. My office doesn’t / don’t have a window.

7. She doesn’t / don’t travel for her job.

8. You doesn’t / don’t have a busy schedule.

5 Change each affirmative statement to a negative statement.

1. My brother has a job. My brother doesn’t have a job.

2. I drive to work.

3. Pilots fix planes.

4. Our teacher does homework.

5. I go to the gym in the morning.

6. We have class on Sunday.

7. You teach biology.

Activity 2: Create a daily routine using some of the examples you have in the picture: Use 10 of
them and illustrate it.

Make questions using the following pictures. Use third person singular. Example

Does he have a lot of money?

Activity # 3
Create 20 flash cards and use 10 of them to record a video using sentences in simple
present tense. Use affirmative, negative and question of each one. 40 points.

The 20 most common verbs in English

Estudia los siguientes verbos para interactuar con ellos en el tiempo gramatical estudiado. Debes
estar listo para usarlos de manera oral y escrita. Afirmativo, negativo y pregunta.

1 Ask preguntar
2 Be Ser
3 Begin Empezar
4 Call Llamar
5 Do Hacer
6 Feel Sentir
7 Find Encontar
8 Get Obtener
9 Give Dar
10 Go Ir
11 Have Tener
12 Help Ayudar
13 Know Saber
14 Need Necesitar
15 Play Jugar
16 Put Poner
17 Take Tomar
18 Think Pensar
19 Want Querer
20 Work Trabajar
Workshop #1
Complete the workshop using the verbs in simple present tense. Positive, negative and question form.


1 Ask
2 Be
3 Begin
4 Call
5 Do
6 Feel
7 Find
8 Get
9 Give
10 Go
11 Have
12 Help
13 Know
14 Need
15 Play
16 Put
17 Take
18 Think
19 Want
20 Work

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