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Card-playing should be prohibited. The associations and tendencies are dangerous.

The prince of the powers of

darkness presides in the gaming-room and wherever there is card-playing. Evil angels are familiar guests in these
places. There is nothing in such amusements beneficial to soul or body. There is nothing to strengthen the intellect,
nothing to store it with valuable ideas for future use. The conversation is upon trivial and degrading subjects. There is
heard the unseemly jest, the low, vile talk, which lowers and destroys the true dignity of manhood. These games are
the most senseless, useless, unprofitable and dangerous employments the youth can have. Those who engage in
card-playing become intensely excited, and soon lose all relish for useful and elevating occupations. Expertness in
handling cards will soon lead to a desire to put this knowledge and tact to some use for personal benefit. A small sum
is staked, and then a larger, until a thirst for gaming is acquired, which leads to certain ruin. How many has this
pernicious amusement led to every sinful practice, to poverty, to prison, to murder, and to the gallows! And yet many
parents do not see the terrible gulf of ruin that is yawning for our youth. 

34.3 Christian Education

Manuscript Releases, vol. 1 [Nos. 19-
How the Light Came to the Prophet
I arise at three o'clock this morning with a burden on my mind.... In my dreams I was at_____, and I was told by
my Guide to mark everything I heard and to observe everything I saw. I was in a retired place, where I could not be
seen, but could see all that went on in the room. Persons were settling accounts with you, and I heard them
remonstrating with you in regard to the large sum charged for board and room and treatment. I heard you with firm
decided voice refuse to lower the charge. I was astonished to see the charge was so high. Letter 30, 1887, p. 1. (To
J.D. Rice, June 11, 1887.) 1MR 24.6
The angel of God said, “Follow me.” I seemed to be in a room in a rude building, and there were several young
men playing cards. They seemed to be very intent upon the amusement in which they were engaged, and were so
engrossed that they did not seem to notice that anyone had entered the room. There were young girls present
observing the players, and words were spoken not of the most refined order. There was a spirit and influence that
were sensibly felt in that room that was not of a character calculated to purify and uplift the mind and ennoble the
character.... 1MR 25.1
I inquired, “Who are these and what does this scene represent?” 1MR 25.2
The word was spoken, “Wait”.... 1MR 25.3
I had not another representation. There was the imbibing of the liquid poison, and the words and actions under its
influence were anything but favorable for serious thoughts, clear perception in business lines, pure morals and the
uplifting of the participants.... 1MR 25.4
I asked again, “Who are these?” 1MR 25.5
The answer came, “A portion of the family where you are visiting.” 1MR 25.6
The great adversary of souls, the great enemy of God and man, the head of principalities and powers, and the
ruler of the darkness of this world is presiding here tonight. Satan and his angels are leading on with his temptations
these poor souls to their own ruin. Letter 1, 1893, pp. 1, 2. (To Sister D, August 4, 1893.) 

There are amusements, such as dancing, card playing, chess, checkers, etc., which we cannot approve because
Heaven condemns them. These amusements open the door for great evil. They are not beneficial in their tendency,
but have an exciting influence, producing in some minds a passion for those plays which lead to gambling and
dissipation. All such plays should be condemned by Christians, and something perfectly harmless should be
substituted in their place. 2  AH 498.2
While we restrain our children from worldly pleasures that have a tendency to corrupt and mislead, we ought to
provide them innocent recreation, to lead them in pleasant paths where there is no danger. No child of God need
have a sad or mournful experience. Divine commands, divine promises, show that this is so. Wisdom's ways “are
ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.” 3  AH 498.3
While we shun the false and artificial, discarding horse racing, card playing, lotteries, prize fights, liquor drinking,
and tobacco using, we must supply sources of pleasure that are pure and noble and elevating

"Card-playing should be prohibited. The associations and tendencies are dangerous. The prince of the
powers of darkness presides in the gaming-room and wherever there is card-playing. Evil angels are
familiar guests in these places. There is nothing in such amusements beneficial to soul or body. There is
nothing to strengthen the intellect, nothing to store it with valuable ideas for future use. . . . These games
are the most senseless, useless, unprofitable and dangerous employments the youth can have." --Ellen
G. White, Christian Education, p. 34

 Pagan history of playing-cards.

 Playing-cards relation to Tarot cards. Tarot cards are used in fortunetelling.

Seventh-day Adventists against card-playing

3. Unacceptable activities. Adventists also teach that gambling, card playing, theater going, and dancing
are to be avoided (1 John 2:15-17). They question spending time watching violent sporting events (Phil.
4:8). Any activity that weakens our relationship with our Lord and causes us to lose sight of eternal
interests helps to bind Satan's chains about our souls. Christians will rather participate in those
wholesome forms of leisure activities that will truly refresh their physical, mental, and spiritual natures.
--Christian Behavior, 27 Fundamental Beliefs, Chapter 21.

3. Kegiatan yang tidak dapat diterima. Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh juga mengajarkan bahwa judi,
bermain kartu, menonton bioskop dan berdansa haruslah dijauhkan (1 Yoh. 2:15-17). Dipertanyakan
juga tentang pemakaian waktu untuk menonton olah raga kekerasan (Flp. 4:8). Setiap kegiatan yang
melemahkan hubungan dengan Tuhan serta mengakibatkan hilangnya pandangan kita terhadap hal-hal
yang abadi, membantu rantai Setan mengikat jiwa kita lebih erat. Orangorang Kristen sebaiknya
melibatkan diri dalam bentuk-bentuk kegiatan yang mengisi masa senggang yang sehat dan
menyegarkan jiwa, tubuh dan pikiran mereka. Tingkah Laku Orang Kristen 322

Roma 12:2 TB
Janganlah kamu menjadi serupa dengan dunia ini, tetapi berubahlah oleh pembaharuan
budimu, sehingga kamu dapat membedakan manakah kehendak Allah: apa yang baik,
yang berkenan kepada Allah dan yang sempurna.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

“Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the

renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The customs and practices
of men are not to be your criterion. However trying may be your
circumstances, never allow yourselves to overreach.T2

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