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Volume 4, Number 4, 2004
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Evaporites, Water, and Life—Part 2

Hypersaline Microbial Systems of Sabkhas:

Examples of Life’s Survival in “Extreme” Conditions




Life and living systems need several important factors to establish themselves and to have a
continued tradition. In this article the nature of the borderline situation for microbial life un-
der heavy salt stress is analyzed and discussed using the example of biofilms and microbial
mats of sabkha systems of the Red Sea. Important factors ruling such environments are de-
scribed, and include the following: (1) Microbial life is better suited for survival in extremely
changing and only sporadically water-supplied environments than are larger organisms (in-
cluding humans). (2) Microbial life shows extremely poikilophilic adaptation patterns to con-
ditions that deviate significantly from conditions normal for life processes on Earth today. (3)
Microbial life adapts itself to such extremely changing and only ephemerally supportive con-
ditions by the capacity of extreme changes (a) in morphology (pleomorphy), (b) in metabolic
patterns (poikilotrophy), (c) in survival strategies (poikilophily), and (d) by trapping and en-
closing all necessary sources of energy matter in an inwardly oriented diffusive cycle. All this
is achieved without any serious attempt at escaping from the extreme and extremely chang-
ing conditions. Furthermore, these salt swamp systems are geophysiological generators of en-
ergy and material reservoirs recycled over a geological time scale. Neither energy nor mater-
ial is wasted for propagation by spore formation. This capacity is summarized as poikilophilic
and poikilotroph behavior of biofilm or microbial mat communities in salt and irradiation-
stressed environmental conditions of the sabkha or salt desert type. We use mainly cyanobac-
teria as an example, although other bacteria and even eukaryotic fungi may exhibit the same
potential of living and surviving under conditions usually not suitable for life on Earth. It
may, however, be postulated that such poikilophilic organisms are the true candidates for life
support and survival under conditions never recorded on Planet Earth. Mars and some plan-
ets of other suns may be good candidates to search for life under conditions normally not
thought to be favorable for the maintenance of life. Key Words: Biofilm—Cyanobacteria—
Hypersaline—Microbial mat—Planetary biology—Poikilophily—Poikilotrophy. Astrobiology
4, 450–459.

Geomicrobiology, Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky Universi-
taet, Oldenburg, Germany.

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INTRODUCTION amples of such deserts are the Negev, the Arava,

the Sinai Desert, the Western Desert (Sahara), and

W ITHOUT EXCEPTION, every terrestrial envi-

ronment that supports life has, at least
briefly, water present in liquid form. Exobiology
the main deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, in-
cluding the shores of Iran. Salt swamps, pans, and
related phenomena are called sabkhas. Sabkha is
search strategies for life on other planets such as an old semitic-arabic term familiar to the Jewish
Mars must therefore be based upon the search for and Arabic tribes around the Red Sea since the
environments where liquid water was (or is) pre- onset of human history. Ironically it has also been
sent for at least short intervals of time. Whether spelled sabath. The biblical story of Moses guid-
water is frozen or tightly bound in evaporated ing the Hebrew people may exactly describe the
brines and salt minerals (such as halite inclusions difficulties of passing salt swamps of the North-
and hydrated gypsum) is of little consequence; ern Gulf of Suez, including the difficulties of
both states of water are more accessible to meta- gaining fresh water for maintenance of life. The
bolic needs than highly diluted water vapor. Fur- meaning in the scientific annotation is best de-
thermore, water can be immobilized and kept scribed as places where water is only ephemer-
from evaporation by incorporation into highly ally present, and usually not useful for drinking
concentrated and polymeric substances such as purposes or any purpose to maintain life. Fur-
the extracellular polymeric substances or slimes thermore, it describes places where salt infiltra-
of biofilms (Wiggins, 1990). Thus even under con- tion makes life (and traffic) almost impossible.
ditions quite far from those at the surface of the Though humans regard such places as uninhab-
Earth, water could be made available for metab- itable, microorganisms can thrive, and when the
olism under certain conditions. Hypersaline sys- water activity is insufficient for metabolic activ-
tems are only one of the potential candidates. ity, they can survive in a resting stage for many
Of all the planets explored by spacecraft in the years. These microbes evolved the capacity not
last 4 decades, Mars is the only one with surface only to live at the lowest possible water activity
conditions remotely related to those of the Earth. but also to produce extracellular reservoirs of wa-
Given that a major objective for the exploration ter and means of protection from irradiation as
of Mars is to determine whether life ever existed well as from total desiccation. Biogenic evaporate
on the planet, Brack et al. (1999) assessed the po- (carbonates, gypsum) and iron minerals (mag-
tential for terrestrial environments and organ- netite, pyrite and others), recognized by their dis-
isms to serve as models for fossil or extant life on tinct morphologies, can protect such microbes
Mars and other planets. They concluded from a from cell death by environmental stress (Krum-
comparison between early Earth and early Mars bein, 1986; Nealson and Conrad, 1999; Friedmann
that life likely established itself on both planets. et al., 2001; Gorbushina et al., 2001, 2002). Natu-
Water naturally plays an important role (Malin rally, cell death or survival in microorganisms
and Edgett, 2000). Work on potential “Mars”-type may have other explanations (Parkes, 2000).
or martian microorganisms has centered very of- In the following we focus on sabkhas of the
ten on hypersaline systems (Litchfield, 1998; Lan- Gulf of Aqaba—their microbiota and adaptation
dis, 2001a,b). Fossil traces of water with elevated potential—as well as some global aspects of the
salinities are known from the geological record metabolic processes going on in these extremely
(Anbar and Knoll, 2002). Zalar et al. (1999) have stressed, and therefore exobiologically interest-
recently studied fungi that survive extremely ing, environments.
high salt concentrations. Gorbushina et al. (1999)
pointed to the similarities of poikilophilic behav-
ior between cyanobacteria and certain genera of SETTING AND MORPHOLOGY
In this article, we stress the high level of life The geology and sedimentology of coastal
adaptation, as well as the global geophysiologi- deserts and salt pan areas of the Red Sea and the
cal potential, of hypersaline systems along the Persian Gulf were described by Friedman (1985)
shores of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. Coastal and Purser (1973, 1985), and a review of prior sci-
systems with high sun levels, high rates of evap- entific exploration was provided by Krumbein
oration, and ephemeral rainwater flooding are lo- (1985a,b). The entire fault system of the Red Sea
cated adjacent to large continental deserts. Ex- and Gulf of Aqaba has been poised for burial and
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subduction since the early Tertiary, and hot of the southeastern parts of the Russian and
brines in the central parts of the Red Sea are al- Asian inland deserts (Zhilina and Zavarzin, 1991;
ready recycling some of the materials entrapped Zavarzin et al., 1999; Zavarzin and Zhilina, 2000;
in earlier sabkha systems. Zavarzin, 2002, 2003). In this context, hypersaline
Figure 1 shows some of the geographically im- systems can be subdivided into truly halophilic
portant features related to major structural con- ones located near the borders of modern oceans
trols of such ecosystems. Figure 2 gives a typical and the continental inland lakes and pans. In both
example of the evaporative pumping systems types, biofilms are important for the precipitation
that occur along the shores of the three gulfs (the of minerals and organic materials (oil, gas, kero-
Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aqaba, and Gulf of Suez). gen). In the marine (thalasso-haline) environ-
Other important examples are represented by the ments bordering oceans the major energy and
back barrier systems of the Pacific Islands, the material storage is, however, organized via the
Australian Coast, and the whole area of Baja calcium cycle (Fig. 3).
California (Mexico). Evaporative pumping, solar In the modern continental or desert depression
lakes (energy accumulators), and biogeochemical salt and sun pumping systems (athalasso-haline)
transformations, however, act similarly in impor- where large rivers vanish in salt pans of huge di-
tant ephemeral inland water reservoirs, the most mensions, alkaline conditions form something
important being the Dead Sea, the Great Salt like a “Soda Continent” (Zavarzin, 2003). Krum-
Lake, the Tschad, Australian inland pans, and the bein et al. (2003b), however, suggested that these
huge athalasso-haline continental brine systems inland systems may have been representative

FIG. 1. Satellite view of the Sinai with the adjacent graben and strike-slip fault zones depicting the coastal
sabkhas of this area.
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FIG. 2. Map of the Sabkha Gavish with a transect depicting the flow of water and zones of different biofilm
communities at different salinity levels reaching from Red Sea salinity (near 6 g L1) to total saturation with halite,
other chlorides, and sulfates. Zones 7, 8, and 9 represent the minerals and biofilms accumulating through evapora-
tive pumping. Zones 5, 6, and 7 are regions of intensive stromatolite-like microbial mats.

over considerably long geological periods in the cherts, and also silicified bacteria (Toporski et al.,
Proterozoic and parts of the late Paleozoic with- 2002; Zavarzin, 2003). Similar though not identi-
out bordering deep “Soda Oceans.” An alterna- cal conditions prevail today in parts of the Gobi
tive scenario depicts an Earth crust with less ver- Desert and in Australia. The huge energy and ma-
tical deviation of geomorphology leading to large terial transfer systems along modern coastal mar-
and extended continental platforms. This would gins and their biofilm communities may serve as
bias biogeochemical cycles via mainly alkali ele- accumulators for energy in the form of organic
ment transformations rather than earth–alkali material (petroleum, kerogen, iron sulfides) and
transformations typical for coastal margins bor- of huge amounts of calcium carbonates and gyp-
dered by deep Ca- and Mg-regulated oceanic sum important for global tectonics and crust dy-
basins, where high mountains lead to rapid bio- namics (Anderson, 1984). Colder coastal mar-
geomorphogenesis. Under these conditions not gins, in contrast, may be characterized by huge
enough time is left for clay mineral and chert (sil- amounts of solidified methane and iron oxide/
ica) formation as represented in greenschist belts calcium phosphate coupling, a thought already
and the Gunflint Chert. Continental hypersaline expressed by Gerdes and Krumbein (1987) and
systems may therefore be generators of clays and Krumbein et al. (1994). Arp et al. (2001) argued
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tific context when discussing physical and chem-

ical conditions far different from those suitable,
or even comfortable, for some eukaryotes such as
Homo sapiens sapiens. In this context a distinction
needs to be made between (1) organisms that
have narrow limits of minimal, optimal, and max-
imal demands for any of the important physical
and chemical parameters ruling survival and (2)
those organisms that have somewhat, even ex-
tremely, wide limits of survival conditions. Un-
der situation (1) we may imagine an extreme ther-
mophile just surviving at 105°C, thriving well at
110°C, but then dying at 118°C. Another example
is H. sapiens sapiens. This species contains water
FIG. 3. Model of a sun-powered evaporative pumping with a 9 g L1 salt content (known as physiolog-
system. Seawater moves by evaporative pumping ical salt solution), which represents about triple
through coastal bars. Photons are pumped into cyanobac- the halite concentration of ocean water. This same
teria, creating organic matter. The latter is partially oxi-
dized using oxygen and sulfate as electron acceptors,
species requires a water supply of no more than
thereby creating large amounts of energy-rich organic 9 g L1 of the same salts to replenish its liquid
matter and metal sulfides, as well as calcium and mag- water resources. Cyanobacteria in biofilms asso-
nesium carbonates. These are stored in the burial zones; ciated with hypersaline environments, however,
the organics are later liberated as petroleum, gas, and
are capable of changing their internal solute con-
centrations from almost pure water to nearly 350
g L1 compatible solute concentrations by several
that variation in the ratio of dissolved inorganic different and ingenious tricks. Depending on the
carbon and calcium concentrations from the Pre- water supply and aqueous environment, these
cambrian to the Phanerozoic may explain dif- microorganisms may thrive in distilled water as
ferences in calcification in cyanobacterial mats. well as in water containing more than 300 g L1
Krumbein (1979) and Gerdes et al. (1985), how- salt content. Thus, extreme can mean narrow
ever, argued that internal cycling of carbon and bands of variable compounds far from human
calcium in hypersaline organic-rich sediments standards, and extreme can also mean life and
initiates bacterial decay mechanisms that account survival under extremely variable, but still ac-
for photosynthesis-independent carbonate depo- ceptable, conditions with ranges from 0 to 80°C
sition rates under aerobic and anaerobic decay and more for temperature, 0.9 to 350 g L1 for
situations. In semiclosed systems highly enriched solutes, and electromagnetic radiation ranging
in extracellular polymeric substances, in which from almost none to space-like.
diffusivities are significantly lower than those in Extreme conditions described by external (en-
water, such processes may yield large amounts vironmental) factors are defined by us as poik-
of fossil organic carbon and carbonates with very ilophilic and the internal (physiological) aspects
heavy isotopic signatures (Schidlowski et al., of such organisms as poikilotrophs (Gorbushina
1985). A broad survey of fossil and recent biofilms and Krumbein, 2000a). Krumbein and Stal (1991)
in hypersaline wet and dry environments is given described the potential of the major microbial
by Krumbein et al. (2003a). mat-forming microorganisms, namely cyanobac-
teria, as exceeding almost any environmental and
internal adaptation potential by adapting them-
ORGANISMS AND SURVIVAL selves to extreme changes of salt concentration,
water availability, nutrient supply, electromag-
Organisms capable of coping with conditions netic radiation exposure, and other factors. These
significantly different from those considered relatively simple organisms (often called primi-
“normal” for life are usually called extremophiles. tive) are able to accomplish almost all imaginable
However, as pointed out elegantly by Hausmann metabolic pathways, including oxygenic and
and Kremer (1994), such a term is extremely an- anoxic photosynthesis, carrying out respiration
thropocentric and should not be used in a scien- using oxygen, sulfur, sulfate, and other relatively
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oxidized compounds, and living anaerobically by nisms. Figures 4–10 give an impression of the
disproportioning sugars into alcohol or acid, like high variability of morphology and physiology of
other anaerobic fermentative microorganisms. this peculiar and ancient organism group. The
They can survive temperature changes from cyanobacteria depicted in the photomicrographs
4°C to more than 104°C. They can maintain in Figs. 4–10 could be labeled as at least three dif-
their metabolic capacity even after more than 100 ferent genera and four different species. The cells,
years of total lack of water. They live in distilled however, are all derived from a single cultured
water as well as at 35% salt concentrations (wa- clone reacting to environmental challenges by ex-
ter activity practically zero). Furthermore, these pressing different genes and producing more or
incredibly poikilotrophic and poikilophilic bacte- less of many different proteins. These bacteria are
ria have developed means to survive and thrive at least as astonishing as the higher eukaryotes
at light intensities far below the limits of dim (the chimpanzee and H. sapiens sapiens), which
moonlight in the depths of the ocean and at those also seem to differ only in the type and amount
of permanent exposure to strong ultraviolet light of different proteins produced from one and the
on the highest peaks of the Earth’s mountains. same set of genetic information under different
Cyanobacteria (together with some non-photo- internal and external conditioning circumstances.
synthetic bacteria like Geodermatophilus and fungi
like Coniosporium, a black yeast) are the most ver-
satile inhabitants of the Earth. These three or- GLOBAL PHYSIOLOGY OR
ganism types are probably better suited for space GEOPHYSIOLOGY AND
travel and survival on other planets than humans PARAHISTOLOGY OF HYPERSALINE
or even Deinococcus radiodurans, which is usually BIOSPHERE REGULATOR SYSTEMS
considered to be the most radiation-tolerant or-
ganism known (Makarova et al., 2001). D. radio- Subaquatic biofilms are sometimes character-
durans, an organism about which it is presently ized as 99% (wt/vol) biologically solidified wa-
speculated that its peculiar genetic characteristics ter. This is achieved through large amounts of ex-
can only be explained by evolutionary adaptation tracellular polymeric organic substances excreted
through several space trips from Mars to Earth, by the biofilm community for many purposes. A
and vice versa, in addition has some special genes major part of metabolic activity is transformed
in common with early cyanobacteria. Within the into these slimes. They are so stable and charac-
framework of this article, it is impossible to sketch teristic that they even change the petrography of
the entire natural history of cyanobacteria. Here sedimentary rocks. Sand grains float and move
it suffices to say that these highly poikilophilic upwards within these mats instead of falling from
microorganisms have been, and still are, deeply suspension to the bottom and create grain-to-
involved in the parahistology, geophysiology, grain contacts. In contrast, subaerial biofilms and
and biogeochemistry of the Earth’s crust. The rock-inhabiting networks (biodyction) are usu-
new theory of a ring of life circulating and ex- ally characterized by 99% (wt/vol) living organic
changing information between Archaea and Eu- matter surviving with a minimum of supply of
bacteria also hints to the potential of the first water (Gorbushina and Krumbein, 2000b). These
stages of evolution of mixed gene sets and eu- layers of microorganisms cover nearly all sur-
karyotic micromycetes taking place (at least in faces on Earth, including the hair of the polar bear
part) under space conditions (Rivera and Lake, and human skin.
2004). These poikilophilic types of microbes Wachendörfer (1991) was the first to suggest
thrive and survive under radically changing con- an interesting terminology by analogy to plant
ditions, thereby contributing to the storage of ma- or animal tissue studies. He introduced the term
terial and information into the deeper layers of of parahistology for the study of these incred-
the crust for future buffering of living conditions ibly poikilophilic communities (Krumbein, 1994;
on this planet. They are so versatile and stress re- Wachendörfer et al., 1994). Geophysiology and
sistant that the idea of higher rates of exchange parahistology describe Earth’s global biofilm sys-
of material (and organisms) within the inner tem, which runs the major biogeochemical cycles
planetary ring of the Solar System throughout the (Krumbein, 1983; Krumbein and Dyer, 1985;
Archean sounds very reasonable also in terms of Krumbein and Schellnhuber, 1992; Krumbein and
the evolution of special stress response mecha- Lapo, 1996). In brief, the living skin of the planet
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FIG. 5. Individual cell clusters of strain 112 at 1.5 M

NaCl. Scale bar  10 m.

ferent approaches, have postulated that these

parahistologically defined mega- or metatissues
regulate even plate tectonics and the cycling of
nutritive elements through the crust (from down-
under to up into the active metabolic cycles).
Krumbein (1996) reviewed some of the historic
aspects mentioned above in an article on non-
FIG. 4. Ensheathed (and thus protected) cells of strain
112 from the Gavish sabkha at 1 M NaCl. Scale bar  10 Darwinian aspects of the establishment and
m. maintenance of microbial life on Earth.

Earth is highly productive, highly versatile, and CONCLUSIONS

highly poikilotrophic and poikilophilic, and it
acts like the tissue of any organism (superorgan- What can be concluded from this sketch of hy-
ism). The tissue-like system––and preferentially persaline sabkha-type biogeochemical activities?
the hypersaline tissue––transforms and accumu- Assuming that the data collected in handbooks of
lates huge amounts of energy (heat) and reduced
and oxidized compounds over geological periods
of time. The sum of both (i.e., solar energy stored
in organic matter and kerogen as well as in metal
sulfides) reaches annually the same order of mag-
nitude of the annual heat flow as that from the
crust to the surface layers of Earth (Krumbein and
Schellnhuber, 1992).
The terms geophysiology, parahistology, and
global biogeochemistry seem to be very appro-
priate in these cases. Intertidal coastal margin and
continental hypersaline microbial biofilms, as
well as subaerial biofilms often associated with
the latter, reach geological dimensions in their
metabolic activity, and store gigagrams of organic
carbon and biogenic minerals in deeper layers of
the crust. Krumbein and Schellnhuber (1992) and FIG. 6. Elongated, nearly filamentous, cells of strain
the geophysicist Anderson (1984), using two dif- 112 at 2.5 M NaCl. Scale bar  10 m.
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FIG. 9. Transmission electron photomicrograph of

FIG. 7. Strain 112 at 3 M NaCl. Scale bar  10 m. strain 112 at 3.2 M NaCl showing adaptation patterns in
new and mature cells. Original magnification 5,100.

physics and chemistry and geochemistry are cor-

rect, one must come to the following conclusions,
especially for the highly productive hypersaline and hydrogen at global levels and masses and
biofilm systems: geological time scales.
3. The products of these geophysiological cycles
1. Solar energy is caught in flight and trans- of the parahistological system, such as volatile
formed into useful chemical potential (or en- (methane) and refractory (kerogen) organic
ergy) in annual amounts exceeding geother- carbon compounds, carbonates, sulfides, and
mal heat flow. This energy is stored in even cherts, generate new potential for meta-
sedimentary rocks and liberated only after ge- bolic processes upon liberation at the surface
ological-scale time periods. Most of this en- of the Earth.
ergy storage is carried on in hypersaline,
highly fluctuating, systems where the chances
of long-term storage are highest.
2. The elements and materials involved embrace
alkali elements (continental soda lake and
playa systems) and alkali earth elements
(oceanic brine and evaporative systems), along
with carbon, oxygen, sulfur, iron, phosphorus,

FIG. 10. Cells of strain 112, 3 days after transfer from

1 M NaCl to 3 M NaCl. One of the visible effects illus-
trated in Figs. 4–10 is the high degree of pleomorphy de-
rived, in part, from individual production of compatible
solutes. Solute production may damage the membrane
and lead to distorted planes of division and accelerated
and/or highly reduced replication rates. The oval “nor-
FIG. 8. Strain 112 at 3.2 M NaCl. Scale bar  10 m. mal” cells measure 3  6 m.
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4. The processes of capture, entrapment, burial, Worlds, edited by J. Seckbach, Kluwer Academic Pub-
and feedback into living parahistological lishers, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 317–334.
biofilm tissue are regulated through plate tec- Gorbushina, A.A. and Krumbein, W.E. (2000b) Subaerial
microbial mats and their effects on soil and rock. In Mi-
tonics, global climate, and oceanic currents.
crobial Sediments, edited by R.E. Riding and S.M.
5. The latter seem to be under the control of geo- Awramik, Springer, Berlin, pp. 161–170.
physiology or global biogeochemical and bio- Gorbushina, A.A., Krumbein, W.E., and Palinska, K.A.
geomorphogenetic processes inherent to liv- (1999) Poikilotroph growth patterns in rock inhabiting
ing systems covering Earth like a tissue, thus cyanobacteria. In The Phototrophic Prokaryotes, edited
justifying the term parahistology. by G.A. Peschek, W. Löffelhardt, and G. Schmetter,
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Gorbushina, A.A., Boettcher, M., Brumsack, H.-J., Krum-
bein, W.E., and Vendrell-Saz, M. (2001) Biogenic
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS forsterite and opal as a product of biodeterioration and
lichen stromatolite formation in table mountain sys-
We acknowledge support by INTAS grant 97- tems (Tepuis) of Venezuela. Geomicrobiol. J. 18, 117–132.
30776 and by DFG Schwerpunkt Programme Gorbushina, A. A., Krumbein, W.E., and Volkmann, M.
(2002) Rock surfaces as life indicators—new ways to
“Mars and the Terrestrial Planets” via grant DFG
demonstrate life and traces of former life. Astrobiology
Go 897/2-1 and DFG grant Kr 333/30-1. Late 2, 203–213.
stages of the work on biofilm formation were sup- Hausmann, K. and Kremer, B.P. (1994) Extremophile.
ported by EU project BIODAM (EVK4-CT-2002- Mikroorganismen in ausgefallenen Lebensräumen, VCH,
00098). Mario Latoschinski was helpful in prepar- New York.
ing some of the graphs. Krumbein, W.E. (1979) Photolithotrophic and chemo-
organotrophic acttivity of bacteria and algae as related
to beach-rock formation and degradation (Gulf of
Aqaba, Sinai). Geomicrobiol. J. 1, 139–203.
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ages of microbial mats from the Gavish Sabkha and So-
lar Lake. In Hypersaline Ecosystems—The Gavish Sabkha, E-mail:

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