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Name: Jessa May B.

Albina Year & Course: BSBA FM- II

Subject & Section: LIT 115- Sec. D T-Th 8:30-10:00

1. What are the regrets and apprehensions that crossed the mind of Granny Weatherall as she laid on
her deathbed? (10 pts)

2. Explain Granny Weatherall’s faith in God. (15 pts.)

3. Why do you suppose the short story is entitled The Jilting of Granny Weatherall? (10 pts.)

4. What are your apprehensions, regrets, and worries (especially during this pandemic)? List down
at least 5. (Use complete sentences). (15 pts)

5. Attach a photo (your personal photo) of a location, a person, or object that helped soothe your
mind and explain why you chose that photo. 3-5 sentences. (25 pts.)

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