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Medina, Catherine T.


“Women’s Rights”

Let’s start with this quotation, “A woman is like a tea bag- you can’t tell how strong she
is until you put her in hot water”. So what does it mean? It practically says that women, like men
can do impossible things. Yet, despite many successes in empowering women, numerous issues
still exist in all areas of life ranging from cultural, political to the economic. For example,
women often work more than men, yet are paid less.

Women account for half the world’s population, and yet the ones that suffer the most
poverty. Why? Because they have to face a vast amount of discrimination towards themselves in
work, healthcare and education, and suffer physical and sexual violence. Most of them are child,
who died suffering from sexual and physical assaults before killing. And actually, women bear
disproportionate caring responsibility for children, the elderly and the sick, spending twice to ten
times more time a day on unpaid care work than men. That’s why some people believe that
women do not share the same value and importance to society as men do. Throughout history,
women have fought a strenuous battle for equal rights. However after all these issues regarding
women’s rights, I must pause to remind us all that fundamentally, in this era, there are
constitutions who already promote gender equality and women’s rights for us to have peace and
give solution to this conflict. We have the National Organization for Women that take a holistic
approach to women’s rights. Their priority is to win the economic equality and ending violence
against women. We, as women are in the process of moving forward and have a humanitarian
structure that places our needs, rights and empowerment at its own hearts.

Women are the real architects of society. They are made to be loved, not understood. We
must always measure our success not just in whether needs are met, but also whether through
meeting those needs we have empowered, those we are serving, and worked to ensure greater
equality between men especially women.

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