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NAME: Jahin Binte Junaid

ID NO: 1921367630

Answer to the question no 1

The list and brief explanation about the steps taken to train the volunteers are given below:

 Training need analysis: The volunteers will be helping in activities like registering
the patients, provide initial information about the treatment collecting samples etc. as
they do not have any technical skills they need training from the base. As they are
completely new to the field they need detailed training. From how to take patients
information, writing it down, learning about the Treatment that will be given to them,
and collecting samples properly for further examination.

 Design the overall program: We need to make an appropriate plan for the training.
A step by step plan for the full program is given,

1. As they are volunteers and are willing to work on field, their training should also be
conducted in the work place.
2. They will be learning about how to document patient information from the current
employees working on that field.
3. They will be given descriptive classes on the treatment given to Covid-19 patients.
4. They will be properly guided by the doctors on how to deliver the initial information
about the treatment to the patients.
5. They will be taught on how to collect samples and where to deposit those.
6. Lastly they will appear a written exam and on field exam on how they have absorbed the
training and whether they are ready to work on field.
 Developing the course: the material they will be needing for their training are, an
employee from the desk job willing to give a lecture on their work and guiding the
volunteers through it, a doctor’s lecture about the treatment on Covid-19, a nurse
guiding them on how to collect patient samples and where to deposit it.

 Implement Training: now to implement the training to the volunteers. On the first
day they will have an orientation where they will be learning about the training
program. Knowing about their duties and from when they will start learning.
Moreover they will be appreciated for taking this step to come willingly to help
people to boost their moral.

 Evaluation: After training the volunteers will be working on field. Even if they are
done with their training they will be going to their work field. If any deficiencies are
deducted they will be given necessary corrective methods. A control group will be
created to observe their activities on field.

To measure their effectiveness some steps will be taken. Those are given below:

 Reaction: we will observe the reaction of the volunteers to their work. We need to see if
they like doing their job. How they are reacting to their works. And if they think that
working for Covid patients is worth doing.
 Learning: we will test the volunteers to see if they have learned their needed skill,
principles and necessary thing they needed to learn.
 Behavior: we will look at their behavior. Whether it has changed while the training. And
how they are behaving with the patients. And more importantly their behavior towards
hurting patients.
 Results: we will lastly see what result we could achieve. The dedication of work of the
volunteers. And how efficiently they have been working.
Answer to the question number 2

Human resources managers play a vital role in achieving the goals of an organization. It is the
personnel / workers who perform the tasks and achieve the company's goals. Therefore, human
resources are a necessity of the organization. The person responsible for such work, to acquire
the right number and type of human resources as needed by the company and to motivate,
prepare and develop the human resources to perform the tasks. Resource managers are
organizations rather than human resources in the workplace.

As a significant step toward Covid-19 the government of Bangladesh opened a new hospital at
Mohakhali. As an HR manager over there I have some important roles. Some of the strategic
roles I will be implementing are given below,

 Recruitment: This is the process of discovering the source of talent and adopting
effective means to attract the right number of talent to facilitate efficient workforce
selection within the organization. I will hire adequate number of doctors, nurses and
staffs keeping in mind the rising number of Covid-19 patients.
 Providing Appropriate Training: These processes help strengthen and enable people to
build their strengths and self-confidence in order to deliver them more effectively. By
providing proper training to the employees I can ensure the optimum level of service and
medical necessities to the patients arriving in the hospital.
 Competency Development: Competencies are a collection of relevant knowledge, skills,
and attitudes that affect most of your work. It can be improved by training and
development. I will provide doctors the opportunity to get further and updated training on
Covid. And provide nurses and staffs with adequate and new training to make patients
stay in the hospital more comfortable.
 Communication: It is an activity that involves communicating meaningful information.
The Human Resources department must always provide employees with all relevant
information. I will connect with my employees and listen to their needs, any difficulties
they might be facing and try to help them as much as possible.
 Performance Management: Focuses on improving the performance of organizations,
employees, and a variety of other services.
 Employee Relationships: This is a concept that works to improve relationships between
employees and between employees and management.
 Coaching and mentoring: Supporting individuals and helping them overcome all
problems to improve performance.
 Policy Recommendations: Policy recommendations help streamline management
practices and reduce employee complaints. For example, a doctor with at least 25 years of
experience is entitled to the benefits described in the company's administration manual.
 Team Building: Focuses on getting the best out of your team to ensure organizational
development and the ability to work closely together to achieve your goals. Build up
teams among them and train them to work better together.
 Networking: Building relationships with external stakeholders, including patients and
pharmacies, is also important for betterment.

Answer to the question number 4

Operations managers are an important part of the management team and oversee high-level HR
operations such as recruitment, training criteria, and recruitment procedures. It also analyzes and
improves organizational processes to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency.

To write Job description or job specification we need to collect job analysis information. There
are 4 ways to collect job analysis information for the position of Operations manager. They are
described below,

 Observation: We can observe an employee and take note of all his tasks. His finished
and unfinished works, responsibility, portrayed skills on the job and his employee
management skills. We can directly observe him and record his behavior in different
given situations. And then we can study his work behavior and the result of his
performance in his job.
 Interview: This method helps interviewers know exactly what their employees think
about their work and the responsibilities that come with it. It involves the analysis of
work by the employees themselves. To generate honest and true feedback and collect
genuine data, you need to carefully determine the questions that will be asked during the
interview. It is always good to interview multiple individuals and get a pool of answers.
You can then generalize it and use it for the entire group. Potential employee can be
interviewed so that he comes up with their own work form, use of skills and techniques
of their own, employee management and even their insecurities in the job field.
 Questionnaire method: Another commonly used method of analyzing work is to fill out
questionnaires from employees and their managers. However, there are also personal
prejudices with this method. We will take great care while creating the questions. To
obtain true work related information, management needs to effectively inform staff that
the data that is collected will be used for their own benefit. It will never be used against
them at any point or for any circumstances.
 Log record method: We will ask employees to maintain logging and perform job
analysis based on the information collected from the logging. A log record is a book that
records / writes all the activities an employee has done at work. The records are extensive
and essentially exhausted, providing a fair view of obligations and responsibilities in
every job.

These are the ways how we will collect job analysis information for writing a job description and
job specification for the position of operations manager.

Answer to the question number 5

Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thoughts, emotions, and

behaviors. Personality is a characteristic pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that makes a
person unique. Personality arises from within the individual and is considered to be fairly
consistent throughout life.
The selection process measures an applicant's personality traits related to future job performance
is known as personality tests. Personality tests help employers understand what types of
interactions and environments a candidate feels most at home with, and how they prefer to work. 
There are a few ways in which we can identify personality of a person. Those are explained

 Extraversion: this explains how people interact with the world around them.
Extroverts are more likely to be energized through social interactions and collective
action. Introverts, on the other hand, find that their social interactions are exhausted
and prefer to spend their time focusing on quiet and intentional work. We need to
identify the nature of the person. If the employee is introvert he/she will more likely
be calm, be self aware, have epic emotional control, be introspective, will not open up
that easily etc. and if a person is extrovert he/she will more likely be open, will share
very easily, enjoy being the centre of attraction, be expressive and motivational,
friendly and socially engaging etc. So you can choose the optimum character or
person for your field of work. An introvert employee if you are hiring for scientist,
mechanic, pilot, reporter etc. and an extrovert employee for sales manager, lawyer,
life coach, human resource manager etc.

 Agreeableness: Co operability reflects individual differences in cooperation and

social harmony. Favorable individual’s value getting along with others. Therefore,
they are compassionate, friendly, generous, kind and ready to compromise their
interests with others. Pleasant people also have an optimistic view of human nature.
They believe that people are basically honest, decent and trustworthy. People having
this trait will be trust worthy, will have high moral sense, will help other people
willingly, will be very co operative and extremely sympathetic towards others.

 Conscientiousness: Conscientiousness concerns how to control, regulate, and direct

impulses. Impulses are not bad in nature. Time constraints can require quick
decisions, and acting on the first impulse can be an effective response. Also, it can be
fun to act spontaneously and impulsively when playing rather than working.
Nevertheless, acting on impulse can cause problems in several ways. Some impulses
are not acceptable socially. Uncontrolled antisocial behavior not only harms other
members of society, but can also result in retaliation for the perpetrators. Another
problem with impulsive behavior is that they often not only produce immediate
rewards, but also have undesired, long-term consequences.

 Neuroticism: Neuroticism tendencies are those who experience negative emotions.

People who score high on neuroticism may experience certain negative emotions,
primarily anxiety, anger, and depression. People who are prone to neuroticism react
emotionally. They react emotionally to events that would not affect most people, and
their reaction tends to be more intense than usual. They are likely to interpret normal
situations as threatening, and small frustrations can be desperately difficult for them
to handle. Their negative emotional reactions tend to last for an unusually long period
of time, which means they are often in a bad mood. On the other side of the scale,
individuals with low neuroticism scores are less emotionally responsive. They tend to
be calm, emotionally stable, and free of persistent negative emotions.

 Openness to experience: Openness to experience represents an aspect of cognitive

style that distinguishes between imaginative creative people and realistic traditional
people. Open people are intellectually curious, grateful for art and sensitive to beauty.
They tend to be more aware of their emotions compared to closed people. They tend
to think and act in an individualistic and incompatible way. Another feature of the
open cognitive style is the ability to think in symbols and abstractions far from
concrete experience. Depending on the particular intellectual ability of the individual,
this symbolic perception can be mathematical, logical or geometric thinking, artistic
and figurative use of language, composition or performance of music, or many visual
arts. People with low openness are less likely to be creative. They prefer something
that is straightforward and obvious over something that is complex, vague, and subtle.
They may consider these efforts awkward or impractical, and consider art and science
suspicious. Closed people prefer friendliness to novelty. They are conservative and
resistant to change.

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