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My First Lifeline

Alan Rodrigues

So, it was 2016 around the time of 8th grade ending, I was really stressed about

my exams as well as my friends not being able to play with me on my xbox considering

that they mostly have jobs now. Then out came this girl, her name was Lillie, I have met

her around my 7th grade year, she used to wear a normal white and or black dress and

she was beautiful as ever. One time during my 7th grade year, I was really frustrated

because I would never understand any of the classwork they gave out, and then she

would come out of the blue with her lovely white dress and sit next to me, whether it be

to help me learn about my math, english and any subject to that matter, she would

assist me and anything. There were a couple times I was really unhappy during 8th, I

think this one did not have to do anything about school nor any relationship with

anyone, but in the end she would try her best to cheer me up, I do not know how’d she

do it but she would always make me smile afterwards. Lillie has been a big help during

my middle school year as well as a good friend to me perhaps something more but after

that time has ended, right when I exited those doors to mark the end of my 8th grade

year, I found Lillie sitting on a chair beside the entrance of the school, tears in her blue

azure eyes.

She was really sad about something, like she really did not get her word across

to someone, she seemed like she waited for the whole school year to confess to

someone, but it was as though it had been side tracked or left aside. Although I did not
want to question who, I just cheered her up in ways that would make her laugh or angry

but in the end it would cheer her up, after a couple overused puns and jokes, she then

asked me a question. A question I still don’t know why I never answered honestly to this

day. I simply left the school afterwards, silent as ever in the car which was brought to

pick me up from school. Lillie was my first lifeline to get me through middle school, we

had lots of fun during that school year and many laughs, but I wish I had the courage to

say that right answer when I was sitting right next to her on that bench in front of that

very school.

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