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Advice Tarot Spread

Position 1: You. As you are.

This is an important card for you to reflect on. What is your current
state of mind (swords)? Are your emotions weighing too much on the
situation (cups)? Understanding where you are in the situation and
making sure you are not misleading yourself is important. Have you
drawn a Ten of Pentacles (feeling complete, whole or satisfying after
working hard to get to that point),or the Queen of Swords Reversed
(upset, deceitful), or the Five of Cups ( regrets, fear, moving on)?

If you or the seeker is approaching the reading with a sense of anger,

or frustration or regret, it’s important to identify these so that the rest
of the cards are all connected back to this state of mind.

Position 2. Are you on the correct


Some cards in this position are easy to interpret. The Chariot for
example or even any of the Aces would be welcome in confirming an
individual’s progress on their path. But imagine how much more
powerful the card would be if you understood fully your current state
of mind and actual position in this situation.

For example, you draw a Queen of Swords Reversed as the first card,
and then you draw The Chariot as the second. So, “are you on the
correct path?” Well, yes. The Chariot confirms this, but if whatever is
behind the Queen of Swords Reversed isn’t resolved, this will work
against the movement, power, and direction of the Chariot, sabotaging
the progress and you might lose sight of the goal.

Position 3. What is the main obstacle?

& Position 4. What is helping you?

Most likely, the cards won’t direct and spell out for what the obstacles
and helping forces are. Use the card’s interpretations as descriptors
to identify your main obstacle and what you can use to help you.
Position 5. What progress can be

I have the most fun with this card (as a tarot geek) in this tarot card

A) Interpret the card. derive whatever meaning you can from it.

B) Take this card, and interpret it as a combination with Card #3, and
then Card #4. What you are looking for are common threads and
similar lines of meaning to help minimize Card #3, and maximize Card

C) Take Card #5, and interpret it as in combination with card #2, to

see how you can continue on the right path.

D) If the first card was not what you wanted to see and suggested a
negative attitude, I would suggest exploring Card#5 with Card #1,
especially if the first card highlights attributes that are coming through
and limiting your ability for growth.

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