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Chapter 5

Effect of Climatic Conditions on Quality

of Virgin Olive Oil
María-Paz Romero and María-José Motilva
Department of Food Technology CeRTA-TPV, Escuela Téccnica Superior de Ingeniería Agraria, Universidad de Lleida, Lleida, Spain

5.1  Introduction 5.2  The effects of climate

conditions on quality of olive oil
The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) ‘Les Garrigues’
is located in southern Lleida, a province of north-eastern Olive oil composition has been studied for Arbequina culti-
Spain in the autonomous community of Catalonia. The var over nine years to develop an understanding of seasonal
climate of the area is continental Mediterranean, char- variation.
acterized by warm summers and long, cold winters. The
important thermal difference between winter and summer,
with annual minimum temperatures of 8°C and maxi- 5.2.1  Influence of Crop Season on the
mum temperatures above 40°C, distinguishes this area
Composition of Virgin Olive Oil
from other olive-growing areas with a more temperate
climate due to their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. The first experiment was designed to characterize oils from
Rainfall in the area is scarce and very irregular, being more several locations in the PDO Les Garrigues. A total of 130
abundant in the spring and lowest in summer (July) and olive oils from Arbequina cultivar obtained in 13 industrial
winter (January and February). The rainfall pattern differs oil mills were analyzed through two consecutive seasons.
from one year to another, a feature of the Mediterranean Results had shown that oils from the same crop season and
climate. Arbequina is the native olive tree cultivar in this variety, extracted with similar technologies but obtained
area, and it is characterized by frost resistance, low vigor, from olive trees grown at different locations inside this
small fruit size, and high productivity. Oil obtained from area, could present important differences in composition.
Arbequina is well known in the international oil market for The traditional oil quality parameters like peroxide value,
its excellent taste and flavor. The olive harvest period in acidity and K270 of olive oils did not present differences
this area takes place from November to January, with the within crops seasons, however an important difference has
aim of finishing harvesting before the arrival of the frosts been observed in the fatty acids profile. Taking the most
that are very common in this region. extreme observations for location variable (Table 5.1) these
The Oil Laboratory of the Department of Food differences could be over 5% for oleic acid. The differences
Technology has monitored olive oils from PDO Les for fatty acid profile between locations have been observed
Garrigues since 1995 and has analyzed more than 2000 every crop season. In general, oils from location A contain
olive oil samples and obtained more than 500 olive oils more oleic acid than those from location B. Agroclimatic
from the pilot plant. Throughout these years there has been studies could explain the differences. So, Llasat (1997)
a wide range of climatic conditions that have permitted the splits the PDO Garrigues area into three clusters and while
study of the effects of climatic conditions on virgin olive oil location A belongs to the coldest cluster, with the lowest
composition and quality indices as well as effects of dam- minimum and maximum temperatures, location B belongs
age to oil quality due to the freezing of olives, a cause of to a hot area with long summers. According with other
concern in this area where high-quality oils are produced. studies (Aguilera et al., 2005) the high temperature and low
Of special relevance are the changes in minor components, altitude could be associated with an increased polyunsatu-
such as chlorophylls, carotenoids and phenolic compounds ration and the lowest oleic percentage. A complete analysis
and the sensory attributes that play an important role in the was published in Motilva et al. (2001).
organoleptic characteristics and antioxidant properties of A second experience was designed from 1996 to 1999.
virgin olive oils. These years presented several differences in patterns
Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-12-374420-3 43 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
44 Section  |  I  The Plant and Production

Table 5.1  Percentage of several fatty acids in two Garrigues locations.

This table summarizes the differences in the main fatty acids of olive oil. Each value is the mean of fatty acid
concentration in five olive oils.
Crop season Fatty acid Location A Location B

% Standard error % Standard error

1995/96 Palmitic acid 11.6 0.2 14.3 0.2

1996/97 11.9 0.3 14.4 0.4

1995/96 Oleic acid 75.9 0.3 70.0 0.2

1996/97 76.3 0.4 69.4 0.4

1995/96 Linoleic acid 8.7 0.1 11.2 0.2

1996/97 8.3 0.1 11.5 0.2

for air temperatures and rainfall. The weather in 1996 was ratio was observed in oils from 1997/98. This ratio seems
characterized by a very dry summer and occasional frost in to be related to the accumulated rainfall regime in the sum-
November and December. Total cumulative rainfall in 1996 mer of each year. In considering the accumulated rainfall
was 513 mm, markedly higher than the average for this during June–August, the maximum corresponds to 1997,
area, and accumulated at harvest period. The crop season in with 167 mm, in front of 39, 33 and 29 mm for 1996, 1998
1997/98 was characterized by low temperatures and less sun- and 1999, respectively. These climatological conditions
shine than other seasons and there was also an excess of rain could cause the modification in the degree of unsaturation
during the maturation period. The main climatic characteris- of the oils.
tics in 1998 were the persistent frost during November and Also the influence of crop season on color has been
December and the scarce rainfall, especially during the sum- studied. The color of the oil affects the consumer’s per-
mer. Accumulative rainfall in this year was 342 mm, 64 mm ception of quality. It is related to pigment content and
of which fell in summer. The weather in 1999 was character- decreases with the olives’ ripeness. In order to analyze the
ized by very severe frost (below 5°C) and a total absence of influence of climatic conditions, the oils analyzed were
rainfall during the harvest period (November and December). grouped together by harvest period, first and second. The
Maximum accumulated rainfall was during September (total effect of harvest period on the loss of chlorophyll and caro-
accumulated rainfall in this year was 397 mm). tenoid pigments does not show the same pattern in every
Oils from the 1997/98 season showed a significant dif- crop season (Figure 5.1). Thus, the main differences were
ference (p  0.001) in fatty acid composition in relation observed in oils from the 1997/98 and 1999/00 seasons.
to oils from the other seasons studied (Table 5.2). The per- This is probably a consequence of frosts in November 1997
centage of estearic and oleic acids were lowest, and on the and 1999 that led to deterioration of the olive fruit and pig-
other hand palmitic, palmitoleic and linoleic acids were ment degradation, mainly in the chlorophyll fraction. Oils
highest. This could be attributed to a modification of lipid from the 1998/99 crop season showed no significant dif-
biosynthesis coinciding with the wet summer. The metabo- ferences between the first and second harvest periods.
lism and lipid levels of the olive fruit are affected by envi- The minimum air temperature during the harvest period
ronmental factors, such as light, temperature, and water (November 1998) remained around 0°C without heavy
stress, and it has been observed by some authors that oleic frosts that could have produced pigment degradation in the
acid, some triacylglycerides, and the oleic/linoleic acid olive fruit. Oils from the 1999/00 crop season showed the
ratio are connected to the rainfall in the summer period. lowest chlorophyll content. As mentioned above, the 1999
The rainfall regime in 1997 could have affected the de novo harvest period was characterized by frequent, heavy frosts
fatty acid biosynthesis that occurs in plant plastids and that that may have initiated the degradation of the olive pig-
needs the concerted activity of two enzymes, acetyl-CoA ments, mainly the chlorophyll fraction. Thus, with respect
carboxylase and fatty acid synthase, to regulate a further to pigment content the main effect was the minimum
chain elongation cycle in de novo fatty acid biosynthesis. air temperature during the harvest period (November–
This step is particularly relevant because it determines the December); rainfall regime was a secondary effect.
C16/C18 ratio, and this is directly related to the degree of The amount of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil
unsaturation of the final oil product. The highest C16/C18 is another important factor when evaluating its quality,
Chapter  |  5  Effect of Climatic Conditions on Quality of Virgin Olive Oil 45

Table 5.2  Influence of the crop season on fatty acid profile (%) of monovarietal virgin olive oil from Arbequina cultivar
at two locations.
This table shows the profile of some fatty acid in two of 13 locations studied. Each value is the mean of fatty acid
concentration of five olive oils.
Fatty acid (%) 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000

Location A Location B Location A Location B Location A Location B Location A Location B

Palmitic acid 11.9 14.4 14.5 15.7 11.6 14.3 11.7 14.2
Palmitoleic acid 1.20 1.41 1.4 1.7 1.1 1.5 1.0 1.4
Estearic 1.68 2.09 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.1
Oleic acid 76.3 69.4 71.1 67.9 75.9 70.0 76.0 70.1
Linoleic acid 8.3 11.5 10.7 12.3 8.7 11.2 8.3 11.0
C16/C18 ratio 0.152 0.191 0.191 0.213 0.146 0.189 0.147 0.188
C16 is palmitic and palmitoleic acids and C18 is estearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids.

Pigments content Total phenols

(mg kg−1) (mg kg−1)

12 250

10 200

8 150

6 100

4 50

2 0
1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00
1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Figure 5.2  Total phenol content (mg kg as caffeic acid) in relation

to crop season and harvest period. The first column corresponds to first
Figure 5.1  Oil pigments content (chlorophyll and carotenoid) in rela- harvest, and the second one to second harvest.
tion to crop season and harvest period. This figure shows the average
value for pigment content. Chlorophylls are expressed as mg of pheophy-
tin kg1 of oil and carotenoids are expressed as mg of luteolin kg1 of by nearly 400 mm accumulated rainfall during the sum-
oil. The order of serials is: chlorophyll first harvest, chlorophyll second
harvest, carotenoid first harvest and carotenoid second harvest.
mer period (June–August), above the average for the area.
In contrast, during this period, there was very low rainfall
accumulation in 1996 and 1998, and the oils from these
given that the natural phenols improve its oxidative sta- years showed the highest polyphenol contents. It has long
bility and, to a certain extent, are responsible for its bitter been known that the level of phenolics in plant tissues can be
taste. The total phenols in the oils analyzed in this study influenced by environmental factors such as ambient temper-
varied considerably and a significant ( p  0.001) effect of ature and water availability. With regard to the latter factor, a
the season could be observed (Figure 5.2). Thus, oils from water deficiency generates a stress situation that induces the
the 1997/98 crop season had the lowest total phenol con- production of phenolics, and this factor could be related to
centration (106 to 84 mg kg1), and the highest values were the increase in the polyphenol content of the oils from the
in oils from the 1996/97 and 1998/99 seasons (from 272 to 1996/97 and 1998/99 seasons. Oils from the second period
215 and from 242 to 172 mg kg1 for each year and harvest of harvest in 1999/00 season showed a significant decrease
period, respectively). in phenolic compounds that could be attributed to frost.
A relationship was observed between the total phenols Bitter taste is one of the characteristic attributes of vir-
content of the oil and accumulated rainfall by year. Thus, gin olive oil. In our study, the bitter index (K225) was ana-
the weather in 1997, which corresponded to the year with the lyzed in oils from the 1998/99 and 1999/00 crop seasons
lowest polyphenol content in the olive oils, was characterized with values from 0.19 to 0.15 and from 0.17 to 0.12 in
46 Section  |  I  The Plant and Production

the first and second harvest period and each crop season, low temperatures reached while luminosity (L*) negatively
respectively. There were no differences in K225 between correlated with total pigment content, and increased in oils
seasons, and the effect of harvest period was only signifi- obtained after freeze damage.
cant ( p  0.001) during the 1999/00 season, similar to that In addition to pigment differences, a remarkable differ-
observed in oil phenol content. The mentioned decrease ence between oils obtained before and after frost was the
in phenols gave rise to a loss in bitterness. Gutiérrez et al. total phenol content, showing significant decrease in those
(1992) suggested that K225 values of the order of 0.14 or oils obtained from fruits under freeze conditions. The olive
lower correspond to oils with slight bitterness intensity, cor- tissue destruction caused by the ice crystals formed inside
responding to oils from the area of the PDO ‘Les Garrigues’, parenchyma cells may encourage the oxidative degrada-
and values close to 0.36 correspond to quite bitter oils. tion of phenolic compounds in PPO-catalyzed reaction. It
has been reported that the main agent responsible for enzy-
matic browning in fruits and vegetables is polyphenol oxi-
5.2.2  Effect of Freeze Injuries in Olive on dase (PPO; It catalyzes two different reactions
in the presence of molecular oxygen: the hydroxylation of
Virgin Olive Oil Composition
monophenols to o-diphenols and the oxidation of o-diphe-
The harvest period for the 2001–02 crop season is remark- nols to o-quinones which polymerize non-enzymatically
able because a cold front from Siberia moved to the south and give rise to heterogeneous black, brown or red pig-
of Europe and arrived in Catalonia (Spain) on 15 December ments, commonly called melanins (Tomás-Barberán and
bringing snowfalls, together with an important drop in tem- Espín, 2001). The bitter index (K225) and oxidative stabil-
perature. Trees were covered by snow for more than 10 ity of oils followed the same pattern as total phenol content.
days because of the persistent cold. Climatic data obtained Figure 5.3 shows the chromatographic profile of the
from the weather station situated at La Granadella, in the phenolic extracts from Arbequina virgin olive oils from the
geographical center of ‘Les Garrigues’, showed that max- same mill but obtained before and after frost, respectively.
imum temperatures were below 5°C for more than 110 Table 5.3 shows the average concentrations of the quanti-
consecutive hours, reaching minimum values of 12.5°C. fied phenolic compounds in the oils examined in this study.
As a consequence of these exceptional weather conditions, Peaks 1–8 and Peak 10 were identified according to a pre-
about 40% of Arbequina olive oil production in the PDO vious article (Tovar et al., 2001). There is a larger number
‘Les Garrigues’ was affected and negative effects have of compounds in the phenolic fraction than in those already
also been forecast for the coming crop seasons as a result defined. Peaks 9, 11 and 12 represent unknown complex
of the high number of olive trees damaged by the extreme phenolic compounds found in all olive oils analyzed, with a
temperatures. These climatic conditions allow us to ana- spectrum similar to that of secoiridoid derivatives, showing
lyze oils derived from olives growing in the same orchard two maxima at 210 and 278 nm. Peak 13, however, shows a
before and after the frost. UV spectrum similar to that of trans-cinnamic acid, with a
The values for the quality indices, free fatty acid con- maximum at 276 nm.
tent and peroxide value of after-frost oils showed slightly The main phenolic compounds found in oils from PDO
higher values. In fact, they are related to the degree of ‘Les Garrigues’ analyzed in this trial were the secoiridoid
deterioration of the oil, determined by the state of the fruit derivatives, a dialdehydic form of elenolic acid linked to
and its manipulation before and during oil processing. hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA-EDA), oleuropein aglycone
However, it is not significant because the average values of (3,4-DHPEA-EA) and the dialdehydic form of elenolic acid
free fatty acid content, peroxide value and K270 were con- linked to tyrosol (p-HPEA-EDA), followed in order of quan-
siderably below the limit established by EEC legislation for titative importance by lignans and the phenolic compound
virgin olive oil. A possible explanation for the low increase 4-(acetoxyethyl)- 1,2-dihydroxybenzene (3,4-DHPEA-AC).
observed in the peroxide value of oils obtained after frost Low levels of the simple phenols 3,4-DHPEA, p-HPEA,
could be that the olives were harvested and processed vanillin and vanillic acid were found, while ferulic and p-
within 24 h after thaw, as soon as it was possible to harvest coumaric acids were identified but could not be quantified.
them. Neither -tocopherol content nor fatty acid profile The concentrations of most olive oil phenolic compounds
have shown significant differences between oils obtained were affected by the freeze conditions. The three secoiridoid
before and after freeze damage. derivatives and the compound 3,4-DHPEA-AC decreased
However, the chlorophyll and carotenoid concentra- in the oils obtained after the freeze damage suffered by
tion and chromatic ordinates of oils obtained before and the olive fruit. Secoiridoid derivatives are compounds of
after frosts were different. Oil pigment content decreased major interest since their antioxidant activity has already
slightly after freeze damage ( p  0.05). The chlorophyl- been evaluated and has been shown to extend the shelf-life
lase and lypoxygenase enzymes could be involved in this of olive oil (Baldioli et al., 1996; Gennaro et al., 1998).
loss of chlorophyllic and carotenoid pigments, favored by Good correlations have also been found between them and
deterioration of the olive fruit (Mínguez-Mosquera, 1997). the bitter index (Tovar et al., 2001). The concentration of
The chromatic ordinates a* and b* were not affected by the the unknown phenolic compounds, Peak 9 and Peak 12,
Chapter  |  5  Effect of Climatic Conditions on Quality of Virgin Olive Oil 47


0.15 7

6 8
AU 0.10
5 1011
4 9
1 2

10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00

A Minutes



AU 0.10 7

12 13
4 6
2 9
1 3 5

10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00

B Minutes
Figure 5.3  HPLC chromatograms (at 278 nm) of phenolic extracts from olive oil. (A) Before frost damage; (B) After frost damage. (Reprinted from
Morelló et al., 2003, with permission). This figure showed two chromatograms of olive oil phenolic profile. See Table 5.3 to identify the peaks.

decreased, as did the earlier-mentioned compounds, which and the freeze conditions and to connect these to chemical
may indicate that they are biochemically related. composition. Differences are detected between oils in aroma,
Wounding of olive fruit, caused by the formation of ice and mouthfeel perceptual differences are detected between
crystals, induces cellular recompartmentalization which oils. The sensory notes of artichoke, tomato and almond were
would allow mixing of phenolic substrates and PPO. Thus, perceived in before-frost oils, and no unpleasant aroma or fla-
the decrease in the level of those compounds could be due vor was detected. After-frost olive oils were qualified as non-
to an enzymatic oxidation that would result in the brown- extra virgin olive oil. Defects were defined as frozen olives
ing of the olive fruit. by some panelists, while others defined these oils as thicker,
Despite showing a UV spectrum similar to that of Peaks softer, and with the term rancid tallow. A less bitter and pun-
9 and 12, Peak 11 followed a different pattern. Its content gent taste should be related to the noticeable reduction of oil
in the oils increased significantly after freeze damage, as phenolic compounds, especially secoiridoid compounds.
it was a compound resulting from the oxidative process.
The contents of lignans and Peak 13 remained practically
unchanged while the 3,4-DHPEA, vanillic acid and vanillin 5.2.3  Influence of Seasonal Conditions on
concentrations increased in oils obtained after freeze dam-
age. The increase in 3,4-DHPEA content may be a con-
Phenolic Profile Of Olive Oils
sequence of the degradation of secoiridoid derivatives in During four successive seasons, corresponding to 2000/01
their structure. On the other hand, vanillic acid and vanil- to 2003/04, the effect of the climatological conditions of the
lin are considered to be lignin degradation compounds olive crop season on the composition of phenolic fractions
(Fernández-Bolaños et al., 1998) (Figure 5.4). and related properties such as bitterness and oxidative sta-
One of the aims of this study was to examine the rela- bility were studied. Seventy virgin oils obtained in various
tionship between the sensory attributes of virgin olive oil industrial olive mills were analyzed. Profile of the phenolic
48 Section  |  I  The Plant and Production

Table 5.3  Phenolic compounds (mg kg1) of virgin olive oil obtained from olive fruits harvested before and after frost
damage (n  10).
This table shows the concentration of phenolic compounds of olive oil before and after frost damage.
Peak Phenolic compounds Before frost damage After frost damage Significance level
 1 3,4-DHPEA    0.12   0.21
 2 p-HPEA    0.95   0.42 NS
 3 Vanillic acid    0.08   0.15
 4 Vanillin    0.17   0.42
 5 3,4-DHPEA-AC   22  1
 6 3,4-DHPEA-EDA 116 17
 7 p-HPEA-EDA   44 28 NS
 8 Lignans   80 80 NS
 9 Peak 9    5.21   1.20
10 3,4-DHPEA-EA   79 33
11 Peak 11    6.50 22
12 Peak 12    9.30   5.24
13 Peak 13    7.36   4.54 NS
* **
Significance level: NS Non significant (p  0.05), p  0.05, p  0.01. (Reprinted from Morelló et al., 2003, with permission.)





Percentage (%)





2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04
Figure 5.4  Percentage distribution of the main phenolic compounds on monovarietal olive oil phenolic fraction for crop seasons 2000/01 to 2003/04.
This figure shows the average concentration of main secoiridoids.

fraction is characterized by low levels of simple phenols (2003) for Arbequina grown in southern Spain, which aver-
[hydroxytyrosol(3,4-DHPEA), tyrosol (p-DHPEA), vanillic aged about 5 ppm, and other varieties, such as Picual,
acid, and vanillin], with concentrations between 0 and 2 ppm. Hojiblanca, and Cornicabra having values of 17, 12, and
These values are different from those obtained by García et al. 9 ppm, respectively (García et al., 2002; Beltrán et al., 2005).
Chapter  |  5  Effect of Climatic Conditions on Quality of Virgin Olive Oil 49

The main phenols present in olive oil are the 4-(acetoxy- 3,4-DHPEA-EDA percentage in the 2002/03 and 2003/04
ethyl)-1,2-dihydroxybenzene (3,4-DHPEA-AC) and secoiri­ crop seasons. Olive trees that were frost damaged in
doid derivatives, such as the dialdehydic form of elenolic December 2001 were more sensitive to stress caused by
acid linked to hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA-EDA); the dial- water deficit during the summer in the two last crop sea-
dehydic form of elenolic acid linked to tyrosol (p-HPEA- sons, particularity in 2002/03. This fact may have caused
EDA); the aldehydic form of elenolic acid linked to tyrosol this increase. Although temperatures and rainfall during
(p-HPEAEA); the aldehydic form of elenolic acid linked to the four crop seasons were similar (except for December
hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA-EA; oleuropein aglycone) and 2001), higher levels of phenolic compounds were detected
lignans. Flavonoid aglycones such as apigenin and luteolin in olive oils from the two last crop seasons.
were also present in small amounts.
Although no qualitative differences were observed in
the phenolic fraction between crop seasons, quantitative Summary points
differences were observed between phenolic compounds.
The main differences were observed in secoiridoid deriva- The virgin olive oil composition is greatly influenced

tives (3,4-DHPEA-EDA, p-HPEA-EDA, p-HPEA-EA, and by climatic conditions.

l In a limited area, small differences in maximum and
3,4-DHPEAEA). The main phenolic compound quanti-
fied in the olive oil phenolic fraction, 3,4-DHPEA-EDA, minimum temperatures could be the cause of significant
showed a significantly different concentration between crop differences in fatty acid profile.
seasons 2000/01 and 2001/02 and crop seasons 2002/03 l The high cumulate rainfall causes a significant decrease

and 2003/04. The oils from the 2000/01 and 2001/02 crop in oleic acid.
seasons showed average concentrations of between 30 and l No differences were found in the traditional quality

223 ppm, whereas the values for oils from the 2002/03 and indices of oils affected by freeze injuries, since olives
2003/04 crop seasons rose to between 427 and 610 ppm. In were harvested and processed in a short time period.
l Frost damage caused two main changes in virgin
December 2001 olive drupes froze on the trees because low
temperature (below 5°C). The large decrease in the 3,4- olive oil composition. These were slight decreases in
DHPEA-EDA concentration observed in olive oils from chlorophyll and carotenoid contents and an important
the second harvest period of the 2001/02 crop season may decrease in the concentration of secoiridoid derivatives
be due to this. The concentrations of the remaining secoiri- and 3,4-DHPEA-AC which play an important role in
doid derivatives, such as p-HPEA-EDA, p-HPEA-EA, oil stability and the sensory attributes.
l After frost, oils showed lower stability and suffered
and 3,4-DHPEA-EA, increased in the 2002/03 and
2003/04 crop seasons after the frost damage that occurred important changes in their sensory attributes, leading to
in the 2001/02 crop season. However, no significant dif- absence of the bitter taste and less pungent taste. After
ferences in lignans (pinoresinol and acetoxypinoresinol) the freeze conditions, there were slight rises in the con-
were observed between the first and second harvesting centrations of simple phenols, such as vanillic acid and
period during the four crop seasons studied. The percent- vanillin, giving rise to sweeter oils.
ages of the main phenols in the total fraction showed that
the secoiridoid derivatives varied between crop seasons as
reflected in the level of 3,4-DHPEA-EDA, the main secoir- Acknowledgments
idoid derivative in all the crop seasons, and this percent- This work was supported by the Centre de Referencia de Tecnologia
age depended on the year’s weather changes, including the d’Aliments (CeRTA) of the Catalan Government and the grants ALI1999-
frost damage from December 2001. In the 2001/02 crop 0760 and AGL2002-00289 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia
season, a significantly different percent composition of the (Spanish Government). We wish to thank the Regulator Organism of the
phenolic profile was observed. This was characterized by PDO ‘Les Garrigues’ (Catalonia, Spain).
a lower amount of secoiridoid derivatives and especially
of 3,4-DHPEA-EDA, which decreased significantly, while
the percentage of lignans increased owing to their high sta- References
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