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The importance of a healthy life

Healthy Living is a life that is free from all spiritual (mental) problems or physical problems
(physical). Healthy living can be defined as someone who lives physically and psychologically
healthy without any health problems. As if it has become a trend today, healthy living is an
important thing to do. Because having a healthy body must start with a healthy and clean life so
that our bodies will be free from disease. From now on, it's time for us to start living healthy.
Let's live healthy today! is an encouragement for us to live a healthy lifestyle. implementing a
simple healthy life is the first step to starting a quality healthy life. It should also be noted that
many diseases are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is time to live a healthy
lifestyle since adolescence so that we get used to it and stay healthy until the age of 40.
Benefits of Healthy Living
Why is healthy living important? today there are still many people who do not realize how
important it is to live a healthy life for everyday life. Having a healthy body will certainly
support our daily activities. Just imagine if we have a disease caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, it
will certainly harm ourselves and also our families. Because, our activities will be disrupted
because we are sick and even there will be a lot of costs for treatment. Therefore, we must be
aware of the importance of maintaining health.
Healthy living can be started from yourself by reducing habits that are not good for health. from
now on it is time for us to start a healthy life without diabetes, a healthy life without smoking, a
healthy life without drugs and a healthy cancer-free life. let's start living healthy since
adolescence so that you can live a healthy life to the elderly. Here are the benefits of living a
healthy life

1. Happier
Apart from being beneficial for health, living a healthy life can also improve your mood.
Because living a healthy life can make you feel confident and improve your mood. This is
because living a healthy life by exercising and eating a healthy diet can stimulate the production
of endorphin hormones in the body. This is what makes us feel happier and more relaxed.

2. Increase body energy

The next benefit of healthy life is being able to increase the supply of energy needed by the
body to support daily activities. Running a healthy diet by consuming fruits and vegetables and
foods high in protein can provide a lot of energy for the body

3. Reducing the risk of disease

Living a healthy life, of course we will avoid disease problems. Living a healthy life by doing
regular physical activity will increase endurance. When living a healthy life, of course the intake
of protein, vitamins and nutrients will be fulfilled, which makes us avoid the risk of disease.

4. Healthy Lifestyle with the contents of my plate

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes) is aggressively promoting the
Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS). This step was taken to remind the public to
maintain health by implementing GERMAS in order to create a healthy Indonesia. In daily life,
healthy living is a form of mental revolution so that people are accustomed to living a healthy
One of the activities of healthy living that is being promoted intensively is living healthy with
the contents of my plate. The contents of this plate are ideal for normal adults, this is done to
prevent disease. Living healthy with the contents of my plate can be an indicator of one's health
for the long term.
The contents of my plate become a description of healthy food which includes 4 healthy 5
perfect which cannot be sufficient so that it is equipped with balanced nutrition guidelines with
10 points. The guidelines for balanced nutrition currently focus on 4 things, namely drinking
water, physical activity, routine health checks and washing hands with soap (CTPS) - (Complete
Information on Healthy Lifestyle).
B. Creating Quality Education to Produce Quality Human Resources

Education is a necessity that is useful for human life, both in social life and in the world of work.
The main objective of education is to improve the quality of human resources (Human
Resources). Education functions as a process by which a person is educated in order to have
moral qualities and skills that will later be useful for the progress of this country. Education is a
bridge for someone to enter the world of work. Therefore, quality education is needed to
increase a person's potential in order to enter the world of work in accordance with his wishes.
However, in my opinion, education in Indonesia today does not reflect the true function and
purpose of education. The quality of education in this country must be further improved,
because if you want to create quality human beings, doesn't education itself also have to be of
high quality? How can education produce quality human beings if education itself does not
have adequate quality?
The education system that has been running so far seems to have no meaning. Students are
stuffed with subjects they may not know what their function and purpose are. Every day they
learn the lessons that exist in order to achieve a goal, namely to achieve the highest score. In
fact, the purpose of education is to prepare them to enter the world of work. Most students
only think about how to get high grades, not how to increase their potential, talents and
interests which will later be useful for the world of work.
Many students are confused and slow in deciding what profession they want to be in the
future. Most of them only recognized their talents and interests when they were in high school.
Even worse, there is someone who just determines the profession he wants when approaching
college registration time. Maybe this is the reason why SMA is more sought after and in
demand than SMK. Although not entirely, many high school students have not found their true
identity. Meanwhile, SMK students have found their identity, have a purpose, and know what
they want to be in the future.
A real example of this thought pattern delay happened to myself. I only found out about my
true potential, talents and interests when I was in grade 2 high school. This happened because
all this time I was only thinking about how to get satisfactory grades in each subject. If only
before entering high school I had recognized these potentials, talents and interests, maybe I
would have chosen SMK over SMA. Because in my opinion, SMK can sharpen this potential to
become sharper. Meanwhile, in high school students are crammed with various subjects that
are not entirely useful for their future.
The thing that causes a delay in thinking in determining the desired profession occurs because
of the wrong education system. Education only stuffs students with various subjects, not all of
which are useful for them in the world of work later. Since childhood, the thoughts that are
implanted in their brains are only to get the highest score. Their potential, talents and interests
cannot be sharpened sharply because they also have to master various subjects beyond their
real potential, talents and interests.
To solve this problem, the education system should be changed and corrected. Education
should not force students to master various subjects that are not their potential, talents and
interests. It would be better if the number of SMKs in this country were increased and added
the existing types of majors. So that junior high school students who have found their potential
can immediately hone this potential at SMK. And if they want, after graduating they can
sharpen that potential by going to college. Meanwhile, junior high school students who do not
yet know their potential can enter SMA and find out what they really want. And after they
know that potential, they can enter universities that match that potential.
From the start, students should also be told what the real purpose of education is, for what and
what functions are the subjects they are studying, how to apply these subjects in real life and
what professions can be lived by mastering these subjects. With these things, students will
certainly have a picture and image of what kind of profession they really like and want. With
this they can also hone and develop their potential since childhood
In addition to a quality education system, improving the quality of human resources also
requires support and cooperation from various parties, including:
Government. In this country, many underprivileged children are smart and talented, however,
unfortunately most of them do not get a proper education. The role of government in the world
of education is to provide opportunities for them to be able to increase their potential through
proper education. Scholarships and education funds should be optimized for those who are less
fortunate. Teacher. The quality of education is also influenced by the quality of a teacher. The
teacher should realize that his role is as a teacher. And teachers must also realize that their
profession as a teacher is not only for earning a living and fulfilling their own needs, but also for
improving the quality of the students they teach.
Student. As someone who needs education, students should be aware of their obligation to
learn. As much as possible, this education is used in order to be useful for the future and to
improve his quality.

C. Efforts to maintain the natural beauty around

"Cleanliness can invite people to faith. While faith will be with its owner to heaven." That is the
word of the Prophet Muhammad. about the importance of cleanliness is given serious and
thorough attention because it has a very large impact on the confirmation of one's faith.
Hamka, who is an Indonesian literary scholar, cleric and political activist, has also emphasized
that "Religion does not prohibit an act if it does not harm the soul. Religion will not order if the
order does not bring safety and happiness." So, it is clear that religious instructions regarding
cleanliness will indeed provide goodness and benefit to us. Islam also considers that cleanliness
is a part of faith. This case needs to be the most important principle that must be sown and
embedded in the heart and soul of a human being. However, what actually applies is against
our will as humans. All natural treasures that were inherited from our ancestors in the past are
now destroyed and destroyed by the greedy hands of evil to restore the beauty of nature for
the sake of personal interests. For the sake of the country's rapid development in pursuing this
flow of globalization and meditation, the original management of resources was no longer
emphasized and ignored. The free use of land, the release of carbon gases into the atmosphere
and the disposal of the remaining pepejal into rivers are examples of neglected resource
management and are among the prime factors for the issue of surrounding natural pollution
that is increasingly disregarding only in Malaysia, even throughout the world. Therefore, as a
human being who is also the Caliph on this earth, it is appropriate to find a solution to this
weathered issue to preserve the natural beauty of the surroundings rather than continue to be
One of the steps I can take to preserve the natural beauty of the surroundings rather than
pollution is to practice the 3R practice, namely 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle' in everyday life. I can
practice reducing or reducing it in the use of materials that can pollute nature, such as plastic
and polystyrene. I should reduce the use of these materials because it not only pollutes the
environment but also takes a long time to be extinguished. They will also release many
chemicals that are harmful to your health if they are burned to release them. Reuse also
involves reusing used items that are still beautiful and avoiding them rather than throwing
them away like garbage. for example, I may reuse the clothes and things of my older siblings
who are still pretty. This not only prevents the disposal of quality items but also saves the family
shopping boarding house while mourning, cooked rice. In addition, used tayar and plastic
bottles can also be used previously, apart from being disposed of as breakfast waste. I can use
the screen and bottle as a fitting for planting flower staples around the house area. Tayar can
also be used as a cradle and games for children and teenagers who are still a year old. Recycle
or the original kitar also involves the activity of circling the barangan into a new item, such as
newspapers and tin. For example, I may collect items that can be circled in the first place and
then deliver them to the center of the original circle to produce new items. So, this 3R practice
will reduce the quantity of waste that is disposed of in addition to maintaining natural
resources that are not offered. The earth, which has become a site for sluggish garbage, is also
slowly being able to solve the natural pollution problem it faces, even though only a few people
like me practice this pure practice. Therefore, it is clear that over time the problem of natural
pollution can be overcome a little as much by practicing the 3R practice in my daily life.
Besides that, I can also use social pages as a medium to generate awareness about the problem
of surrounding natural pollution which is getting worse every day in other community experts
to solve cases that have long been swallowed up in this era. Following the statistics of
Suruhanjaya Communications and Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM), Malaysia has overcome
several developed countries in terms of cellular phone ownership by recording 119.2 guided
telephones usage for every 100 inhabitants. This is true because tutored telephones are the
convenience of the modern era in our society. Coupled with the convenience of the internet
network which has a worldwide network, all announcements can be spread widely and
impressively. Therefore, the use of social pages in conveying sadness within the marhaen in our
country will be very memorable. For example, I may post a status promotion or blog about
environmental pollution to manifest awareness in other individuals. I can also put up pictures of
the pollution that applies around my placement area so that other people are also sensitive to
the pollution that is happening around them. Not only that, I can also produce various videos
and then upload them to social pages such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to raise people's
awareness about the pollution that prevails in the country. These steps can also be taken by
showing, explaining and describing ways to deal with the contaminations that prevail in the
surrounding area. This method is guaranteed to cause awareness in the community as well as
being sensitive to the environment, especially for those who do not escape from their busy lives
in cyberspace. So, it is clear that I can reduce the increasingly sharp environmental pollution
around the world by spreading the awareness of spreading through the social page not only to
the people in this country but also to all people in all corners of the world.
Besides that, I can also practice my practice and hobby of planting staples around the house
area so that natural pollution around the area that still balances society and the state can be
reduced. Staple or flora carry out photosynthesis which uses carbon diosides to produce food
and oxygen. The oxygen produced can be used by humans and fauna. Carbon dioside will also
be released from humans and fauna after the respiration process is carried out. This natural
phenomenon will continue to rotate between plants and humans and animals, which is called
the carbon cycle. However, according to the study, the rate of destruction of tropical forests is
budgeted at 20 million hectares a year. This has taken away a large number of items in the
forest. Forest forests are also a major carbon sink. It is estimated that 500-700 billion metric
tons of carbon are contained in the forest. Therefore, through cutting, clearing and burning
forests for the purposes of the development of the country which is carried out by humans, the
carbon content stored in bio-enzymes will be released into the atmosphere in the form of
carbon dioside gas which will further complicate the existing state of pollution. This impression
not only contributes to environmental pollution but also raises the temperature of the local
area. Therefore, I will try to help reduce this problem by planting staples in my home area.
While these steps may seem minor and less helpful, I believe this initiative will make a positive
impression in the long run. For example, I would plant flower and decorative items such as
paper flower, mainland flower and tea base around my yard. Planting this flora can help in
terms of increasing the quantity of oxygen present in the air and reducing the carbon diocide
levels in the surrounding air. This will cause a decrease in the level of natural pollution around,
especially air pollution, although in very slow levels. This step is also like two eyes because it
can also beautify the area around it. So, it is clear that my practice of planting staples in the
area of the house can indeed help reduce the level of pollution that applies in our country.
Not only that, to reduce the problem of natural pollution around this, I can also practice
sustainable energy and green technology in my life. Green technology is the development and
application of products, equipment and systems to preserve the natural surroundings and their
original sources and minimize negative impressions of human activities. Green technology also
refers to products, equipment or systems that meet criteria such as minimizing degradation of
environmental quality, have low green house gas emission or are safe to use and provide a
healthier and better environment for all life.

D. Reincarnation based on balinese

In other words, for those who are alive, death is certain and those who know death are the way
to cut off rebirth, because they have found their liberation until they become one with the
bhatara body.In fact, in Shiva Tattwa, this oneness is the ultimate goal and should be sought for
those who desire Paramasunya's favors (read: eternal happiness). Then to arrive at that, the
first thing that has to be understood is why does birth have to exist and why do people have to
be in the cycle of birth, life and death that causes samsara (suffering)? This question was also
asked by Bhagawan Wrhaspati to Bhatara Iswara at the top of Mount Kailasa in the text of
Wrhaspati Tattwa.
The real fundamental question for those of us who wish to explore the path of Shiva as a way to
find the true meaning of life.
So, why should this question be asked? Because the nature of birth is the principle thing to
know for the provision of a way home later. Shiva's teachings provide a secret key, that to be
able to return home properly, we should know the path of our birth (arrival) in this virtual
realm. How do we go back to the old house, when we don't know the way to go back home.
Therefore, the nature of being born into a human being is an interesting topic of investigation
for Bhatara Iswara and Bhagawan Wrhaspati to discuss.
In fact the present birth or in every birth is connected with previous births. There is something
that connects us with the previous life, so that our present life is closely related to the life in the
past. As this is explained in a fundamental concept from Buddhism, namely "the causal order".
Cause will bring effect, and effect will be preceded by cause. As a result there is smoke that
must be caused by fire, so that there is a dependence between the present birth and the
previous birth.
In Shiva Tattwa, this is explained by the concept of karma, that is, every action will bring a
reaction. Then karma gives rise to the impression of that reaction, and it is ourselves who enjoy
all the reactions we do.
All are connected through the net of life. Through the teachings of Shiva Tattwa, we will
actually be connected to the center of the net, which is the source of the defeat. The source of
the defeat in question is of course the basic principle of creation called Paramakarana, namely
Lord Shiva as the cause of all the causes of this existence.
Therefore, birth is actually caused by karma which creates reactions and imprints on oneself
which are then enjoyed in various cyclic births.
This is in Shiva Tattwa referred to as Yoni as the basis of human birth. Yoni is the principle of
human birth which is interpreted as traces of karmic deeds or wasana attached to oneself in
every birth.
This karmic wasana is made an interesting metaphor in the Shiva Tattwa text, such as
sandalwood sticks that stick to the pot, and the fragrance of sandalwood will not disappear
even after washing with water, because the smell of sandalwood permeates the pot. Even so,
the traces of actions will stick in the self even though the physical body is destroyed, because
the marks from all these actions attach to the layers of the body of memory (manomayakosa).
Thus, it is this wasana karma that gives birth to the various yoni. And, all of that is due to the
reactions of the various karma that humans do in acting, speaking and thinking. Those who
throughout their life tend to cultivate violent behavior, then in the next birth will be armed with
the Giant Yoni.
Likewise, those who throughout their life sow goodness and compassion, even though there is
still a desire to get good rewards, then in their next birth they are armed with Lord Yoni.
There are also many other yoni-yoni as the basis of every human birth.
This is actually the answer to the question, why are humans born different, and the question
that often arises is why we have done good but still find suffering? The answer is to return to
the yoni as the basis of human birth. Yoni is what must be enjoyed as the karmic process goes
on. Most of us view life pessimistically.
Even though life continues as long as Atma has not yet merged with the Paramatma. So it is
during this life that we are given time to realize the basis of birth and form a better yoni than
before through behavior.
Even though we get suffering, when we have done good, and it is just a process for us to
undergo karma. The good deeds that we do, even if they cause suffering, must be lived well,
because the good deeds we are sowing now will give birth to a tree of goodness, the fruit of
which we can enjoy in the following lives. This life does not only take place in this life but will
continue in future lives. Even then, it must be broken with pramana or a way to get the right
knowledge, so that the chain of samsara can be broken and merge with Bhatara Paramasiva as
sunyaning sunya (transcending emptiness).
In this regard, the message about the meaning of birth in Shiva Tattwa is to direct us to an
understanding of "self" as the center of karma. In a simple sense, be yourself as the doer and
yourself as the enjoyer.
Even so, it is this self that determines our birth, whether it reaches its climax or degenerates
back into the cycle of birth, life and death.
Thus it is yourself who determines the yoni, and how our experiences will be very much
determined in this life. Perhaps we are not fully aware of this, but thus the yoni clings to itself
as the basis of every human birth.

E. 20 Easy Ways to Save Money

"Want to get rich quick? So live frugally!"
That sentence is often spoken and stored in everyone's mind, unfortunately it is not easy to
apply. Many people want to live frugally by reducing monthly expenses, but the temptation
always comes up so that often it costs something unimportant.
Beyond that, perhaps you have the nagging feeling that you are obliged to set aside some
money for emergencies. However, when the economic situation is like now, it seems that the
cost of living has been completely depressed, so that saving money can be an extra tough
How can you save money without forgetting to pay attention to the other needs of life? How
also can you live frugally and resist temptations that can drain your financial condition? just
follow these 20 ways to save money!
1. Learn Discipline in Managing Money
Managing finances is not difficult, but it requires a basic understanding of financial terms. It's
good to know what cash flow, ROI, IRA and so on. Thus, the awareness to live frugally is higher.
No need to read books, all financial terms can be learned directly for free via the internet.
2. Creating an Alternative Account
Actually, it's not that hard to hide money. Simply create an alternative savings account without
ATM card access. Every time the savings account receives a monthly salary, immediately
transfer a certain amount to an alternative savings account or just activate the automatic
transfer option so you don't have to bother sending manually.
So that the money in alternative savings is not used at all, do a savings book print every 4-5
months. Every time you receive a bonus, immediately deposit it immediately and if your
monthly income increases, it means that the nominal paid up must also increase.
3. Record Expenditures and Evaluation Periodically
Apart from caring about income, try to pay attention to expenses. Take paper and pencil and
record all expenses in a month. Try an in-depth analysis of all expenses and find out if there are
any sectors that could be suppressed or deleted because they are not important. Reducing
monthly expenses is the most effective way to save money.
4. Find Friends or Family Members with One Vision, Partner Support is Absolute Needed
To be more enthusiastic and in control in an effort to save expenses, ask for support and
participation from partners. A housewife is obliged to involve all family members to experience
frugal life. With the involvement of all parties, monthly expenses will be easier to control.
5. Avoid Sudden Purchases
Do not buy something sudden or outside of the monthly expense items, especially if it is not
'mandatory'. Spending money on unnecessary items because of the temptation to 'sale, wash
warehouse' is part of the waste. Don't make decisions that lead to regrets.
6. Pay Cash, Avoid Unnecessary Debt
The positive impact of the presence of a credit card is that you don't need to carry a lot of
money when shopping. However, the negative impact for the card owner is debt piling up due
to uncontrolled use. To be financially safe, free from credit card viruses, it's better not to put it
in your wallet and pay for everything in cash.
7. Consider Buying Used Goods
Are you often tempted to buy certain items that are not part of the expense item? It's fine, but
consider buying goods used rather than new. The price of used goods, aka second hand, is
much cheaper and affordable, the matter of quality depends on the accuracy of the prospective
buyer when making decisions.
8. Fight Bad Habits That Make You Wasteful
Everyone must have bad habits, but some have a negative impact on finances. Try to
understand and know yourself, whether you have bad habits that are harmful, such as hanging
out in cafes or buying snacks. If you succeed in fighting bad habits, living frugally is not just
9. Cut Transportation Costs for Efficiency
As is well known, transportation costs are one of the highest expenditure items. If you want to
save yourself all the time, consider going to the office by bicycle or making it a habit for your
children to walk to school. If the need for motorized vehicles cannot be compromised, it is
better to ride a motorcycle than a car.
10. Take care of health, pain is expensive!
Maintaining a healthy body is very important so that you don't get sick easily, especially when
the costs incurred can drain your wallet and savings book. Therefore, diligently exercise, drink
and eat regularly. Remember, prevention is better than cure. Staying healthy helps prevent
extra expenses for medicine and hospital expenses.
11. Adding a source of income
Gradually increasing your source of income will give you access to more choices in your
lifestyle. If you live a simple life, additional income will increase your wealth coffers.
12. Avoid competition in lifestyle with neighbors or co-workers
If you live in a luxury home environment, or a socialite work environment, you can inevitably
get carried away with a competitive lifestyle with neighbors or workmates. Avoid things like this
and remember that the competition for a lifestyle will never end and it will only make it more
wasteful. Focus on the situation and yourself, and try to do better than you did last year.
13. Don't buy what you can't afford or don't need
Just because a store offers an item for a "3 year down payment" doesn't mean you have to buy
it. Buy a product that you really need or can afford. Don't be tempted by advertising, let alone
into debt with a credit card.
14. Be careful in associating, choose friends with one vision
There is a wise adage that says "You are an average of 5 people around you." This means that
the current amount of wealth is not much different from the average 5 people around you.
This gives an indication of how important it is to get along. If you associate with people who are
successful in managing finances, you will also be infected with a successful lifestyle from that
15. Always See and Compare before Buying Goods
Are you a spendthrift in shopping? Moreover, to spend too much money when shopping at an
online store. If so, start now to always see and compare the price and quality you want to buy.
Changing your shopping habits to be smart is a fundamental step to saving money.
16. Involve the Whole Family to Save
Talking with your spouse and children about financial goals will help you succeed in realizing
the financial goals you dream of.
17. Reward Yourself for Successful Doing Something
When you have achieved savings in accordance with the plan or success in a job, there's
nothing wrong with rewarding yourself to spur even better performance. Gifts can be in the
form of holidays or buying the things you want.
18. Value Time
Time is money, meaning that every time you waste, you must be able to use it into money, it
can be in the form of looking for a side job or something else.
19. Know all the needs that must be met before receiving a salary
This is to make it easier for you to divide all expense items in the financial plan, so that when
the salary is received, you are ready to post the entire salary to the right things. Prioritize
urgent needs so as not to be overwhelmed and it can actually cost more if not resolved
immediately, such as paying credit card bills, electricity bills and other bills.
20. Save the Budget System with Envelopes
The envelope system is one of the easiest ways to start a budget by taking all of the revenue for
the month and dividing it into categories such as food, fuel, entertainment, and clothing.
F. Things that are naturally frightening to humans
While it is often said that humans have nothing to fear, there are many things in our DNA that
dictate what we fear. Why are certain things scary? Some of the things are scary because they
lead to negative memories, while others are scary because of the physical response that it is
harmful to our bodies, while others are some really weird phobias.
There are many things that are naturally frightening to humans and that is for good reason.
Fear is an essential component of everyday survival, rooted in our ancestors. But some fears
turn into phobias.
There's no denying that there are some things that are universally scary. Some scientists
suggest that fear is passed down through DNA, which means there are some things that we are
used to fear as follows, quoted from
1. Altitude
The fear of heights is triggered when your inner ear senses excessive gravity and tells your
instincts about it, reminding yourself of the distance that exists between your body and the
ground. It's said that if the distance exceeds 30 feet, your body goes into panic mode when the
eyes send visual signals to the brain.
2. Public speaking
Public speaking is not just a fear of school children, it is a fear that is felt universally. Even
people who are not afraid to speak in public get symptoms related to fear such as stomach
pain, sweating, difficulty sleeping the night before.
3. Snakes
Basically we are afraid of snakes because they are deadly venomous animals. A study in 2011
showed that children can find snakes faster than flowers. This ability signals fear in our nerves.
4. Fly
The fear of flying is a combination of several fears that many people have such as fear of
heights. While some people are afraid to fly after experiencing a really bad flight.
5. Holes
The fear of holes or also known as trypophobia actually comes from a biological response. This
is the fear of crowding holes and sufferers often report a panic attack or feeling itchy after
seeing a cluster of such indentations.
6. Eye Contact
The look or emotion in the eyes can affect the viewer. If someone is watching us with a negative
eye, our brain can trigger anxiety or fear.
7. Spiders
The fear of spiders has been in DNA since ancient times. Spiders posed a greater threat to
ancient humans. Even a bite that is not venomous can be deadly.
8. Narrow space
Known as claustrophobia, some scientists believe that fear and avoidance of tight spaces are
instinctive survival mechanisms. Avoiding confined spaces may be considered as avoiding
locations or conditions that could be threatening.
9. Sudden movement, sound, or surprise
Humans have a physical reaction to sudden movement, sound, or shock. When something
surprising happens, our bodies will also react defensively. It's a chemical reaction in which
adrenaline floods your brain and body. Some people like this feeling, that's why haunted house
rides have become popular, and some don't.

10. Mice
Researchers suspect that rats start to be feared when we start to gather to form large
communities. These creatures often carry disease and contaminate food sources. In medieval
times, mice carried disease ticks to various parts of the world, causing millions of deaths.
11. It's dark
Many children (even adults) are afraid of the dark. Before children are taught that bad things
can happen at night, they naturally fear the darkness. Why? Because humans used to be
hunted most often at night. It is known that predators like to hunt at night and take advantage
of the darkness.
12. Blood
Many people are afraid of blood and some don't but feel sick when they see it. Blood is
identified with a wound. When someone sees blood, it affects the brain as if we were
experiencing it (bleeding).
13. Death
Almost everyone has this fear of death. Instinctively the reason we fear death is the desire to
live and endure to stay alive. So much of our fear is part of the fear of death, like fear of wild
animals, bad people, or fear of dangerous places.

G. Success? this is the key

Achieving success at a young age is not impossible to be realized. There are three main keys
needed are effort, hard work, and sacrifice. If these three keys have been carried out, then
success will come soon.
However, the journey to success is never smooth. There are various other things that often
become barriers to success. No need to hesitate, keep trying and pay attention to the following
seven keys to success so that you can achieve success at a young age.
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1. Set Realistic Life Goals
Most people spend their youth having fun without thinking about the impact of these habits on
old age. You do not need to follow habits like this excessively because they are only temporary.
Better to invest time and money in setting goals in life in the next 10 or 20 years.
The life goals set today will greatly affect your life in the future. Consider the pluses and
minuses of each assigned point. Don't hesitate to ask other people for help if you need it.
2. Dare to be Unique
Everyone has their own unique side, including you. This uniqueness will highlight the
characteristics that will set you apart from others. Take advantage of this uniqueness in building
a career, for example building healthy competition with competitors, both in the world of work
and in the world of business.
Being a unique figure is certainly not easy. There may be one or two people who don't like your
personality. There is no need to think about what other people say while what is done doesn't
harm others.
3. Eliminate Negative Thoughts
Pros and cons are not something that sticks out in life. When you want to spread your wings
towards success, there are people who do not like to even plan to destroy what has been
planned by giving bad assumptions that will actually make negative thoughts.
If you meet someone like this, you should immediately step away to stay focused on realizing
your dreams. It's best to build a positive mindset and convince yourself that you can make
these dreams come true. Balance with effort and hard work to make the journey to success
even easier.
4. Avoiding the Passive Habit
Be an active person in the world of work, which means that you don't feel embarrassed when
communicating with colleagues at the office. This communication will certainly help you a lot
when completing team work so that the work is quickly completed. Try to imagine if you and
your co-workers just stay quiet while working, the task will definitely be neglected.
Building communication is not difficult. Conversation will flow like water when one party takes
the initiative to open the conversation. Start the conversation with light discussion topics first,
such as asking how you are doing or progress on an assignment.
5. Make friends with successful people
If you want to be successful, try hanging out with successful people around you, such as in your
area of residence, office, community and so on. Success stories told by people around you will
make you more motivated to pursue success even though you have failed many times.
Choose a social environment that can move you forward, not be retarded. Maintain good
relationships with people who are in the social environment so that the friendship is stronger.
6. Buying Goods While Investing
It's okay to buy a new gadget or vehicle. However, consider whether the items purchased can
be used as a long-term investment or not. Try to make the money spent today useful for the
future in order to avoid the impression of wasting money.
There are many types of goods that can be used as well as investment. For example, houses,
jewelry, bags and branded shoes, to watches. The purchase price of goods that can be invested
is indeed expensive, but the selling price remains or increases due to increased demand.
7. Don't Avoid Failure
Failure and success are like parasites that attach to a host plant, where the two cannot be
separated just like that. If you want to be successful, you have to be willing to face failure that
can happen at any time.
There are no failures sweet, all bitter. This is where many things can be learned. Take the
positive values of a failure and throw away the negative values so you don't feel overwhelmed
when realizing success.

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