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On this tutorial, I will show you the following:

Carding Amazon

Follow proper behavior

Cashing out from the carding


Double dip

Triple dip

Transferring money to other accounts

Getting paid by Amazon by receiving a check to your own house with the carded money safely.

1) Carding Amazon If you have any experience with carding, you already know the process of clearing cookies to
assure no cookies can be linked to previous activity or IP. Download CCleaner and run it before you interchange
between accounts. Be sure that you select all the tick options on CCleaner. After you have cleared your cookies, go to to check whether if there are previous cookies under your system. You will need proper Socks5 in order
to emulate the card holder's approximate or exact location. I suggest that you use and use their VIP72 +
Proxifier client. I understand that a lot of card holders might not live in the cities available under vip72, so what I like to
do is to choose the biggest city available by simply seeing which city has the most proxies available. ISPs are usually
based in the biggest cities therefore it makes it appear more credible. Another tip if you want precision is to simply
search where and what city the ISP is hosting for any particular city. For example, say that a target information is from
Berlin but there are not Berlin proxies available. What you want to do is to simply search where internet users from
Berlin get their internet from. The city in which the ISP is located could be different from the card holder's city. If you
use the location of the ISP, assuming that it is in the same state/province or approximate location, it should be fine. I
stick to the principle of always using the biggest cities. Note that it is highly suggested that you do this under a virtual
machine/box. Once you have managed to do that above, you obviously need a card to input the information. You need
to create a fresh e-mail account simulating as if you were the real owner; For example, card holder name is Joe Smith.
You want an e-mail registered as "" or "" or if it's taken, I often write
"2u" after the name. For example, "" I would highly suggest that you avoid using Gmail or
Yahoo as they will randomly close your account or ask you to verify them with phone number. If you have a burner
ready, then that shouldn't be a problem. Reusing the same burner phone number over and over will obviously raise flags.
I usually use to register new e-mails. Once you have your e-mail ready, go register to Amazon and input
exactly the information from the card. 2) Following proper behavior The biggest mistake that noobs make whenever
carding a website like Amazon is inputting their information and ordering stuff right away. I used to do this at some
point but I eventually realized how bad that strategy was. Think of Amazon as the 40 hour rule. 1) You register on the
first hour.

2) Spend maybe 5-10 minutes searching random stuff and acting like you are looking at stuff.

3) Get off Amazon for the next 4-5 hours and do not log in again.

4) Add some stuff to your cart on the 7th hour. Get off Amazon.

5) Go to sleep and don't touch the account.

6) Log in the next day and remove the stuff and add some other similar items. Get off Amazon.

7) After Amazon sees that you are a real customer thinking hard to make a decision, start small. By small, I mean to buy
a $20 gift card and have it sent to the new e-mail you registered. You will see that it typically says that it will be
processed in 5 minutes. Be patient and get off Amazon. Once you receive the gift card.
Apply it to a legitimate account of yours. Preferably on your main Operating System without the Socks. Give it another
day to go by and then buy bigger amount of gift cards. Ideal amounts are $50-100.

8) Cashing out from the carding The security of Amazon is a joke. By accomplishing the capability of buying gift cards,
you can simply apply them to your real Amazon account and buy items with them. I know that people say never to use
your real information to have things delivered but for Amazon, it is slightly different since gift cards cannot be charged
back. Even if it is, your balance is untouched regardless. I am speaking about this from experience. I've carded gift cards
for a combined amount of $400 from different CCs and have had items delivered to my house without any problems.

9) Refunds Once you have received your items, you will want to get the money spent as gift card balance on your real
account. The process of refunds on Amazon is really easy. My tip is to always avoid American representatives since
they ask too many questions and waste your time. The best suggestion I can give you is to always do the process of
refunds through Live Chat. Simply search for "Amazon support" and select "Where's my item" and then start the chat.
The process of social engineering is not difficult at all. You can copy and paste my example below: "Hello, I ordered
these items on DATEHERE and I have not received them. The order number is: PUTORDER#HERE" They will reply
by apologizing. You then reply by saying, "I have checked everywhere and I cannot see my package. I asked my
neighbors, and I even called the company that delivered the package. The company told me that it was delivered and my
neighbors have not seen anything." This leaves to the assumption that it was stolen. They will then proceed to ask you
whether if you want a refund to your account as gift card balance or if you want them replaced.

10) Double dip The double dip is simply you asking Amazon to resend you the exact items again. The other double dip
method is to simply say that you received an empty box when you received your package.

11) Triple dip The triple dip is rather funny to me. Once they have sent you the double dip (replaced items), you will
again contact Amazon support and say that the items could not be found applying what I suggested on the refund
method. They will again ask you if you want the items replaced yet again or a refund. You could try a triple dip, if you
want or get a refund. 8) Transferring money to other accounts If you opt out to get a refund, you can ask Amazon
support to move your gift card balance to other accounts by simply saying that you want to move the gift card balance to
another account. They will ask you the information about the account that you want the money to be moved. The idea
behind this is that you transfer the money to another account in order to continue ordering stuff, double/triple dipping,
and refunding, and then transferring the money again, and over, and over. 9) Getting paid by Amazon by receiving a
check to your own house with the carded money safely. Now, I understand that small amounts of $20-100 probably can't
buy items that can't be resold for much. The idea to fix this problem is rather easy. Simply buy gift cards yourself with
your money real to complete something worth buying. For example, let's say a PS4 that costs around $425 after taxes.
Let's say that you have $150 in gift card balance from carding. You buy a gift card for $300 and have it sent to a
different e-mail. Once you receive the gift card, apply it to your real account. Now you have a total of $450 on your
account to buy a PS4. You buy it, go through the process of double/triple dipping, and eventually a refund. You can opt
out to transfer the money to another account to continue the cycle, however; if you want to avoid doing that then the
solution simply consists of getting your account closed. Amazon will eventually close your account for too many
dipping/refunds. For example, Let's say that you double or trippled dipped and then Amazon closes your account
randomly leaving you unable to log in to your account again because there is a hold. You simply contact and ask them to please send you a refund check to your address. They will reply to you saying that it
will take 3-4 days to process. When you contact, be sure to provide your name and address as they
will ask you for it regardless. Now, let's say that you double dipped and then Amazon closed your account. You didn't
get the chance to refund the amount. This problem is easily fixable. You contact and ask them to give
you access to your account for 24 hours since you need your order information to report for taxes. They will give you
access for 24 hours. During these 24 hours, you can request a refund to be added to your account as a gift card. They
will process the refund. You wait for the 24 hours to be finished and then contact again and ask them
to send you the refund check to your address. You can use your real address for this. I have done this dozens of times as
this point. From this method alone, you could be make around $1-2k a week by following my tips that I mentioned
above. Let me give you a theoretical example: You have $150 from carded Amazon cards. You buy $300 from your real
card and have it sent to a different e-mail. You apply the $300 to your real Amazon account. You buy a PS4 worth
around $425. You get the PS4 and resell for maybe $380. You double dip and resell again for around $380. You just
made a profit of $760 - $300 invested from you = $460 You request a refund. Refund is allowed. You request a refund
check from You will get the $450 check in your address mail. You just made $450 + $460 = $910.
Follow the cycle over and over, and you will start seeing a real nice return. A final suggestion to you is to possibly open
other legitimate bank accounts so if your card gets blocked, you will have other cards from other banks ready to be used
and buy gift cards instead of having the money to buy gift cards only coming from 1 bank. You of course, need to clear
cookies and use a socks in your own city. This is all for now.

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