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"Now it's time for my favorite award. You have waited a long time! Tonight, we are all
gathered here and already know who are the owner of this grand award. Excuse me?
You guys don't know? Jesus, what are you talking about? Already on screen─ oh, oh
my. Hi, Haley?"

The camera zoomed in on Haley, who was sitting in the front seat with his legs crossed.
Woahhh. Whistles, applauses and shouts of the people poured out while Haley, sitting
with a calm and a little sleepy face, greeted the camera with a grin. That beautiful
smile made them give another shout of joy.

"Hello, James."

A staff member brought a microphone to Haley, and he greeted today's overly

dramatic host back.

"Wow, Haley. You look so dazzling tonight. Our cameraman hasn't been able to take
his eyes off you all night and they are finally nagging me to do an interview. ─Well,
where did you get your suit done?"

It's absolutely fantastic. James looked with envious eyes at the fine navy-blue tuxedo
that perfectly enveloped Haley's body and asked,

"T&A? Brioni? Kiton? Zegna? No, it's the first time I see such a sleek collar. Is it
handmade? Is that so?"

James kept pointing and winking at him as if saying, 'I'm right, aren't I?' and Haley
laughed, embarrassed.

"Well, I wonder. It wasn't me who bought it.... I received it as a gift."

At Haley's words, people cheered quietly as if they had gotten hold of a joyful gossip,
while James said, "That's right, you took the bait," and crinkled the corner of his eyes
with a friendly smile.

"Gifting someone clothes sure has that meaning behind*. And gifting you such a
breathtaking suit, the meaning is so blatant that even my legs are shaking. ─As
expected, is it that person?"

Is it Mr. Raycarlton? At James' question, Haley shrugged as if saying, 'Who else would it
be?' and smiled.

"The truth is, there's a paparazzi that I'm close with, and he's─ Sorry? Ohh, that's right.
He's a nice guy who takes stylish photos of me while I'm having a coffee, making them
look as if he was taking them secretly, but anyway, when I bragged to that friend that I
was hosting the film festival today, he bought me korean grilled beef, asking me to
interview you."

James' words clearly foretold a short interview coming ahead, making people applaud
at that. Early this year, after a heart attack that was mistaken for a suicide attempt,
Haley was extremely stingy with interviews. Despite being cast in Vick Procter's
blockbuster film, dating Noah, becoming the hero of a kidnapping, catching and
sending a stalker to jail, and having a series of big incidents like that, he didn't make
any comments and refused most of the schedules that would possibly allow for an
interview. Therefore, confessing that he was dating Noah Raycarlton during the
promotion of the film had been the most revealing of his personal life.

To make matters worse, Noah Raycarlton hated paparazzi to the extreme and was very
reluctant to be exposed to the media, which made the paparazzi, along with the media
and people, be thirsty for their stories.

There was a time when everyone thought Haley Lusk was really a no good, a really
incorrigible person, but that was all in the past now. He had earned public praise by
showing his passionate performance in the incredible blockbuster movie 'Real' that
would remain in Hollywood history. And after saving the life of America's most beloved
man, Noah Raycarlton, and becoming his lover, he was taking a more amazing and
surprising step each day. From rags to riches. Cinderella. All the dramatic titles that
people liked sparkled in front of his name.

Naturally, there were still those who showed envy and jealousy, questioning how long
his success would last. However, no one raised any objections to the fact that this
year's hottest actor was Haley Lusk.

"No matter how hard you want to hide it, you're not going to refuse an interview even
on a day like today, are you? It's the beautiful night of the film festival, after all!"

They applauded James' persuasion and James threw a polite thanks to them.

"How is it? Are you getting along and living happily with Mr. Raycarlton? Why didn't
you come with him today?"

Haley made a slightly troubled face at James' question, before saying, "You were
completely aiming for it," and then he laughed briefly. His graceful and beautiful
laughter was greeted with sighs and exclamations from here and there. And hearing
their cries, Chase and Vick ─ both seated next to him ─ were the ones who showed a
contented and smug face instead.

Today's Haley was fantastically fine, indeed. They all knew he had previous experience
with modeling, but thanks to his grotesque and horrendous fashion sense, his limping
gait, his deep dark circles, his sunken cheeks and so on, there was no one who thought
he was handsome or cool.
However, on these last few months, and right on this very day, everyone was
impressed and praised Haley's incredible looks.

The fine navy-blue suit ─ which even if you didn't feel like talking to him, you would
want to ask him about ─ fit his body like a glove along with that neat black hair and
emotional sea-blue eyes. His white skin ─ more glowing than the ones of a well cared
actress ─ and his beautiful face were so attractive, that they could surely adorn the
cover photo of a suit-specialized magazine.

And that young and fine-looking man smiled charmingly enough to attract people's
attention at a glance and told them,

"How could I bear not to be happy dating such a person? It even feels like a dream.
─He didn't come with me today because....well, yeah. It's because he is mad at me
right now."

He said he didn't want to come with me. ─They had expected a simple answer like him
being busy, or having some other business to attend. So when Haley suddenly made
this bombshell announcement, there was a stir in the awards hall, while James's eyes
sparkled and he asked, "Wow, are you admitting the bad relationship rumors? Did I
just catch an exclusive that no one else was able to?"

"Why? What have you done wrong, Haley?! Get it off your chest and tell us!"

James' eyes twinkled and Haley smiled bitterly. But even that bitter smile was so
alluring that sighs flowed out from here and there. Though this was only an interview
going on in the middle of an awards ceremony, everyone was focused on Haley's
words and expression shown on the big screen, as if they were watching a movie.

"Well, you know, it's a long story......"

Mason let out a small sigh, slurring the end of his words and rolling his eyes.

Yeah, it was quite a long story.


It all started right after the movie filming. At the time, he was always tired and without
enough sleep, so it was a time when he couldn't think straight. And he really didn't
think straight. Mason was so bent on trying to catch the stalker he had been after for
so long, that he didn't think about the consequences of it at all.

At the time of the kidnapping incident, it had been quite a big case. The two criminals
were already dead and since it had been already the second time that Noah, the
victim, had been kidnapped, everyone could easily predict how big of a shock that
would have been to him. That's why, afraid to leave him any traumas, everyone ─
there including even the paparazzi, those fellas who risked their lives for the sake of an
exclusive ─ treated Noah with caution. Almost none of them asked or did a direct
interview, and after he gave them an official answer through Phil, everyone gave a
noncommittal 'I see', and just chewed, sucked and rewound the previously revealed
news, only.

As a matter of fact, the only one who could give a real interview at the time was
Haley─Mason, but even he had suffered a serious bullet wound on his leg and was
lying down in the hospital, under the complete protection of the Raycarlton's, so the
interviews and coverages of that incident got lost into thin air.

The stalker case, however, wasn't like that. Mason, the one who had solved the case,
was clean and clear of any wounds, while the stalker had the back of his finger half cut,
with its skin dangling, but was alive and well. The trial also proceeded as everyone had
expected, as there were pile of evidences of how obstinate and dirty this stalker had
been. And although the stalker pointed to Mason with a frightened face while
continuously shouting, 'I thought I would be killed by that bastard!', no one listened to
him. He was charged with the crimes of stalking, property damage, attempted murder,
and all sorts of other crimes, receiving a heavy sentence of 12 years and being fined
$450,000. So that turned out into a light and exciting gossip with a happy ending, just
like how the public expected from a star.

That being the case, the media started to pounce on him about this case like a swarm
of grasshoppers. The black trench coat, the shirt, the shoes and even the watch that
Mason wore to go to trial made headlines and sold like hot cakes, and the reporters
wished for Mason to brag about this heroic story and explain it himself to the camera.

Every person he met asked him about the stalker, and his house was infested with the
paparazzi to the point that even his neighbors were reporting them to the police. So,
naturally, he couldn't step a foot out of Noah's house.

And it was needless to say, that he couldn't do such a thing like setting up a coffee
shop too.

At first, Noah only said, 'You finally caught that guy then? I had wondered why you had
asked for the car,' and was pretty much indifferent about this case. But then, as Mason
stayed all day loafing around at home because of it, he became extremely happy,
walking around with a bright grin for days.

Mason too, was boiling with rage for losing the cafe spot he had set his eyes on, but he
liked to see Noah's smiling eyes while listening to him talk about his day with his
affectionate voice and beautiful smile, or to play trivial games with Noah, or to eat
breakfast, lunch and dinner together with Noah, or to sleep after being exhausted
from sex and wake up to see Noah sound sleep... he liked it so much that he thought it
wasn't a bad thing that things had turned out this way.

The problem arose around the time he was able to work again, as the media had
somewhat calmed down, and the movie was about to be released.
Mason had nothing to do and was spending his days taking a walk and exercising,
when Tony came to him saying, 'Let's just do this one.' 'We must really, definitely do
this one.' 'This will be the last one.' 'You're bored too, right? This work will be just as if
you were playing around.' 'This one is worth $300,000 for two hours, are you really not
doing it?' and began to bring him work.

And Mason, with his body itching for some work, was actually longing to do anything
and almost going crazy over it, so it was obvious he took Tony's bait and asked, 'Really?
Should I just do that one then?' '$300,000 for two hours? You mean, $150,000 per
hour? Is it an AV? Ah, well, there is no way an AV would pay me $300,000..... oh, just a
talk show? And all I have to do is chatter?' 'With the hottest interior designer these
days? Should I ask him for the interior design of the cafe too?'

'He is a specialist in designing cafes. I heard you have to make a reservation half a year
earlier in order to meet this person.'

Tony coughed and stated it proudly, and Mason said, 'Half a year earlier? He must be a
really busy person,' and then he nodded.

'Alright, add that one too.'

Mason told him, excited at the idea of taking advice from these days' hottest cafe
interior designer.

'Let me see, since they said this show would be on a Friday then─'

'You are taking on all these schedules?'

Tony was busy adjusting his schedule here and there, when he heard a voice behind
his back and jumped to his feet. At the sight of Noah wearing his suit gorgeously,
probably right back from work, Mason said, 'You are back early,' with a smile on his
face. But instead of returning his smile, Noah snatched Tony's diary from him, and
while looking at it, he asked him once again.

'Do you think he has twelve bodies?'

Noah pointed his finger at the schedule table.

'Here, here, here and here, and here. These schedules are all overlapping. You don't
seem to think at all about the time it takes to go back and forth, and the paparazzi that
will block the road, huh? Tony.'

It's not as if you were an amateur manager. Noah told him sharply while returning the
diary back to him. Tony squirmed at his words and asked him cautiously.

'I was actually going to speak with you, er... could you lend us your helicopter for some
'You mean, if he can borrow and use my helicopter?'

Noah looked back at Mason after hearing Tony's words. He looked attentively at
Mason and smiled.

'You are asking such a ridiculous thing. Not only lending him a helicopter, but I would
even have gladly given him a private jet if you had asked me to buy him one.'


'That was, of course, before I saw that unreasonable schedule.'

Noah laughed, as though he found it absurd.

'A schedule split into minutes... as if Haley was a minor actor who would starve if he
didn't make that small sum of money right now. I wonder how you could bring him
such a messy work schedule.'

Although he was smiling, Noah's reproachful words were full of mocking sarcasm,
making Tony's face turn red at that.

'T-that's, because it would be a pity to miss them all.....'

'If he works without having the time to sleep or to eat, then you might miss something
that would really be a pity to miss.'

Noah told him coldly before gathering Tony's things that was scattered around the
table and handing them to him. It was a signal for him to hurry up and go back. Tony
accepted them hesitantly while glancing at Mason with eyes that begged for help.
Mason let out a small sigh and stood up, pulling Noah by his arm.

'Don't be so hard on Tony. I also agreed on that.'

Noah's devoted fan, Tony, had eyes that were almost ready to burst into tears. Noah
furrowed his brows slightly at Mason's words, but soon he spoke to him.

'I'll lend you the helicopter, but... let's clear up that schedule. To the ones that will
really be a pity to miss, not beyond three per week.'

Tony moved his eyes around, hesitating and pondering what to do, and Noah kicked
him out of the room. Sigh. Mason saw Noah's small frown and walked up to him.
Seeing Mason coming close, Noah relaxed his face and smiled.

'$300,000 for two hours?'

' know, my annual salary was $420,000 when I was at Zii.'

Isn't it natural that I would be tempted? Mason said with a shrug. He had to roll
around in the desert or the jungle while being shot and having his life on the verge of
death for one whole year to make $420,000, so when he heard they would bestow him
$300,000 if he just chattered away for two hours while having a soft drink in a nice and
cool place, it wasn't easy for him to refuse.

Noah laughed briefly, in a way that sounded like 'for just a mere $420,000?' and then
he caressed Mason's cheek with his hand.

'I can pay a million dollars or even 10 millions dollars if I could buy your hour. I may
even prepare a blank check, where you can write down any amount you want.'

'.....and what would you make me do in that hour?'

What will you make me do to pay me $10 million an hour? Mason asked and Noah
smiled with his eyes.

'What do you think I would make you do?'


All in all, it was obvious what a man would do after buying his lover's time. As Mason
rolled his eyes, Noah laughed out quietly, kissing Mason's cheek and muttering, 'Really.
You are so quick-witted.'

'But you wouldn't know exactly what, would you?'

Do you know exactly what I would do? ─Noah asked with a suggestive voice, taking a
step closer, and Mason took a step back, smiling.

'Right..... you are not going to make me eat something, are you.....?'

'Well, seeing how you're curious, I guess you are willing to hear it out and think about
it if it's not a bad proposal?'

No, I didn't mean that...., Mason was taken aback by the sweet smell of grass when
Noah got extremely closer, so he took a step back, and Noah got a little more closer.
And then, he took a step back, and he, a step closer, again and again, and at some
point, he got trapped by the armrest of the sofa, stumbling and falling down on it in
the end.

'Should I use the blank check right now?'

'No, I don't like money to that extent...'

How could he give a blank check for an hour? When he took things that far, he couldn't
even say he was treating him like a hustler and criticize him. Mason gave him an
awkward smile and Noah said, 'For someone who doesn't like money...' and then he
glanced over at some of the contract papers on the table.

'I saw you already signed a new movie contract with that guy I wanted to shoot down.
When the movie you have just filmed hasn't even....been released yet.'


'Of course it wasn't because of the money, right?'

'It's not like you fell for the 10 million dollars and the running guarantee, right?' Noah
asked, holding Mason's chin with his finger. Ten million dollars and a running
guarantee. Looking back on his previous box office records, this contract would
certainly ensure him some millions of dollars, so Mason had signed it, bewitched. Not
being able to avoid his eyes any longer, he looked at Noah's face and gave him a
groveling smile.

'......what would you want me to do?'

'I'm sure I would be hated if you did everything I wanted, so what would be good I
wonder......right. How about some outdoor play?'


You tried hard to choose a play that wouldn't get yourself hated and came up with
outdoor play? Mason looked clearly at him and Noah grinned, his eyes crinkling up in a
sexy way, and while licking his lips, he said,

'Anywhere is fine. A dark alley would be stimulating.'

Noah whispered, leaning over and bringing his nose to his. He moved his hands,
unbuttoning the shirt on Mason's body, one button at a time, and when his nipples
became visible after the fourth button, he pulled his hands away and smiled. As if
doing it outside was without a doubt, something they should do for sure.

Noah pulled Mason ─ who was flushing red ─ up by his arms, and made him lean over
in the narrow gap by the window, beside the bed.

'No, I─'

'In a narrow and dark place without any lights."

Click. Noah pressed down the light switch.


He whispered, 'Be good, huh?' at the back of Mason's neck, pushing and making him
lean right up against the wall. Then, he trailed his hand down, brushing it across the
front of Mason's pants in a sensual way. And with the other hand, he pushed open the
window, letting the wind flow through. As the window opened, the outside noise
leaked inside.


Mason sucked in his breath. That's because Noah had opened the window, and at the
same time, he had pulled the front of Mason's pants down. Mason could feel his face
turning red and braced his forehead against the wall. He felt Noah's cold fingers
grabbing his crotch. 'Ugh─' He shivered at the cold feeling and rested his forehead on
the wall. Noah chuckled and exhaled into his neck. 'This body is really so sensitive,' he
said after seeing the slight tremble on his shoulders, and then he began to stroke the
cock in his hand. He rubbed his own thing in the crease behind Mason's pants, in
ryhthm with his hand, which was kneading Mason's front erotically, as though it was
trying to squeeze his semen out.


The feeling of Noah's hard erection grinding in between his cheeks made Mason get
wet down there, as though he had really put it inside. He closed his eyes tightly,
sensing Noah's hand fondling and shaking his balls, stroking his shaft and rubbing the
slit. His pants dropped a little more and his briefs got caught in his thighs. Noah
pinched his nipple hard with a hand, while holding and rubbing his balls with the other,
before cupping it a little further inside and pressing the diamond back in a twirl.

'Hahh, uhh, that's...'

'This, why aren't you taking this out?'

Noah inquired, letting out his hot breath on the back of his neck. His wet voice and the
tickling sensation of his breath on his neck made Mason bit his lips as he felt his body
going weak. Noah pulled the piercing slightly, urging him for an answer, and Mason
stammered his words out.

'I-I didn't know how to take it out...'

Mason, who had never once done something called as piercing, did not have the
slightest idea about what to do with that little stone stuck in that fragile spot between
his balls and ass. When he tried to tug that thing, which already seemed to be glued to
his skin, it only made him feel weird, scared and in pain, as it refused to come out. And
to go somewhere to have it taken out was.... well, since Haley's face was too well-
known, if they sold it later at an auction of some sort, even the brazen-faced Mason
would be extremely embarrassed. They lived in a place where even the hair of a star
who had cut it off after going mad over a paparazzi had been sold at a high price. So it
was needless to say that the rather big stone that had once been stuck between the
legs of a star would surely and easily get sold.
'You don't know how to take it out.'

Noah smiled as if he was pleased with Mason's answer.

'So, if I secretly put a piercing on you while you were sleeping, you would have no
choice but to kept on walking around with it, then.'

'I like these places actually,' Noah stated while rubbing Mason's left nipple and the tip
of his dick in a painful way.

'Please, stop...'

Noah's dirty and vulgar taste in sex was so contrasting with his graceful and innocent
appearance that Mason gasped and grabbed Noah's right hand. He tried to push him
off, but Noah slid down the hand that was holding his chest and gently pushed it inside
of him. His already wet hole parted slightly and swallowed Noah's finger.


Noah smiled at his reaction and sank his teeth into Mason's damp neck. As Noah
stirred his insides with his finger, Mason felt his lewd moans leaking from his mouth,
'Haa', 'Ngh', so he bit down his lip.

'This body was naturally enticing but... maybe it got used to my cock after doing it for
quite a few times... it even feels like it's perfectly customized to fit my rod now. Like

The fingers that were carelessly stirring and poking his insides came out, and Noah's
thing rushed in immediately after, pushing and making his way inside. Mason inhaled
deeply, being completely pushed against the wall. He shivered as soon as Noah's thing
broke into his closed inner walls, as if an electric current had run through his whole

"Ahh....hnng─ w-wai....'

Mason shuddered, feeling Noah's body heat, as he stood with his entire body clung to
his. 'Stick your…ass out...just a bit more,' Noah panted hotly and tugged his hips
towards him.

'Nn─! Ahh, ugh──!

As his hips were pulled, Noah's thing got even deeper inside. Mason could feel his back
getting soaked in sweat. He tried to muffle his bursting out moans with his hand and
closed his eyes tightly. His skin tingled as if it had been charged with electricity, and
when Noah thrust up into him lightly, he felt his eyes going blank with dizziness, and
just like that, he came against the wall.

' you know how you are when you cum?'
What kind of chick did you hold while making such a face, huh? ─Noah pinched
Mason's perked up nipples while Mason shrank back, trembling all over, and then
Noah began thrusting his hips hard, as though he was driving him crazy.

'Hah... ughhn...ahh! ─Aaagh...ahh... aahh!'

Tears and semen splashed on the floor. Their sweat-soaked skin bumped against one
another while the wet, squishy sounds and the scream-like moans escaped from his
mouth even when he tried to cover it, so Mason bit his lip and stretched his hand. Just
thinking these dirty sounds would leak through the opened window made his ears go
red and his eyes go blank, but he couldn't close the window. Noah had dragged that
hand and held it against the wall instead, while making him completely bend forward
and ramming inside of him with force.

'Ahh....hahh... ughh── hnng...ahhh... ahhn!'

Noah's thing came in and out of him as if it was trying to break his insides. Noah gritted
his teeth and growled, feeling his cock being clenched around so lewdly by his tight
inner walls.


Mason sucked in his breath with a gasp, fingers scratching the wall at the strong hands
that grasped his waist. Mason's sweaty hands slipped, and before his shoulders hit the
wall, Noah pulled him up again and slammed his thing back. Mason screamed and
twisted his hips. He felt his cum spurting out and dripping from his dick.

'It seems there's milk coming out of your tit.'

Noah said while caressing down Mason's wet ass with his hand. Mason's body was
already flushed hot, but hearing that hoarse voice behind his neck made his body turn
red again.

'Although it doesn't feel like we're doing it outside, but....'

Noah inhaled and exhaled deeply and took his penis out with a sloppy sound. Mason
let out a gasp and shuddered as he felt his walls being pulled out together. When
Noah's cock came out and his hands were taken away from his sides, Mason slumped
down at once. His legs felt like jelly and he couldn't keep himself up. But before his
knees could hit the floor, Noah caught his arms, and after making him lean against the
wall, he stepped closer in front of him. Mason frowned when he felt Noah's throbbing
length on his cheek, and Noah placed a hand on the wall while looking straight down at
Mason and releasing himself with one last stroke.


Noah came, squinting his eye with an erotic face, and Mason stayed with his mouth
shut, looking at his cumming face, seemingly at a loss for words. A lukewarm and
slippery thing was trickling down his nose and cheeks.

Noah had ejaculated on his face. And he had shot so much that it quickly dripped down
to his lips and chin.


Mason stared at Noah's neat and satisfied face, and then he lifted his hand and swept
down the cum that was seeping into his mouth. But Noah took that hand full of semen
and smeared it all over Mason's face before calling him.


Mason didn't answer. He felt his seed would trickle inside his mouth if he did. Noah
patted his cheek in understanding and said,

'It doesn't really matter how much you sell Haley out. Because I have you. So it's more
than right to let Haley live as Haley. Whether by doing dramas, or filming a movie with
that bastard I want to shoot with a gun, that's alright. I can understand, but...'

Noah stuck his tongue out, licking and sucking Mason's tightly closed lips.

'....this is mine. And if it comes to a point when you forget about this, then that would
be troublesome.'

'.....are you warning me, saying you will do this kind of thing again if it gets to that

Mason said with a sigh after feeling the slippery thing eventually getting inside his
mouth. Noah smiled, crinkling the corner of his eyes, as though he didn't know

'Do you think it would only end up with this?'


It wouldn't be enough to make you swallow a little cum with your asshole and your
mouth, only. Noah let out those obscene words with an innocent smile. Mason rolled
his eyes at that face, which was devoid of even an ounce of embarrassment or shame,
and finally dropped his gaze.

'Shall we go wash up? Though I'm fine staying like this too.'

Noah said with a cheerful smile, and feeling the cum that had been smeared widely
across his cheek drying up, Mason sighed and held his hands out to him. Noah took
him up, carrying him on his arms while walking towards the bathroom, and of course,
after touching him all over with the pretense of washing him up, they began another
round of sex. Only after the sky turned yellow and his cum dripped down like water
was Mason allowed to pass out on that day.


"That would be a long story to be told....."

Mason slurred his words, and after looking around at the sparkling eyes of the people
who were curious about why such a gentle and kind Noah was angry, he smiled.

"And it would be too personal and depressing to be telling such a story at a film festival
like this. You should ask such things over a glass of drink at least, you know? ─Oh, you
have the drink ready?"

Mason asked back with a little smile after seeing the staff's hand signal, and people
burst out laughing. He made a face, as if pondering if he should really ask him for a
drink, and then, as though something had just crossed his mind, he asked,

"But, this award... will I be the one receiving it?"

"Oh, Haley."

James knitted his brows like the chinese character for "eight"八 and laughed.

"You mean you're fine with any awards? Sure that this is an honorable award, but..."

"They are all fine, naturally, however... was there still no one who has left a word of
apology to his or her lover during an acceptance speech?"

Mason spilled out that he wanted to get anything quickly so that he could apologize,
and people laughed again at his words. They could clearly see by the light tone of his
voice that the two of them hadn't spat that seriously.

"I guess there hasn't been anyone yet, but I will give you enough time to do so later on.
As this award has another owner. ─It's the Award for Best Supporting Actress! Sally
Bart! Congratulations!"

Thunderous applauses poured out and an old actress in an elegant dress stood up from
a side with a moved face. They all sent her hearty cheers and Mason too, clapped for

" really had a fight?"

Mason was clapping and trying to hold back a yawn when Vick questioned him, quietly
and secretly, next to him. "We didn't fight. It was Noah who got angry," Mason
corrected him. Vick whistled, pretending to be cheering for the actress who had won
the award, and asked,
"Why? What did you do?"

"I think I know what it's about....."

Chase muttered, while showing off a grin in order to be caught on the camera with a
bright smile.

"You think you know? Why? Why?"

Vick pressed and urged him, saying his hair would stand up from curiosity, and Chase
looked at Mason, giving him a bitter smile. Mason just let out a little sigh.


He tried to cut down and reduce his schedule to some extent, but as he took a work or
two, there came a lot more works related to them, and so the time he had to spend
working became longer. Work became quite hectic and Noah's forehead gained a
wrinkle. He knew Noah was annoyed, but once he started getting busy he was swept
away by his current-like schedules.

But it was only when the film was released that Mason got truly swamped.

At first, he was stuffed with schedules to promote the film. From premiere to fan
signing events... he was at all the major movie theaters across the United States,
waving his hand, spreading autographs of Haley that he had practiced, and doing
things like that. Around ten days after the movie was released, its extraordinary box
office boom increased the number of places that wished to meet the leading stars of
the film.

The movie 'Real' had completely overturned the box office rankings of the previous
films that Vick himself had set, and despite being currently on screen, it had already
usurped and set an all-time box office record. It wasn't a box office hit, but an
incredible tornado-like bonanza.

Vick boasted triumphantly, 'See? What did I tell you?' and Mason said with a cold
laugh, 'I can see you were the only one who got really rich.' Vick was, of course,
already extremely rich, but he got even more so, just like Mason had said, whereas
Mason didn't become extremely rich, as predicted, but just turned into a top star.

A top star... That truly wasn't something likeable to Mason, but after making a strong
impression for saving Noah and catching the stalker, plus the impression he left
through the scary and cold-blooded character 'Closure' of the movie 'Real', Mason
started to get the so-called fans which he didn't have all this while.

And according to the general opinion of the people who had kept an eye on him,
Haley's fan used to express their affection in such an unique and extreme way.....that it
made Noah get irritated to a great extent.
That had happened just yesterday.

Yesterday as well, Noah wasn't in a very good mood. Mason had been extremely busy
recently, and in order to promote the film, he had not only explored New York,
Arizona, Boston, Miami, and the whole United States, but also Canada, England,
France, Korea, Thailand.... wandering around the world.

'Wow, who am I seeing here?'

Noah, who had waited in his house, in his bedroom, and finally met him after ten days,
said it with a big smile and a face that showed he was trying to suppress his anger.
Instead of making some excuse or other, Mason hugged him tightly. Though he had
really wanted to hug Noah, whom he had met after such a long time, a small part of it
had also been because he was scared to see his face.

'I almost forgot your face. And what business has brought you back home? ─Oh, could
it be because of tomorrow's awards ceremony?'

Mason heard Noah's cold voice in his neck and gave him the answer considered as
correct, 'No, I missed you.'

' think that's going to relieve my anger?'


Mason laughed softly instead of replying him. That's because the coldness in Noah's
voice had diminished a little. Noah looked just like an angry cat, and Mason took a
deep breath in while embracing his shoulders. That unique smell of grass made his
shoulders relax.

'For crying out loud...... what on earth have you been doing?'

Noah sighed quietly before swiftly lifting Mason in his arms and throwing him on the

'I, wait─'

Mason showed both his palms to stop Noah, who was approaching him while
unbuttoning his own shirt without even taking a shower first, as though he had been
enduring it all this time.


Noah promptly furrowed his brows and asked him impatiently, and Mason said,
avoiding his eyes.
'Well..... I have a shoot this afternoon.'

'I will be gentle.'

Noah said with a friendly smile, but what he actually meant was, 'I can't believe you
have a shoot in the afternoon again and I'm pretty annoyed to see you so busy but
whatever the case let's do it right now,' and Mason stood firm, shaking his head.

'......It's not like I believe in those words, and even if I did, I have to take my clothes off
in this afternoon's shoot so.....'


Noah held Mason's cheek and looked him in the eyes. Mason saw Noah's green eyes
brimming with anger, passion, envy, along with other emotions, and swallowed hard.

'I'm sorry. I didn't know things would turn out like this either....'

At Mason's apology, Noah bit his own lip hard, and then he drew a breath and released

'But I will get all my schedules sorted out soon so....'

'Ahh, you know you've been saying that since last month, don't you?'

Noah asked him sharply with a smirk. 'But it's real this time.....' Mason said, grabbing
his hand, and Noah stared pointedly at Mason.

'Since the film will no longer be playing in the movie theaters soon... so I'll have spare
time before long, and then I will really set up a coffee shop and be at home─'


Noah called him as if saying, 'Do you think I will let myself be fooled this time again?'
Mason wanted to say firmly that he was really, seriously going to sort out his schedule
this time but.... that wasn't really easy with the schedules flooding in. Unless he cut
them all at once, they kept on turning into a continuous and endless flow.

'.......Today's shoot will end up early.'

'Sure it will. You have to prepare for tomorrow's awards after all.'

Noah let it out icily and got off the bed. Mason licked his chops, feeling regretful to see
Noah standing up, even though he had been the one who had turned him down, and
stood up after him. He wondered if he was getting out of the room and was going to
follow him, but Noah picked up the large boxes that were over the table.

'What is it?'

As Mason asked him dubiously, Noah made him carry the box, shoving it to him, and
then he opened the box himself. A suit, which just by a glance one could tell was of
high-quality, came out from inside.

'Originally, you were supposed to go to the tailor's to be fitted, but...... because you are
so busy, right? The tailor took the measures of another suit you had and made it by the
rule of thumb.'

Noah seemed a little annoyed by even that fact, actually, but Mason took out the suit,
and after holding it over his body, he asked him.

'Does it look good?'

', we shall put it on you to find that out.'

Noah looked his body over, as though he wanted to tore off those clothes right away
and put on the new ones for him. Mason placed the suit down with a quiet laugh and
Noah opened another box.

'Shoes and a watch too...... did you choose them yourself?'

Mason asked, thinking how Noah's taste was indeed flashy after looking down at the
neat and extravagant shoes and watch that came out of the box. It was a Breguet and
a Berluti.

'Obviously. Why? Do you think I'm being too much of a flaunter?'

'A bit.....'

They were a combination that screamed from head to foot that he had a boyfriend
with an excessive amount of money. Noah laughed, his eyes crinkling up.

'This couldn't even be considered as showing off...'

Noah told him in a way that seemed to say 'as if those things cost a lot', and then he
added, 'The most expensive accessory you will have on tomorrow can't compare to
them, you know?' After that, he pulled Mason's hand, which had been fondling the
watch, and kissed his lips.


'I mean tomorrow, will there be anyone else entering with you besides me?'

Don't tell me you're getting in with someone like Vick or Chase? Mason felt his ears
going a little hot by Noah's question, letting out a 'Of course not,' before planting a kiss
on Noah's pretty lips.
It was true that, a few days ago, Vick and Chase had asked him to enter it together, but
Mason was thinking about walking the red carpet with Noah, anyway. This didn't mean
he hated Vick and Chase, but they were a bit noisy and annoying, and also, walking in
together with Noah was something he was extremely looking forward to.

To think that Noah ─ who was already dazzling enough every day ─ would dress himself
up gorgeously and stand on the red carpet under the shining lights and flashes with a
beautiful smile... now, that would honestly be way too sexy.

It was easily predictable that he would be the most fine and stunning person among
the actors, or any other stars that would show up tomorrow.

Noah seemed to look better after giving his present to Mason and receiving a kiss.
Mason was also very happy at the thought of going into the awards with Noah. It was
on that evening that things went awry.


"Ahh, why? Huh? Why are you angry? ─Why are you two the only ones that know? Did
you two have an affair? Is that why only the two of you know?"

"The camera, director."

The camera is coming. Chase took a hold of the excited Vick and grinned. Mason also
showed a smiling face, holding back a sigh and saying, "No, that's...." and then he
slurred the rest of his words.

"He is mad because of the fans, right Haley?"

"Fans? He got angry because of the fans? Why?"

Chase had said it while glancing at Mason with worried eyes, and Vick stamped his feet
lightly, as though asking them why they were being so slow and not spilling it out
already. Mason just let out a little sigh instead of giving him an answer, so Chase said,
"I see... as expected," before turning towards Vick.

"Ah.... you know, Haley's fans are a little bit, no, actually, very..... extreme. They're
rough and.... burdensome."

And yeah, they are quite over the top. Chase stated it with a shudder, and Vick, who
hadn't accompanied them on the movie's promotion, just blinked his eyes.

"? What do you mean?"

Mason didn't want to say anything, so he kept his mouth shut and looked with a
vacant mind at the actress' retreating back as she went down after finishing her
acceptance speech.

James, the host, waved at the actress and sent her a hand kiss.

"Sally Bart, congratulations once again for the Best Supporting Actress Award. I want
to say I really enjoyed the movie. I cried so much while watching Bright...."

James pretended to wipe off his tears and gave a heartfelt look of love and respect.

"Next we have, of course, the Best Supporting Actor Award, right? They are the male
supporting actors, whom just as much as the leading actors, or even more than them
in someone else's heart, made themselves memorable with their acting and...... Shall
we meet the nominees?"

As soon as James finished talking, Mason's face was on the big screen again. Mason
shrugged and waved, while James introduced him with a bright grin.

"Maybe it's because we heard you had a fight with your lover, but you seem more
melancholic than a while ago. And here we have the first nominee. Haley Lusk, who
played 'Closure', the lone killer in the movie 'Real'!"

A short edited video clip of Haley's highlights from the movie 'Real' was displayed in all
its grandeur, and before long, Haley's face was back on the big screen once again.
Although they had only introduced the nominee, Vick and Chase clapped so hard from
both his sides, that one would think he had won the award.

"Now now─ Vick, Chase, that's right. Haley was nominated. Calm down, boys."

James tried to hold them back and Mason laughed as if he found it funny, but he was
completely distressed. My most expensive accessory, he thought. He was going to
enter the awards hall elatedly with the shining and gorgeously dressed Noah by his
side, but why had things turned out this way?

"I might as well introduce the next nominee to calm you guys down. The next one is
the man who made an enthusiastic performance with the actress, Sally Bart, who has
just won the Best Supporting Actress Award. Inside the movie, he is Bright's....."

As James introduced the next nominee, Vick and Chase quickly sat down and resumed
their conversation.

"What about Haley's fan? Extreme? Do they hit or something?"

"No, it would be better if it were something like that instead, but Haley's fans......"
Mason listened to Chase talk about his fans while making great efforts to open his
sleepy closing eyes, and then he tried to hear the next nominees. He couldn't think of
anything else other than the fact that Noah would have looked very pretty.

─vrrhh. Mason heard a short message sound from his pocket and he took out the
phone with indifference. Maybe Noah had watched him on TV and sent him an early
congratulatory message? He wondered.

"......and I was really surprised at that time too, and they even undid their upper shirts
like this and opened their chests and─ Haley?"

Chase was telling Vick about Haley's fans when he suddenly called him out with
suspicion. That was because Haley had opened his eyes wide, as if surprised, after
suddenly checking his phone.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Mason gave Chase an appropriate answer, and after looking once again at
the message in his phone, he darted his eyes around the hall. He knew the camera was
still on him, but he couldn't stop himself from looking around.


Yesterday, after finishing the photo shoot, Mason was leaving the building to return
home, when he saw the mob of girls swarming in front of the building and let out a
sigh. How the hell did they know about his schedules? Was Tony spilling it to them.....?

According to Chase and Tony, every star had a fandom with a different personality. If
there were the docile type of fans, who listened attentively and followed whatever
their star said, there were also the types that one would wonder if they were fans or
anti-fans, as they attacked, robbed and even got frequently angry at their star. There
were also the fandom that was indifferent towards their star, the fandom that was
thoughtful like a mother, the fandom that admitted the foolishness of their star and
apologized instead and.....well, Haley's fandom was generally like this:

'Look here! Haley! Haley!'

Though they were on LA, it was the middle of winter and the weather was slightly
chilly. However, the girl who had screamed that, stood in this weather with bare legs,
and after taking her panties off, she threw it at Mason. He dodged her underwear and
sighed. A bra came flying along, and there were stockings too.

'Haley─ Break up with Noah. You are not gay. You can't be gay!'

Another girl pounced on him, determined to let him know about the body of a woman.
Mason himself wasn't gay, of course. But Haley was 100% gay. No, 120% gay.
Haley had male fans too, naturally, but most of his fans were female. And those girls
wanted to, generally speaking, have sex with Haley, so they devoted themselves in
attacking him like a burdensome human bullet. He had no idea why they did that, but
Tony and Chase made an analysis, concluding it was probably because they thought
the character 'Closure' from the movie was sexy, while feeling that the real Haley, who
had caught the kidnapper and the stalker, was also a strong and normal man.

Mason was dating Noah, but as a straight(?) guy, he didn't dislike it to some extent.
After all, how many men would hate to go out of a building to see the voluptuous
figure of some girls waiting only in their swimsuits despite the cold wind? But when
they went overboard, sneaking into his room at night and leaving a photo of their
genitals in his, that was something he found scary.

'Haley, Haley!'

Mason tried to walk past them to get in the waiting car, but a girl held him back.
Mason's bodyguards were also all healthy men, so as those girls clung on them with
their openly exposed breasts, they seemed to be at a loss about how to keep them

'Give me an autograph. Huh? Give me an autograph!'

She held up a black marker pen and said it eagerly. At the request of the girl, who was
too thin for him to even push away, Mason accepted her marker.

'What about the paper?'

When Mason asked, instead of sticking out a paper, she opened her chest. She licked
her lips sexily and stuck her chest out. Mason looked down at her white, milky chest,
and after rolling his eyes, he brought the marker over her chest. She let out a little
moan and Mason let out a sigh, taking the marker pen away. Instead, he grabbed her
wrist, scribbled an autograph on the inner part of her arm and returned the pen,
making the people around go 'Kyaaa──!' and fill the streets with their cries of envy.
The eyes of the fan who had received the autograph glistened with excitement and


He really couldn't understand these women. They screamed and made a fuss, asking
for their wrists to be grabbed too, while his bodyguards sweated like a horse, trying to
keep them at bay. Mason frowned, and right when he tried to avoid the girls and
escape while being surrounded by his bodyguards, something jumped on him.

'Ugh, hmmp─!'

Mason held onto his bodyguard to prevent himself from falling down, but he fell to the
ground under the weight of their pushes, and before he could even come to his senses,
he felt the touch of squashy lips. Damn it! He felt long curly hairs brushing against his
face and shoved the girl away with a scowl, but the woman sucked his lips hard until
the very end and licked his face with her tongue.

The bodyguards tore her away and pushed her, and Mason got up, his butt tingling in
pain, while rubbing his lips. Then, he turned his head unconsciously and─



In the midst of his fans going on a rampage and his bodyguards screaming at those
fans and clearing the streets, Mason and the man who was in front of a car at the
roadside, were the only ones who stood staring at each other with their mouths closed


Since when had he been watching? ─When Mason parted his lips slightly after quite a
while later, Noah stared at those lips with very, extremely angry eyes, before glaring at
the woman who had kissed Mason with a frightening look on his face.

Mason covered his lips, and Noah, who had been standing on the roadside, quickly
pushed his way through the women and approached him. He shoved the girls who
were in the way with uncaring hands and got near Mason in the blink of an eye. Then,
cupping the neck and the cheek of the startled looking Mason, he tilted his head and
kissed his lips at once.


Mason flinched and grasped his clothes while piercing shrieks erupted from
everywhere. Noah didn't stop for even a moment, not giving it a damn, and engulfed
Mason in a passionate kiss. So Mason used the hands that were trying to push him
away to smooth down his back. At the soothing touch, Noah slowly pulled his lips

Mason looked up at him with a slightly flushed face and Noah said with chilly eyes.

'I told you clearly, didn't I? That forgetting this is mine would be troublesome.'

'Ah, the thing is......' Mason opened his mouth to make an excuse, but there was no
way he had something to say. Because whether it had been the other party who had
done it or not, no man would feel good in this situation. If Mason were in the same
situation, he was sure he would get angry at Noah too.

Noah swept his eyes over Mason and the mob of naked girls around with eyes almost
bursting out in rage, and after looking at the bodyguards, who failed to protect Mason,
with pissed eyes as well, he turned around and strode back to his car.
Mason rushed after him, but the car took off, leaving Mason behind. He hastily got into
Tony's car and went to Noah's house, but Noah hadn't actually headed home.

So Mason sat in Noah's bedroom and just waited for him in dread, but he didn't come
back. Instead, he delivered his words through Phil, when it was almost time for the
awards ceremony today, saying he wouldn't be able to go together with him since he
was busy, but he hoped him to have a great awards night and that he also wished him
the best on winning the award.

Mason was worried, thinking Noah could be suffering from a headache again like he
did before on a certain day, but Phil told him with firmness.

'He's working very well, and passionately.'

After that, he stared blankly at Mason with a very tired face. It looked so much as if his
eyes were saying 'things got quite troublesome because of you'......

Anyway, be that as it may, Mason was forced to enter with Vick and Chase. There was
no stunning-looking Noah on the red carpet as he had expected, and instead, he had
Vick and Chase's chatter by his side throughout the night.

While the performances, the announcement of the winners of the magnificent award
ceremony, and the tearful acceptance speech went on, Mason dozed off, got worried,
dozed off again, got worried, did an interview, dozed off once again....and was like half
zoned out.

Until he got a text message.


"It's this year's Best Supporting Actor Award! Haley Lusk from the movie 'Real'!"

The presenter shouted out Haley's name and the hall was filled with applauses and
cheers. The camera zoomed in on Haley's seat in order to catch him standing up from
his seat with an embarrassed face, and soon there were murmurs, and the curious
exclamations of the people flowed out.

"......Haley? Where did he go?"

Haley Lusk's seat, in which he was sitting and laughing while giving an interview until
just a moment ago, was empty. People expected that Haley had disappeared for a fun
joke or prank, but the production staff, who knew that wasn't the case, were busy and
hurried to find him.

"Vick? Chase? Do you know where he has gone?"

The host James, who had gone down the stage to help the bewildered presenter,
stepped forward and asked, and Vick and Chase shrugged as if they both had no idea.
They had only seen Haley hurrying out somewhere after checking a text message.

"Oh, my God. It's not like he would have gone to the restroom before we announced
the winner.... Did he have some urgent matter to attend to? ─Sorry?"

Even a veteran like James, who had played the host of this film awards for years, had
also been taken aback by the disappearance of the winner who was sitting here just a
while ago, and soon enough, a cue card was delivered to him. In the meantime, the
awards hall was filled with an awkward silence. And a short time later, after finishing to
read the cue card, James held his forehead with a 'whoops' and laughed.

"Oh, dear, as he was leaving abruptly due to circumstances beyond his control, he told
the staff that Mr. Vick Procter would take his place in receiving the award. Vick, come
on up. I don't know what happened, but it must have been very urgent....."

James tried to straighten out the confusion and cleared up the situation with a soft
speech. The award for Best Supporting Actor which everyone had been expecting as
the climax of the day went off dully, and then the award of another category followed

There remained a question in everyone's mind as to where Haley Lusk had disappeared
and the reason why, but it was something they couldn't know.


「The promise on the yacht from before, do you remember? ─I'm in front of the back

It was predictable that leaving the place ahead of the announcement of the winner
would give people a hard time, but Mason moved in a hurry. That's because he wasn't
Haley but Mason, and even without mentioning the promise on the yacht, Noah was
always his top priority.

As Mason came out of the place, he saw the man standing at the end of the red carpet
from the back door's side. He stood there, looking even more stunning than what he
had imagined, and as soon as he spotted Mason, before the latter could even
appreciate such a sight, he quickly caught his hand and made him get into the car.

The car was driven out of the place and arrived at the airport in a heartbeat, and
Mason didn't even have the time to think why he had come here before he was put
once again into Noah's luxurious private jet.

"Ah, where are we going?"

When Mason asked, instead of answering, Noah hastily put him down on the bed
inside the jet plane and said with a nonchalant face.
"You look like you haven't slept a wink, so get some sleep. We have quite a way to go

He had called out a person who was about to receive an award, and after suddenly
making that person get into a plane, he was carrying that same person to somewhere,
and yet Noah didn't have the goodwill to answer where they were going. He just
hurried him to sleep and closed his eyes for him.


Once again, Mason was about to ask him where they were heading to, but then he
closed his mouth and relaxed. That's because, after seeing Noah's safe and sound face,
he felt sleep stealing up on him, just like he had said. He even thought, 'Who cares
where it is?' since wherever Noah wanted to go, no matter where it was, it didn't really
matter in any case.

It would be good if the place they arrived were more beautiful than on the red carpet,
Mason thought dimly.

He fell into sleep in no time.


And then, when Mason opened his eyes, he held his forehead, feeling his head ringing.
It was very dark before his eyes and he was being carried up by someone.


Mason was surprised, and as he tried to get up, someone held him in his arms.


Mason called his name, feeling the familiar shoulders and the sweet smell of grass
brushing past the tip of his nose, and Noah replied, "So you are awake already?"

"Wh-where are we?"

"Um, in front of a villa."

He pointed forward with a little smile, and as he followed his finger he saw indeed a
stunning building not that far away. The villa was quite brightly lit, and the employees
were all out in front of it.

"I think I can walk by myself......."

"I know. That you can walk well enough. To the point that I wanted to break your legs,
you've been walking around really so well for a while..."
Noah said with a smile, his eyes squinting into half-moons. Mason let out a "Hm," and
closed his mouth, before rolling his eyes while being held in his arms. About a dozen
employees stood up without even looking up.

"Don't worry about these people. Since they will all be leaving this island soon."


Noah gave a pretty smile to Mason, who was making a stupid face, before walking past
the staff and getting into the building.

"Did you rent this island?"

The whole island? As Mason let out those words, Noah tilted his head and asked him
back, "Why would I borrow it when I have plenty of them?"

"......So it's your private island."

And you even have a lot of islands like that, I see. Mason laughed awkwardly, amazed
by Noah's caliber once again.

"Do you want it?"

If you want it, should I give one to you? Noah said it as if he was handing over a freebie
pen, and Mason sighed softly.

"No. If I came to a place like this, I would be coming with you anyway, and it would just
be a bother if I got it too....."

Noah chuckled at Mason's words.

"You're saying such a cute thing."

Noah planted a kiss on Mason's forehead and took him to a bedroom where, except
from one side, all the other sides, including the ceiling, were made of glass. At first, he
thought they were outside, like in a completely open terrace. Mason looked around
the room, engulfed by the pitch-black sea and pitch-black sky, and was struck with
wonder for quite a long time.

"......It's fantastic, really."

Mason threw himself down on the bed ─ even when Noah hadn't asked him to do so ─
and looked up at the sky. Except for a few candles, it was so dark, as if all the lights on
the earth had been extinguished, that the packed stars in the sky were frighteningly

He heard the sound of the occasional rustle of the waves. He felt the fresh, crisp sheets
and the scent of citrus that was chasing away the bugs. Mason didn't know why he was
suddenly here, and what Noah was thinking, but he was quite relaxed and pleased
with this moment.

"I'm glad you like it. We'll be here for a week, you know."

Noah sat next to where Mason was lying down, thrusting himself into his line of sight
and smiling.

".......A week?"

"Yes. Just a short while ago, I finished all the work I could possibly do and took a
vacation. For a month. We'll be spending a week here, and I'm thinking about some
other places for the rest."

If you're fond of islands, I have other places too, or somewhere like a yacht.... it's
rather quiet and nice when floating on the sea, isn't it? Noah crinkled his eyes into a
sweet smile.

" mean, with me?"

Not only a week, but a month? When I probably already have a schedule tomorrow?
As Mason blinked and looked at him, Noah said, "Of course with you," while loosening
the bow tie on Mason's neck.

"I told you, didn't I? That this─ is mine."

You said you would give it to me, isn't that right? ─Noah asked like a whisper, in a voice
laced with threat. Mason let out a little groan, saying, "That's right."

"And I'm tired of handing you around to others. I think I've been patient enough if I
endured it to such an extent.... don't you think so?"

Noah asked, looking directly at him in the dark, and Mason said, "That's......right," and

Thinking about it, Noah really had put up with it as much as he could. For about two
months straight, Mason had lived hearing only the name 'Haley Lusk', while Noah, the
one who owned Mason, stood with empty hands and just waited for him from afar.
Mason had thought 'I have to go back,' again and again, but he kept wandering, being
swept along all the time, so it was only natural that Noah blew up.

"Do you want to go back there?"

To that fancy awards ceremony? To that shining world? ─Noah asked him with a lazy
smile. His eyes danced in the dark and Mason shook his head flatly.

"I wouldn't even have gotten out if I did."

He didn't care about awards or whatever. Because from the moment Noah had
disappeared from the streets yesterday, there was only Noah on his mind all day long.
Mason was worried that Noah would be having horrible dreams and suffering from a
headache, while crying all alone by himself in a dark place like the old times, and so the
extravagant and magnificent awards ceremony wasn't able to catch his eyes.

"......I had been looking forward so much to seeing you smiling on the red carpet

With the flashes going off, the lights shining and......, as Mason muttered and
smoothed down Noah's suit with hands full of regret, Noah gave him a lazy smirk.

"Are you sad?"

"Well, yes, but..... this is good, too."

Mason looked at the stars, so many that they seemed like they would pour down, in
the jet-black sky behind Noah, and thought it was truly an enrapturing sight. The
starlight touched Noah's blonde hair and made it shine like silver.

"That's a relief. This is a little more to my liking too, you know."

Since I bought it for this. ─Noah unbuttoned Mason's shirt as if he wanted to rip it off,
and made him take his jacket off. His hands quickly stripped him down and Mason also
got rid of Noah's clothes.

Noah sucked Mason's lips lightly. And soon, he sucked on them again hard, before
sticking out his tongue and curling it around his. Mason closed his eyes at such a sweet
kiss. In the dark, Noah felt him around with his hands, stroking his face, his neck, his
shoulders, his chest... as if to confirm that Mason was here.


Noah laughed quietly after touching Mason's body.

"I'm also suprised at myself. This─ I wonder how I could have let this go for such a long
time and made myself wait."

And then, as though he got more thirsty as he touched it, Noah grabbed the back of
Mason's head and kissed him urgently. He smashed their lips together, kissing and
sucking it, again and again. Noah's hands and lips, which had pretended to be gentle,
became more and more restless and rough. He nipped at his neck, sucked his
shoulders, sank his teeth into his chest as if he was trying to bite it off, before using his
hands to scratch his back.

"Ahh...N..Noah...slow down..."
Mason grabbed Noah's shoulders as he felt him scraping and biting down his body, and
Noah took hold of his wrists and held them up, sucking on his neck hard.

"Hhh─ Ahh!"


Noah yanked Mason's pants off, almost tearing them apart. Mason gasped at his rough
hands, and then, just like that, Noah took Mason's dick in one gulp.

"Hnngh── ugh!"

Mason shuddered, feeling Noah's lips on his length while they sucked on it strongly. He
tried to push him away at such an intense pleasure, but Noah kept on sucking it
voraciously and greedily. He held his balls and fondled it in his hand, while licking and
pressing the tip of Mason's member.


Mason felt his vision blurring soon, his cum leaking out, and Noah drank it down right
away. 'Gulp' ─ Mason heard the sound of him gulping it down and covered his face
with both his hands, his whole body flushing red, and with a "Fuck!," Noah hastily
scraped his balls with his teeth.

"Am I... the only one in a hurry? You too, down here─ look how it's twitching down

As if to show it to him, Noah made Mason spread his legs wide. And with a sharp gasp,
Mason sucked in his breath while bitting down his lip.

"How the hell did you... hold it up... with this body of yours? ─Did you find another son
of a bitch, huh?"

Even though he knew there was no way that could happen, Noah still asked him
wickedly and Mason gasped.

"My cock...weren't you yearning to eat it?"

Noah's vulgar question fell down from above his head, and Mason felt the urge to hide
in a rat's hole or somewhere, or to cover that mouth shut, but that wasn't possible.
Noah fucked his wet bottom with his finger while uttering,

"Say it."

His voice was low, and very wet. It felt like it was tempting him, intimidating him. As
his finger wiggled inside him in an obscene way, his legs jerked and quivered.

"Say it, come on..... say what you feel."

Noah put two fingers inside and pulled the piercing. Little by little, he rubbed and
twisted the piercing, as if threatening him, while increasing the number of his fingers,
and Mason closed his eyes tightly.

".....ask me to put it inside... say it... come on."

Noah's low voice could be heard by his ear. His hot breath touched his neck, making
Mason drew in his breath with a gasp while Noah nibbled on his ear, teasingly. Before
he was aware of it, the number of fingers that rubbed his insides had become three,
and they poked and stretched him.


Noah whispered and Mason twitched his lips, "Put...."

"Put it in...Noah......."

Mason said, panting, and as soon as he finished those words, Noah pulled out his
fingers while taking his erection, which had been throbbing hard all along, and pushing
it inside of him.


The moment Noah buried himself into him, Mason came. Tears involuntarily welled up
in the corner of his eyes and Noah licked them off with his tongue.


Noah breathed out, his voice charged with heat, and Mason bit his lip, groaning. His
thick flesh kept rubbing and moving inside of him, hurriedly, forcefully, and his head
was almost bursting out from the continuous and increasing pleasure.

"Uh....ahh...ahhh! Hnnngh!"

Noah's harsh breath grazed the crook of his neck. Mason felt as though he was going
to fall into the deep sea, so he desperately clung onto his shoulders. Even when his
hands slipped in the sweat, he clung onto him continuously.

"Ugh─ Noah...."

Mason cried, pulling Noah into his embrace, and Noah kept on plunging himself into
him, making wet sloppy sounds, as if he had completely lost it. Mason's bottom
became all wet with fluids and sweat, and he came once again.

When his climax crashed into him, he heard Noah calling him, as if clinging to him.
Mason, Mason, Noah called out panting, and Mason hugged him. He felt Noah's thing
exploding inside of him and Mason cried, accepting him even more deeply.


The sound of the waves crashing in the distance flowed into his ears. When he opened
his eyes with a dazed look on his face, wondering, 'Where am I?' with the sound of the
breaking waves, he saw the strange scenery of the sky blending in with the sea and the
white sand.


Mason stood in a daze for a long time, asking himself where he was and blinking,
before coming to his senses soon and raising his head. This was Noah's island. ─And
the white sand beach.

Last night, the sex that had started in Noah's villa bedroom continued for several more
times. After they were done with their first round of sex, Noah's thing got hard right
away ─ as though to quench the thirst from all this while ─ and made Mason cry once
more. They had sex, again and again, and even when the the sun had risen, the sky had
brightened, and morning had come, he didn't let go of Mason at all.

He had said it wouldn't only end up with that, and he had faithfully kept to his words.
Mason thought he would never be able to forget Noah once again.

By noon, Mason had begged and begged for him to stop, and Noah had said, 'One last
time,' with a tiny smile. 'Outdoors.' And Mason couldn't help but nod at the words 'last
time', which was how he had woken up on top of a sand-filled sheets.

Mason looked around, searching for Noah. But he was nowhere in sight, making him
wonder where he had went off, leaving him alone in such a place, even if there was no
one else in this island.


He was going to get up, but he had no strength left in his waist. After moving his limbs
for a short while, Mason heaved a little sigh, and with a "Ah, screw it!" he lay himself
back down. He didn't care that he was naked. He had said there wasn't anyone here,
so he thought, 'Whatever, who cares.'

And while he stood lying down like that, he seemed to have unconsciously fallen
asleep. When the red lights crept into his eyes and he opened them, the sun was
setting before his eyes.

Mason felt his heart beating and raised himself up. On the white sand of the curved
seashore, across the deep blue sea, the sun was burning with its red light and setting.
All the clouds floating in the sky were tinged with red, while the surface of the water
glistened in a breathtaking way.

When he looked up, the stars were already rising above him, on the other side of the
setting sun. The red sunset and the sun had already gone down behind the horizon of
the sea, and the stars were twinkling where the darkness had taken over.

"Did you wake up?"

He heard a gentle voice behind his back. Noah was walking over with two sweet-
looking drinks.


Mason called his name and Noah smiled in reply, his eyes turning into little crescent
moons. Mason looked back at the setting sun again.

Mason had already seen the end of the world. He had seen them many times, not in a
small island like this, but in the natural wonders of Africa or the South Pacific. Mason
had met them countless times. The stunning sights of the world ─ so stunning that
even the apathetic and desolate him had held his breath and shivered.

They were the places where he had thought, 'If I have to die, I wish I could come back
to this place and die while watching this view.'

"─The sun is setting."

Mason told him, and Noah smiled, as if he was aware of it. He came forward and
handed him over a glass of drink.

"I thought you would be thirsty."

Mason took the glass from his hand and Noah looked back at the sea that Mason was
watching. At the sight of the sea swallowing the sun.


Among the scenery Mason had seen, there were a lot of breathtaking sights that had
warmed his heart more than this one. However, when he saw Noah's gentle smile
while he talked to him in this beautiful scenery, Mason let out quietly,

"I'm glad."

".....about what?"
Noah asked, looking back at him again after hearing him mutter those words. Mason
saw Noah, watched the way his hair fluttered in the wind, and smiled.

"To be alive."

Instead of thinking about "death" while watching this beautiful scenery, Mason
thought about "living". This kind of thing came to his mind: It's really so good to live
with you in such a beautiful world.


Noah looked at Mason's smiling face, before following his gaze and looking at the sea,
at the sky, and then looking back at Mason once again. After that, feeling it was really
something to be glad for, like he had said, he released his breath and said with a smile.

"......that's right."

And while listening to his sweet voice, Mason thought how fortunate it was to be alive,
again and again. How fortunate it was that he hadn't died and vanished from this
world at that time after Aaron had shot him. How fortunate it was for him to have met
Noah once again like this after turning into Haley.

How fortunate it was that he had saved Noah from that small bag. And how fortunate
it was that Noah had endured it without succumbing to his desire of committing
suicide ─ so he could be together with him like this.

"It's such a warm and pleasant scenery with you by my side." Noah opened his eyes, as
if a little surprised by Mason's words, and then he smiled.


*They say that if someone gift you clothes it means they want to personally take them off after
making you wear them (๑>᎑<๑)

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