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Date/time conversation Interpretation Thoughts and

Client: “Yeah, I do For us he is like When dealing with
think things lying because he the nurse, the client
that aren't me can’t look straight looks down.
like they are in the eye of the Looking away, not
putting stuff nurse meeting the
in my brain. speaker's eye, and
It's not me. yawning are all
I'm not signs that the
thinking…” listener is bored,
lying, or not
(looks down, poor interested.
eye contact) (Videbeck
Time: 3:45
Nurse: “So it's a For us the nurse Verbalizing the
Different thought in just want to know implied
your brain” more about what is The nurse is
going on in the expressing what
mind of the client the client has
hinted at or
attempted to say.
Putting what the
client has implied
or said indirectly
into words helps to
clarify the
Client: “Yeah. It's When speaking,
like, it's stupid stuff. the client makes a
The other day, I frowning face with
just suddenly small hand
started thinking gestures. The
about some reaction of the
woman in listener can be
Coronation street. I influenced by facial
don't watch any of expressions. The
that. It's not, they're listener is
not my thought.” persuaded to
believe the
(frowning, hand message by strong
gestures) facial expressions.
(Videbeck 2017)
“Right. Okay. And The nurse wants to Exploring
do you have any know more of the The nurse inquires
idea how that's story as to what is
happening, what is causing the
responsible?” problem. When
clients deal with
issues in a
superficial way,
exploring may help
them dig deeper
into the problem.
Client : “It's MI5. It's The client feels Pointing is a
this chip they put in very sure that there gesture
my head. And I is a chip in his that specifies a
can feel it all the head direction from the
time. person’s body.

(Points at his Without using

head) words, deliberate
movements and
signals are an
important way to
convey meaning.
Nurse: “Okay. So The nurse don’t The nurse
you're getting believe the client expresses concern
thoughts put into but was just getting about the client's
your brain more information perception of the
that aren't your situation.
own. What about a
different sort of According to
experience. What Videbeck, He's got
about the a chip in his head.
experience that Doubt is an
somehow other expression that
people are able to allows the client to
know what you're recognize that
thinking even others do not
though you haven't always see things
actually told them?” the same way they
do or come to the
same conclusions.
Client: “No. They're
just putting stuff in
Nurse: “Can I just The nurse is just Seeking
check Andy, as clarifying things information
well, that you're not
getting the The nurse is
experience when attempting to clarify
your thoughts just something that is
stop altogether, like unclear. Seeking
you have no knowledge,
thoughts left.” according to
Videbeck, S.,
allows the nurse to
avoid assuming
comprehension has
occurred when it
has not.
Client: “No. If The client’s voice The client speaks
anything, there's here is soft and it is in hushed tones,
too much in like he really want emphasizing the
there. I wish I could to get those voices phrase "get this
unplug it. Just get out of his head thing out of my
this thing out of my head." Intensity is
head.” the power, severity,
and strength
behind the words,
indicating the
importance of the
(Videbeck S.).
Nurse: “You The nurse here Exploring
mentioned this wants to know The nurse is
chip, this device in more of the voices delving deeper into
your brain, do you the subject at hand.
want to tell me more According to
about that?” Videbeck, S., any
problem or concern
of the client can be
better understood if
Client: “Well it's a
tracking device. So
they know where I
am all the time and I
could feel it moving
around, rotating
Nurse: “So, you can The nurse clarifies Restating
feel the physical the information by
sensation. restating it Reiterating the
That must be very main point made.
difficult for you.” According to
Videbeck S.,
informs the client
that he or she is
communicating the
ideas and
encourages the
client to continue.
Client: “I don't know
why they're
doing this to
me. I've done
Nurse: “Can I just The nurse want to Encouraging
check. Are there any know more aside expression
problems, from the voices in
Andy, with the rest the head of the The nurse inquires if
of your body. Are client the client notices any
there any changes in changes in his body.
your body? Any Encouraged
changes in sensation expression, according
or any bits that feel to Videbeck S.,
different in any allows the client to
way?” make his or her own
Client: “No, I feel The client is The client speaks up
fine. I'm not ill or disagreeing with and shakes his head.
anything. Just this the nurse Shaking one's head
one thing in my indicates
head.” (shakes head) disagreement or
rejection (Kendra C
Nurse: “It sounds Formulating a plan
like a very difficult of action
time for you. Can I
ask you, Andy. How The nurse inquires
are you coping with about the client's
all this? plans for dealing
How is it affecting with the situation.
you?” Making specific
plans, according to
(Keeps eye Videbeck S., will
contact) help you deal with a
similar situation
more effectively.
Client: “I know we Before answering the
leave in my room question, the client
much and I sort of pauses. Pauses
wait till they go out indicate that the
just to go down and client is thinking
get some food but about the question
they've been doing before responding.
stuff to my food Videbeck (2017)
now.” (Pauses to
think what to say)
Nurse: “Okay. What Encouraging
do you think is description of
happening to your perception
The nurse inquires as
to what the client
believes. Encourage
the client to fully
describe ideas,
according to
Videbeck S.

Client: “They're
poisoning it.”
Nurse: “Right. Are Seeking information
you actually eating
much at the The nurse inquires as
moment?” to whether the client
is eating properly.
According to
Videbeck, the nurse
should seek
throughout client
Client: “No.” (Stares
at something on the
Nurse: “Okay. Now Seeking information
with all this
happening that
you don't feel very The nurses inquire
safe. Have I got that for more information.
right?” According to
(Nods showing she Videbeck S.,
believes the client) clarifying questions
can assist the nurse in
avoiding making
assumptions that
understanding has
occurred when it has
Client: (Speechless, As he responds to the
stares at the nurse, the client
nurse for a raises his brows
long time, while nodding.
raises Raising the brows
eyebrows and nodding is a
and nods) nonverbal
technique in which
the facial expression
is used to agree with
the other person
(Kendra C.2020)
Nurse: “Okay. Have Exploring
you felt the need to
take steps to protect The nurse focuses
yourself in any on the last
way?” statement by the
client and then asks
questions relevant
to it. This way, the
nurse can enable
the client to share
more about his
According to
Videbeck S., When
clients deal with
topics superficially,
exploring can help
them examine the
issue more fully.
Client: “Well, I got a As he speaks to the
knife. And I got my nurse, the client
baseball bat. It's just stutters/repeats some
in case they get into words.
my room. I don't Stuttering is
wanna hurt anyone. I associated with
just feel like I got to nervous feelings.
myself. It's like
they're cornering me
to do this.” (stutters)
Nurse: “Right. Have Restating
you felt the
need to use either the Restating clarifies the
knife or the baseball client's message by
bat so far. To take it repeating the same
out with statement back to the
you for protection.” client.
Client: “No. I don't
want to get caught.
Just in my room.”
Nurse: “Okay. Has it Encouraging
gotten so bad, Andy description of
that you felt the need perception.
to hurt yourself or
even kill The nurse inquired
yourself? Like it's the about the client's
only way out. The perceptions if his
only way of coping experiences had
with this?” become so bad.
According to
Videbeck S., in order
to understand the
client, the nurse must
see things from his or
her point of view.
Client: “Well I
thought about getting
some pills but I
couldn't leave the
house. I mean I didn't
care or anything.”
Nurse: “Okay, you Voicing doubt
said getting some
pills. Would that be Doubt is another way
to take an overdose of responding to
of tablets?” distortions of reality.
Such expression
allows the client to
become aware that
others do not always
perceive events in the
same way or reach
the same
Client: “Yeah.”
(Keeps head
Nurse: “But you've Technique that is not
not actually done therapeutic.
anything about that
so far. ” The nurse is making
an inappropriate
Such remarks,
according to
Videbeck S., have no
bearing on the nurse-
patient relationship.
Nurse: “And can I Focusing
just check again.
You've not been into The nurse is asking
the police or the client if he has
anything like that?” been to the police
The nurse, according
to Videbeck S.,
encourages the client
to focus his or her
energies on a single
Client: “No, never.”
(Looks at a different
space in the room)
Nurse: “Okay. With Encouraging
all this that's been expression.
going on. Is there
anywhere at the The nurse inquires as
moment that you feel to where the client
safe?” feels safe.
According to
Videbeck S.,
expression allows the
client to make his or
her own assessment.
Client: “Yeah. Uhm,
my parent's house. I
thought about going
by there but I don't
wanna drag them
into this, I don't want
them to know
about this.”
Nurse: “Right. And Encouraging
throughout this last description of
couple of months perceptions
when you've had all
of these worries, are To understand the
you ever worried that client, the nurse
your parents might, must see things from
in some way, be his perspective.
involved in this

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