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Status of Illegitimate son in a Coparcenary

1. Introduction- ​The legitimacy of a child in Hindu law depends on the validity of the marriage
under Hindu Marriage Act. The Hindu Marriage Act applies to a person who is Sikh, Jain or
Buddhist by religion. An illegitimate son does not acquire any interest in the ancestral property
in the hands of his father; nor does he form a coparcenary with him, so that during the life-time
of his father, the right of the illegitimate son is only limited to maintenance. The project will
delve into such similar issues and will also constitute a comparative analysis.
2. Objectives- ​The objective of the project is to analyse all the conditions and situation related to
status of Illegitimate son in a coparcenary in both mitakshara and dayabhaga school.
3. Methodology- ​The project will be based on an Archival Study and will be relied on for the
analysis of the secondary data.
4. Research Questions- ​The research will be focused on comparing the status of illegitimate
sons in coparcenary and in Islamic laws.
5. Chapterization-
CHAPTER 1- Introduction
(1.1) Introduction to coparcenary
(1.2) Objective
(1.3) Research Methodology
(1.4) Research Question
CHAPTER 2- Status of Illegitimate son in Coparcenary
CHAPTER 3- Comparative study
CHAPTER 4- Findings, Analysis and Conclusion

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