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Dear Teenager by Peter Burwash (Life Enrichment Library

- Torchlight Publishing)
by Peter Burwash

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46 Highlights

Highlight (Yellow) | Location 114

How do we know some snakes are poisonous? Because some individual has died on our behalf. We do not have
to pick up that snake, let it bite us, then see what happens. A fool learns from his own mistakes, but a wise
person learns from the mistakes of others. So often you will find yourself saying to your parents, “But Mom, but
Dad, I have to see for myself.” That’s not necessary. Save yourself the pain and suffering. Remember,
knowledge eliminates fear.

Highlight (Yellow) | Location 153

Almost all problems between two people boil down to poor communication.

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The most functional societies, communities, and families are those where the elders are respected.

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If you don’t educate your heart, you will have a lifetime of frustration.

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This chasing of material goods for more and more enjoyment is not conducive for spiritual growth.

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If you focus on your spiritual growth, you will be guaranteed a life that is full of satisfaction and happiness.

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Affluence usually undermines drive.

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You were deprived of the opportunity to earn that position on your own.

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Life is not about what you acquire, but rather what you give. A person who has everything materially is often a
very poor person.

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When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

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As a teenager, your primary challenge is to avoid the pitfall that equates material possessions with happiness.

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Maturity means outgrowing the rebellious mentality.

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Real friendship is not based on what you do, but rather on who you are as a person.

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Life is always better when you make the decision, rather than having it forced upon you.

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Discipline to a teenager sometimes has a negative connotation. Yet you will have matured in life when you
realize that freedom comes through both self-discipline AND discipline.

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To truly be free, you need a personal code of discipline.

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“Where there’s no self-discipline, there’s no character.”

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Learning begins with listening.

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Great teaching is effective communication between two people.

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This is unfortunate, because the ability to ask questions is extremely valuable.

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And the quality of your questions often determines the quality of your life.

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The anger is the result of deep-seated frustration. And frustration in teenagers is often a result of two things: not
being able to truly express your feelings and make a difference, and also just not understanding the situation.

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You really won’t have opportunities without accepting responsibility.

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Responsibility almost always leads to self-respect.

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Being responsible means honoring your commitment to whatever you do, not just being on time.

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We must be courageous enough to accept the fact that we must pay for our indiscretions.

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I can tell you that accepting responsibility in a mature manner is probably the fastest ticket to the adult world.

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It may be embarrassing to face a situation, but learning to place the blame on your own shoulders—no one else’s
—will strengthen you for the rest of your life.

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Yet happiness really does belong to those who live to serve others.
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The older you get, the more you realize that kindness is synonymous with happiness.

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Only by helping others can we achieve true happiness and balance in our lives.

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Once we get the object we struggled so hard for, there’s a flash of joy, but the next moment we are unhappy

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As I have traveled the world, I have been amazed how much happier people are in simple settings. For some
reason, the more we get, the more we want. It took me a long while to understand that contentment in life lies
not in great wealth but in simple wants.

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And both self-confidence and feeling good about our service to others enable us to be much happier.

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If we are secure in who we are, without decorating our bodies or communicating in a self-absorbed manner, then
life is so much easier.

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It’s human nature to sit on the sidelines and be critical of those who are in the arena.

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One group plants trees, and the others come to sit under the planted trees.

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Smiling and being enthusiastic sends out wonderful signals to people.

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enthusiasm is at the beginning of all progress.

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the key is to be enthusiastic even during times of struggle.

Highlight (Yellow) | Location 911

“Always appreciate, never expect.”

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Expectation sets you up for disappointment.

Highlight (Yellow) | Location 913

For some strange reason, we have a lot easier time criticizing people than complimenting them.

Highlight (Yellow) | Location 945

And this leads to a loss of respect for ourselves.

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Showing respect is a sign of maturity and that you are secure with who you are.

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Whatever goes around, comes around.

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