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1.1 Introduction
A pressure vessel is aclosed container design to hold gases or liquid at a pressure substantaily
different from the ambient pressure. The differential is dangerous and fatal accidents have
occured in the history of their development and their operations. Consequently their
design,manufacturing and operations are regulated by engineering authorities backed up by laws.
The parameters such as maximum safe operation pressure and temperature.

In this project pressents the mechanical design and dimensioning of a pressure vessel which
used for any appllication.The main topic considered is the design of pressure vessels.Developing
material selection and specifying the the basic design information for a particular vessel ,and to
have a general appreciation of pressure vessel design to work effectively.In generaly in this
project accepted that any closed vessel over 1.5m internal diameter subject to a pressure design
1200kN/m2 at design temperature of 150℃ that should be design pressure vessel considering this
1.2 Objectives
1.2.1 General objectives
 To design pressure vessels and able to calculate,analytic stress and strength in
pressure vessel.
 Gain knowledge of proper material selection for pressure vessels application and also
gain knowledge of welding code standard.
 To provide the basic and the major concepts of pressure vessel design and
understanding of pressure vessels.
 To build ourself competent engineers in design,cost estimation,and project
management for various type of pressure vessels.
1.2.2 specific objectives
 To design,develop,and build as perfectly cylinderical pressure vessel with
vertical orientation.
 To extrem pressure equaly distributed on the wall surface of cylinderical
pressure vessels.
 To specification vessel design by following plate column:-
 Determine column wall thickness.
 Selection and sizing of vessel heads.
 Reinforcements(nessecary manholes and opening).
 The nozzle and flanges.
 Designing supporting skirt and base ring/flange

1.3 What is pressure vessel ?

Pressure vessel is one of the static equipment which is commonly used in oil and gas,or petro
chemical indusrty in producing fuel oil and other organic products.It also important for other
industries like food and medical products processing,aerospace and aircraft fuel tank and
other potential application.

Pressure vessel is a closed container design to hold gases or liquids at pressure substantially
different from the ambient pressure.pressure vessels are used in varity of application in both
industries and the private sector.The of these finds will exert pressure eqully in all direction on
the walls and ends of the pressure vessels. Because of the internal loading,stess are including on
certain section of cylinder wall.

The geometry of such simple shell is specified by the form of the mid wall surface,usually two
radius of curvature and the wall thickness at every point.The shell thickness is design to keep the
maximum stess below the yeild strength of the material.The shell components are joined
together mostly by welding and riveting; some times they are bolted together using
flanges.Commonly used industrial application consists basically of a few closed shell of simple;
spherical or cylindrical with hemispherical,conical,ellipsoised,or flat ends.The majority of
pressure vessels are cylindrical.

1.3.1 uses of pressure vessels

pressure vessels are used to store and transmit liquids,vapor,and gases under pressure in
general.Major uses of pressure are as follows:
 use in steam boiler
 used in storage of chemical in chemical plants
 use in storage of petroleum products(i.e petrol,diesel etc)
 also used in engine cylinders.

1.3 .2 Types of pressure vessels

The most common types of vessel can be classified according to their:-

1) Functions:- storage vessels,reactor,boiler mixer,and heat exchanger.

2) Structural materials :- steel,casr iron,copper,plastics,etc.

3) Method of fabrication:- welded,cast,brazed flanged,etc.

4) Geomerty:- cylindrical,spherical,conical,combined.

5) Scheme of loading:-working under internal or external pressure.

6) Wall temperatures:-heated,unheated.

7) Corrosion action:- moderate or high corrossion effects.

8) Orientation in space:- vertical,horizontal,sloped.

9) Method of assembly:- nondetachable,detachable

10) Wall thickness:- thin wall(d0/di<1.5),thick wall(d0/di>1.5)

NOTE: From types of pressure vessel our project consider on;

1)Function: storage vessels 2) Structural material: steel vessel 3) method of fabrication: welded
and flange 4) geomerty: cylindrical 5) scheme of working: working under internal pressure 6)
wall temperature: unheated 7) minimum (modern)corrosion effects 8) orientation in shape:
vertical 9) method of assembly: nondetachable 10) wall thickness: thin wall(d0/di<1.5)

1.4 Design principle of pressure cylinders

In the design of pressure vessel as a unit, a number of criterial should be consider.These are;

 selection of the material for construction of the vessel based on working knowledge of
properties of the materials.
 Determination of the magnitude of the induced stress in conformity with the requirements
of standard codes, and
 Determination of the elastic stability

1.5 Design loads

The principal loads(i.e force) applied actual operation to a vessel or its structural attachement to
be considered in the design of such a vessel are;

1) design pressure(internal or external or both ) 2) dead loads 3) wind load 4) thermal loads 5)
piping load 6) impact load 7) cyclic load

Loading or forces are the causee of stress in pressure vessel.These forces and moments must be
isolated both to determine where they apply to the vessel and when they apply to a
vessel.Loading may be applied over a large portion(general area) of the vessel or over a local
area of the vessel.These stresses are additive and define the overall state of stress in the vessel or

1.6 Stress analysis in cylinderical shell

Stress anaysis is the determination of the relationship beetwen external force applied to a vessel
and corresponding stress. Depending on their function,they may be vertical or horizontal.

 Vertical pressure vessels are often preffered especially for a thin walled vessel operating
under low pressure.The design of a vertical cylindrical vessel becomes simple because
the additional bending stress due to weight of the vessel itself and of the fluid can be

General Design of project

2.1 Analysis of project

General consideration for presssure vessel design in this projects are;

 Operation pressure(internal pressure) which is 10% less than design pressure

 Design temperature: Td=150℃
 Design pressure: pd =1200KN/m2
 Material selection:
1. vessel- stainless steel,unstablizing
nozzle−¿ stainless steel,unstablizing, at Td=150℃stress design for vessel and
nozzle is σ d=130N/mm2
2. skirt support- carbon steel,silicon killed , Td=150℃stress design for skirtis σ

3. flanges(standard flange) –stainless steel

4. access ladder with platforms –carbon steel
 the insulation material- mineral wool with thickness=50mm and density=130kg/m3
 corrosion allowance is =2mm
 welded joint efficiency ; taking joint J=1.0

In this project the load and support can not be considered are;

 loading from piping and external equipment

 earthquake loading
 plate supports

2.2 Procedure of design(Design steps)

Procedure 1. Design of thickness

The design thickness is the minimum required thickness plus an allowance for corrosion and is
the design thickness of the commercially available material actually used in making the vessel.

 determine the minimum plate wall thickness to resist internal pressure.

When vessel are design for both internal and external pressure.Itis common practice to first
determine the shell thickness required for the internal pressure condition.

NOTE: from design pressure(pd) we can get internal pressure load as follow

Pi =pd -10%pd → pi= 1200KN/m2−¿10/100(1200kN/m2)= 1080kN/m2 → internal pressure
minimum thickness of the wall is(e):- where design stress(f)=130N/mm2 , an internal

e = pi.di/2f-pi → e =( 1.08N/mm2× 1500mm)÷(260N/mm2-1.08N/mm2)= 6.2567mm≈7mm

 total thickness(design thickness)

=minimum thickness + corrosion allowance + insulation thickness
= 7mm+3mm+50mm=60mm

Increase the plate thickness to allow the bending stress due to wind loadings at the base of t he
columan. Amuch thicker wall will be needed at column base to withstand the wind and dead
weight loads. As afirst trial, divide the column into five sections, with increasing the thickness by
2mm per section; 9, 11, 13, 15, 17mm. The mean thickness is 13mm.

Procedure 2. Design weight of loads

2.1 Estimating weight of vessel and vessel components(dead weight of vessel)

Dead loads are the force due to the weight of the vessel and the parts permanently connected
with the vessel. Estimating of weight of vessel is an important aspects of vessel engineering.
Weight are estimated inorder to determine costs and budgets for
equipment,foundation,erection,and transportation.Weight are neccessary for the design of the
vessel itself to determine a force and moments.

Wtotal= WVessel+Wnozzle+Wladder+Wreflux+Winsulation+Wwater now calculate each weight of vessel


Wvessel =cv× π ×Dm× ρ×g(Hv +0.8Dm)t×10-3 Where cv=factor account Dm =mean

daimeter of vessel,ρ
=density of vessel material,Hv=height of cylinderical section ,t=wall thickness,g=gravitional

Wvessel = cv× π ×Dm× ρ×g(Hv +0.8Dm)t×10-3

= (1.08)(3.14)(7850)(1.518)(9.81)(37+1.2144)17 ×10-3

= 268 kN

Wnozzle = (mg) = vgρ =(π/4×(0.05)20.018)7850×9.81 = 0.0028 kN

Wladder = 1.7 kN

Wreflux = vgρ = (π/4×(0.05)20.018)750×9.81 = 0.0027 kN

WInsulation = vgρ =π V.D.t.h.g.ρ = (3.14)(π(1.5)220(1.5m)(0.05m)(20m)(130kg/m3)(9.81 m/s2)
=6.007 kN

Wwater = Vgρ =( ×( 1.5)220)1000×9.81 = 641.096 kN

 Wtotal = WVessel+Wnozzle+Wladder+Wreflux+Winsulation+Wwater = 273 kN+ 0.0028 kN+ 1.7 kN +

641.096 kN +0.0027 kN + 11.12 kN =921.9255kN ≈ 922kN

2.2. wind loading design

Wind design is used to determine the force and moment at each elevation to check is the
calculated shell thickness are adquated.Also determine the effective dynamic load due to wind
speed past the vessel and support structure system.

Wind load N/


To calculate wind load ;taking dynamic wind pressure PW=1280N/m2 and mean
diameter,including insulation( 1.5m+2(13+50mm))×10-3 =1.626m

Wind load(Wl) =Pw×Dm =1280N/m2×1.626m = 2081.28 N/m.

Bending moment at the bottom tangent line: Mx = (Wl.X2)/2 = (2081.28N/m×(20m)2)/2 =


2.3 dynamic wind pressure

Theload imposed on any structure by the action of wind will depend on the shape of the structure
and the wind velocity.

Pw =0.05u2w

Where pw=wind pressure,

Uw = wind speed, =160km/h.

Pw =0.05u2w = 0.05(160km/h)2 = 1280N/m2

2.4 Eccentric loads (tall vessel)

Equipment attached to a tall vesses will subject the vessel to a bending moment if the center of
gravity of the doesnot coincide with the centre line of the vessel. The only platform ladder
attached to tall vessel,so the moment is given by

Ladder with cage built of structural shapes to prevent a man from talling when clamping the
ladder.bolted to and supported by clips on the outside of the vessel used for vertical access to the


Me= Wladder×lo where Wladder =dea weight of ladder and L0 =distance between the of gravity of
the equipment and column center line.

Me= Wladder×lo =1.7kN× 1.75m =2.975kN-m

2.5 Analysis of stress in vessels

At bottom tangent line

 Pressure stresses:
σ L =pidi/4t =(1.08N/mm2)×(1500mm)/(4×17mm) = 23.82 N/mm2
σ h=pidi/2t =(1.08N/mm2)×(1500mm)/(2×17mm) =47.65N/mm2
 Dead weight stress:
σ w = (Wt)/(π (Di+t )t) = (927kN)/(π (1.5 m+0.017 m ) 0.017 m) =

 Bending stresses:
D0 =1500mm+2mmx17mm =1534mm and Di =1500mm
Iv =π /64(D4o- D4i) =π /64((1534mm)4 – (1500mm)4) = 2.33×1010mm4
σ b = Mb/ Iv(Di/2 +t) = = 1426.4KN-m/ 2.33×1010mm4(1500/2+17mm)= 46.95N/mm2

 The resultant longitudinal stress is:

σ z=σ l+σ w± σ b σ w is compressive and negative

σ z (upwind) = 23.8-10.8+46.95=+59.95N/mm2
σ z(downwind) = 23.8-10.8-46.95 = -33.95 N/mm2




Upwind downwind

The greast difference between th pricipal stress will be on the

Downwind side is(45-(-32.65))=77.65N/mm2 well below the maximum
Allowable design stress.
 Check elastic stability(bucking)
Critical buckling stress:

σ c = 2x104(t/Do)= 2x104(17/1534) = 221.643N/mm2

 The maximum compressive stress in a vessel wall not be exceeds the critical
bucking design is satisfactory.

Procedure 3. Design of vessels subjected to combined loading

Pressure vessels are subject to other loads in addition to pressure and must be design to withstand the
worst combination of loading without failure.A trial thickness must be assumed(based on that calculated
for pressure alone) and the resultant stress from all loads to ensure that the maximum allowable stress
intensity is not exceeded at any point.

 Primary stresses
1. The longitudinal and cicumferential stress due to internal pressure
σ L =pidi/4t =(1.08N/mm2)×(1500mm)/(4×17mm) = 22.5 N/mm2
σ h=pidi/2t =(1.08N/mm2)×(1500mm)/(2×18mm) =45N/mm2

2. The direct stress σ w due to the weight of the,its contents,and any attachment.the
stress will be tensile (positive) for points below the plane of the vessel
supports, and compressive (negative) for points above supports.
σ w = (Wt)/(π (Di+t )t) = (927kN)/(π (1.50 .018 m ) 0.018 m)=10.8N/mm2(compressive)
3. Bending stresses resulting from the bending moments to which the vessel is
subjected. In this design which cased with the wind loads on tall self-supported
D0 =1500mm+2mmx18mm =1536mm and Di =1500mm
Iv =π /64(D4o- D4i) =π /64((1536mm)4 – (1500mm)4) = 2.47×1010mm4
σ b = Mb/ Iv(Di/2 +t) = = 1426.4KN-m/ 2.47×1010mm4(1500/2+18mm)=
 Principal stresses
The principal stress will be given by :
σ 1,σ 2 =1/2 (σ h +σ z )± ½√ (σ h−σ z )2+ 4 τ hz2)
σ 1, σ 2 =1/2 (σ h +σ z )± ½√ (σ h−σ z )2 , τ hz =0
σ L =pidi/4t =(1.08N/mm2)×(1500mm)/(4×18mm) = 22.5 N/mm2
σ h=pidi/2t =(1.08N/mm2)×(1500mm)/(2×18mm) =45N/mm2
σ z =σ b + σ L + σ w = 44.35+22.5+10.8 = 77.8N/mm2
σ 1 =1/2 (σ h +σ z )+ ½√ (σ h−σ z )2 =77.8 N/mm2
σ 2 =1/2 (σ h +σ z )- ½√ (σ h−σ z )2 = 45N/mm2
 Allowable stress:
For pressure vessel design,the maximum theory is (σ 1-σ 2) = 32.8 N/mm2
The vessel wall must be sufficient to ensure the maximum stress intensity does not exceed
the design for material of construction at any point.
 Compressive stresses and elastic stability
Check the vessel for failure to elastic instability; i.e (buckiling) by
σ c = 2×104 (t/Do)N/mm2
Do = 1536mm , t =18mm
σ c =2×104 (18/1536)N/mm2 = 234.37N/mm2.
σ z =σ b + σ L ± σ w ≤ σ c→ 77.8N/mm2 ≤ 234.37N/mm2. Therefore acoluman design checked
to insure that the maximum value of the resultant axial stress does not exceed the critical
value at which buckling will be occur.
 Check the worst combination of load
(σ 1-σ 2) ≤ Sy , Sut
32.8 N/mm2≤ 510N/mm2 → it satisfied the condition.
 Estimating thermal stress of vessel
Thermal stress in the structure caused by temperature in the wall and accompanying
dimensional change.The basic equation for thermal stress can be developed by considering
that a body is composed of unit cubes of uniform average temperature T.

Thermal load orginate from temperature change combined with body restraints or existing temrature
Thermal stress¿Th) : E α T where E →young’s modulus of steel =200GN/m2
α →coefficient of thermal expansion = 11x10-6/° k
T→design temperature = 150℃ +273 =423° k
¿Th)vessel = ( EαT )vessel= 200 x 10 x 11 x 10-6 x423 = 930.6N/mm2

Procedure 4. Design of selection and size of end caps

The end caps of the vessel selected as ellipsoidal end type.

This is also called a 2:1 elliptical head.The shape of this head is just a quater of the diameter.It
radius varies beetwen the major and minor axis.
 Thickness of the heads : where internal pressure(p i) =1.08N/mm2,design
e =pidi/(2jf-0.2pi) joint factor is(j) = 1.0 ,internal diameter (d i) =1500mm
= (1.08N/mmx1500mm )/(2x1.0x130-0.2x1.08N/mm) = 6.24mm≅ 7mm
 The volume of ellipsoidal:

l =b

the ratio of the major axis is 2:1 2a/2b =2/1 → a=2b b=c=l

the diameter of the cylinder is equal to the major axis of an ellipse which is 1.5m
a=DI/2 =1.5m/2 =0.75m , a=2b → b=a/2 =0.75/2 =0.375m → h=b= 0.375m is the height
head of ellipsoidal.

Th volume is given ellipsoidal head is given by Veh =4/3πabc = 4/3
x3.14(0.75)x(0.375)x(0.375) = 0.442 m3 or given by Veh =πDi2l/6 where internal
diameter of cylinder(Di) =1.5m and deapth of head(l)=0.375m

Veh =πDi2l/6 =(3.14x(1.5m)2x0.375m)/6 = 0.442m3

 Surface area of ellipsoidal head: R= radius of cylinder =0.75m and

e = √ 1−l 2/l2=0.866
As =2 π R2+ π l2/eln(1+e/1-e) =2x3.14x0.752+3.14x0.3752/0.866(ln(1.866/0.134)) =

PROCEDURE 5 . Estimating the capacity of vessel storage

The total volume of the vessel (Vv) = Vcylinder + Vellipsiodal head =2( π /¿4DI2l) + πDi2l/6
=65.35m3+2(0.442m3) = 133 m3 = 133000 litres . therefore vessel we design have capacity to
storage about 133000 litres.

PROCEDURE 6. Compensation for openings

Compensation is the technique used to provide reinforcement local to the opening, equal in
cross-sectional area to the area removed in forming the opening.

We have six openings in this project or design.

1. vapour out : has diameter of 250mm 0.7m below top of cylinderical section.

Area of vapour out(A) = πr 2 = 3.14 × 0.1252m2 = 0.0490625m2

2. reflex return : has diameter of 50mm and found at 1m below the top of cylinderical
section. Area of reflex return (A) = πr 2 =3.14 x (25mm)2 =1962.5mm2

3. Two access ports (man hole) : have 0.6m diameter and found one 1m above the
bottom and the other 1.5m below the top the column.

Area of man hole(A) = 2 πR 2 =2(3.14 x (0.3m)2) = 0.5652m2( for two manhole area)

4. nozzle : we have two nozzle feed at mid point of the vessel and has 50mm diameter

Arae of nozzle(A) = 2 πr 2 =2(3.14 x (25mm)2 = 2395mm2(for two nozzle area)

NOTE: we conclude that the area of compension and reinforcement are equal.

Procedure 7.Design of nozzle

 Nozzle thickness determining:

Thickness of nozzle not be greater than the thickness of the shell to which its connected.And given by;

eb = do/25+2.5 = 50mm/25 +2.5 = 4.5mm ≅ 5mm. Or arcording to reference 1 section UG-16(b)it

is recommended that not to be less than 75% or more than 150% of the part to whichit is attached.
Since the nozzle is attached to the cylinderical vessel,the thickness of the vessel is 7mm, then 75 %
x(7mm) = 5mm.
 Area of nozzle:
 Arae of nozzle(A) = 2 π r 2 =2(3.14 x (25mm)2 = 2395mm2(for two nozzle area)

PROCEDURE 8 Design for skirt supports

One of the most common methods of supporting vertical pressure vessels is by means of a rolled
cylindrical or conical shell called skirt. The skirt can be either lap,fillet,or butt welded directly to the
vessel. the skirt may be welded to the bottom head of the vessel. Or welded flush with the shell.or welded
to outside of the vessel shell.

Skirt supports are recommended for vertical vessels as they do not impose concentrated loads on the
vessel shell; they are particulary suitable for use with tall columns sujected to wind loading.

The critical line in the skirt support is the weed attachming vessel to the skirt. This weed in addition to
transmit over all weight and over turning moments, must also resist the thermaland bending stressesdue to
the temprature drope in the skirt.

There are three types of skirt such as access opening, fiveproofing and skirt vents. From those we selected
that the access opening because it is a circular hole in the skirt to allow the workers to clean inspects, etc
inside of skirt.

 In this project we consider that the skirt material is carbon steel, silicon killed.
Design temprature (Td) = 150° , σ ds = 115N/mm2, Sy = 360N/mm2
A straight cylinderical skirt (θ = 900) of carbon steel, design stress 115N/mm2 and young modulus
 Determining the skirt thickness :
The skirt thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead weight loads and bending moments
imposed on it will not be under the vessel pressure.
→The maximum dead weight load on the skirt will occur when the vessel full of water.
Approximate weight of water = ¿/4 x1.52 x 37) 100kg/m3 x 9.81m/s2 = 641.1kN
Total weight (Wtotal) =approximate Weight of water + 927kN = 1568.1kN

→ wind load : Fwind = Pwind x dm = 1280N/m2 x 1.63m = 2083.84N/m.

→ bendig moment at the base of skrit = wind load x length2/2 = 2083.84kN/m x (39.5m)2/2 = 1626.4kNm

As the first trail take the skirt thichness as the same as that ofthe bottom section of thevessel, 18mm.

σbs= 4Mb/(π(Ds+ts)Dsts) = 4x1626.4x103x103÷(3.14(1500mm+18mm)1500mm x 18mm) = 50.6N/mm2

Where σbs →bending stress in skirt.

→ dead weight stress in skirt( σws) = Wappx water/(π(Ds +ts)ts) =641.1kN/(3.14(1500+18)18) = 7.47 N/mm2

→ σws(operating) = = WT/(π(Ds +ts)ts) = 927 KN/((3.14(1500+18)18)) = 10.8 N/mm2

NOTE: The test condition is the vessel full of water for the hydraulic test is;

Maximum σ s(compressive) = σ bs+ σws =50.6+7.47 = 58.1 N/mm2

Minimum σ s(tensile) =σ bs+ σws = 50.6 -7.47 = 43.1 N/mm2

The skirt thickness should be such that under the worst combination of wind and dead weight loading the
following design criteria are not exceeded. Taking the joint factor J=1.0 and design stress of skirt(f s)=
115 N/mm 2
σ s(tensile) ¿ fsJsin θS → 43.14 N /mm> ¿ 115x1xsin 90° =43.14N/mm
¿ 115 sin 90 °

= 43.14N/mm2 ¿ 115 N /mm 2 and σ s(compressive) ¿ 0.125E(ts/Ds)sinθ =58.1N/mm> ¿

0.125x200,000x(18/1500)sin90°=¿ 58.1N/mm2 ¿ 300N/mm2

Both criterial are satisfied ,add corrision allowance 2mm,gives a design thickness of skirt is 20 mm.

 Thermal stress of skirt support

Thermal load orginate from temperature change combined with body restraints orexisting temrature
Thermal stress¿Th) : EαT where E →young’s modulus =200GN/m2
α →coefficient of thermal expansion = 11x10-6/° k
T→design temperature = 150℃ +273 =423° k
¿Th)skirt = ( EαT )skirt = 200 x 109 x 11 x 10-6 x423 = 930.6N/mm2

Procedure 9. Design of flanges
Special flanges that are required to be designed should only be used as a last restort. Wherever
possible standard flanges should be utilized.In general special design as out lined in this produces
are done for large or high pressure designs.But this project we consider only standard flanges which
will be specified for most applications. Special design would be used only if no suitable standard
flange were available; or fof large flanges, such as the body flanges of vessels , where it may be
cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required rather than to accept the nearest standard
flanges,which of necessity would be over-sized.A flanges assembly must be sized so as to have
sufficient strength and rigidity to resist this bending moment.
 Design of base ring and Bolts
By taking the bolt material is stainless steel and the design stress of stainless steel at temperature
150° is 130N/mm2 .Bolt design stress is 125N/mm2.Now calculate the following parameters;
 The bolt area is give by:
Ab =1/Nbfb(4Ms/Db –W) where Ab – area of one bolt at the root of the thread ,Nb – number of
bolt ,fb – maximum allowance stress :N/mm2 =125N/mm2 ,Ms – bending moment at the base, the
same as Mbs ,W – weight of the vessel ,N ,Db – bolt circle diameter,m
 Approximated pith circle diameter say 1.7m
From standard 12 bolts
Take bolt design stress = 125N/mm2
Take W=927kN
Ms= 1626.4 kN-m
 Area of bolt is:
Ab = (1/12x125)( (4x1626.4x103)/1.7-(927x103)) =1932.7 mm2
 Bolt root dia ¿ √ (1932.7 x 4)/ π = 49.6mm ≅ 50mm → it looks too large .
 The total compressive load on the base ring is given by:
Fb =(4Ms/ π Ds2) +(W/ π Ds2), Ds =1.5m
=(4x1626.4x103/3.14x1.52)+(927x103/3.14x1.52) =1118kN
 Taking the bearing pressure 5N/mm2
 The minimum width of the base ring (Lb) is given by:-

Lb = Fb/Fcx1/103

=(1118x103/5x103) = 223.52mm. where Fc - is the max allowable bearing pressure.

 Assume bolt circle dia =2m
Take number of bolts =16
 Bolt spacing
= π x2x103/16 = 392.5mm
 Ab = (1/16x125)(4x1626.4x103/2)-(927x103) =1162.5mm2
 Bolt root dia ¿ √ (1162.5 x 4)/3.14 = 38.5mm
 Assume bolt circle dia =4.3 , 4.4
Take bolt number 12
 Ab =(1/12x125)((4x1626.4x103)/4.3 -927x103)) =390 mm2

 Bolt root dia = √ (390 x 4)/ π =22.3mm
 Ab =(1/12x125)((4x1626.4x103)/4.4 – 927x103)) = 368mm2
 Bolt root dia =√ (368 x 4)/ π = 21.6mm ≅ 22mm from this criteria,we take bolt size
M20.which is has d2 =22mm(root diameter) on standard flanges table.
 The minimum width required; actual width will depend on the chair design.
Actual width required = Ls+ts+58.05mm where Ls –the distance from the edge of th skirt to outer
edge of the ring ,ts –skirt thickness
Actual width required = Ls+ts+58.05mm =361.8+20+58.05 = 440mm
 Actual bearing on concrete foundation:
fc| =(Fb/actual width) x1/103 =(1118x103/440)x1/103 = 2.541 N/mm2
 The minimum thickness for base ring is treating the ring as a cantilever beam.
tb = Lrx√ (3 f c)/ f r = 361.8x√ (3 × 2.541)/140 = 84.42mm or round of 84mm. Where fr is
allowable design stress in the ring material,typicaly 140 N/mm 2.
 The skirt to be welded flush with outer diameter of column.

Procedure 10. Design of welded joints

Welding is the mostcommon method of fabrication of pressure vessel, shells, structural parts,such as
stiffening ring, lifting lugs, support clip for piping, internal trays and other parts are also attached to the
vessel wall by welding.

Pressure vessel are built up from performed parts: cylinders, heads, and fittings, joined by welding.Many
different forms of welded joint are needed in the constraction of a pressure vessel.

The design of welded joint should satisfy the following basic requirements:

 Give accessibility for welding andinspection.

 Require the minimum amount of weld metal.
 Give good penetration of the weld metal; from both sides of the joints, if practicable.
 Incorporate sufficient flexibility toavoid cracking due to differential thermal expansion.

The preferred types of joint, and recommended designs and profiles,are given in the codes and standards.
From types of joint we select that double-sided U -sections. Because double-sided U -sections are used
for thick plates; that our design is thick pressure vessel.

Procedure 11.checking the design factor of design.

To find factor of safety(n),we have to get the yield and ultimate strength of vessel and skirt support.

ultimate strength of stainless steel: =510N/mm2 and working stress =130N/mm2 ,for carbon steel:
ultimate strength= 360N/mm2 and working stress = 115N/mm2

 Factor of safety vessel(n) = ultimate strength/ working stress = 510/130 = 3.9 ≅ 4.

 Factor of safety skirt (n) = = ultimate strength/ working stress = 360/115 = 3.
factor of safety both is greater than one ;therefore the design is safety.

Detail and Assembly drawning of pressure vessels

3.1 detail drawning

3.2 Assembley drawning

We conclude from this project the types of pressure vessel we design is vertical pressure vessel
which storage about 133000 litres of liquid water or other chemical liquids. The stress in the
vessel thickness are increasing with reduction of thickness and bending stresses are within
allowable limit for all cases considered.

The vertical pressure vessels are often preffered,especially for a thin walled vessel operating
under low pressure. The design of a vertical cylindrical vessels becomes simple beacause of the
additional bending stresses due to weight of the vessel it self and often fluid can be eliminated.

Welded also very important fabrication of pressure vessels. Usually welded directly to the
vessel,because the skirt are reqiured to withstand the pressure in the vessels.


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