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A35217 Vu Thi Phuong Linh

Advanced English \ Writing\ Week 3


Test 3
The table illustrates the information of two categories of tourism in the five developed countries,

during the period of 2012 and 2013. 

From an overall perspective, one of the most outstanding features is that there was a significant

growth in the proportion of France’s visitors from 2012 to 2013, with 83.0 and 84.7 million,

respectively, which was followed by France, from 66.7 to 69.8 million. However, the number of

tourist spending in the USA stood at the highest level of all time, increasing between 162.2 and

139.6 billion dollars. 

In terms of Tourists Number, there was an upward trend during the whole time of 2012 and

2013, excepting for China. It is interesting to note that China’s tourists figure reduced

substantially, from 57.7 to 55.7 million people. Conversely, the number of the other two

countries increased gradually during the period, with 60.7 and 47.7 for Spain and Italy in 2013.

Regarding the tourist money investment, Italy’s expenditure comprised at the lowest one, with

only 41.2 and 43.9 billion in 2012 and 2013, in that order. However, different from the number

of people visit China, there is a 1 times increase in the tourist number of this country in 2013,

with 51.7 billion. The figures of France and Spain in 2012 were both 53.6 billion and rose to 60.4

billion for Spain, higher than France of almost 1.5 times. 

Test 4. The pie charts and table give information about the total value and sources of fish
imported to the US between 1988 and 2000. 
The table reveals the summary of Fish value was imported to the US, units ared measured in

Billion of Dollars, whereas the pie charts show the percentage of differences between the imports

of China, Canada and that of other countries to America from 1988 to 2000. 

Overall, there was an upward trend in the total amount of Fish import to the USA, with almost a

double increase in the given times. The US imported fish from Canada as the main resource in

1988, but it was replaced by other countries after 1992. 

In regarded to the table, the total value of Fish brought in America was 6.57 billion dollars by the

year 1988, increasing significantly to 8.52 billion in 1992 and reaching 10.72 billion dollars in


In terms of the pie charts, Canada seemed to be the country played an vital role in the US’s fish

import, comprising 60% in 1988. However, by 1992, the proportion of fish was brought in the

US by the others became the majority supplier, providing 46% and 42% in 1992 and 2000,

respectively. It is interesting to note that China still the country had the lowest supplement of the

whole period, accounted for 13%, 20% and 30%, in the order of the 12 year period.

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